Niken Probosari
Bagian Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Anak, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, Universitas Jember, Jember, Indonesia

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Profil lesi jaringan lunak rongga mulut anak stunting kategori pendek dan sangat pendekProfile of oral soft tissue lesions in stunted and severely stunted children Salsabila Hasbullah; Roedy Budirahardjo; Niken Probosari
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 33, No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v33i2.33134


Pendahuluan: Stunting adalah keadaan kekurangan gizi kronis yang dipresentasikan secara antropometri berdasarkan nilai Z-score tinggi badan kurang dari -2 standar deviasi (SD) WHO Child Growth Standards pada kelompok umur dan jenis kelamin yang sama. Salah satu faktor utama penyebab stunting adalah defisiensi mikronutrien kronis pada 1000 hari pertama kehidupan secara spesifik pada vitamin B2, vitamin B6, zinc, dan zat besi Di sisi lain, defisiensi tersebut pun dapat menyebabkan berbagai lesi pada rongga mulut. Anak stunting memiliki risiko lebih tinggi pada lesi, penyakit bahkan kematian terutama pada anak stunting kategori sangat pendek.  Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui profil lesi jaringan lunak rongga mulut pada anak stunting kategori pendek dan sangat pendek. Metode: Jenis penelitian observasional deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder berupa data rekap bulanan status gizi berdasarkan Z-score oleh Puskesmas Jelbuk dan data primer berupa hasil pemeriksaan rongga mulut pada anak stunting. Hasil: Lesi jaringan lunak rongga mulut pada anak stunting kategori pendek adalah; Glositis (41,9%), Angular cheilitis (16,1%), Ulser (9,6%), Recurrent Apthous Stomatitis (6,4%), Oral Candidiasis (3,3%). Anak stunting kategori sangat pendek: Glositis (53,5%), Angular cheilitis (17,8%), Ulser (3,5%), Recurrent Apthous Stomatitis  (7,1%), Oral Candidiasis (3,5%). Simpulan: Lesi jaringan lunak rongga mulut dengan prevalensi terbesar pada kedua kelompok kategori stunting adalah Athropic glossitis. Hal ini perlu mendapat perhatian khusus oleh praktisi kesehatan maupun pemerintah setempat karena kesehatan rongga mulut secara utuh akan memengaruhi asupan nutrisi bagi anak dan sebaliknya.Kata kunci: stunting; jaringan lunak rongga mulut; anak; lesiABSTRACTIntroduction: Stunting is a condition of chronic malnutrition presented anthropometrically based on the Z-score of height less than -2 standard deviations (SD) of the WHO Child Growth Standards in the same age and sex group. One of the main factors of stunting is chronic micronutrient deficiency in the first 1000 days of life, specifically of vitamin B2, vitamin B6, zinc, and iron. On the other hand, these deficiencies can also cause various lesions in the oral cavity. Stunting children have a higher lesion risk, disease, and even death, especially in severely stunted children. This study was aimed to examine the profile of oral soft tissue lesions in stunted and severely stunted children. Methods: The type of research used was descriptive observational research with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. This study uses secondary data in the form of monthly recap data on the nutritional status based on Z-score by Jelbuk Health Center and primary data in oral cavity examination results in stunted children. Results: Oral soft tissue lesions in stunted children were glossitis (41.9%), angular cheilitis (16.1%), ulcer (9.6%), recurrent aphthous stomatitis (6.4%), and oral candidiasis (3.3%). Severely stunted children: Glossitis (53.5%), angular cheilitis (17.8%), ulcer (3.5%), recurrent aphthous stomatitis (7.1%), oral candidiasis (3.5%). Conclusions: The oral soft tissue lesion with the highest prevalence in both groups of stunting children was atrophic glossitis. This condition needs special attention from health practitioners and local governments because oral health will affect nutritional intake for children and vice versa.Keywords: stunting, oral soft tissue; children; lesion
Pengaruh edukasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut berbasis buku Braille terhadap tingkat kebersihan gigi dan mulut penyandang tunanetra di SLB-A TPA dan SLB Negeri JemberThe effect of oral health education in the form of Braille book towards the oral hygiene status of visually impaired student attending Special School-A TPA and Public Special School of Jember Adilia Putri Istadi; Niken Probosari; Sulistiyani Sulistiyani
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 32, No 2 (2020): Agustus 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v32i2.27117


Pendahuluan: Tunanetra merupakan istilah yang digunakan untuk kondisi seseorang yang mengalami gangguan dalam indera penglihatannya. Keterbatasan fisik yang dialami oleh tunanetra menyebabkan pengetahuan tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut sulit didapatkan dan cenderung memiliki tingkat kebersihan gigi dan mulut yang rendah. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pendekatan khusus agar pengetahuan dan kebersihan gigi dan mulut dapat meningkat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh edukasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut berbasis Braille terhadap tingkat kebersihan gigi dan mulut penyandang tunanetra. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini merupakan pre-eksperimental dengan desain penelitian one-group pretest-posttest design. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 18 siswa penyandang tunanetra SLB-A TPA dan SLB Negeri Jember yang diberikan edukasi berupa buku panduan kesehatan gigi dan mulut berbasis buku Braille. Subjek diminta untuk menjaga kebersihan gigi dan mulut salah satunya dengan menyikat gigi dua kali sehari selama 21 hari. Pengukuran tingkat kebersihan gigi dan mulut dilakukan menggunakan indeks OHI-S Green dan Vermillion. Pengukuran dilakukan pada hari ke-1 (evaluasi 1) sebelum diberi perlakuan dan pelatihan sikat gigi, hari ke-10 (evaluasi 2), dan hari ke-21 (evaluasi 3). Data dianalisis dengan uji komparatif parametrik paired sample t-test. Hasil: Distribusi data adalah normal dengan p-value (p>0,05) sebesar 0,200 (evaluasi 1), 0,126 (evaluasi 2), dan 0,118 (evaluasi 3). Edukasi yang diberikan selama 10 hari tidak menurunkan indeks OHI-S dengan p-value 0,317 (p>0,05). Edukasi selama 21 hari dapat menurunkan indeks OHI-S dengan p-value sebesar 0,000 (p<0,05). Simpulan: Pemberian edukasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut berbasis buku Braille pada penyandang tunanetra di SLB-A-TPA dan SLB Negeri   Jember berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kebersihan gigi dan mulut.Kata kunci: Tunanetra, edukasi, Braille, kebersihan gigi dan mulut, OHI-S. ABSTRACTIntroduction: Visual impairment is a term used for the condition of a person who has a disturbance in the sense of sight. Physical limitations experienced by visually impaired individual make the knowledge regarding oral health difficult to obtain and tends to have a low level of oral hygiene. Therefore, a personal approach is needed so that the oral health knowledge and oral hygiene can be improved. This study was conducted to analyse the effect of Braille-based oral health education on the level of the visually impaired students’ oral hygiene. Methods: This research was pre-experimental research with a one-group pretest-posttest design. Research subjects were 18 students with a visual impairment from Special School-A TPA and Public Special School of Jember who were given education in the form of oral health manuals in the form of Braille books. Subjects were asked to maintain their oral hygiene by brushing their teeth twice a day for 21 days. Measurement of the oral hygiene level was carried out using the Green and Vermillion OHI-S index. Measurements were made on day 1 (evaluation 1) before being treated and trained in toothbrushes; day 10 (evaluation 2); and day 21 (evaluation 3). The data were analysed by the paired sample t-test parametric comparative analysis. Results: Data distribution was normal with p-value > 0.05 of (p = 0.200) (evaluation 1), 0.126 (evaluation 2), and 0.118 (evaluation 3). The counselling was conducted for ten days and had not reduced the OHI-S index, with a p-value of 0.317 (p > 0.05). Counselling then continued for 21 days and was able to reduce the OHI-S index with a p-value of 0.000 (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Providing Braille books-based oral health education to visually impaired students in Special School-A TPA and Public Special School of Jember improving their oral hygiene.Keywords: Visual impairment, education, Braille, oral hygiene, OHI-S.
Analisis Kebocoran Tepi pada Glass Ionomer Kaca dengan Penambahan Bioactive Glass Berbasis Silica dari Ampas Tebu Catur Putri Kinasih; Didin Erma Indahyani; Izzata Barid; Niken Probosari
STOMATOGNATIC - Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 15 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/stoma.v15i2.17931


The use of Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) has some limitation, such as water sensitivity which leads to formation of microleakage due to shrinkage and brittle. Incorporation of 0.04 wt% bioactive glass nano silica (BAG) with GIC enhances its bioactivity to forming hydroxycarbonate apatite (HCA) leading to preventing of marginal gap formation. The objective this study was To determine the difference of microleakage means value between GIC and GIC which has been added by BAG from bagasse. In this study making BAG from bagasse, than choose the samples (24 bovine) randomly and grouping them to be 4 groups, which are group 1, GIC; group 2, GIC+Vaseline, group 3, GIC+BAG; group 4 GIC+BAG+Vaseline. All of the samples are supposed to be preparation, placed of the restoration, and stored in the aquadest then methylen blue 1% in sequence at 37oC until 24 h. The microleakage means value is decided by scoring system depend on the penetration of methylen blue 1% at occlusal wall and gingival wall. The microleakage means value on GIC+BAG is smaller than GIC, but their differences were not significant.
STOMATOGNATIC - Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 7 No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember

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Flow of saliva constitute certain natural process which be able cleansing food residue from teeth surface and for the same time to protect mouth tissue from bacteria influence. One of fruits contains much nutrition is strawberry. Strawberry fruit is contain of xylitol have characteristic to obstruct growth of bacteria in oral cavity.This research as a purpose for find out influence consumption strawberry juice toward amount growth colony of saliva bacteria in the oral cavity. Research of subject have 16people from the population which take with purposive sampling method. Result of data research on test with Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Levene test to find out which data distribution normal and homogeneous, Furthermore with parametric test analisis varians one way with level of trust 95%(α=0,005). Furhermore with Tukey-HSD test. Result from this research with consumption beverage of strawberry juice can reduse amount colony of saliva bacteria and can obstruct growth colonybacteria in the oral cavity.
STOMATOGNATIC - Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 9 No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember

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Flow of saliva constitutes certain natural process which can be able cleansing food residue from teeth surface and for the same time to protect mouth tissue from bacteria influence. One of fruits contains much nutrition is strawberry. Strawberry fruit is contain of xylitol have characteristic to obstruct growth of bacteria in oral cavity. The aim of this study is to know the influence consumption strawberry juice toward amount growth colony of saliva bacteria in the oral cavity. Subjects of research have 16 people from the population which take with purposive sampling method. Result of data research on test with Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Levene test to find out which data distribution normal and homogeneous, Furthermore with parametric test analysis variants one way with level of trust 95%(α=0,005). Furthermore with Tukey-HSD test. Result from this research with consumption beverage of strawberry juice can reduce amount colony of saliva bacteria and can obstruct growth colony bacteria in the oral cavity.
Gambaran Kesehatan Gigi Mulut dan Jumlah Streptococcus Sp pada Anak Sindroma Down di Kecamatan Patrang dan Sumbersari Jember Fairuz Subiantoro; Berlian Prihatiningrum; Niken Probosari
STOMATOGNATIC - Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 19 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/stoma.v19i1.30696


Down syndrome is a disorder that causes distinctive physical and mental disorders, causing a slower learning process than normal people. One of the consequences of these physical and mental limitations is the magnitude of dental and oral health problems. To check the state of oral hygiene, DMF-T and OHI-S examinations can be done. In addition, the presence of caries causes, such as Streptococcus sp can be a state of oral hygiene. This study aimed to examine the description of dental and oral health and the effect of the number of Streptococcus sp bacteria in saliva on the incidence of caries in children with Down syndrome at SLB Negeri Patrang, SLB C Taman Pendidikan and Asuhan (TPA) Sumbersari and SLB C Bintoro Regency. Jember. This study was a descriptive study with cross sectional design. This study was held at SLB Negeri Patrang, SLB C Bintoro, and SLB C TPA Sumbersari. This study showed there were differences to the caries incidence and dental hygiene of Down syndrome’s children at SLB Negeri Patrang, SLB C Bintoro, SLB C TPA Sumbersari. Besided it, there were significant differences between the DMF-T index and the colonies of Streptococcus sp, while there was no significant difference of oral hygiene down syndrome children in SLB Negeri Patrang, SLB C Bintoro, SLB C TPA Sumbersari. Briefly, this study showed that the number of Streptococcus sp colonies not frequently correlated to caries incidence and oral hygiene.
Perbedaan Indeks Plak setelah Pengolesan Ekstrak Daging Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus costaricensis) dan Larutan Pengungkap Hillary Inggrid Prananta; Purwanto Purwanto; Elyda Akhya Afida Misrohmasari; Niken Probosari; Surartono Dwiatmoko
STOMATOGNATIC - Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 16 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/stoma.v16i1.19957


Red dragon fruit flesh extract contains of anthocyanin as red pigmen that potentially to be a natural dye. Athocyanin contains of polysaccharide that can binding with polysaccharide of dental plaque called hydrogen bonds, so dental plaque has been colored and potentially as alternative of disclosing solution. The purpose of this study was to find out the difference of plaque index after smeared by red dragon fruit flesh extract 75% and disclosing solution. The method of this study is a clinical experimental study with a static-group comparison design. 20 subjects were examined the plaque index after smeared with red dragon fruit flesh extract 75%) and disclosing solution). There was no significant difference between groups. Conclusions: Red dragon fruit flesh extract 75% had similar capability with disclosing solution to examine dental plaque.
Pengaruh Mengonsumsi Buah Nanas (Ananas comosus l .merr) dan Buah Pir (Pyrus bretschneideri) terhadap Jumlah Koloni Streptococcus sp. dalam Saliva Anak Usia 10 – 12 Tahun Sendi Marsela; Niken Probosari; Dyah Setyorini
STOMATOGNATIC - Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 12 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember

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Pineapple (Ananas comosus L.merr) and pear (Pyrus bretschneideri) is a fruit that we often encounter in every season and is usually fresh fruit preference. Pineapple contains chlorine, iodine and phenol, while pear contains catechins that are both bactericidal against bacteria that cause caries. This study aimed to determine the effect of eating pineapple and pears, as well as the difference between eating pineapple and pear against colony of Streptococcus sp. in saliva children aged 10-12 years. The results showed the effect of consuming pineapple and pear on the number of colonies of Streptococcus sp. in saliva children aged 10-12 years, and there are significant differences between before and after eating pineapple and pear.
STOMATOGNATIC - Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Vol 8 No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Jember

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In dental care, tooth extraction without injection (topical anesthetic), extraction with injection (anesthetic injection), and drilling are condition triggering anxiety of patients. Difficulty in dental treatment for children can be overcome by understanding psychological aspect of children in a certain age. Some principles in handling children are good psychological approach, effective management technique of patient, empathy, and supporting circumstances. Thus, it is advisable to consider some techniques which are successfully-proved in psychology and may be applied in dental care such as attitude development, Tell-Show-Do, desensitization, reinforcement, modeling and sedation.
The effect of carbonated beverage to the discoloration of polished and unpolished nanohybrid composite resin Hany Maghfiroh; Raditya Nugroho; Niken Probosari
Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016): (Available online: 1 April 2016)
Publisher : DiscoverSys Inc.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15562/jdmfs.v1i1.18


Nanohybrid resin composite is one of the restorative dental materials that has goodaesthetic value and smooth surface. However, resin composite can be discolored due toconsuming foods and beverages, one of which is a carbonated beverage. To determine the difference of discoloration of polished and unpolished nanohybrid resin compositeafter the immersion in carbonated beverage. An experimental laboratories research withthe post test only control group design. In the group of polished composite, polishing wasdone on one side only, while the unpolished composit group, any treatment wasn't done.The total were 32 samples, divided into 4 groups which were immersed in carbonatedbeverages and artificial saliva for 7 days. The shredded material was replaced every 24hours. The instrument used for testing the discoloration was a spectrophotometer. Datawas analyzed by parametric statistical test One-way ANOVA and LSD (Least SignificantDifferent). There were significant differences between the unpolished composite resin thatsoaked in carbonated beverages and the other groups (p <0.05). Unpolished resincomposite are prone to discolorate compared to the polished resin composite