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TRANSFORMASI WARAK NGENDHOG MENJADI TARI WARAK DHUGDHER DI KOTA SEMARANG Kaeksi, Maharani Hares; Fitriasari, Rr. Paramitha D.; Sushartami, Wiwik
Jurnal Seni Tari Vol 9 No 1 (2020): Vol 9 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.15 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jst.v9i1.36954


Warak ngendhog was originally a toy that was sold and then used as a mascot for the dhugdheran procession. The change later happened that Warak Ngendhog was used as a source of inspiration for the artist to create the Warak Dhugdher dance. Since its presence, the dance brings influence in the city of Semarang. This influence led to the emergence of new forms of Warak dance. This fact shows that the Ngendhog Warak underwent a change to dance Warak Dhugdher. This research aims to identify the form of transformation that occurred and explain the progress of dance Warak Dhugdher. This research is a qualitative study using the etnokoreological approach, which is a dance analysis system that is not merely discussing textual, but also contextual. Analysis of transformation using adaptation theory. The results showed that transformation occurred due to the adaptation process manifested through the creation of dance. Forms of transformation that occur include textual and contextual transformations. Textual transformation is manifested from the addition of the dance choreography aspect as an art show. Warak as property on the dance changes on the structure of the head shape, stomach pattern, and absence of Endhog. The contextual transformation that occurs indicates a change in form, meaning, and function that causes development. The Warak transformation of Ngendhog does not stop at the dance form of Warak Dhugdher, but it can develop into another Warak dance form.
Aksiologi Musikal pada Pertunjukan Tari Tradisional Linda dalam Ritual Adat Keagamaan Karia di Daerah Kabupaten Muna Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Firmansyah, Firmansyah; Lastoro Simatupang, GR Lono; Kusmayati, AM Hermien; Sushartami, Wiwik
Resital: Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan (Journal of Performing Arts) Vol 20, No 3 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/resital.v20i3.3817


Esensi dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap nilai-nilai musikal yang melekat di balik pertunjukan tari tradisional Linda dalam ritual adat keagamaan Karia di daerah Kabupaten Muna Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Hal yang unik dalam penelitian ini adalah alat musik yang digunakan dalam pertunjukan tari tradisional Linda dalam ritual Karia, para pemusik yang mayoritas dilakoni oleh kaum perempuan Muna, konsep musik yang sedikit berbeda dengan konsep musik pada umumnya karena cenderung disharmoni, dan perspektif orang Muna yang mayoritas beragama Islam terhadap musik. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa, musik mempunyai nilai-nilai khusus tersendiri dalam sudut pandang orang Muna.Musical Axiology in Linda's Traditional Dance Performance in the Traditional Karia Religious Ritual in the Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The essence of this research is to reveal the musical values inherent behind Linda's traditional dance performance in the traditional Karia religious rituals in the Muna Regency area of Southeast Sulawesi Province. What is unique in this study is the musical instrument used in Linda's traditional dance performances in the Karia ritual, the musicians who are predominantly performed by Muna women, the concept of music is slightly different from the concept of music in general because it tends to be disharmony, and the perspective of the majority of Muna people Muslim towards music. From the results of the study concluded that, music has its own special values in the point of view of the Muna people.Keywords:  music; linda traditional dance; ritual karia
Aksiologi Musikal pada Pertunjukan Tari Tradisional Linda dalam Ritual Adat Keagamaan Karia di Daerah Kabupaten Muna Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Firmansyah Firmansyah; GR Lono Lastoro Simatupang; AM Hermien Kusmayati; Wiwik Sushartami
Resital: Jurnal Seni Pertunjukan (Journal of Performing Arts) Vol 20, No 3 (2019): Desember 2019
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24821/resital.v20i3.3817


Esensi dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap nilai-nilai musikal yang melekat di balik pertunjukan tari tradisional Linda dalam ritual adat keagamaan Karia di daerah Kabupaten Muna Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Hal yang unik dalam penelitian ini adalah alat musik yang digunakan dalam pertunjukan tari tradisional Linda dalam ritual Karia, para pemusik yang mayoritas dilakoni oleh kaum perempuan Muna, konsep musik yang sedikit berbeda dengan konsep musik pada umumnya karena cenderung disharmoni, dan perspektif orang Muna yang mayoritas beragama Islam terhadap musik. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa, musik mempunyai nilai-nilai khusus tersendiri dalam sudut pandang orang Muna.Musical Axiology in Linda's Traditional Dance Performance in the Traditional Karia Religious Ritual in the Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The essence of this research is to reveal the musical values inherent behind Linda's traditional dance performance in the traditional Karia religious rituals in the Muna Regency area of Southeast Sulawesi Province. What is unique in this study is the musical instrument used in Linda's traditional dance performances in the Karia ritual, the musicians who are predominantly performed by Muna women, the concept of music is slightly different from the concept of music in general because it tends to be disharmony, and the perspective of the majority of Muna people Muslim towards music. From the results of the study concluded that, music has its own special values in the point of view of the Muna people.Keywords:  music; linda traditional dance; ritual karia
Jurnal Kawistara Vol 9, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (471.885 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/kawistara.43156


Wedding has been seen as an example of the reflection of social culture. Changes in wedding culture reflect changes in society. Such a social transformation is reflected in the growing demand for impressive wedding party in the urban areas has made new problems concerning to management and creativity. From the wedding management perspective, this has been caught as opportunities, not only in term of economi gains but also their role in power-knowledge production. In recognition of this non-material aspect of social chenges reflet in wedding party, this research attempts to identify the production of culture wedding planner. This study takes the case of prominent wedding organizer company in Surabaya, Mahar Agung Organizer. The data for this research come form interview with managerial personnel of the the Maha Agung. The result shows that the production of culture in the wedding planner’s activity involves six facets: technology, law and regulation, industry structure, organization structure, occupational career, and market. In addition, the production of culture of wedding planner is not singular, which means it engages the role of client, media, vendor and business competitor. Consequently, the power relation of wedding planner in the production of culture is not dominant. Production of culture of a wedding planner has produced complexity, ambivalence, and contestation which appear through technology, especially the Internet. All of these lead wedding planner to take a creative and ambivalent position, since there is no rule (copyright) in wedding planners industry.
Wong Ndhuwur, Wong Ngisor: Local Community and Post-disaster Tourism in Kinahrejo Jordyna Austine Xaviera Susanto; Wiwik Sushartami
Humaniora Vol 32, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jh.57693


This research has two objectives. First, it aims to determine the perspective of the local community towards the commodification of disaster tourism in Kinahrejo, one year following the 2010 eruption of Mount Merapi. Second, it aims to identify the implication of the local community’s involvement in the new tourism activities. Referring to the indicators of residents’ perceptions of involvement in post-disaster tourism development (Wright, 2014), semi-structured interviews of seven informants were conducted and several more casual conversations were held with a larger group. Two types of responses from the local community were indicated based on the respondents’ varying involvement in tourism activities. On one hand, members of the local community who benefit from employment in tourism activities have positive perspectives towards the commodification of disaster tourism in Kinahrejo. On the other hand, those who do not participate in tourism activities regard it negatively as it is not beneficial to them. Another important finding shows that the variation in involvement in the new tourism activities has caused a split in the community into two groups, namely wong ndhuwur and wong ngisor.
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) untuk Pengembangan Desa Wisata di Pedukuhan Pucung, Desa Wukirsari, Bantul Bambang Hudayana; Pande made Kutanegara; Setiadi Setiadi; Agus Indiyanto; Zamzam Fauzanafi; Mubarika Dyah F. Nugraheni; Wiwik Sushartami; Mohamad Yusuf
Bakti Budaya: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Faculty of Cultural Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (195.972 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/bb.50890


A Community service program (PkM) carried out by the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University in 2018 took place in Pucung Hamlet, Wukirsari Village, Bantul, which aims to develop Pedukuhan Pucung as a tourism village through participatory methods. In the implementation of this PkM, the participatory method that is introduced is the PRA (participatory rural appraisal) that researchers could act as facilitators and could directly facilitate citizens to recognize and utilize participatory methods to develop a CAP (Community Action Plan) which would later become a tourist village development plan. At the end of the implementation of this program, the CAP has successfully compiled the development of a Pucung tourism village based on local culture and it was also agreed to create a tourism village development organization and to select several local facilitators. Further, the PkM team will still provide assistance to the sustainability and implementation of the CAP of the Pucung Tourism Village.--------------------------------------------------Kegiatan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PkM) yang dilakukan oleh Departemen Antropologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada pada tahun 2018 ini mengambil lokasi di Pedukuhan Pucung, Desa Wukirsari, Bantul, yang terkait dengan pengembangan Pucung sebagai desa wisata secara partisipatoris. Dalam pelaksanaan PkM ini, metode partisipatoris yang dikenalkan adalah metode PRA sehingga peneliti dapat bertindak sebagai fasilitator dan langsung dapat memfasilitasi warga dalam mengenal dan memanfaatkan metode partisipatoris untuk menyusun CAP (Community Action Plan), yang nantinya akan menjadi program pengembangan desa wisata. Pada akhir pelaksanaan program ini telah berhasil disusun CAP pengembangan Desa Wisata Pucung yang berbasis budaya lokal dan juga disepakati untuk membentuk kepengurusan organisasi pengembangan desa wisata dan pemilihan beberapa fasilitator lokal. Dalam pengembangan selanjutnya, tim PkM masih akan melakukan pendampingan terhadap keberlanjutan dan pelaksanaan CAP pengembangan Desa Wisata Pucung. 
Video Wisata Virtual sebagai Media Promosi Desa Ekowisata Pancoh di Era Kenormalan Baru Wiwik Sushartami; Yulita Kusuma Sari; Karlina Maizida; Intan Purwandani
Bakti Budaya: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2021): 2021: Edisi 2
Publisher : Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1424.105 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/bakti.1279


Following the announcement by the national government of the cases of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, tourism activities in various destinations in Indonesia, including the Pancoh Ecotourism Village, as one of the partners of the UGM Tourism Studies Program, were immediately postponed. This condition impacted the local economic circulation as the income of the population decreased. In the background of this pandemic scenario, tourism operations will hopefully be resumed as soon as possible. The Community Service Program was therefore carried out in order to achieve the key objective; to create a promotional video for the Pancoh Ecotourism Village in preparation for re-operation under a new health protocol via collaborative work. The other goal of this Community Service Program is to fulfill the commitment to higher education through Tridarma. In addition, a Community Partnership was formed to assist the Pancoh Ecotourism Team in particular and the Village Community in general in the planning of post-pandemic tourism activities to encourage the sustainability of tourism in the village concerned. This program used Community-Based Participatory Action Research (CBPAR) which consists of five stages, from project design to reporting, as an approach. The results of the program include a video training program and a virtual video promotion of the Pancoh Ecotourism Village. Public engagement and institutional collaboration have been important and considered to be the key to success of this program. By the end of the program, video promotion will be released via the social media of Pancoh. ===== Menyusul pengumuman pemerintah pusat tentang kasus pandemi Covid-19 pada Maret 2020, kegiatan pariwisata di berbagai destinasi di Indonesia, termasuk Desa Ekowisata Pancoh, sebagai salah satu mitra Program Studi Pariwisata UGM, langsung ditunda. Kondisi ini berdampak pada peredaran ekonomi lokal seiring dengan penurunan pendapatan penduduk. Dengan latar belakang situasi pandemi ini, kegiatan pariwisata diharapkan dapat segera dilanjutkan. Oleh karena itu, Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat dilaksanakan untuk mencapai tujuan utama; membuat video promosi untuk Desa Ekowisata Pancoh dalam persiapan untuk beroperasi kembali di bawah protokol kesehatan baru melalui kerja kolaboratif. Tujuan lain dari Program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk memenuhi komitmen pendidikan tinggi melalui Tridarma. Selain itu, kerjasama komunitas dibentuk untuk membantu Tim Ekowisata Pancoh pada khususnya dan Masyarakat Desa pada umumnya dalam perencanaan kegiatan wisata pasca pandemi untuk mendorong keberlanjutan pariwisata di desa yang bersangkutan. Program ini menggunakan Community-Based Participatory Action Research (CBPAR) yang terdiri dari lima tahap, mulai dari desain proyek hingga pelaporan, sebagai pendekatan. Hasil dari program ini antara lain program pelatihan video dan promosi video virtual Desa Ekowisata Pancoh. Keterlibatan publik dan kolaborasi kelembagaan menjadi penting dan dianggap sebagai kunci keberhasilan program ini. Di akhir program, video promosi akan dirilis melalui media sosial Pancoh.
Persepsi Wisatawan Terhadap Autentisitas Gamplong Studio Alam Sleman Sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata Berbasis Film Wiwik Sushartami; Mario Albert Arif Hardian
ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism Vol. 20 No. 1 (2022):
Publisher : Centre For Tourism Planning and Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/ajht.2022.20.1.08


The purpose of this study is to examine tourists’ perceptions of authenticity at Gamplong Studio Alam Sleman (GSAS) as a film-induced tourism attraction. Theoplacity, a theoretical framework proposed by Belhassen, et al (2008), was adapted as a guide in developing interview questions. The research was conducted using a descriptive-qualitative approach, with six tourists from outside the Province of Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) serving as informants. The findings revealed that the tourists’ perceptions of authentic experience at GSAS as a film-induced tourism attraction are influenced by the interrelationship between tourists’ understandings of the film Bumi Manusia (The Earth of Mankind), the filming set at GSAS as a place component, and the activities carried out by tourists at these tourist attractions. According to the research findings, the experiences of authenticity felt by the informants during a tour at GSAS include riding the Old Train ride as seen in the film, posing like the characters in the film, and re-imagining unique scenes in the film. Authenticity is important in terms of the tourist experience, so tourists’ understanding of the film Bumi Manusia must be compatible with tourist attractions and activities at GSAS.
Realita Visualitas Generasi Z dalam Mise en Scene Iklan Shopee Men Sale Deni Kristanto; Wiwik Sushartami; Budi Irawanto
ULTIMART Jurnal Komunikasi Visual Vol 15 No 1 (2022): Ultimart: Jurnal Komunikasi Visual
Publisher : Universitas Multimedia Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31937/ultimart.v15i1.2410


Massive and rapid development of Internet 2.0 in society opens up opportunities for exploitation of personal and communal life. A series of efforts by sellers of services and products on the internet are competing to be trusted by the digital community, a series of visual charms on digital screens seems to be present to describe their behavior and experiences in the real world for the sake of capital needs. As the most accessed media in Indonesia, especially Generation Z or Digital Natives, YouTube is one of the harmful media that opens up opportunities for exploitation. YouTube Shopee Men Sale ad is a case of how one of the largest online stores in Indonesia constructively approaches the most potential YouTube Generation Z user for commodity purposes. With a qualitative analysis and a Close Textual Analysis approach, this study aims to find out how the visuality patterns of YouTube ads Shopee 8.8 Men Sale 2019 and Shopee 2.2 Men Sale 2021, present the values ​​and social image of Generation Z for their commodity needs. Then through this research it is known that the two advertisements constructively through the use of visual aspects of mise en scene try to recreate reality that is related to the experiences and behavior of Generation Z. Keywords: reality; visual aspect; youtube advertising; shopee men sale; mise en scene; generation z.
Invensi Pertunjukan Gerbang Etam Orchestra dalam Erau International Folk Arts Festival Riana Kapri; Wiwik Sushartami; Eli Irawati
Sorai: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Musik Vol 13, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33153/sorai.v13i2.3363


Gerbang Etam Orchestra is a musical group that is always present at the Erau International Folk Arts Festival. Gerbang Etam Orchestra has a characteristic performance by combining Kutai Kartanegara ethnic music with a mass format. The purpose of this research is to identify the form of the Gerbang Etam Orchestra performance to review the use of the term “orchestra” whether it is in accordance with the rules of the music. This study used a qualitative method with an ethnomusicological approach to see the phenomenon of music which is influenced by hybridity and produces invention. This study uses Eric Hobsbawm's theory, the invention of tradition. The data analyzed were the results of observations, interviews, audio and video recordings. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques by means of data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and data verification. The results showed that the use of the term orchestra at the Gerbang Etam Orchestra produced a form of performance that had similar characteristics to orchestras in general. Even though it uses the term Western music, Gerbang Etam Orchestra still emphasizes the distinctive characteristics of Kutai Kartanegara ethnic music which is owned as a regional identity. This is manifested in the form of performances presented by the Gerbang Etam Orchestra.Keywords: Gerbang Etam Orchestra, Invention, Ethnic Music, Orchestra