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Strategi Pemasaran Sepeda Motor Merek Honda Tipe Matic (Studi Kasus PT. HOHO Pekanbaru) Nia Anggraini
eCo-Buss Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): Emerging Industries
Publisher : Komunitas Dosen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (243.142 KB) | DOI: 10.32877/eb.v1i2.35


Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Pekanbaru dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kebijakan yang harus dilakukan perusahaan dalam meningkatkan pemasaran sepeda motor merek Honda tipe matic khususnya beat pada PT. HOHO Pekanbaru. Dan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat sebagai bahan informasi bagi pembaca dan bahan acuan bagi pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan dengan masalah strategi pemasaran, serta sebagai pengembangan masa depan perusahaan distributor sepeda motor merek Honda. Metode analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa deskriptif, yaitu suatu metode penelitian yang berusaha menggambarkan atau menganalisis suatu gejala, peristiwa yang terjadi pada masalah aktual atau pencarian fakta dengan interpretasi yang tepat sebagaimana adanya, tetapi tidak digunakan untuk membuat kesimpulan yang lebih luas. Dalam metode deskriptif ini hanyalah memaparkan situasi atau peristiwa faktual mengenai fakta-fakta serta hubungan antar fenomena yang diselidiki. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa PT. HOHO Pekanbaru telah berhasil mendistribusikan produknya berupa sepeda motor merek Honda beat tipe matic dari segi kelengkapan fungsi (fitur), desain, pilihan warna, keunggulan, dan daya tahan sangat unggul dan lengkap, telah berhasil menetapkan harga sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen dalam persaingan dan biaya kemudian telah melakukan promosi produk dengan baik, seperti advertising, sales promotion, ataupun personal selling. PT. HOHO Pekanbaru juga dinilai sudah mampu bersaing secara sangat baik dari segi persaingan merek jika dibandingkan dengan merek sepeda motor lainnya.
The Impact of Political Marketing Mix on Repeated Voting Decision in Indonesian General Elections: A Case Study of FEB Universitas Riau Students Alvi Furwanti Alwie; Rendra Wasnury; Jushermi Jushermi; Nia Anggraini; Monica Agnes Br Harianja; Dedi Hidayat
Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Journal Eduvest - Journal of Universal Studies
Publisher : Green Publisher Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59188/eduvest.v3i4.797


Politics is the basic policy of the state administration that is currently and will apply, which is sourced from the values ​​that apply in society to achieve state goals. The purpose of government-run politics is to achieve the welfare of the general public. Elections are a form of political participation as an embodiment of people's sovereignty, because at the time of voting, the people become the most decisive party for the political process in an area by voting directly. This study aims to determine whether the influence of the Political Marketing Mix on the decision to choose repeat voters in General Elections in Indonesia (a case study on FEB students, Universitas Riau). This study applied quantitative research method. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression with the test equipment using Warp PLS 7.0. The number of samples to be taken as many as 145 respondents with purposive sampling method. The data was collected by distributing online questionnaires. Based on the results of the study, it was found that: 1) Political products have a significant effect on voting decisions. 2) Political Promotion has a significant effect on the Decision to Choose. 3) Political Price has a significant effect on the Decision to Choose. 4) Political distribution has a significant effect on voting decisions
Penyuluhan Strategi 7P dalam Rangka Peningkatan Omset Usaha Klinik Kecantikan di Pekanbaru Mutia Ulfah; Nia Anggraini; Marlinda Saputri; Nefrida Nefrida; Darnilawati Darnilawati
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Isei Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Isei
Publisher : ISEI Cabang Pekanbaru, Koordinator Provinsi Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46750/abdimasisei.v1i1.146


Service activities are based on the need for marketing mix formulation counseling to increase business turnover in new businesses. Referring to the conditions in the field, it is necessary to provide solutions in the form of training, counseling and discussions involving the clinical management and all of its employees to provide enlightenment, understanding, guidance and development of business potential. This training is expected to complement the knowledge and skills of the management and employees of beauty clinics in Pekanbaru in implementing various strategies that can be used to increase business turnover. The first session includes counseling on marketing mix theory (7P Marketing Mix). The second session includes counseling on Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning. The third session includes counseling about marketing strategies. The fourth session includes counseling on business management. With the completion of this service, participants can create a good marketing strategy to be able to increase the turnover of the beauty clinic business.
Menumbuhkan Jiwa Kewirausahaan Siswa SMP IT Madani Pekanbaru Nia Anggraini; Erfa Okta Lussianda; Liga Febrina; Awliya Afwa; Muhammad Adrian
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Isei Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Isei
Publisher : ISEI Cabang Pekanbaru, Koordinator Provinsi Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46750/abdimasisei.v1i1.152


SMP IT Madani Pekanbaru is one of the private junior high schools in Pekanbaru City. This school is a mentoring partner who has limited knowledge about entrepreneurship in developing students' potential to be able to choose products that are easy to market. The students are children whose parents' economic income levels are on average below the UMR income standard, so it is necessary to grow and motivate students to become entrepreneurs after participating in the learning process. Students need assistance in opening entrepreneurial insights and knowledge and choosing products to be marketed. The platforms used as mentoring materials are lectures, discussions, and service learning. Through this counseling the students have an entrepreneurial spirit so that their enthusiasm is high to become an entrepreneur. The service learning mentoring method can improve students' ability to market a product, they also know and can choose what kind of product to market, get it easily and sell it quickly so that it can help the family's economy.