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Hubungan antara Skor GCS dengan Skor NRS PTH Akut pada Pasien COT di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Ilma Fi Ahsani Nur Alaina; Kenanga M. Sikumbang; Asnawati Asnawati
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia Vol 9, No 3 (2020)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (53.48 KB) | DOI: 10.24244/jni.v9i3.265


Latar Belakang dan Tujuan: Cedera otak traumatik (COT) dapat dinilai menggunakan skor Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). Adanya mekanisme cedera sekunder yang berkembang dalam beberapa hari menjadi faktor pencetus munculnya keluhan Post Traumatic Headache (PTH) akut. Keparahan nyeri yang dikeluhkan pada pasien PTH dapat dinilai berdasarkan skor Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara skor GCS dengan skor NRS PTH akut pada pasien COT di RSUD Ulin BanjarmasinSubjek dan Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan 40 sampel diperoleh secara consecutive sampling dan sebanyak 36 pasien (90%) mengeluhkan PTH akut. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan uji one-way anova.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai p=0,558 pada pasien COT yang dilakukan tataksana operatif dan p=0,732 pada tatalaksana konservatif.Simpulan: Dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan antara skor GCS dengan skor NRS PTH akut pada pasien COT di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin.Associations between GCS Score and NRS Score of Acute PTH in TBI Patients at Ulin General Hospital BanjarmasinAbstractBackground and Objective: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an alteration in brain function caused by external physical forces that its severity can be assessed using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score. The secondary injury can develop in a few days and may trigger the appearance of acute Post Traumatic Headache (PTH). The severity of PTH can be assessed using the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) score. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is an association between GCS score and NRS score of acute PTH in TBI patients at Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin.Subject and Methods: This study used an analytic observational method with cross sectional approach. A total of 40 samples were obtained with a distribution of 36 patients (90%) complained acute PTH.Results: Data analysis in this study using the one-way anova test showed p value = 0,558 on patients with operative management and p value = 0,732 on conservative management.Conclusion: It can be concluded that there is no association between GCS score with NRS score of acute PTH in TBI patients at Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin.
Korelasi antara Skor Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) dengan Mortalitas Pasien Perdarahan Intraserebral di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Marini Awanis; Kenanga Marwan Sikumbang; Asnawati Asnawati
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia Vol 10, No 1 (2021)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (128.619 KB) | DOI: 10.24244/jni.v10i1.266


Latar Belakang dan Tujuan: Perdarahan intraserebral (PIS) merupakan kejadian medis yang meningkatkan angka kematian dan kecacatan tinggi. Secara teori, mortalitas PIS dapat diprediksi dengan menggunakan komponen skor Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana korelasi antara skor ICH dengan mortalitas pasien PIS di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Subjek dan Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sebanyak 53 sampel didapatkan secara consecutive sampling. Data hasil penelitian diuji dengan uji Regresi Logistik.Hasil: Dalam penelitian ini pasien skor ICH 0 meninggal sebanyak 15%, 36% skor ICH 1, 71% skor ICH 2, 86% skor ICH 3 dan 100% skor ICH 4 dan 5. Hasil analisis data penelitian ini, diperoleh OR = 0,02; 0,06; 0,3 untuk masing-masing skor ICH 1, 2 dan ≥3; dengan p=0,001. Simpulan: Terdapat korelasi yang sangat signifikan dan hubungan positif antara skor ICH dengan mortalitas pasien PIS di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin, sebagai prediktor independen. Correlation between ICH Score with ICH Patient’s Mortality at Ulin General Hospital BanjarmasinAbstractBackground and Objective: Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is the medical events that increases the mortality and disability. Theoretically, mortality can be predict by ICH score’s components. The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between ICH scores and mortality of ICH patients in Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin. Subject and Method: This research is an analytic observational with cross sectional approach. A total of 53 samples were obtained by consecutive. Data analysis of this study used the Logistic Regression test.Result: In this study, it was found that patients with ICH score 0 died 15%, 36% score 1, 71% score 2, 86% score 3 and 100% score 4 and 5. Data analysis of this study showing OR= 0,02; 0,06; 0,3 for ICH score 1, 2 and ≥3 respectively; with p=0,001. Conclusion: There is a very significant correlation and enough positive relationship between the ICH score and mortality of ICH patients in Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin, as independent predictor.
Hubungan Kadar Gula Darah dan Hematokrit dengan Luaran Pasien Cedera Otak Traumatik Berdasarkan Skor GCS di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Rasyid Riddo; Kenanga Marwan Sikumbang; Asnawati Asnawati
Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia Vol 10, No 2 (2021)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (790.894 KB) | DOI: 10.24244/jni.v10i2.268


Latar Belakang dan Tujuan: Tingkat keparahan dari cedera otak traumatik (COT) dapat dinilai menggunakan Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). Saat terjadi COT, tubuh mengeluarkan hormon sebagai respons stres fase akut sehingga terjadi peningkatan kadar gula darah reaktif. Selain itu juga memengaruhi pembuluh dan komponen darah sehingga akan memengaruhi hematokrit. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara kadar gula darah dan hematokrit dengan luaran pasien COT berdasarkan skor GCS di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Subjek dan Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Data diambil secara prospektif dengan metode consecutive sampling. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis hasilnya menggunakan uji korelasi non-parametrik Spearman.Hasil: Sebanyak 45 sampel didapat secara consecutive sampling. Pada hari ke-7, 40 pasien memiliki luaran baik dan 5 pasien memiliki luaran buruk. Analisis menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman menunjukkan terdapat hubungan kadar gula darah dengan luaran pasien COT (p=0,044; r=0,302) tetapi tidak terdapat hubungan antara hematokrit dengan luaran (p=0,958).Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan kadar gula darah dengan luaran pasien COT, tetapi tidak terdapat hubungan hematokrit dengan luaran pasien COT berdasarkan skor GCS. Association of Blood Sugar Levels and Hematocrit with TBI Patient Outcome Based on GCS Score at Ulin General Hospital BanjarmasinAbstractBackground and Objective: Glasgow coma scale (GCS) examination is done to categorize the severity and determine the outcome in TBI. When TBI occurs, the body release hormones in the acute phase of stress response which will occur an increase blood sugar levels. It will also affect hematocrit. The purpose of this study was analyze correlation between blood sugar levels and hematocrit with TBI patients outcome based on GCS score in Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin. Subject and Method: The design of this study was observational analytic with cross-sectional approach. Data acquired prospectively with consecutive sampling method. The collected data will be analyzed using the Spearman non-parametric trial.Result: Total of 45 samples were obtained by consecutive sampling. On day 7, 40 patients had good outcomes and 5 patients had poor outcomes. Analysis using the Spearman correlation test showed association between blood sugar levels and TBI patients outcome (p=0,044; r=0,302) but no association between hematocit and TBI patients outcome (p=0,958). Conclusion: It was concluded that there is an association between blood sugar levels and TBI patients outcome, but there is no association between hematocrit and TBI patients outcome based on GCS score.
Antidiabetic potential of karamunting leaves ethanolic extract as a natural herb: Blood glucose levels and pancreatic islets histomorphology on diabetic rats model Ida Yuliana; Asnawati Asnawati; Maria Ulfah; Eko Suhartono
JKKI : Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia JKKI, Vol 12, No 3, (2021)
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/JKKI.Vol12.Iss3.art9


Background: Karamunting leaf is a wetland herb with antioxidant compounds that bind free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, reduce insulin resistance, and prevent the development of pancreatic cell dysfunction and damage.Objective: This study aims to prove the antidiabetic potential of the karamunting leaves ethanolic extract in treating diabetes in white male rats.Methods: This study used a true experimental with a pre-test and post-test control group design. Thirty rats were divided into four groups (control: C, ethanol extract of karamunting dose of 100 mg: P1, 200 mg: P2, and 400 mg: P3). Data on fasting blood glucose levels were taken before (pre-test) and after treatment (post-test). Data on pancreatic islets histomorphological changes (size, number, constituent cells) were analysed quantitatively. Fasting blood glucose levels were analysed using paired t-test, while the histomorphological data of the pancreatic islets were analysed using ANOVA. The data were considered significant if the p-value <0.05 (95% CI).Results: Karamunting leaf ethanol extract treatment reduced fasting blood glucose levels in diabetic rats. A 200 mg/kgBW was demonstrated as the most effective dose that improves the islets and cells number compiles the pancreatic islets, potentially treating diabetes mellitus (DM).Conclusion: Karamunting leaf ethanol extract potential as a natural herbal medicine in treating DM.
Literature Review: Perbedaan VO2Max antara Pemain Bola Basket dan Pemain Bola Voli Eka Dewi Yanti; Asnawati Asnawati; Dona Marisa
Homeostasis Vol 4, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Homeostasis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (205.061 KB)


Abstract: The basic concept of physical fitness indicator is the maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). This exchange is the best indicator of a person's cardiovascular fitness and endurance. Volleyball and basketball games are one way to improve cardiovascular fitness. The purpose of this literature review is to examine the difference in VO2max between basketball players and volleyball players. The method used is the literature review method in the form of a narrative review, namely by using articles obtained through the literature search process. The articles use in this literatur review are 7 articles. The results of the literature review show that there is a difference between the VO2max of basketball players and the VO2max of volleyball players. VO2max is influenced by several factors, namely genetics, body composition, differences in motion intensity, exercise intensity, exercise duration, physical activity, differences in sample criteria and differences in the tests used. Keywords: VO2max, Cardiorespiratory, Volleyball, Basketball Abstrak: Konsep dasar kesegaran jasmani (physical fitness) indikatornya adalah kapasitas oksigen maksimal (VO2max). Pengukuran ini merupakan indicator...terbaik kebugaran fungsi kardiovaskuler dan daya..tahan..tubuh seseorang. Permainan bola voli dan basket merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan kebugaran kardiovaskuler. Tujuan literatur review ini untuk meninjau perbedaan VO2max antara pemain basket dan pemain voli. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode literatur review berupa narrative review. Artikel yang digunakan dalam literatur review ini sebanyak 7 artikel. Hasil tinjauan literatur menunjukkan bahwa terdapat terdapat perbedaan antara VO2max pemain bola basket dengan VO2max pemain bola voli. VO2max dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu genetik, komposisi tubuh, perbedaan intensitas gerak, intensitas latihan, durasi latihan, aktivitas fisik, perbedaan kriteria sampel serta perbedaan tes yang digunakan. Kata-kata kunci: VO2 maks, kardiorespirasi, bola basket, bola voli
Hubungan Frekuensi dan Lama Latihan terhadap Kelenturan Otot Penari Modern M Naufal Firdaus; Dona Marisa; Asnawati Asnawati
Homeostasis Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Homeostasis

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Abstract: Muscle flexibility is an important part of physical fitness, which is crucial in helping muscle strength, increasing movement efficiency, coordination, and preventing injury. Flexural muscles will make the fibers in the muscles accustomed to elongation. Therefore, flexible dancers can withstand a great deal of stress compared to dancers who are less flexible. This study aims to determine the relationship of frequency and duration of exercise to the flexibility of modern dancer muscles. This study used an observational analytic method with a crossectional approach. A sample of 30 people who met the inclusion criteria were taken using the purposive sampling technique. The research instrument was a questionnaire and sit and reach box. Data analysis using the Spearman test. The results showed that the frequency of exercise samples was mostly 2 times per week with a length of exercise of mostly 120 minutes. For the flexibility of the muscles the sample is mostly included in the good category. The relationship between exercise duration and muscle flexibility results in a value of ρ value = 0,000. The conclusions from this study indicate a significant relationship between the frequency and duration of training in the flexibility of modern dancers muscles Keywords: frequency of training, duration of training, muscle flexibility, modern dancers Abstrak: Kelenturan otot merupakan bagian  penting dari kebugaran fisik, yang membantu kekuatan otot, meningkatkan efisiensi gerakan, koordinasi, dan mencegah cedera. Otot yang lentur akan membuat serat-serat pada otot terbiasa dengan pemanjangan. Karena itu, penari yang lentur dapat bertahan dalam stress yang besar dibandingkan dengan penari yang kurang lentur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan frekuensi dan lama latihan terhadap kelenturan otot penari modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional analitik dengan pendekatan crossectional. Sampel sebanyak 30 orang yang memenuhi kriteri inklusi diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner dan kotak sit and reach. Analisis data menggunakan uji Spearman. Hasil penelitian didapatkan  frekuensi latihan sampel sebagian besar adalah 2 kali per minggu dengan lama latihan sebagian besar 120 menit. Untuk kelenturan otot sampel sebagian besar termasuk dalam kategori good. Hasil analisis menghasilkan nilai ρ value = 0,000. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara frekuensi dan lama latihan terhadap kelenturan otot penari modern. Kata-kata kunci: frekuensi latihan, lama latihan, kelenturan otot, penari modern
Literature Review: Pengaruh Olahraga terhadap Heart Rate Recovery Penderita Hipertensi Yusril Mubarak; Fauzan Muttaqien; Asnawati Asnawati
Homeostasis Vol 4, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Homeostasis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (215.848 KB)


Abstract: Heart rate recovery (HRR) is the difference between the peak heart rate during exercise and the heart rate at 1 minute after stopping exercise and is a predictor of cardiovascular disease such as hypertension. Hypertension is characterized by a decrease in HRR. One way of preventing and non-pharmacological therapy for hypertension and reducing HRR is by exercising. The purpose of this paper is to determine how the effect of exercise on heart rate recovery in patients with hypertension. This writing was done by using the literature review method. Search for articles through the database of medical journals, namely Pubmed, Google Scholar, and Ovid. The articles used for this literature review are 5 articles. Traceable articles in English published in 2001-2020. The conclusion of the five articles reviewed, four articles proved that exercise can increase HRR in patients with hypertension. Exercise that is effective at increasing HRR is aerobic exercise. Keywords: Heart rate recovery, hypertension, exercise Abstrak: Heart rate recovery (HRR) adalah selisih antara detak jantung puncak saat latihan dan detak jantung pada 1 menit setelah penghentian olahraga dan merupakan prediktor penyakit kardiovaskular seperti hipertensi. Hipertensi ditandai dengan terjadinya penurunan HRR. Salah satu cara mencegah dan terapi nonfarmakologi hipertensi maupun penurunan HRR adalah dengan berolahraga. Tujuan dalam penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh olahraga terhadap heart rate recovery penderita hipertensi. Penulisan ini dilakukan dengan metode literature review. Pencarian artikel melalui database jurnal kedokteran yaitu Pubmed, Google Scholar, dan Ovid. Artikel yang digunakan untuk literature review ini sebanyak 5 artikel. Artikel yang ditelusuri berbahasa inggris yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2001-2020. Kesimpulan dari kelima artikel yang ditinjau, empat artikel terbukti bahwa olahraga dapat meningkatkan HRR pada penderita hipertensi. Olahraga yang efektif meningkatkan HRR adalah olahraga aerobik Kata-kata kunci: Heart rate recovery, hipertensi, olahraga
Homeostasis Vol 2, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Homeostasis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (191.326 KB)


Abstract: Muscle endurance is one of the components of health related physical fitness which is defined as the ability of muscles to carry out aerobic metabolism continuously but in a short time muscle fatigue does not occur. Muscle endurance can be influenced by nutritional status and body fat. Nutritional status can be measured  by body mass index and body fat can be measured by the waist hip ratio. This study aims to determine the association between body mass index with muscle endurance in modern dancer and association between waist hip ratio with muscle endurance in modern dancer. This research uses the subject of modern dancer research in Banjarmasin. This study was an observational analytic study with a cross sectional method. Thirty one subjects were selected by simple random sampling. The result obtained showed that the average BMI = 21.59 kg/m2, WHR = 0.84, and muscle endurance = 35.35 times/minute. Pearson correlation test results were obtained (p = 0.000, r = -0.982) there was a strong correlation with the negative correlation direction between body mass index and muscle endurance in modern dancers, and (p = 0.000, r = -0.977) there was a strong correlation with the negative correlation direction between waist hip ratio and muscle endurance in modern dancer. Keywords : body mass index, waist hip ratio, muscle endurance, modern dancer Abstrak: Daya tahan otot adalah salah satu dari komponen kebugaran yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan yang didefinisikan sebagai kemampuan otot saat melakukan metabolisme aerobik secara terus menerus tetapi dalam waktu cepat tidak terjadi kelelahan otot. Daya tahan otot dapat dipengaruhi oleh status gizi dan lemak tubuh. Status gizi dapat diukur dengan indeks massa tubuh dan lemak tubuh dapat diukur dengan waist hip ratio. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan indeks massa tubuh dengan daya tahan otot pada penari modern dan hubungan waist hip ratio dengan daya tahan otot pada penari modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan subyek penelitian penari modern di Banjarmasin. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sebanyak 31 subyek dipilih secara simple random sampling. Hasil penelitian diperoleh rerata nilai IMT = 21,59 kg/m2, WHR = 0,84, dan daya tahan otot = 35,35 kali/menit. Hasil uji korelasi Pearson didapatkan (p = 0,000, r = -0,982) terdapat korelasi yang kuat dengan arah korelasi negatif antara indeks massa tubuh dengan daya tahan otot pada penari modern, dan (p = 0,000, r = -0,977) terdapat korelasi yang kuat dengan arah korelasi negatif antara waist hip ratio dengan daya tahan otot pada penari modern. Kata-kata kunci:indeks massa tubuh, waist hip ratio, daya tahan otot, penari modern
Perbedaan Waktu Reaksi Anggota Sbrunners yang Joging Teratur dan Tidak Teratur Muhammad Nardho Pratama; Asnawati Asnawati; Ahmad Husairi
Homeostasis Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Homeostasis

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Abstract: Regular exercise has benefits for the body such as improving health, increasing attention and concentration, improving nerve function, and improving blood flow. These benefits can make a person's reaction time faster. The South Borneo Runners community has a regular jogging schedule but not all members follow the schedule. This study aims to determine whether there are differences in reaction times between South Borneo Runners members who jog regularly and irregularly. This research is an observational analytic study with cross-sectional approach. Samples were determined using a consecutive sampling technique and 41 subjects were obtained. Subjects were divided into 2 groups, the regular jogging group of 26 people and the irregular jogging group of 15 people. Measurement of reaction time using Kosinski's time reaction software. Data were analyzed using an unpaired t test and showed p = 0.202. It can be concluded that there is no difference in reaction times between South Borneo Runners members who jog regularly and irregularly. Keywords: reaction time, regular jogging, exercise. Abstrak: Olahraga teratur memiliki manfaat bagi tubuh seperti meningkatkan kesehatan, meningkatkan perhatian dan konsentrasi, memperbagus fungsi saraf, dan memperlancar aliran darah. Berbagai manfaat tersebut dapat membuat waktu reaksi seseorang semakin cepat. Komunitas South Borneo Runners memiliki jadwal olahraga joging yang teratur tetapi tidak semua anggotanya mengikuti jadwal tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan waktu reaksi antara anggota South Borneo Runners yang joging teratur dan tidak teratur. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Sampel ditetapkan menggunakan teknik consecutive sampling dan didapatkan sebanyak 41 subjek penelitian. Subjek terbagi menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu kelompok joging teratur sebanyak 26 orang dan kelompok joging tidak teratur sebanyak 15 orang. Pengukuran waktu reaksi menggunakan Kosinski’s time reaction software. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji t tidak berpasangan dan didapatkan nilai p=0,202. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan waktu reaksi antara anggota South Borneo Runners yang joging teratur dan tidak teratur. Kata-kata kunci: waktu reaksi, joging teratur, olahraga.
Literature Review: Perbedaan Waktu Reaksi antara Pemain Voli dan Pemain Basket Rafida Ikhsania Camalis; Asnawati Asnawati; Dona Marisa
Homeostasis Vol 4, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Homeostasis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (201.991 KB)


Abstract: Basketball and volleyball are sports that require quick reactions in their game, these two sports have some similarities in technical motion. Writing this literature review aim to summarize the comparison of reaction times between volleyball players and basketball players. The method used is the narrative review method, namely by using articles obtained through a literature search process. The writing was conducted by analyzing related literature obtained from the search results on medical journal databases, such as PubMed and Google Scholar. Included articles are in English and published in 2009-2020. The review included 5 articles. Based on the five articles, there is a significant difference in reaction time between the reaction time of volleyball players and basketball players’ reaction time, with the reaction time values obtained faster for basketball players than for volleyball players. Significant or not the difference in reaction time is influenced by several factors, such as arousal, age, exercise intensity, fatigue, fasting, exercise, awareness, differences in sample criteria and the test used. Keywords: reaction time, response time, basketball, volleyball Abstrak: Olahraga basket dan voli merupakan olahraga yang memiliki beberapa kesamaan dalam gerak teknik dan membutuhkan reaksi yang cepat dalam permainannya. Penulisan literature review ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat perbedaan waktu reaksi antara pemain voli dan pemain basket. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode narrative review, yaitu dengan menggunakan artikel yang didapat melalui proses pencarian literatur. Penulisan dilakukan dengan menganalisis literatur terkait yang didapatkan dari hasil pencarian di PubMed dan Google Scholar. Artikel yang disertakan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dan dipublikasikan tahun 2009-2020. Sebanyak 5 artikel disertakan dalam literature review ini. Berdasarkan kelima artikel tersebut terdapat perbedaan waktu reaksi yang signifikan antara pemain voli dan pemain basket, dengan nilai waktu reaksi lebih cepat pada pemain basket. Signifikan atau tidak perbedaan waktu reaksi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu semangat pemain, usia, intensitas latihan, kelelahan, puasa, olahraga, kesadaran, perbedaan kriteria sampel dan test yang digunakan. Kata-kata kunci: waktu reaksi, waktu respon, basket, voli