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Pemanfaatan Bantaran Rel sebagai "Kebun Desa Mandiri di Padukuhan Banyumeneng Praditya, Faiz Angga; Dzakiya, Nurul; Afifa, Wardania Husna; Latifah, Rifa Nur; Nurady, Dimas
DHARMA BAKTI Dharma Bakti- Vol 4 No 2 - Oktober 2021
Publisher : LPPM IST AKPRIND Yogyakarta

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There is a rail line that leaves vacant land and former fish ponds that have not been taken care of so there are puddles of water, some land is only planted with banana trees and teak trees as well as being used as a dumping ground for garbage that has the potential to cause disease in Banyumeneng Padukuhan. In fact, during the Covid-19 pandemic, environmental hygiene has a very big influence. The low level of public awareness of the vacant land that is not being managed around the railroad tracks is also due to the lack of community organization activities due to the pandemic so that it is used as an Independent Village Garden by combining aquaponics and conventional gardening systems. The method is carried out through socialization, assistance in making installations and garden maintenance which is carried out by mutual cooperation between accompanying lecturers, PHP2D students and residents. As a result, several aquaponic installations are being and have been made by processing fish ponds into Independent Village Gardens, the results of which will be managed by residents led by each head of the RT.
Optimalisasi Produk Minuman Tradisional Seruputan PKK Putat Wetan dengan Program Kampung Mompreneur Nurul Dzakiya; Rahma Laila Fitria; Zhulfikar Esa A.M; Rievan Arba Tsanie; Elisabeth Amanda; Ryand Martin Sinaga; Muhammad Fikri Safriani; Marolop P Pangaribuan
Jurnal Abdimas PHB : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Progresif Humanis Brainstorming Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Abdimas PHB : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Progresif Humanis Brainstormin
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30591/japhb.v4i2.2191


PKK Putat Wetan Kelurahan Patuk Gunung Kidul memiliki produk hasil desa berupa minuman tradisional Seruputan, terbuat dari rempah-rempah yang merupakan hasil pertanian warga sendiri namun produk belum mampu terjual di luar desa karena beberapa kendala dan keterbatasan masyarakat  sehingga untuk mengoptimalkan produk tersebut dilakukan pemberdayaan melalui program Kampung Mompreneur. Program ini bertujuan agar mitra sasaran produktif dengan memahami pengetahuan tentang  kewirausahaan. Metode yang digunakan berupa sosialisasi, seminar dan pelatihan langsung sehingga produk tersebut dapat dipasarkan dengan memanfaatkan media sosial serta warga mampu mengikuti perkembangan jaman di era 4.0 dengan pemanfaatan internet. Harapannya mitra binaan mampu berwirausaha sehingga mandiri dan berdikari dalam keuangan dengan produk buatannya sendiri. 
Analysis Geological and Geophysical Data for Prediction Landslide Hazard Zone with Weight of Evidence Method in Pacitan District East Java Radhitya Adzan Hidayah; Nurul Dzakiya
Journal of Applied Geospatial Information Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Journal of Applied Geospatial Information (JAGI)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5.308 KB) | DOI: 10.30871/jagi.v2i1.830


Pacitan district have an interesting anomaly. Every time mostly impacted by disaster especially landslide. Landslides in their various forms are common hazard in mountainous terrain, especially in seismically active areas and regions of high rainfall. Landslides are one of the most common natural hazards in the Southern Range East Java terrain, causing widespread damage to property and infrastructure, besides the loss of human lives almost every year. The aim of this study predicted the potential landslide using Weight of Evidence Method. The geological data used lithological data, structural data, contour data and, alteration. Results from this data analysis are six evidence maps, such as NE-SW lineament, NW-SE lineament, host rock, heat source, kaolinite alteration and iron oxide alteration maps. The geophysical data analysis the distribution of rock density to interpretation the landslides. Evidence maps were analyzed by weight of evidence methods to result in favorable maps where the validity was tested using conditional independence (CI), the pairwise and overall tests. Then, the analyses produced a posterior probability map of the landslide. Posterior probability map (mineral potential maps) was validated by checking field. Posterior probability map (after validation) or favorable map predicted approximately favorable zone and non-favourable zones. Favorable zones of Potential Landslide Hazard Zonation, are divided into three classes. They are high-potensial hazard, moderate hazard and low hazard. Keywords: Pacitan, GIS, Weight of Evidence, Landslide
Study of Groundwater Types Using the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) Method in the ‘Martani Field’ Ngemplak District of Yogyakarta Nurul Dzakiya; Muhammad Faizal Zakaria; Dewa Gede Eka Setiawan; Robertus Belardo Laksmana
Journal of Applied Geospatial Information Vol 5 No 1 (2021): Journal of Applied Geospatial Information (JAGI)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jagi.v5i1.2703


Study of groundwater types using the Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) method in 'Martani Field’ Ngemplak District of Yogyakarta was done by carrying out eight measurement points to look for groundwater potential. This area is an area on the southern slopes of Mount Merapi which is included in the Yogyakarta Groundwater Basin. The type of lithology is identified based on the measurement of its resistivity value so that there are several types of lithology, namely Breccia (110-670 Ωm), Clay (1.99-10.12 Ωm), Sandstones (17.06-56.82 Ωm) and andesite lava (688-1657 Ωm). The bottom of the aquifer in this basin is composed of rock formations that are impermeable or semi impermeable which are non-aquifer, namely by Breccias, Clay and Andesite Lava. The existence of sandstones that act as aquifers is found near the surface at a depth of <25 m and at a depth of about 60-100 m below the surface so that it is divided into two categories, namely shallow groundwater and deep groundwater.
Alteration Characteristics and Precious Metal Availability in Gunung Gembes & Surroundings, Jeruk Village, Pacitan Regency, East Java Province Radhitya Adzan Hidayah; I Gusti Ngurah Adi Prasetiya; Nurul Adzan Dzakiya
Journal of Applied Geospatial Information Vol 6 No 1 (2022): Journal of Applied Geospatial Information (JAGI)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30871/jagi.v6i1.3713


The research area is located in the area of Mount Gembes, Jeruk Village in Pacitan (East Java). This study aims to determine the characteristic and temperature in the formation of alteration which refers to petrography with the help of samples taken in the study area. The petrographic observations carried out were thin section observations which were then analyzed for the mineral content contained in the sample rock. After knowing the minerals contained in the sample rock, it is then entered into the mineral formation temperature diagram (White & Hedenquist, 1995). The method used in this study includes primary data in the form of geological observations such as lithology, geological structure geomorphology, environmental geology and alteration observations and combined with secondary data. Alteration observations in this study were carried out descriptively (megascopic) and subjective (microscopic). The geomorphic unit that works is of volcanic origin, with high hilly sub-units of porphyry dacite intrusion (volcanic neck). Geological structures that develop in the study area are faults, namely the left horizontal fault of Jeruk 1, the left horizontal fault of Jeruk 2 and the interpretation of the oranges right horizontal fault. Geological resources or sources found in the research area are mineral potential resources that are economical, and negative sources are in the form of mass movement of debris flow type. The Zonation and the type of alteration that developed in the research area are the clay alteration zone and silicification. The clay zone is formed at a temperature >100⁰C-220⁰C with a pH of 3-5 and a silicification zone is formed at a temperature>100⁰C-300⁰C with a pH <2 which is directly controlled by the faults found in the study site.
Jambura Physics Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34312/jpj.v2i1.6769


Analisis sebaran lava bantal Watuadeg di Kecamatan Berbah DI Yogyakarta yang didukung data Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES )telah dilakukan.Keterdapatan lava bantal yang tersingkap di permukaan merupakan penanda bahwa dahulu daerah tersebut merupakan laut. Akibat proses geologi terutama tektonik mengakibatkan lava bantal tersebut terangkat kedaratan. Lava bantal yang belum tersingkap karena tertutup oleh soil (lapukan batuan) menjadi daya tarik tersendiri untuk dikaji. Persebaran lava bantal permukaan dominan mengalir dari sumbernya ke arah selatan dan menyebar ke tenggara serta dibatasi oleh Sungai Opak. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data VES, keberadan lava bantal di lokasi titik pengukuran berada di kedalaman 4 m dengan nilai resistivitas sebesar 1321,08 Ωm. Berdasarkan  dari data geologi dan nilai resistivitas batuan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyebaran lava bantal  dominan ke arah selatan dari pusat erupsinya dengan sayap sebaran ke arah tenggara dan barat daya serta sebarannya masih ada di bawah permukaan
Jambura Physics Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34312/jpj.v4i1.14016


Research on the estimation of groundwater potential and its depth has been carried out in Nglanggeran Kulon which is the Nglanggeran Ancient Volcano Tourism Village in Gunung Kidul. The large number of tourists who visit makes the need for groundwater in this location also increases but has not been matched by its availability. This area is also a district that almost every dry season experiences a water crisis. The purpose of this study was to find out the potential presence of groundwater and its depth. This is related to the efforts of local residents who want to build new wells. The method used is the geoelectric resistivity method with the Shlumberger configuration. This method exploits the electrical properties of the rock beneath the surface. The physical parameter measured is the resistivity value to create a subsurface geological model in the form of a 1D model. The length of the stretch carried out is 125 m at two measurement points. The results of this study indicate that 1st point has two layers of rock and no groundwater potential is found. 2nd point has four layers of rock. Groundwater potential is found in 2nd layer because it has a low resistivity value of 9.89 ꭥm at depths ranging from 5-9 meters with a thickness of about 4 meters. So that the location of the 2nd point is more recommended for making new wells.
Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi Otomotif Vol 3, No 1 (2020): (November)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpvo.v3i1.35456


Abstract - This study is to analyze the influence of entrepreneurial motivation factors in the era of 4.0 including family background, entrepreneurial education training, courage to take risks, and the desire to work independently of the students of the AKPRIND Yogyakarta Institute of Science Technology. This type of research is ex-post facto. The population of all students taking entrepreneurship courses in the odd semester of 2020/2021 is 61 students. Data collection using a questionnaire. The validity test used the item score correlation with the total score, the reliability used Cronbach alpha, the data analysis technique used descriptive analysis and SEM. Data processing using the help of a computer program Lisrel. The results of this study indicate that there is a direct influence of 1) family background (X1) on the entrepreneurial motivation variable (Y) of 0.33 and the value of t = 6.33. 2) entrepreneurship education and training (X2) on the entrepreneurial motivation variable (Y) of 5.28 and the value of t = 5.38. 3) courage to take risks (X3) on the entrepreneurial motivation variable (Y) of 0.24 and the value of t = 4.87. 4) the desire to work independently (X4) on the entrepreneurial motivation variable (Y) of 5.22. While the indirect effect of variable 1) family background (X1) on the courage to take risks (X3) is 0.26 and the value of t = 4.28. 2) entrepreneurship education and training (X2) on the risk-taking courage variable (X3) of 0.14 and the value of t = 2.27. 3) family background (X1) on the variable desire to work independently (X4) of 0.27 and the value of t = 4.07. 4) entrepreneurship education and training (X2) on the variable desire to work independently (X4) of 0.13 and the value of t = 1.72.
Analisis Potensi Longsor Menggunakan Metode Geolistrik Konfigurasi Dipole-dipole di Desa Kasihan Kecamatan Tegalombo Kabupaten Pacitan Jawa Timur Nurul Dzakiya; Radhitya Adzan Hidayah; Larikiansyah Larikiansyah
Jurnal Materi dan Pembelajaran Fisika Vol 8, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Materi dan Pembelajaran Fisika
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1011.545 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/jmpf.v8i2.28430


Kabupaten Pacitan merupakan wilayah dengan tingkat bahaya longsor paling tinggi di Provinsi Jawa Timur, salah satunya di Desa Kasihan Kecamatan Tegalombo. Secara umum daerah ini tersusun oleh batuan sedimen klastik, batuan vulkanik, dan batuan-batuan terobosan. Secara fisiografi daerah penelitian termasuk dalam Zona Pegunungan Selatan yaitu Zona Bagian Selatan Jawa Timur. Zona ini mempunyai topografi yang terjal. Bagian selatannya berupa dataran eolian yang tersusun oleh endapan aluvial, batugamping dan batuan vulkanik. Tingginya kejadian longsor pada wilayah tersebut dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, beberapa diantaranya yaitu tingkat pelapukan, jenis litologi, kondisi geologi dan faktor-faktor lainnya. Telah dilakukan pengukuran sebanyak dua lintasan dengan panjang 560 meter di daerah penelitian dengan target kedalaman sekitar 200 meter di bawah permukaan. Berdasarkan hasil interpretasi data, daerah tersebut memiliki nilai resistivitas rendah sekitar 20-50 Ωm yang diduga berupa batuan yang telah mengalami pelapukan tinggi dan atau mengandung air. Ketebalan lapukan ini sekitar 100 meter serta berada di sekitar atau bahkan di atas batuan dengan resistivitas tinggi 500-1200 Ωm. Batuan ini diduga berupa batuan vulkanik yang belum lapuk serta berperan sebagai bidang gelincir saat lapisan lapuk diatasnya terisi oleh air di musim hujan sehingga terjadi longsor.Kata kunci : longsor, dipole-dipole, tegalombo pacitan
Pelatihan Pemasaran Digital dan Pengembangan Web untuk Mendukung Penjualan Komoditas Porang pada Kelompok Tani Yin Porang di Wonogiri Eska Almuntaha; Argaditia Mawadati; Nidia Lestari; Yuli Purwanto; Suwanto Raharjo; Emy Setyaningsih; Suparni Setyowati Rahayu; Purnawan Purnawan; Nurul Dzakiya
Jurnal Sains Teknologi dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31599/jstpm.v3i1.920


Amorphophallus muelleri Bl. atau biasa dikenal dengan nama porang, jika diolah dengan baik dapat menghasilkan banyak manfaat. Secara ekonomi, komoditas porang memang sangat menjanjikan karena memiliki nilai ekonomi terutama untuk industri dan Kesehatan. Porang menjadi bahan baku industrri kosmetik dan bahan makanan rendah kalori favorit, terutama di Jepang dan Korea Selatan. Kelompok Tani Yin Porrang merupakan salah satu kelompok tani porang yang ada di Desa Padarangin, Kecamatan Slogohimo, Kabupaten Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah. Selain masalah produk akhir, pemasaran yang bersifat konvensional menjadi masalah utama untuk pengembangan usaha kelompok tani ini. IST AKPRIND melalui program Matching Fund tahun 2021 menawakan solusi untuk pengembangan prroduk sehingga menambah nilai jual porang. Pelatihan pemasaran digital dan pengembangan web sebagai salah satu sarana pemasaran digital juga dilakukan untuk meraih target pasar yang lebih luas dengan biaya yang lebih rendah dan cara yang lebih terukur.