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Perbedaan Obat Berdasarkan Nama Generik dan Nama Dagang pada Masyarakat Desa Genteng Kulon Anung Kustriyani; Dita Amanda Deviani; Stephanie Devi Artemisia; Azmi Prasasti; Titis Sriyanti; Nina Wijiani; Riyan Dwi Prasetyawan; Abi Mas Udianto; Sari Prayudeni; Ima Fitria Lestari; Nur Hidayati
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (JUDIMAS) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat STIKes Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54832/judimas.v2i2.280


Drugs are substances, guide substances, and biological products that are used to influence or investigate physiological systems or pathological states. Medicines can have generic names and trade names. People think that drugs with generic names produce lower therapeutic effects than trade names, as is the case in the Genteng Kulon community. The aim of this community service activity is to provide information regarding the differences between medicines based on generic names and trade names to the Genteng Kulon Village community. The method used was counseling and giving leaflets. Apart from that, people also do pre-test and post-test questions. This community service activity was attended by 50 representatives of posyandu figures in Genteng Kulon Village. The result of community service activities is that representatives of posyandu figures receive information regarding the differences in medicines based on generic names and trade names. People can use drugs with generic names without worrying about efficacy, especially for people who receive drug services from BPJS. There is an increase in the post test score compared to the pre test.
ANALISIS MINAT INVESTOR BURSA EFEK INDONESIA SECARA KONVENSIONAL DAN SYARIAH Khozinatul Jannah; Fadali Rahman; Lutfidah; Nukma wilfiya; Nur Hidayati; Nisrin
ICO EDUSHA Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): The Fourth ICO EDUSHA 2023

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In the Indonesian capital market, the Indonesian Stock Exchange provides facilities so that investors can invest in national companies in the form of shares. Shares of companies listed on the Stock Exchange are generally weighed and monitored in an index, namely the Composite Stock Price Index (IHSG). The IHSG has not grouped shares in more detail, and has not included certain principles so that it is called conventional. As a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, investment based on Islamic principles is developing very rapidly in Indonesia. For investors who adhere to strong sharia principles, it is more suitable to invest their capital in sharia investment instruments, including shares. In this IHSG, there are also shares that meet sharia criteria. Let's look at the differences between sharia and conventional. Keywords: Investment, Sharia, Conventional. Abstrak: Dalam pasar modal Indonesia, Bursa Efek Indonesia menyediakan fasilitas agar para investor dapat menanam modal di perusahaan-perusahaan nasional dalam bentuk saham. Saham-saham perusahaan yang tercatat di Bursa secara umum ditimbang dan dipantau dalam sebuah indeks, yaitu Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG). IHSG ini belum mengelompokkan saham-saham secara lebih rinci, dan belum memasukkan prinsip-prinsip tertentu sehingga disebut konvensional.Sebagai negara dengan jumlah penduduk muslim terbanyak di dunia, investasi yang berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip Islami berkembang dengan sangat pesat di Indonesia. Untuk investor yang berpegang pada prinsip syariah yang kuat maka lebih cocok menanamkan modalnya pada instrumen-instrumen investasi syariah, termasuk saham. Dalam IHSG ini, terdapat juga saham-saham yang memenuhi kriteria syariah. Mari kita simak perbedaan antara yang syariah dan konvensional References Abdul Aziz, M. Ag., Manajemen Investasi Syariah, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2010), 63. Abidin, Y., Mulyati, T., & Yunansah, H. (2021). Pembelajaran literasi: Strategi meningkatkan kemampuan literasi matematika, sains, membaca, dan menulis. Bumi Aksara. Agustina, L. (2017). Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Rokok Yang Terdaftar Di BEI Tahun 2013-2015 (Doctoral dissertation, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta). Diakses pada tanggal 13 Februari 2016. Indah Yuliana, Investasi Produk Keuangan Syariah, (Malang: UIN-MALIKI PRESS, 2010)., 46. Jogiyanto. Teori Portofolio dan Analisis Investasi. (Yogyakarta: BPFE, 2010), 57. Rukmini, D., & Pradana, M. N. R. (2019). Analisis Perbandingan Tingkat Pengembalian dan Risiko antara Indeks Saham Syariah dan Indeks Saham Konvensional di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Jurnal Manajemen dan Keuangan, 8(3), 300–312. Sabrina, D. T., Hanafi, M. M., Nor Azwady, A. A., & Mahmud, T. M. M. (2009). Earthworm populations and cast properties in the soils of oil palm plantations. Malaysian Journal of Soil Science, 13, 29-42. Septyanto, D. (2013). Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Investor Individu dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi Sekuritas di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Jurnal Ekonomi, 4(2), 90–101. Tandelilin, E. (2001). Beta pada pasar bullish dan bearish: studi empiris di Bursa Efek Jakarta. Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB), 16(3). Tinneke, R. (2007). Analisis Pengaruh Economic Value Added (Eva) Dan Faktor-Faktor Fundamental Perusahaan Lainnya Terhadap Return Saham (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri Manufaktur di Bursa Efek Jakarta) Tesis (Doctoral dissertation, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Diponegoro). Tjiptono Darmadji dan Hendy M. Fakhruddin, Pasar Modal Indonesia , (Jakarta: Salemba Empat, 2001),1 . Wulan, D. R., & Sulasmiyati, S. (2017). Aktivitas Perdagangan Saham Sebelum dan Sesudah Pengumuman Stock Buyback (Studi pada Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) yang Melakukan Stock Buyback Periode 2015-2016) (Doctoral dissertation, Brawijaya University). Yuliana, Indah, Investasi Produk Keuangan Syariah, (Malang: UIN-MALIKI PRESS, 2010), 46. Zulia Hanum, S. E. (2009). Pengaruh return on asset (roe), return on equity (roe), dan earning per share (eps) terhadap harga saham pada perusahaan otomotif yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2008-2011. Kumpulan Jurnal Dosen Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, 8(2).
Digital Marketing Sebagai Strategi Pemasaran UMKM Di Desa Kemiri Kidul Dwi Jatmoko; Basuki Basuki; Joko Purwanto; Nur Hidayati; Ari Fajar Isbakhi; Aci Primartadi
SAFARI :Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023): Oktober: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56910/safari.v3i4.921


The rapid development of digital world technology and the internet of course also has an impact on the world of marketing. Especially digital marketing because it allows potential customers to obtain all kinds of information about products and make transactions via the internet.Community Service Partners in this activity are Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) which are engaged in the business of producing and buying and selling various kinds of batik cloth and food. Kemiri Kidul Village UMKM, which is almost 10 years old. In terms of marketing activities, it is still very minimal and conventional. For this reason, MSMEs need to be given socialization about the importance of using digital marketing so that their marketing system becomes better. The aim of this activity is to provide outreach and assistance to MSMEs in Kemiri Kidul Village regarding the implementation of Digital Marketing as a strategy in marketing products.
Pengaruh Pelatihan Kerja dan Penempatan Karyawan terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan pada PT. Golden Utama Sejahtera Kabupaten Kediri Umi Aulia Hardiana; Ahmad Jauhari; Nur Hidayati
Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Manajemen Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): November : Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59581/jrim-widyakarya.v1i4.1395


This research aims to examine the effect of job training and employee placement on work productivity. The analysis techniques used are validity test, reliability test, normality test, linearity test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis t test and F test, and coefficient of determination test (R2) using the SPSS version 25 program. Results This research shows that the job training variable has a partial effect on work productivity. It is known from the results of the job training t test that the sig. = 0.003 > 0.05 and the employee placement variable has a partial effect on work productivity, this is known from the results of the recruitment t test with a sig value. = 0.005 > 0.05. Meanwhile, the results of research on job training and employee placement have a simultaneous effect on work productivity, this is known from the F test, the sig value. = 0.000 < 0.05
Pengaruh Intensitas Aset Biologis, Ukuran Perusahaan, Dan Kualitas Audit Terhadap Pengungkapan Aset Biologis Anita Eka Pratiwi; Nur Hidayati; Irma Retno Dewi; Tri Ratnawati
Jurnal Kendali Akuntansi Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April : Jurnal Kendali Akuntansi
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59581/jka-widyakarya.v1i2.616


The finance position describes the company’s position so that it can assist in analyzing the company’s performance. Biological asset accounting policies must be presented so that interested parties can understand the performance of biological assets. This study aims to determine the effect of biological asset intensity, company size, and audit quality on the disclosure of biological assets. The result of this study indicate that the variables of biological asset intensity and company size have a significant positive effect on the disclosure of biological assets while audit quality has no effect on the disclosure of biological assets.
Pengaruh Lokasi, Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Kepercayaan Pelanggan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Dalam Jasa Pengiriman Anteraja Mevi Permata Sari; Nur Hidayati; Nurali Agus Najibul Zamzam
Masip: Jurnal Manajemen Administrasi Bisnis dan Publik Terapan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): September : MASIP
Publisher : Politeknik Kampar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59061/masip.v1i3.302


The problem that is the focus of this study is the problem of location variables (X1), service quality (X2) and customer trust (X3) to the dependent variable, namely customer satisfaction (Y). The customer population of PT Tri Adi Bersama (ANTERAJA) is 7300 people. This research uses quantitative methods. Sampling technique with purposive sampling approach. The data analysis technique used in this research is validity and reliability test, classic assumption test, multiple linear regression test, coefficient of determination, t test and F test. From the results of this study that the location variable (X1) has a partially significant effect on customer satisfaction (Y), this can be seen from the significant t value of 0.005 <0.05. service quality (X2) has a partially significant effect on customer satisfaction (Y), this can be seen from the significant t value of 0.005 <0.05. customer trust (X3) has a partially significant effect on customer satisfaction (Y), this can be seen from the significant t value of 0.029 <0.05. Simultaneously location (X1), service quality (X2) and customer trust (X3) have a significant influence on customer satisfaction (Y), this can be seen from the significant F value of 0.000 <0.05.
Pengaruh Burnout, Work Life Balance Dan Lingkungan Kerja Non Fisik Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan Reni Dwi Andrianti; Udik Jatmiko; Nur Hidayati
Jurnal Mahasiswa Kreatif Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023): November : Jurnal Mahasiswa Kreatif
Publisher : Lembaga Pengembangan Kinerja Dosen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59581/jmk-widyakarya.v1i6.1511


This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of burnout, work life balance, and non-physical work environment on employee job satisfaction at PT Idea Global Indo. This research uses quantitative methods with non-probability sampling techniques with purposive sampling methods. The number of polulations was 40 employees and a sample of 32 staff. The analysis technique used is the research instrument test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and the coefficient of determination (R2 ) which is processed using the SPSS software program version 25.0. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that partially burnout does not have a significant effect on employee job satisfaction obtained Sig. 0.425> 0.05 with a tcount value < ttabel , namely -0.809 < 2.048. The work life balance variable partially has a significant effect on employee job satisfaction obtained Sig value. 0.032 ttabel value, namely 2.255> 2.048. Non-physical work environment variables partially have a significant effect on employee job satisfaction obtained Sig value. 0.001 ttabel value, namely 3.731> 2.293. Burnout, work life balance, and non-physical work environment variables simultaneously have a significant effect on employee job satisfaction obtained Sig value 0.001 < 0.05 with the value of Fcount > Ftabel which is 7,671 > 2.95.
The influence of competence and intellectual capital on the performance of SMEs (Case study on culinary SMEs in Arcamanik District) Nur Hidayati; Ermi Triaji
Jurnal Dialektika: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Vol. 22 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Dialektika: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial
Publisher : Pengurus Pusat Perkumpulan Ilmuwan Administrasi Negara Indonesia (PIANI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54783/dialektika.v22i2.310


This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of Competence and Intellectual Capital on the Performance of MSMEs in Culinary Sector MSME Actors in Arcamanik District where Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are one of the forces for empowering and developing community economic development, which has a significant role to create economic growth and jobs. This study uses descriptive and verification methods with a quantitative approach using census study techniques (census study). The population in this study were 133 UMKM actors in the Culinary Field in Arcamanik District. The analysis used path analysis (Path Analysis) is used to determine how much influence the variable has, either directly or indirectly, on other variables. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Competence has a significant positive effect on MSME performance. (2) Intellectual Capital has a significant positive effect on MSME Performance (3) The total influence of the Competency and Intellectual Capital variables on MSME Performance is indicated by the magnitude of the coefficient of determination r2 = 0.727 or 72.7% while the influence of external variables or errors is 27.3 % Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that the model formed is included in the very strong category, so that in this study the Competency and Intellectual Capital variables have a positive and significant effect and have a very close and difficult link to the Performance of MSMEs in the Culinary Field of Arcamanik District
Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja Dan Stres Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai UPTD Puskesmas Sambi Kab. Kediri Erika Priya Ningtias; Ahmad Jauhari; Nur Hidayati
Lokawati : Jurnal Penelitian Manajemen dan Inovasi Riset Vol. 1 No. 5 (2023): September : Jurnal Penelitian Manajemen dan Inovasi Riset
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Manajemen Kewirausahaan dan Bisnis Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/lokawati.v1i5.304


This research is motivated that in institutions engaged in the health sector, in this organization human resources are very important in achieving the goals and success of the agency. This study aims to determine the influence of work discipline and work stress on employee performance. This study used quantitative methods. The sampling technique uses Nonprobability Sampling with a saturated sampling method of 47 employees. Testing in this study using SPSS software program version 25.0. The analysis techniques used are validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, t test, F test and determination coefficient test. The results of this study show that partially the variable of work discipline has a positive and significant effect on employee performance with a calculated tvalue of 3.059>ttable 2.01537 with a signification value of 0.004<0.05 and partially the variable of work stress has a positive and significant effect with a calculated tvalue of 2.468>ttable 2.01537 with a signification value of 0.018<0.05, simultaneously the variables of work discipline and work stress have a positive and significant effect on employee performance with a calculated Fvalue of 8.265>Ftable 3.21 with a signification value of 0.001<0.05.
Pengaruh Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Motivasi Kerja Sebagai Variabel Moderasi Pada PT Sukses Mitra Sejahtera Kabupaten Kediri Mohammad Khofi Anazail; Ahmad Jauhari; Nur Hidayati
EBISMAN : eBisnis Manajemen Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): December : EBISMAN : eBisnis Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Nipa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59603/ebisman.v1i4.227


The purpose of this research is to determine the use of work motivation as a moderating variable in the influence of compensation on employee performance at PT Sukses Mitra Sejahtera located in Kediri Regency. This research uses quantitative methodology and the research sample consists of 87 employees. Data analysis was carried out using Smart PLS software. The research results show that there is a significant influence between compensation on employee performance at PT Sukses Mitra Sejahtera as evidenced by the T-statistic value of 2.430 > 1.96 and the P-value of 0.015 < 0.05. Work motivation does not significantly moderate the interaction between compensation variables and employee performance, shown by T-statistic 1.779 < 1.96 and P-value 0.075 > 0.05.