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Journal : Holistik Jurnal Kesehatan

Buerger allen exercise terhadap perfusi jaringan perifer ekstremitas bawah pada pasien Penyakit Arteri Perifer (PAP) Bahjatun Nadrati; Elisa Oktaviana; Lalu Dedy Supriatna
Holistik Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 16, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Keperawata Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/hjk.v16i2.5664


Background: Peripheral Atrial Disease patients experience ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion nursing problems, which results in intermittent claudication (manifested by sensations of pain/cramping, burning, heaviness, or discomfort in the leg muscles), foot ulcers, gangrene and contributes to the development of amputation of limbs to death.Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of buerger allen exercise on peripheral tissue perfusion of the lower extremities among patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD).Method : Quasi-experimental research with descriptive analytic design and pre-and post-test one-group design. Using purposive sampling technique from 30 participants. The instruments in this study included questionnaires on demographic characteristics, observation sheets for vascular Doppler, blood pressure, blood sugar, and a total cholesterol test. Data analysis used the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test Pretest and Posttest.Results : Effectiveness of intervention, there is a range of reduction in the right ABI before and after 0.52 gave the intervention with a p-value of 0.000 <α=0.05. The results of the left ABI analysis showed that the left ABI decreased the range before and after the intervention was 0.47, with a p-value of 0.000 <α=0.05.Conclusion : There is an effect of buerger allen exercise on lower extremity peripheral tissue perfusion among patients with peripheral arterial disease. Keywords: Buerger allen exercise; Peripheral artery disease; Peripheral tissue perfusion; Lower extremitiesPendahuluan: Pasien Penyakit Ateri Perifer (PAP) mengalami masalah keperawatan ketidakefektifan perfusi jaringan perifer, yang mengakibatkan klaudikasio intermiten (dimanifestasikan dengan sensasi sakit/kram, terbakar, berat, atau rasa tidak nyaman pada otot-otot kaki), ulkus kaki, gangren dan berkontribusi terhadap terjadinya amputasi anggota tubuh hingga kematian.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui efektivitas latihan buerger allen terhadap perfusi jaringan perifer ekstremitas bawah pada pasien dengan Penyakit Arteri Perifer (PAP).Metode: Penelitian quasy experiment dengan desain analitik deskriptif dan rancangan pre and  post test one group design. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan  didapatkan 30 partisipan. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini meliputi kuesioner karakteristik responden, lembar observasi, Doppler vaskuler, tensi meter digital, digital parameter GDS dan kolesterol total easy touch beserta blood gukose dan cholesterol test strips. Analisa data menggunakan uji Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test Pretest dan Postest.Hasil : Setelah pelaksanaan penelitian ini maka dapat disimpulkanterdapat range penurunan ABI kanan sebelum dan setelah diberikan intervensi sebesar 0,52 dengan p value 0,000 <α=0,05. Hasil analisis ABI kiri didapatkan range penurunan ABI kiri sebelum dan setelah diberikan intervensi sebesar 0,47 dengan p value 0,000 <α=0,05. Simpulan : Ada pengaruh Buerges Allen Exercise terhadap ketidakefektifan perfusi jaringan perifer extermitas bawah pada pasien penyakit arteri perifer (PAP). 
Program promotif poskestren terhadap PHBS santri di pondok pesantren Lalu Dedy Supriatna; Indasah Indasah; Byba Melda Suhita
Holistik Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 14, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Keperawata Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/hjk.v14i3.2741


Pesantren Health Post (Poskestren) promotional program for Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (CHLB)  among students at Islamic boarding schoolsBackground: Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (CHLB) school environment structure is an effort to empower students, teachers, and the school community to know, want, and be able to treat CHLB. This is in line with Health Promotion in educational institutions (Health Promoting School) launched by the World Health Organization which uses a holistic model that includes the relationship between physical, mental, social and environmental aspects.Purpose: To analyze the influence of the health post promotion program for Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (CHLB)  among students at Islamic boarding schoolsMethod: An observational analytic study using a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used simple random sampling, a sample of 271 respondents. The research instrument used a questionnaire with 20 question items. The data analysis technique used the chi-square test.Results: Obtained from 271 respondents with the Poskestren program (Promotive) in the less category, it will have an influence in the moderate category on the (CHLB)   of students (36.16%). It is necessary to plan that is directed and sustainable in improving the quality for the implementation of the poskestren program in a promotional manner so that it can get better results.Conclusion: The Pesantren Health Post program promoted a significant effect on (CHLB)  among students at Ad Diinul Qayyim Islamic Boarding School, West Lombok Regency, NTB.Keywords: Pesantren Health Post (Poskestren); Promotional program; Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (CHLB); Students; Islamic boarding schoolsPendahuluan: Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) tatanan lingkungan sekolah adalah upaya untuk memberdayakan siswa, guru, dan masyarakat lingkungan sekolah agar tahu, mau, dan mampu memperlakukan PHBS. Hal ini sejalan dengan Promosi Kesehatan di institusi pendidikan (Health Promoting School) yang dicanangkan oleh Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia yang menggunakan model holistik yang meliputi hubungan antar aspek fisik, mental, sosial, dan lingkungan.Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis pengaruh program promotif  poskestren terhadap PHBS Santri di Pondok PesantrenMetode: Penelitian analitik observasional dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik sampling menggunakan simple random sampling, sampel sebanyak 271 responden. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuisioner dengan 20 item pertanyaan. Teknik analisa data menggunakan uji chi-square.Hasil: Didapatkan dari 271 responden dengan program Poskestren (Promotif) dalam kategori kurang maka akan memberikan pengaruh dalam kategori cukup pada PHBS santri (36.16%). Perlu perencanaan yang terarah dan berkesinambungan dalam meningkatkan kualitas untuk penerapan program poskestren secara promotif sehingga mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik.Simpulan: Program Poskestren secara promotif berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap PHBS pada santri di Pondok Pesantren Ad Diinul Qayyim Kabupaten Lombok Barat NTB.