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Evaluasi Variasi Somaklonal pada Benih Jeruk Hasil Pebanyakan Melalui Embriogenesis Somatik Yulianti, Farida; Devy, Nirmala Friyanti; Widyaningsih, Sri
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 22, No 4 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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ABSTRAK. Deteksi dini variasi somaklonal sangat penting dilakukan untuk menghindari kerugian secara ekonomis akibat penggunaan bibit off-type. Hingga saat ini teknik molekuler masih merupakan sarana terbaik untuk menganalisis stabilitas genetik tanaman hasil mikropropagasi. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk menguji stabilitas genetik tiga varietas tanaman jeruk (JC, Volkameriana, dan siam Kintamani)  hasil perbanyakan melalui embriogenesis somatik. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Terpadu, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Jeruk dan Buah Subtropika (Balitjestro), pada Bulan Oktober 2010 sampai dengan Desember 2011. Pengujian kestabilan genetik dilakukan dengan teknik PCR menggunakan penanda inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR). Pengujian dilakukan pada empat stadia umur, yaitu fase kalus, embrio, planlet, dan semaian. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga dilakukan untuk mengelompokkan tanaman hasil perbanyakan yang diuji di dalam dendrogram yang dihitung menurut UPGMA menggunakan metode SAHN pada program NTSys-PC versi 2.10.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa planlet yang disubkultur sebanyak lima kali tidak mengalami penyimpangan secara genetik. Sebagian besar tanaman hasil perbanyakan dengan embriogenesis somatik setelah 10 kali subkultur mengalami perubahan genetik.  Penyebab terjadinya variasi somaklonal ialah periode kultur yang lama (lebih dari 12 bulan) dan penggunaan hormon benzyl amino purine (BAP) yang cukup tinggi sebesar 3 mg/l.  Dengan demikian, perlu dilakukan efisiensi proses perbanyakan benih jeruk melalui embriogenesis somatik.ABSTRACT.  Yulianti, F, Devy, NF and Widyaningsih, S 2012. Evaluation of Somaclonal Variation of Citrus Plantlets Resulted from Somatic Embryogenesis.  Early detection of somaclonal variation is very important to avoid economic losses caused by using off-type seedling. Until now, molecular technique is still one of the best tools for early detection of genetic stability of micropropagated plant materials. The research was aimed to test occurance of somaclonal variation of the three varieties of citrus (JC, Volkameriana, and siam Kintamani) micropropagated via somatic embryogenesis. The research was conducted at Integrated Laboratory of Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruit Research Institute (ICISFRI), from October 2010 to December 2011. Somaclonal variation testing was performed by inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. The test was done on the four stages i.e. callus, embryos, plantlets, and seedlings. Meanwhile, this research was also to group micropropagated plants in the dendrogram that was calculated by using the UPGMA method in the SAHN program NTSys-PC version 2.10. The results showed that plantlets that had been subcultured five times did not have a genetic variation.  Most of the plants resulted from somatic embryogenesis multiplication that after 10 times subculture undergone genetic changes. The occurrence of somaclonal variation appeared as a result of long culture period (more than 12 months) and the use high concentration of hormones benzyl amino purine (BAP) at 3 mg/l.  Thus, the process of citrus propagation through somatic embriogenesis necessary to efficient.
El-Hayah : Jurnal Biologi Vol 7, No 2 (2019): EL-HAYAH (VOL 7, NO 2 Maret 2019)
Publisher : Department of Biology Science and Technology Faculty UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/elha.v7i2.8426


Phytophthora spp. is one of the fungal pathogens that kills plants on several kinds of the citrus rootstock. In other countries, it is reported that disease pathogens were reduced in roots containing Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM interaction). However, in Indonesia, there is less information about the effect of VAM on the roots of citrus plants against root disease caused by Phytophthora sp. This study aimed to identify VAM in citrus roots and study the potential of VAM in controlling root rot of Phytophthora sp. on five types of the citrus rootstock. The research was carried out at the Phytopathology Laboratory, Indonesian Citrus, and Subtropical Fruits Research Institute (ICSFRI). Phytophthora spp. and VAM samples originated from several citrus centers endemic to Phytophthora were collected. VAM was isolated from the rhizosphere area of citrus plants, while Phytophthora sp. was isolated from infected plant roots. The fungus isolates were isolated, purified, then identified through references. The test of the potential of VAM in increasing resistance of root diseases caused by Phytophthora sp. was performed at the screen house in ICSFRI. The results of the study showed that VAM was identified in 39 gardens in 6 districts from samples collected in 49 yards in 10 regions of citrus centers. The dominant VAM genus is Glomus sp. with the highest density of spores was originated from Ponorogo area. The results of the identification of Phytophthora morphologically showed a diversity of Phytophthora, namely P. parasitica, P. palmivora, and P. citrophthora. The test of the potential of VAM in increasing plant resistance to Phytophthora results showed that Kanci, JC, RL, and Volkameriana varieties inoculated with Phytophthora sp. and Glomus sp. have higher plant height than healthy plants.
Antifungal and Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oils of Kaffir Citrus Fruit Peel Extract Against Important Pathogens of Citrus Plants Triasih, Unun; Ikarini, Imro’ah; Widyaningsih, Sri; Wicaksono, Rudi Cahyo
Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia Vol 19 No 6 (2023): November 2023
Publisher : The Indonesian Phytopathological Society (Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14692/jfi.19.6.246-252


Penyakit utama tanaman jeruk yang disebabkan oleh cendawan dan bakteri dapat menghambat pertumbuhan tanaman sehingga berdampak terhadap penurunan produksi tanaman. Pengendalian yang diterapkan selama ini kebanyakan menggunakan pestisida kimia sintetis yang berpotensi memberi dampak negatif pada lingkungan dan kesehatan. Minyak atsiri dari kulit buah jeruk purut (Citrus hystric) mempunyai kandungan senyawa yang berpotensi dalam menghambat pertumbuhan patogen pada tanaman jeruk. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui aktivitas antifungal dan antibakteri minyak atsiri kulit buah jeruk purut pada lima konsentrasi 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 3%, dan 5% terhadap patogen tanaman jeruk, yaitu Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Fusarium oxysporum, dan Xanthomonas axonopodis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua konsentrasi minyak atsiri yang diujikan mempunyai daya hambat kategori rendah terhadap F. oxysporum, dan kategori sedang terhadap C. gloeosporioides. Pengujian terhadap X. axonopodis menunjukkan daya hambat kategori kuat untuk konsentrasi 3% dan 5%. Minyak atsiri kulit buah jeruk purut berpotensi sebagai antifungal dan antibakteri pada tanaman jeruk dan dapat digunakan sebagai teknologi alternatif pengendalian yang ramah lingkungan dan aman.
Comparison of Two Huanglongbing Detection Methods in Samples with Different Symptom Severity: Perbandingan Dua Metode Deteksi Huanglongbing pada Sampel dengan Tingkat Keparahan Gejala yang Berbeda Sariasih, Yenny; Subandiyah, Siti; Widyaningsih, Sri; Khurshid, Tahir; Mo, Jianhua; Donovan, Nerida
Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia Vol 20 No 4 (2024): Juli 2024
Publisher : The Indonesian Phytopathological Society (Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14692/jfi.20.4.174-186


Huanglongbing or citrus greening in Asia caused by the pathogen Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) is one of the most devastating citrus diseases worldwide. This disease is one of the causes of decreased citrus production in Indonesia. Symptoms of huanglongbing in citrus plants in the field and greenhouses have different levels of severity. This study was conducted to detect CLas in several types of samples based on leaf symptoms using conventional and real-time PCR (qPCR). Three pairs of primers were used in this study, a pair of Las606/LSS for conventional PCR and two pairs for qPCR, namely Las931/LSS and Lj900F/Lj900R. The results showed that blotchy mottle is the most easily detected symptom of huanglongbing and found in fields and greenhouses. The Lj900F/Lj900R primer pair is more suitable for detecting CLas pathogens using qPCR than Las606/LSS based on the melting curve and Ct value that appear. qPCR detection is more accurate and sensitive even with lower DNA concentrations. The lower limit of Ct value of healthy leaf samples is 34.08. Citrus leaves are considered positive if the Ct value is less than 34.08. Ct value based on severity or scoring between HLB symptomatic leaves from the field and greenhouse showed a significant difference, i.e. the Ct value of symptomatic samples from the field was lower than that of greenhouse samples.
Morphological and molecular identification as well pathogenicity of the causal agents of fruit rot disease of apple manalagi (Malus sylvestris) in Pujon, East Java Unun Triasih; Abadi, Abdul Latief; Muhibbudin, Anton; Widyaningsih, Sri
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jhptt.12356-66


Apple fruit rot disease is one of the major apple diseases in Indonesia. It has been caused by several species of pathogenic within the genus Colletotrichum. This research aims to identify species of the pathogen causing apple fruit rot disease in Pujon, East Java. Suspected fungal isolates were identified based on morphological (macroscopic and microscopic) and molecular characteristics. Based on the morphological observation, five isolates were identified as Colletotrichum spp. These isolates have similar morphological characteristics such as white-greyish colony color, texture colony velvety, zonation conidia concentric, round cylindrical conidial end, and conidia with 10.4–12.8 ?m in length and width 3.1–3.52 ?m, respectively. Isolates M1 showed the highest pathogenicity, therefore selected for molecular identification. Molecular identification was conducted using ITS1 and ITS4 primer, AM1 was identified as C. gloeosporioides with 99.57% similarity to C. gloeosporioides JX-19 variety from China.
Fusarium Rot Biological Control of Citrus caused by Fusarium oxysporum Dewi, Ovilya Kusuma Minarma; Abadi, Abdul Latief; Widyaningsih, Sri
Research Journal of Life Science Vol 9, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.rjls.2022.009.02.5


Fusarium oxysporum is a pathogen that causes Fusarium rot disease on citrus plants. The F. oxysporum is a soil-borne pathogen whose fungicide is not effective against it and difficult to cure. Thus, the use of Trichoderma spp. as one of the most effective and well-known biocontrol agents against many plant diseases in agriculture is needed. To test Trichoderma capabilities on the specific pathogen, method of this study consisted of isolation and rejuvenation of F. oxysporum and Trichoderma, morphological identification of the fungus, in vitro test of Trichoderma antagonistic ability against F. oxysporum on PDA medium, and in vivo test conducted in a green house on Rough Lemon (RL) and Japansche Citroen (JC) rootstock seeds to calculate the total disease incidence using a formula. The result of in vitro test of this study shows that 3 Trichoderma isolates (TJ, TKH, and TST) were able to inhibit the growth of F. oxysporum on PDA medium by 65.56%, 62.99%, and 61.19%, respectively. While in vivo test shows that the treatment of TJ isolates on RL seeds and TKH on JC seeds shows lowest disease incidence percentage of 3.33%. Therefore, this study proves that Trichoderma can be used as a biocontrol agent in controlling Fusarium rot disease in citrus plants. However, further research is needed to detect which Trichoderma species TJ and TKH isolates contain.