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Lentera Pendidikan : Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Vol 24 No 1 (2021): JUNE
Publisher : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/lp.2021v24n1i5.


Abstract:Enhancing moral reasoning is the main goal of education in the perspective of cognitive-developmental theory. Strategies, approaches or learning methods are chosen based on the effectiveness in changing the level of moral reasoning of students from level of pre-conventional, to conventional and post-conventional. Dilemma Discussion Method has proven its effectiveness in increasing moral reasoning. Therefore, in order to be used in Akhlak learning (part of Pendidikan Agama Islam material) of the classroom, it is important to develop the steps of implementation (syntax) by using the principle of cognitive developmental theory. The results of this Research and Development (R & D) Design indicate that the product in the form of learning syntax from Dilemma Discussion Method is declared as valid with a mean score of 4.38 (greater than the criteria). Thus the product of development research in the form of a dilemma discussion method in learning Akhlaq is worth for being implemented.Abstrak:Peningkatan penalaran moral peserta didik merupakan tujuan utama pendidikan dalam perspektif teori cognitive-developmental. Strategi, pendekatan ataupun metode pembelajaran seharusnya dipilih berdasarkan keefektifannya dalam mengubah level penalaran moral peserta didik dari pre-conventional, menuju level conventional dan post-conventional. Metode diskusi dilema telah dibuktikan keefektifannya dalam meningkatkan penalaran moral. Oleh sebab itu, agar dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran akhlak/moral (bagian dari mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam) di kelas, perlu diupayakan pengembangannya berupa langkah-langkah pelaksanaannya (sintak) metode tersebut dengan menggunakan prinsip-prinsip belajar cognitive developmental theory. Hasil penelitian pengembangan (Research & Development) ini menunjukkan bahwa produk berupa sintak pembelajaran dari metode diskusi dilemma dinyatakan valid karena telah memenuhi persyaratan validitas produk yakni mendapatkan skor rerata 4,38. Dengan demikian produk penelitian pengembangan berupa metode diskusi dilema dalam pembelajaran akhlaq layak untuk diimplementasikan.
Efektivitas Pembelajaran Afeksi di Madrasah/Sekolah Ainul Yaqin
Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol. 6 No. 1 (2011): September
Publisher : Postgraduate Studies of Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (80.366 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/islamica.2011.6.1.190-202


A nation will be destructed if it suffers from moral decadence. A society would decline if it does not have good character. Hence, the need to raise the awareness of the people concerning the importance of morality and good character. This paper is part of that movement to raise the importance of moral virtue. It speaks of morality as a form of mental attitude and personality. The paper moves to explore the central role that Madrasah/School can play as a strategic partner toward this end. The paper discovers that thus far the Madrasah and schools in the country are indulging only in the cognitive aspect of the students, ignoring in the process their affective and spiritual aspects. The last two are processes toward character building, leaving them aside will lead to moral loses. The paper finally offers some conceptual and practical steps in which educating students affectively and spiritually can be done.
Islamic Religious Education Teacher’s View and Learning Action on Puritan Fiqh in Madrasa Syaikhu Rozi; Ainul Yaqin
Didaktika Religia Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Kediri, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1160.265 KB) | DOI: 10.30762/didaktika.v10i1.13


This research aims to analyze the views, attitudes and approaches of PAI teachers in teaching the materials of fiqh which are puris in madrasa. The research was carried out qualitatively based on phenomenological research design. Researchers withdrew the data by conducting in-depth interviews with Fiqh teachers at Madrasah Aliyah. Furthermore, researchers also utilized documentation of textbooks used by teachers. They also distribute questionnaires via google form. Consequently, it concluded that, Fiqh teachers generally in Mojokerto have moderate religious views and attitudes. There were three types of approaches used by teachers in teaching the materials of puritan fiqh. First, the contextual approach which was assumed to be able to form a moderate character and tends to be liberal for students. Second, the textual approach, the implications of it can lead students to have fundamentalist perspective. Third, the integration of textual and contextual can influence students' perspectives to be moderate based on wasathiyah principles. By having moderate views and attitudes and supported by the integration of contextual and textual approach, it can form a moderate perspective of students. Then, this research rejected the anxiety that Islamic Religious Education can create puritanical Islamic teaching. It also rejected the claim that the radicalization process was carried out through madrasa.
Menggali Perangkat Keilmuan Islam sebagai Basis Pengembangan Nilai-Nilai Universal Penalaran Moral Post-Conventional Ainul Yaqin; M. Syarif; Muhammad Ali Rohmad
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars Vol 6 No 1 (2022): AnCoMS, APRIL 2022
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v6i1.375


Post-conventional is the highest level of moral reasoning based on cognitive developmental moral theory. As the highest level, post-conventional is the level of moral reasoning that everyone (including Muslims) needs to have because a person's moral reasoning is correlated with his moral actions. Moral reasoning affects how a person believes that behavior should be done. A person has reached the post-conventional level if his moral reasoning refers to universal values ​​such as justice, equality, humanity, and so on. In Muslim society, the acceptance of universal values ​​that form the basis for this post-conventional level of moral reasoning is still debated. This article examines the thoughts of Muslim scholars who present explanations of Islamic scientific tools (maqashid al-shariah, maslahah, and naskh-mansukh), which give place to universal principles. The results of this study conclude that a Muslim has the opportunity to reach a post-conventional moral level because his religious teachings provide a foundation based on universal values ​​as well as a post-conventional moral level foundation. Based on the results of this study, Islamic education can use the reference of cognitive-developmental moral theory to be used in the formation of students' moral reasoning to the highest level; post-conventional.
Pengembangan Model Buku Ajar Fikih Moderat di Madrasah Syaikhu Rozi; Ainul Yaqin; Saifuddin Saifuddin; M. Ali Rohmad; M. Syarif
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars Vol 6 No 1 (2022): AnCoMS, APRIL 2022
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v6i1.378


The efforts of PAI teachers in realizing interesting, contextual and effective fiqh learning towards strengthening the character of moderate Muslims for madrasa students encountered obstacles, including the existence of textbooks that tended to be puritanical. In addition, most of the books used are only printed books with unattractive designs. For this reason, it is necessary to develop the process through development research (R&D) whose procedure uses the Plomp design (2010) with 5 stages, namely: 1) investigation, 2) design, 3) construction, 4) evaluation, 5) implementation. Meanwhile, so that the resulting textbooks can be more contextual and effective in strengthening the character of moderate Muslims for students, the textbooks are prepared by internalizing Indonesian Fiqh thinking with 2 choices of methods, namely: 1) the existing teaching materials are not changed, the content remains the same. with the discussion of classical Islamic books (books), but given additional contextualization explanations that are in accordance with Islamic moderation thinking, or b) teaching materials are changed in content according to the latest ijtihad of contemporary scholars and the creative traditions of Indonesian Muslim scholars who present law - Islamic law according to the situation and conditions of contemporary Muslim society.
Penguatan Karakter Anak Muslim Moderat dalam Mencegah Perilaku Bullying di Sekolah Muhammad Ali Rohmad; Syaikhu Rozi; Ainul Yaqin
Proceedings of Annual Conference for Muslim Scholars Vol 6 No 1 (2022): AnCoMS, APRIL 2022
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36835/ancoms.v6i1.379


This article is the result of a study that depicts the efforts of schools in strengthening the character of moderate Muslim children to prevent bullying behavior in schools. These efforts are relevant to government policies in encouraging the implementation of the Child Friendly School (SRA) program. The research process that produced this article was carried out qualitatively using interactive model data analysis techniques as developed by Miles and Huberman. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that bullying is carried out by stronger students against students who are weaker psychologically and physically when there is no teacher at school. The psychological impact of bullying is that students who are bullied feel stressed, inferior, hurt, sad, and frustrated, so they are reluctant and sometimes even afraid to go to school. The solution so that students do not do bullying is to intensively instill the character of Moderate Muslim Children in students, because among its characteristics are upholding noble character, tolerance, and not being discriminatory. The planting method is the pilot method, problem solving, and synchronic-analytic
The Paradox of Pesantren Education in the Implementation of Islamic Law: Study of Pesantren Kyai Notion in Mojokerto Ainul Yaqin; Syaikhu Rozi; Fariza Md Sham
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol. 9 No. 1 (2020): ISLAMIC EDUCATION IN SOUTHEAST ASIA
Publisher : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/jpi.2020.91.129-148


The teaching of classical books (Kitab Kuning) is a tradition of pesantren education that has lasted a long time. The teaching aims so that students and Muslims can implement the teachings contained in classical books in everyday life. The purpose of this study is to reveal the paradoxical problems faced by santri and Muslims regarding the differences between the content of classical books and their daily application. This research focuses on pesantren Kyai in Mojokerto regarding this paradoxical problem, which is a determining factor in the style and variety of pesantren education management. This study used qualitative methods. Data were collected using interviews, observation, and documentation techniques. This study's results indicate that Kyai pesantren's notions in Mojokerto can be categorized in the textual-moderate category with the characteristics that they cannot accept the contextual interpretation of Islamic law and tend to be textual. However, this attitude does not encourage Kyai to impose Islamic law and does not force the form of an Islamic state. The education style that results from this notion is that pesantren education tends to be closed and does not accept religious values changes. However, it is open and accepts changes in general education by opening formal educational institutions. This study provides an overview of the style of pesantren education and the factors that influence it.
Kecurangan Akademik dalam Moda Pembelajaran Digital di Perguruan Tinggi Ainul Yaqin; Suadi Suadi
Hikmah Vol. 19 No. 2 (2022): Juli-Dember 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Sumatera Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (626.043 KB) | DOI: 10.53802/hikmah.v19i2.164


Education actually has the task of forming the character of students, one of which is honest character. However, the educational process itself sometimes provides opportunities for students to deviate from honest character, for example the facilities for academic cheating in online learning are provided. This research is aimed at exploring forms of academic cheating in digital learning and their causes, and efforts to overcome them from the perspective of students. This type of qualitative research was deliberately chosen because it has adequate tools to be able to explore data in detail and depth. Data collection uses observation, interviews and documentation studies. The results of the study concluded that the prominent mode of academic cheating was taking material from the internet without using scientific principles (plagiarism) and copying the work of friends to send as their work (cheating). The cause of academic cheating occurs is the ease of access to material from digital technology without an adequate academic cheating prevention system and the mentality or character factors of students. Various techniques to deal with academic cheating include; strengthening character formation, giving strict punihsment, and changing assignments or exams to be individualistic by emphasizing meaningful analytical skills.
Pembentukan Karakter dengan Pendekatan Pembiasaan, Keteladanan, dan Pengajaran: Sebuah Kajian Literatur Ainul Yaqin
Indonesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, March, 2023
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Tribakti (IAIT) Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33367/ijhass.v4i1.4070


Character education is a sine qua non condition for creating a good life. Students who have formed their character will be able to make themselves good citizens because they have a set of noble values needed in social interaction. Educational institutions have attempted to produce effective character education. However, the weak capacity of educators in understanding the workings of various educational approaches contributes to the failure to form character. In this study using a literature review approach, it is intended to answer the problem of how to work or the working principles of the character education approaches; habituation, modeling and teaching. The results of this study concluded that each of these approaches has a unique and distinctive way of working in shaping the character of students. Each approach also has an Islamic basis in shaping character. Of course, each has advantages and disadvantages, but educators must be able to place the proper use of these three approaches so that their effectiveness can be obtained.
Analisis kandungan gizi tepung lokal (ubi ungu) termodifikasi sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan snack balita untuk pencegahan stunting Anita Anita; Raida Amelia Ifadah; Ainul Yaqin
AGRICOLA Vol 13 No 2 (2023): AGRICOLA
Publisher : Universitas Musamus, Merauke, Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/ag.v13i2.5495


The aims of this research is to increase the nutritional value of purple sweet potato flour by fermentation method using Rhizopus oryzae mold. The research method used a factorial Randomized Group Design with factors of fermentation time (48 hours, 72 hours and 96 hours) and the amount of Rhizopus oryzae mold (20gram, 30gram and 40gram). The number of treatments was 9 treatments, namely T1N1 (48 hours: 20 grams of yeast), T1N2 (48 hours: 30 grams of yeast), T1N3 (48 hours: 40 grams of yeast), T2N1 (72 hours: 20 grams yeast), T2N2 (72 hours: 30 grams yeast), T2N3 (72 hours with 40 grams yeast), T3N1 (96 hours: 20 grams yeast), T3N2 (96 hours: 30 grams yeast) and T3N3 (96 hours: 40 grams yeast). Parameters observed were carbohydrate, protein, fat and fiber content. Data were tested with ANOVA and BNJ further test at the 5% level. The results showed that fermentation time and the amount of yeast given had an influence in each treatment. The best carbohydrate content was found in the T1N2 treatment 86.73%, the best protein content was found in the T3N3 treatment 18.835%, the best fat content was found in the T1N1 treatment 0.25% and the best fiber content was found in the T1N1 treatment 24.71%. Fermentation time and the amount of yeast had a significant effect on protein and fiber content but no significant effect on carbohydrate and fat content. The best treatment of 9 treatments for carbohydrate, protein, fat and fiber content was found in the T1N1 treatment with a treatment value of 0.727. The best fermentation treatment on fermented purple sweet potato flour can be used as an ingredient for making toddler snacks as a prevention of stunting and adjusted to the MP-ASI biscuit standard SNI 01-7111.2-2005.