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Journal : Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology

EFEK PEMBERIAN DELTAMETHRIN TERHADAP EKSPRESI CD4 PADA IKAN KOI (Cyprinus carpio) YANG TERINFEKSI Myxobolus sp. (Effect of Deltamethrin on CD4 Expression in Koi Fish (Cyprinus Carpio) Infected by Myxobolus Sp.) Muhammad Sumsanto; Uun Yanuhar; Asus Maizar Suryanto Hertika
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 15, No 2 (2019): SAINTEK PERIKANAN
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (692.787 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.15.2.94-98


Parasit yang sering menyerang ikan koi adalah Myxobolus sp. Ikan yang terinfeksi Myxobolus sp. akan mengalami gejala klinis berupa nodul kemerahan dan pembengkakan pada organ insang. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian deltamethrin terhadap ekspresi CD4 pada ikan koi (Cyprinus carpio) yang terinfeksi Myxobolus sp. Pada penelitian ini dibagi menjadi 4 perlakuan (A) Kontrol, perlakuan (B) ikan koi terinfeksi Myxobolus sp., perlakuan (C) ikan koi terinfeksi Myxobolus sp. dengan pemberian deltamethrin dosis 0,5 µl/g dan perlakuan (D) ikan koi terinfeksi Myxobolus sp. dengan pemberian deltamethrin dosis 1 µl/g. Kemudian dilakukan pengamatan eritrosit, leukosit dan immunohistokimia untuk mengetahui ekspresi CD4 pada usus. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan eritrosit pada perlakuan (A) sebesar 500.000 sel/mm3, (B) sebesar 1.850.000 sel/mm3, (C) sebesar 1.110.000 sel/mm3 dan (D) sebesar 1.670.000 sel/mm3. Hasil pengamatan leukosit perlakuan (A) didapatkan sebesar 121.600 sel/mm3, (B) sebesar 333.550 sel/mm3, (C) sebesar 265.770 sel/mm3 dan (D) sebesar 145.620 sel/mm3. Berdasarkan hasil Imunohistokimia  didapatkan hasil pada perlakuan (A) nilai DAB sebesar 15,0%, (B) DAB sebesar 30,2%, (C) DAB sebesar 24,3% dan (D) DAB sebesar 19,2 %. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian deltamethrin berpengaruh terhadap eritrosit dan leukosit serta dapat menurunkan ekspresi CD4 sebagai respon imun pada ikan koi (Cyprinus carpio) yang terinfeksi Myxobolus sp. Parasites that often attack koi are Myxobolus sp. Fish infected with Myxobolus sp. will experience clinical symptoms of red nodules and swelling in the gill organs. The study aimed to determine the effect of deltamethrin administration on CD4 expression in koi fish (Cyprinus carpio) infected with Myxobolus sp. In this study divided into 4 treatments (A) Control, treatment (B) koi fish infected with Myxobolus sp., Treatment (C) koi fish infected with Myxobolus sp. by treatment a dose of 0.5 µl / g deltamethrin and treatment (D) koi fish infected with Myxobolus sp. with the treatment of 1 µl / g of deltamethrin. Then erythrocytes, leukocytes and immunohistochemistry were observed to determine CD4 expression in the intestine. Based on the results of the study obtained erythrocytes in treatment (A) of 500,000 cells / mm3, (B) of 1,850,000 cells / mm3, (C) of 1,110,000 cells / mm3 and (D) of 1,670,000 cells / mm3. Observation of leukocyte treatment (A) was obtained at 121,600 cells / mm3, (B) of 333,550 cells / mm3, (C) of 265,770 cells / mm3 and (D) of 145,620 cells / mm3. Based on the results of immunohistochemistry the results obtained in treatment (A) DAB value of 15.0%, (B) DAB of 30.2%, (C) DAB of 24.3% and (D) DAB of 19.2%. From this study it can be concluded that the administration of deltamethrin affects erythrocytes and leukocytes and can reduce CD4 expression as an immune response in koi fish (Cyprinus carpio) infected with Myxobolus sp.