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Journal : Jurnal Ekonomi

Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 11 No. 02 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi, Periode September 2022
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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This good regional financial performance is due to the greater the income obtained from regional taxes, regional levies, the results of separated regional wealth management and other legitimate income and the smaller the central loan and assistance, the more independent the region. With the more independent the area, the economic growth in the area can increase. This is because the area is able to manage economically, efficiently, and effectively and the lack of policy intervention by the central government. aims: 1. To analyze descriptively the Effect of Independent Performance on Income Disparities in East Java Province. 2. Analyzing descriptively the Effect of Independence Performance on Economic Growth in East Java Province. 3. Simultaneously analyze the influence of independent performance on income disparities and economic growth in East Java Province. Analysis of the data in this study using the PLS (Partial Least Square) program version 3.0 M3 PLS (Partial Least Square) was first developed by wold as a general method for estimating the path model using latent constructs with multiple indicators. Independence Performance on Income Disparity in East Java Province is significant with t-statistic of 2,369 (> 1.96). Economic Growth on Income Disparity in East Java Province is not significant with a t-statistic of 0.062 (<1.96). Disparity of Income to Community Welfare in East Java Province is not significant with t-statistic of 0.836 (<1.96).
Jurnal Ekonomi Vol. 11 No. 03 (2022): Jurnal Ekonomi, 2022 Periode Desember
Publisher : SEAN Institute

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The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of the UMKM Creative Industry in Plastic Waste Management in Sidokerto Village, Sidoarjo Regency and to analyze the development of the MSME Creative Industry in managing Plastic Waste in Sidokerto Village, Sidoarjo Regency. researchers used a field survey research design with a qualitative descriptive approach with MSME Creative Industry actors in Waste Management in Sidokerto Village, Sidoarjo Regency as samples in this study. The results of the study concluded that the condition of the MSME Creative Industry for Plastic Waste Management in Sidokerto Village, Sidoarjo Regency was supported by a waste bank as a provider of raw materials for waste management. The development of MSME creative industries for Plastic Waste Management in Sidokerto Village, Sidoarjo Regency can be carried out with a strong synergy between backward linkages, namely consistently implementing waste bank activities. Then, in the position of the creative industry, financial management, product quality, and technology use are further strengthened so that the resulting product strengths. In addition, future linkages in the form of expanding relations between distributors also need to expand marketing.
Co-Authors Achmad Alfian Azizi Achmad Faris Fizabillah Achmad Kaisi Amarco Aditya Arga Widhyasa Aditya Bagus Hendrawan Afdal Fadlan Afifahtus Syaleha Ajeng Pangesti Muttaqiina Gusminto Akbar Kurniawan Albertus Peter Palit Alif Finno Fidzaky Alvazaki Ikbar Maulana Alvine Wijana Un Alviolita Tri Amanda Amanda Eka Saputri Andrew Ari Fardana Angga Dwi Permadi Anis Mahmudatul Janah Anjar Puji Asmeru Ashari, Iman Atik Pita Riyani Axel Aditya Ramadhan Ayunda Febri Kinanti Azizatun Fitriani Bakhitah Zulfa Capt. Fausta Ari Barata Clemment Marvello Fedihartono Danendra Bramantyo David Setiawan Dhaful Oktaviatul Dhimas Adi Subroto Diana Juni Mulyati Dimas Prayoga Dinda Widya Kumalasari Durratul Hikmah Fatus Solikhah Dwi Nur Maulidia Dyah Febiyani Nuralifia Edelweis Bunga Gunung Eka Virgiawan Listanto Eki Indriyanti Endah Budiarti Erlangga Samudra Utomo Erwin Putra R.D Ery Chusnul Aldi Ezar Nafis B Fahyuddin Fahyuddin, Fahyuddin Faisal Restu Ardiansyah Farur Rosi Febby Dany Lestary Feriadi Feriadi Fitra Barokah Quraini Fitrah Barokah Qur’aini Fitri Elmawati Fitri Luthfia Wachadah Fitri Luthfia Wachdah Fitriana Dewi Oktaviani Silaen Franciska Christiana Galang Rambu A. Gilang Ramadani Harsanto Nursadi Hasanah, Wa Ode Uswatun Hendrik Hermansyah Ibrahim Ingga Ida Ayu Nuh Kartini Ida Bagus Cempena Iluh Nadila Rahma Inggrid Debby Ekza Veronica Iqbal Maulana Ismi Rosyidatul Ummah Jasmine Damayanti Jauhar Fikrinanda Rahmadi Joanne Andre Toy Panga Joko Priyono Kasino Kasino Khosnol Khotimah la Ode Safiuddin M. Ibrahim Baihaqi M. Irsyad Zulkarnaen M. Rizal Amri Chusen Mahardhika Harilinawan Mahindah M Mahindah Mahindah Marcelly Cessa Manda Sari Margaretha Pramesti Maudy Priya Maghfira Meiril Hardi Melinda Wirastiti Melkior Keleka Hayon Merlin Agustin Moh Toriq Alfian Moh. Toriq Alfian Mohammad Ricko Kurniawan Mubarat Apriana Sasmita Muhammad Akbar Perdana Muhammad Alfin Syaiful Izza Muhammad Dimas Vebryan Muhammad Ilham Januarta Muhammad Romadhoni Adi Setiawan Muhammad Syahrul Maulana Naufal Gama Affandyar Nerissa Arcellya Virjannah Niken Bagas Firmansyah Noviati Mahmudah Nur Fakhri Febriansyah Nur Hidayatillah Nurul Hasannah Ogy Dwi Arifki Pramita Studiviany S Pramita Studiviany S Putri Citra Devi Putri Nadila Nindia Frisca Ratna Sari Julaeha Ravellino Dwi Cahya Renggo Ais Aprilian Reza Akbar Mauliza Rezzylina Dwi Akhirulyati Rina Dwi Kristianti Risa Valentine Riska Putri Dinarti Rizky Ramadhani Rosa Indah Ryan Mustaqim Kusumah Safira Aprilia Lukita Salsabilla Saifana Veriyanto Salvia Rahma T.H Siti Nur Amalia Slamet Riyadi Syahrizal Zebua Tangkas Ageng Nugroho Tina Safira Tohonan Rohani Silaban Tri Andjarwati Ummukifdiyah Rohmatul Huda Venesia Selvia Samallo Verinda Yelanita Virgi Ainun Iqbal Wahyu Hidayat Winne Ayunda Gaiska Yeny Novita Fitriani Yogo Subekti Yordan Rendis Suherman Yosse Putra Oentoro Yuni Maulina Yunia Faridatuz Zakia Yuyun Setyawati