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Exploration and Morphological Character Identification of Local Durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) from Tidore Island, North Maluku Sundari, Sundari; Arumingtyas, Estri Laras; Hakim, Luchman; Azrianingsih, Rodiyati
Proceeding International Conference on Global Resource Conservation Vol 6, No 1: Proceeding of 6th ICGRC 2015
Publisher : Proceeding International Conference on Global Resource Conservation

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Local durian is the name for Durio zibethinus Murr. found in the Tidore Island, North Maluku. There are many local names for local durian in Tidore Island that have many different morphological variation. The objective of this study was to inventarize and analyze the morphological charactervariations of 19 local durian names collected from 9 villages: Gurabunga, Gubukusuma, Afa-afa, Fobaharu, Foralaha, Jaya, Bobo, Dokiri and Rum in the Tidore Island, North Maluku. This research was conducted in March-June 2015 using descriptive exploratory method with purposive sampling. Local durians found in Tidore Island have variations local names and variation of morphological characters include: habitus, leaf shape, fruit shape, flesh color and texture, seedshape, and the shape ofthe aril thorn. Keywords: inventarization; local durian; morphological characters; Tidore Islands
Kualitas Vegetasi dan Potensi Pekarangan sebagai Atraksi Ekowisata di Sepanjang Koridor Menuju Wana Wisata Rawa Bayu Anggraeni, Wahyu Ririn; Sari, Widya Artika; Natalia, Yessica Kristi; Septiani, Yuni; Azrianingsih, Rodiyati
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 4, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology

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Pekarangan merupakan suatu tipe hutan desa yang bersih dan terpelihara dengan baik dan terdapat di sekitar rumahdan ditanami berbagai jenis tanaman mulai dari buah-buahan hingga sayur-sayuran. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untukmengetahui struktur komunitas tanaman,menentukan kualitas vegetasi berdasarkan diversitas tanaman, menggambarkan peta persebaran pekarangandi sepanjang koridor menuju Rawa Bayu, dan mendeskripsikan persepsi warga Rawa Bayu terhadap pekarangan.Metode yang dilakukan yaitu analisis struktur komunitas tanaman pekarangan, menentukan kualitas vegetasi berdasarkan diversitas tanaman pekarangan, pemetaan persebaranpekarangan menggunakan data koordinatyangdiproses menjadi data digital dan diolah menggunakansoftware QGIS. Pemilihan 20 respondenwawancara menggunakan teknik purposive sampling,wawancara ini dilakukan pada warga Rawa Bayu dan wisatawan untuk mengetahui persepsi mereka terkait pekarangan. Berdasarkan hasil analisisdiketahui bahwastruktur komunitastanaman pekarangandi sepanjang koridor menuju Rawa Bayu terdiri dari 130 spesies tanaman yang terdiri dari pohon, perdu, semak, dan herba dengan lima spesies dominan. Kualitas vegetasi pekarangandi sepanjang koridor menuju Rawa Bayu tergolong rendah karena jumlah karakter kurang rindang (KR) mendominasi. Berdasarkan hasil peta persebaran spasial diketahui bahwa empat karakter pekarangan di sepanjang koridor menuju Rawa Bayu tersebar merata, sehingga diketahui pengelolaan pekarangan di Desa Bayu masih kurang. Nilai daya tarik wisata yang tinggi terhadap pekarangan rumah menunjukkan bahwa aspekpekarangan memiliki potensi wisata di Rawa Bayu yang perlu dikembangkan dan pengetahuan warga yang tinggi terhadap fungsi tanaman menunjukkan bahwa hubungan manusia dan lingkungan di daerah tersebut baik.
Model Arsitektur Percabangan Beberapa Pohon di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo Ekowati, Gustini; Indriyani, Serafinah; Azrianingsih, Rodiyati
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology Vol 5, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (508.188 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.biotropika.2017.005.01.5


The Alas Purwo National Park (APNP) has been designated as a world reserved biosphere by UNESCO. Reserved biosphere is an area consisting of the original ecosystem, unique ecosystems, or ecosystems that have degraded their entire natural elements; therefore, this biosphere is protected and preserved for research and education. To support the protection and preservation efforts, it is important to conduct a basic research for empowering the plant species. This study aimed to characterize the architectural model based on the branching tree and to make a key determination or identification of tree species in the APNP. Exploration of APNP area was conducted using the survey methods; it had been done by passing through the triangulated, going to the bridge Sunglon Ombo until Pancur, then rotating to the cave Istana, the lodge of Sadengan, then going back to the triangulated. The architectural model and the type of branch of trees in APNP were observed. They were stratified by 23 of the known architectural models. The data was descriptively analyzed then the key determination was made. The result showed 11 of tree architecture models consisted of Troll 14 types, Scarrone 4 types, Corner 4 types, Leeuwenberg 3 types, Aubreville 3 types, Mc Clure 3 types, Rauh 5 types, Masart 2 types, Holtum 1 type, Prevost 1 type, and Koriba 1 type. Furthermore, the 11 plants as the examples of the architectural model were described, completed with photos, and notes on endemic species of APNP. The identification key for multiple branching trees also was added depending on the model.
The Analysis of Pandanus Relationship of Purwodadi Botanical Garden Collections Based on Morphological Character and Molecular Marker (trnL and trnL-F) Rachma, Risca Adiyani; Hendrian, Hendrian; Azrianingsih, Rodiyati
Research Journal of Life Science Vol 4, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (948.933 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.rjls.2017.004.02.6


The morphological characteristics of plant vegetative organ has the potential to be the defining factor of pandanus family collection at Purwodadi Botanical Garden (PBG). However, the information is not enough to confirm the identity of pandanus at the type-level. This problem happened at the collection of PBG. It is an urgent issue considering PBG as one of the most important ex-situ plant conservation institute that also has function as a study source for plant taxonomy science in Indonesia. Therefore, the use of molecular technology analysis using molecular marker (primer) is incredibly important to identify the member of pandanus family by identifying its family relationship pattern. This information was expected to give a clarity about the identity of Pandanus family at PBG which will support further research and activity for pandanus conservation. The plant sample includes 16 specimens of pandanus with one member of the family from Freycinetia as the outgroup. Morphological analysis of the 50 characteristics of vegetative organs (leaf, stem, and root) was conducted. Molecular analysis of DNA using primer of trnL and trnL-F. The data sequence as a result of the analysis was then tested using homology test with BLAST. All of the DNA sequence was paralleled using Clustal W analysis, the tree construction relationship was analysed using Maximum Parsimony (MP) method with MEGA 6.0 program. The results of morphological studies showed the character vegetative that is the position of the spines on the leaves, the shape of apex leaf and the condition of the root surface above the soil. Molecularly, appears 1 new genera that has not been previously identified by PBG researcher is Benstonea.
The Potency of Trichoderma sp. as A Biocontrol Agent against Fusarium sp. Pathogen of Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) Tuber Fajarini, Nindi Nazula; Azrianingsih, Rodiyati; Suharjono, Suharjono
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol 10, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

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Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) has high economic value in Asia. Porang tuber is high in glucomannan and thus becomes one of the exportable food commodities. Porang plants are susceptible to wilt disease caused by Fusarium sp. Trichoderma sp. has the ability to inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungi such as Fusarium sp. This research aimed to study the potency of Trichoderma sp. in controlling the growth of Fusarium sp. Trichoderma sp. was isolated from the rhizosphere soil in A. muelleri plantation, while Fusarium sp. was isolated from A. muelleri tuber infected by Fusarium. The fungi isolates were identified phylogenetically based on the similarity of Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) sequence. Both fungi were antagonistically assessed based on the dual culture method. The antagonistic assay showed that the two isolates of Trichoderma had the potency to inhibit the growth of the two isolates of Fusarium. Trichoderma sp. 2 has higher antagonistic potency than Trichoderma sp. 1. Based on ITS sequence similarity, Trichoderma sp. 1 and Trichoderma sp. 2 were identified as Trichoderma longipale and Trichoderma spirale respectively, while both pathogenic Fusarium were identified as Fusarium oxysporum. Trichoderma spirale therefore could be developed as a biopesticide agent in controlling Fusarium oxysporum.
Identification of Potential Pathogen Bacteria Causing Tuber Rot in Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) Aini, Afifah Nur; Azrianingsih, Rodiyati; Mustafa, Irfan
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol 10, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (357.245 KB) | DOI: 10.11594/jtls.10.02.02


Tuber rot has been reported as one of the limiting factors to porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) tuber production. Bacterial infection is one of the main causes of tuber rot during storage. In this study, a total of seven bacterial isolates obtained from porang tubers were tested for their potency to cause rotting on porang tubers. Porang tubers were immersed in bacterial suspension and incubated for 14 days. The physical properties of the tubers such as texture and color, and the chemical properties such as reducing sugar and ethanol content were determined at the end of incubation period. All infected tubers were soft, slimy and darker. Two isolates, T4 and T9A, had the highest potency to cause tuber rot indicated by the significantly higher reducing sugar content (14.38 and 15.32 mg/ml) and higher ethanol content (32.17 and 35.05%) compared to control tubers which were not infected with bacteria. Both isolates were identified as Bacillus altitudinis and Pseudomonas stutzeri, respectively, based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis.
Genetic Diversity of Porang Populations (Amorphophallus Muelleri Blume) In Central Java and West Java Based on LEAFY Second Intron Marker Nikmah, Isna Arofatun; Azrianingsih, Rodiyati; Wahyudi, Didik
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol 6, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/jtls.06.01.05


Porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) dispersed and grows well in Java island. This research aimed to determine the genetic diversity of porang populations in Central Java and West Java based on LEAFY second intron (nuclear genome encoding flower development). DNA samples of porang were from previous study, which are obtained from Central Java (Pamedaran, Grobogan, Wonogiri, Karangtengah) and West Java (Cisompet) as ingroup. A. variabilis from Pamedaran Brebes, A. ochroleucus, A. longituberosus, A. sumawongii, and A. tinekeae from genbank were treated as outgroup. LEAFY second intron was amplified using primers FLint2 F1 5’-CTTCCACCTCTACGACCAGTG-3’ and FLint2 R1 5’-TCTTGGGCTTGTTGATGTAGC-3’. Analysis using dnasp5 showed that 23 samples had 89 invariable sites and 139 variable sites that consisted of 12 singleton two variants sites, 118 parsimony-informative two variants sites and 9 Parsimony-informative three variants sites. The total of haplotype were 7 haplotypes where 16 ingroup samples clumped on haplotype 1 whereas 2 samples of Grobogan (Grobogan I and Grobogan III) clumped on haplotype 2 and outgroup samples occupied at their own haplotype. Genetic distance of all ingroup samples were 0-0,004 showing no differences among individuals. Analysis of phylogenetic tree using Maximum Parsimony, Neighbor Joining and Maximum Likelihood resulting a polytomy branch of ingroup samples except Grobogan which forms a separated sub clad. Key words: Genetic diversity, haplotype, Java, LEAFY, Porang.
Ethno-Edible Mushroom of Pleurotus sp., Clytocybe nebularis and Auricularia auricula in Ranupani Village, East Java Haryati, Jehan Ramdani; Azrianingsih, Rodiyati
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol 2, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

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This paper documented the knowledge about the wild edible fungal flora of Ranupani Village of East Java Indonesia that used by indigenous Tenggerese tribes. Study was conducted by using semi-structured interview and purposive sampling. Data were analyzed quantitatively descriptive. Index of Cultural Significance (ICS) was used to evaluate the importance of non-wood forest yields for local people. Identification of edible mushrooms was based on Guidelines of Flora Diversity Data Collection. This study was focus on the three edible mushrooms which are eaten mostly by the villagers, i.e. Pleurotus sp., Clytocybe nebularis and Auricularia auricula. The result is the Ranupani residents perception of edible mushrooms and its potential as an alternative source of food based on local knowledge and local wisdom of Tenggerese. Pleurotus sp. has the highest preference and intensity to be consumed with 3,2 ICS. It means culturally, this edible mushroom were not too important but intensively used as a secondary food sources such as soup (added or sauted), chips (dried) and fried. Ranupani Villagers always consumed edible mushrooms in rainy season. The ability of residents to distinguish edible mushrooms are equal to the searching ability to find edible mushroom substrate. The residents will recognized the substrate of edible mushrooms on dead trunks of Pasang Tree (Lithocarpus sundaicus), Danglu (Engelhardia spicata), Kemlandingan (Albizia Montana), Casuarina (Casuarina junghuhniana) and acacia (Acacia decurens). Residents who do not have the ability to distinguish and searching were consumer, get the edible mushrooms by buying from the searcher or distributor in packs. The characteristics of an edible mushrooms are a discrete soft flesh of the fruit body, dark color, no ring on the stipe, the presence of insects (e.g. moths) in the lamellae) and the type of mushroom substrate. There were also assisted growths of wild mushrooms by the residents’ raw chop the dead tree trunk as a substrate deliberately. Respondents who knew the time of harvesting edible mushroom were 58.3%. Pasang mushrooms (natural & assisted growth) can be found throughout the rainy season, with an interval of 12 days for subsequent retrieval. While Barat and Kuping mushrooms are found throughout the rainy season, but randomly distributed in the forest. There were unwritten but spoken hereditary local wisdom for the sustainable of the edible mushrooms in Tengger. Only Tenggerese allowed collecting and selling the edible mushrooms in Tengger area to the Tenggerese themselves and tourist (local or foreign). This wisdom is supported by TNBTS regulation that the edible mushroom were not allowed exported out of TNBTS area. This wisdom expectedly makes sure that the edible mushrooms should be sustained in the forest. Keywords:Ethno-edible mushrooms, Ranupani
Effect of Dietary Amorphophallus sp From East Java on LDL-C Rats (Rattus novergicus Wistar Strain) Harijati, Nunung; Widyarti, Sri; Azrianingsih, Rodiyati
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol 1, No 2 (2011)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

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One of indication of obesity is high LDL-C . Obesity has serious risk to health, it can cause heart disease and stroke. Effort to lower obesity using drugs have significant side effects such as insomnia, increased blood pressure, dry mouth and so forth. Therefore using natural products that contain glucomannan to reduce obesity and LDL-C is good choise. Glucomannan in the global market derived from Amorphophallus konjac. In this study, we used glucomannan from Amorphophallus endemic East Java to reduce fattened Wistar rats. Amorphophallus that used include Amorphophallus muelleri, A.variabilis (variant: Brongkos 32; Brongkos 5; Wonorejo, Brangsi) and Amorphophallus campanulatus (Var Selopuro). Amorphophallus diet was given to white rats of Wistar strain that previously fattened using a mixture of cholesterol and lard, in addition to PARS (Chicken Feed Race Super) as a basic food. Amorphophallus konjac was used as control. Measurement of LDL-C was conducted in four different time points, namely 1). Prior to dietary cholesterol, 2). 24 days after the dietary cholesterol, 3) 11 days after Amorphophallus (+cholesterol) diet, 4). 25 days after Amorphophallus (+cholesterol) diet. The results showed that the diet of A.variabilis potentially lowered blood cholesterol levels for their respective 22.98%, 5.85% and 7.37% for consecutive variant Brongkos 32; Brongkos 5; Wonorejo. Diet from A.campanulatus and A.konjac had not been able to reduce cholesterol to the end of observation (25 days).Keywords: LDL-C, A.variabilis, A.muelleri, A.campanulatus, A.konjac
Conservation strategy of Anaphalis spp. in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, East Java Ade, Filza Yulina; Hakim, Luchman; Arumingtyas, Estri Laras; Azrianingsih, Rodiyati
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol 11, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/tls.11.01.10


The objective of the paper were to identify factors related to conservation strategy of Anaphalis in BTSNP. This study found internal factor related to strength includes the existence of species and value of Anaphalis spp., while the weaknesses include increase of habitat degradation and disturbance caused by tourism activities. The opportunities for conservation includes support of policy in biodiversity conservation and increase of ecotourism movement, while the threats aspect include less control of land uses changes and increase of mass tourism. The SWOT analyses recommends some significant strategy which are derived from combination of enhancing strength to optimizing opportunities, reducing weaknesses and optimizing opportunities, Enhancing strength to reduce threats and managing weaknesses to manage risk. Â