Nini Apriani Rumata
Program Studi Perencanaan Wilayah Dan Kota, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhamadiyah Makassar

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Pola Pemanfaatan Lahan Di Kawasan Keselamatan Operasi Penerbangan (KKOP) Bandar Udara Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar Nini Apriani Rumata
LOSARI Jurnal Arsitektur, Kota dan Permukiman Vol.5 No.1, Februari 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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Makassar City is the gateway to Eastern Indonesia. This then encouraged the development of the city of Makassar from various fields, causing the inevitable growth of residential settlements. This research was conducted with the aim of being able to map the level of land use in the area around the airport in accordance with the Aviation Operations Safety standard at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport. This goal is achieved by using descriptive qualitative analysis and buffer analysis with GIS software. The result of this research is mapping the area according to the area analysis that has been carried out using the method described earlier and providing recommendations for land use around the airport
Pengendalian Penyimpangan Pemanfaatan Ruang di Kawasan Pesisir Pantai Kota Makassar Firdaus; Nini Apriani Rumata; Rizka Damayanti; M. Ansyari Syamsuddin B
LOSARI Jurnal Arsitektur, Kota dan Permukiman Vol.7 No.2, Agustus 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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The coastal area of ​​Makassar city provides productive natural resources both as a source of food, mineral and energy mining, communication media as well as recreation or tourism areas, this has consequences in managing various existing potentials, especially coastal areas, and overcoming the obstacles and challenges faced. The purpose of the study is to explain the factors that influence the occurrence of spatial utilization deviations and how to control space utilization deviations. The location of the research was carried out in the Coastal Area, Tamalanrea District, Makassar City, which experienced a very fast and rapid process of land use change, it was suspected that there was various land uses as magnets that could attract the growth and development of other land use activities. The method used consists of the observation method and the Questionnaire method in a qualitative-quantitative descriptive analysis through a cross-tabulation approach and a descriptive analysis of Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning. The factors that influence the occurrence of spatial use deviations in the coastal area of ​​Tamalanrea District are the substance of the spatial plan, the rules/stipulations factor, the process, and procedure factor, the institutional factor, and the unavailability of the standard and technical rules for the use of space. As well as the absence of a detailed spatial plan for Makassar City, it is difficult to control the use of space in the Coastal Area of ​​Tamalanrea District.
Jurnal Karajata Engineering Vol 1 No 2 (2021): 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (424.26 KB) | DOI: 10.31850/karajata.v1i2.908


The knowledge and appreciation of the Indonesian people for the multifunctionality of fisheries, plantations and agriculture is still very low. The function of this commodity, which has been known to the public, is only to produce commodity products with low economic value. In addition, the socio-economic conditions of people who are located far from industrial centers have a habit of requiring immediate income, as well as the social structures that have been formed causing difficulties in the development of value added produced by farmers and fishermen. Determination of industrial center areas that cannot reach the entirety of East Seram Regency will have an impact on the low level of welfare and income inequality of farmers or fishermen. The purpose of this study is to determine the centers of leading commodity industry in the East Seram District. This research is a qualitative and quantitative research with descriptive and causal comparative approaches. The analysis used is Spatial Multi Criteria Analysis by combining the process hierarchy analysis and spatial analysis with the overlay method. The expected result of this research is the location of industrial centers for superior commodities in the East Seram Regency so that it can improve the welfare of the community, especially farmers and fishermen.
Kinerja Angkutan Umum di Kota Palu M. Nurhidayat; Nini Apriani Rumata; Fathurrahman Burhanuddin; Didiet Haryadi Hakim; Soemitro Emin Praja
LOSARI Jurnal Arsitektur, Kota dan Permukiman Vol.8 No.1, Februari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33096/losari.v8i01.612


Transportation has a very important role in supporting community activities. One mode of transportation that plays a very important role in supporting community activities is public transportation which functions to transport people from one place to another. In terms of public transport services, it often becomes a problem in the transportation system. Public transport in this case has a service role and function so that it is necessary to conduct a study to see the performance of public transport. In order to complete the analysis of the performance of public transport, a survey of load factor, headway, arrival frequency of public transport, travel time, and availability of public transport fleets is carried out. Analysis was carried out on several variables such as load factor, headway, frequency of public transport arrivals, travel time, and availability of public transport fleets based on applicable standards. This study aims to determine the performance of public transportation in the city of Palu on service to the community as transportation users.
Strategi Perencanaan Tata Ruang Berbasis Mitigasi Bencana Kebakaran Di Kota Makassar Nini Apriani Rumata; Firdaus yusuf
LOSARI Jurnal Arsitektur, Kota dan Permukiman Vol.7 No.1, Februari 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Indonesia

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Makassar City has a very rapid development from year to year. However, this development is not matched by the provision of infrastructure that can cope with fire disasters that have the potential to occur. In addition, the completeness of regulations and guidelines that can serve as a corridor in planning for the prevention and handling of fire disasters is not yet fully available. This study aims to determine the level of vulnerability of Makassar City to fire disasters so that strategies can be formulated in spatial planning based on fire disaster mitigation. The analysis used in this study is descriptive analysis to describe current conditions, Super Impose (Overlay) analysis using GIS applications to map Makassar City according to indicators that affect the level of vulnerability of the area to fire disasters. After that, network analysis is carried out to be able to map the movement network so that it can ensure the time and distance of firefighters to reach the fire location.
Jurnal Environmental Science Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Oktober

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35580/jes.v6i1.52056


Kawasan Perkotaan selalu mengalami perkembangan penduduk yang sangat pesat. Perkembangan ini berbanding lurus dengan kebutuhan terhadap lahan untuk perumahan, pembangunan sarana dan prasarana serta penunjang lainnya sehingga pembangunan terjadi secara terus menerus. Akibat dari pembangunan ini dapat berpotensi terjadi alih fungsi lahan sehingga daerah resapan air menjadi berkurang dan menyebabkan bencana banjir. Kota Makassar mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat dimana dalam waktu 8 tahun perkembangan lahan terbangun sebanyak 17%. Perkembangan ini sejalan dengan terjadinya bencana banjir setiap tahunnya. Salah satu wilayah yang mengalami perkembangan pertumbuhan lahan terbangun dengan pesat dan banjir paling parah adalah Kecamatan Manggala. Penelitian ini bertujuan: 1) Mengidentifikasi perubahan lahan di Kecamatan Manggala tahun 2013 sampai tahun 2023; 2) Menganalisis dampak perubahan lahan terhadap wilayah yang berpotensi terjadi bencana banjir di Kecamatan Manggala. Metode analisis yang digunakan dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif untuk mengidentifikasi pemanfaatan lahan pada tahun 2013-2023 dengan menggunakan interpretasi foto citra udara dan analisis spasial dengan menggunakan aplikasi Geographic Information System (GIS) untuk mengetahui potensi banjir akibat pemanfaatan lahan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan yang sangat pesat untuk pemanfaatan lahan terbangun yang berkembang dari 6,8% menjadi 95,4%. Hal ini sejalan dengan pertumbuhan wilayah yang rawan terhadap bencana banjir.