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Journal : Indonesia Berdaya

Coffee Shop as a Space for Learning English Speaking Skills for Underprivileged Students Nailul Authar; Tiyas Saputri; Djuwari Djuwari; Fifi Khoirul Fitriyah
Indonesia Berdaya Vol 3, No 3: May-July 2022
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/ib.2022293


Take a look at from the current situation, drinking a cup of coffee in a coffee shop becomes a living style trend in society. Not only teenagers experience enjoyable and comfort there, but also adult people feel the same too. This phenomenon are happening right now. Seeing this situation, it would be better if the activity of drinking coffee that was liked by the general public could be a way to overcome boredom in learning English, especially in speaking skills. However, not all students can get these facilities due to economic factors. They are called "Underprivileged Students". So, with this activity, it is hoped that it can help disadvantaged students so that they can get additional English education. The ranking shows that the English ability of the people in Indonesia is in the very low category. Without exception, teenagers or students in Surabaya. Especially those who experience this problem are underprivileged students, because they only get education through formal schools which are only carried out in class or online so they are less effective. As stated in the sub-chapter description of partner problems, there are solutions to overcome problems with partners. One of the creative ideas that can be done is to learn English at the Coffee Shop. This activity will take place through 4 stages, the first is pre-activity, the second is the general stage which includes the inauguration of the activity, the third is the core of the activity, and the fourth is the evaluation of the activity.
Pelatihan Literasi Digital Bagi Orangtua Dalam Mendampingi Anak Belajar Di Zaman Generasi Milenial Andini Hardiningrum; Destita Shari; Berda Asmara; Muhammad Syaikhon; Djuwari Djuwari; Afib Rulyansyah; Izahrotin Kurnia Devi
Indonesia Berdaya Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/ib.2023369


The era of the millennial generation is an era where children quickly adapt to technology and digital media, both in everyday life and in the learning process. Parents of millennial generation children must have excellent digital literacy skills so that they can accompany children to learn according to their times. The concern is whether this digital technology can be used properly or will create new, more extreme problems in children's lives. Children learn digital media with parental assistance, but in reality, many parents are careless and let their children play digital media, namely smartphones freely without supervision, because parents are busy working or do not have time to accompany digitally literate children. So from this problem, it is necessary to give understanding to parents that the importance of parental assistance in the process of digital literacy children. Many parents complain that their children become aggressive, angry, crybaby and want to play their own smartphone without supervision. The content that is seen turns out to be a lot that is less educational and has a negative effect. According to Mustofa (2019), there are nine parts that parents need to understand when literacy is social networking, transliteration, maintaining privacy, managing digital identity, creating content, organizing and sharing content, reusing/repurposing content, filtering and selecting content, self broadcasting. Furthermore, the digital literacy process for children can be taught through several stages, namely: 1) digital literacy movement in the family 2) digital literacy in the school literacy movement 3) digital literacy movement in society (Mustofa, 2019). Abstrak: Zaman generasi milenial adalah zaman dimana anak-anak cepat beradaptasi dengan teknologi dan media digital, baik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari maupun dalam prses pembelajaran. Orangtua dari anak generasi milenial harus memiliki kemampuan berliterasi digital dengan sangat baik agar dapat mendampingi anak belajar sesuai zamannya. Hal yang menjadi kekhawatiran adalah apakah teknologi digital ini dapat digunakan dengan baik atau akan membuat permasalahan baru yang lebih ekstrim dalam kehidupan anak.  Gencarnya tren literasi digital pada anak usia dini menyebabkan orangtua harus up to date dalam melakukan kegiatan literasi digital. Anak-anak juga harus dapat beradaptasi dengan kondisi tersebut. Anak-anak  belajar media digital harus dengan pendampingan orangtua, namun pada kenyataanya, banyak orangtua banyak yang lengah dan membiarkan anaknya bermain media digital yaitu smartphone dengan bebas tanpa pengawasan dengan alasan orangtua sibuk bekerja atau tidak ada waktu mendampingi anak berliterasi digital. Maka dari permaslaahn tersebut perlu diberikan pemahaman pada orangtua bahwa pentingnya pendampingan orangtua dalam proses anak berliterasi digital. Banyak orangtua yang mengeluhkan anaknya menjadi pribadi agresif, pemarah, cengeng dan semaunya sendiri saat bermain smartphone sendirian tanpa pengawasan. Konten yang dilihat ternyata banyak yang kurang mendidik dan berefek negatif. Menurut Mustofa (2019) Ada sembilan bagian yang perlu dipahami orangtua saat berliterasi adalah social networking, transliterasy, maintaining privasi, managing digital identity, creating content, organizing and sharing content, reusing/repurposing content, filtering and selecting content, self broadcasting. Selanjutnya Proses literasi digital terhadap anak dapat diajarkan melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu: 1) gerakan literasi digital di dalam keluarga 2) literasi digital dalam gerakan literasi sekolah 3) gerakan literasi digital di dalam masyarakat (Mustofa,2019).
Sosialisasi Penggunaan Aplikasi Berbasis Android Sebagai Media Pembelajaran di SMA Kemala Bhayangkari 3 Porong Edi Pujo Basuki; Djuwari Djuwari; Tiyas Saputri; Sunanto Sunanto
Indonesia Berdaya Vol 5, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : UKInstitute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/ib.2024646


Terdapat berbagai faktor yang meyebabkan terjadinya penurunan kualitas pendidikan Bahasa inggris disekolah.Salah satu faktor ialah kurikulum yang kurang efektif. Kurikulum yang digunakan di SMA di Indonesia sering kali tidak cukup efektif dalam mengajarkan bahasa Inggris kepada siswa. Beberapa sekolah masih menggunakan buku-buku pelajaran lama yang tidak terlalu relevan dengan kebutuhan saat ini. Kemudian, Kurangnya tenaga pengajar yang berkualitas. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas pendidikan bahasa Inggris di SMA di Indonesia adalah kurangnya tenaga pengajar yang berkualitas. Banyak guru bahasa Inggris di SMA yang tidak memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang memadai, sehingga sulit untuk memberikan pengajaran yang efektif. Selain itu, rendahnya minat siswa. Siswa seringkali kurang tertarik untuk belajar bahasa Inggris karena tidak melihat kepentingan dan manfaatnya dalam kehidupan seharihari. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh kurangnya dukungan dari lingkungan sekitar, kurangnya motivasi, dan tidak adanya tujuan yang jelas. Dan yang utama ialah kurangnya fasilitas dan teknologi pendukung. SMA di Indonesia seringkali tidak memiliki fasilitas dan teknologi yang memadai untuk membantu siswa belajar bahasa Inggris dengan efektifPermasalahan yang ada pada mitra adalah diperlukannya pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis digital yang bersifat seru dan dapat dipahami dengan mudah. Pada dasarnya di SMA Kemala Bhayangkari 3 Porong pembelajaran hanya berfokus pada buku paket saja, implementasi pembelajaran Bahasa inggris belum dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik.. Setelah dilakukan analisis situsi, dapat diketahui bahwa kurangnya minat siswa disebabkan kurangnya variasi guru dalam melakukan pembelajaran dikelas. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini Melalui kegiatan sosialisasi dan penerapan teknologi informasi, diharapkan dapat memberikan solusi bagi permasalahan penurunan minat dan kualitas pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di SMA Kemala Bhayangkari 3 Porong, serta meningkatkan motivasi dan semangat belajar siswa. Abstract: There are several factors contributing to the decline in the quality of English education in schools. One of the factors is the ineffective curriculum. The curriculum used in Indonesian high schools often fails to effectively teach English to students. Some schools still use outdated textbooks that are not relevant to current needs. Additionally, there is a lack of qualified teachers. This is another factor affecting the quality of English education in Indonesian high schools. Many English teachers in high schools do not have adequate English language skills, making it difficult to provide effective instruction. Furthermore, there is a lack of student interest. Students often lack interest in learning English because they fail to see its importance and benefits in daily life. This can be attributed to a lack of support from the environment, a lack of motivation, and a lack of clear goals. Lastly, there is a lack of facilities and supporting technology. Indonesian high schools often lack the necessary facilities and technology to help students learn English effectively. The main issue at SMA Kemala Bhayangkari 3 Porong is the need for English language learning using fun and easily understandable digital learning media. The school's English learning only focuses on textbooks, and the implementation of English language learning has not been well-executed. After conducting a situational analysis, it was found that the lack of student interest is due to a lack of teaching variation in the classroom. The results of this community service activity, through socialization and the application of information technology, are expected to provide solutions to the problems of declining interest and quality in English language learning at SMA Kemala Bhayangkari 3 Porong, as well as to increase student motivation and enthusiasm for learning.
Pendampingan Guru Dalam Pengelolaan Kelas Untuk Proses Pembelajaran pada Anak Usia Dini Destita Shari; Jauharotur Rihlah; Andini Hardiningrum; Mujad Didien Afandi; Djuwari Djuwari; Afib Rulyansyah
Indonesia Berdaya Vol 5, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : UKInstitute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/ib.2024641


Pendampingan guru dalam pengelolaan kelas diperlukan untuk menciptakan kondiri belajar yang optimal khususnya untuk anak usia dini.  Guru perlu terampil dalam mengelola dalam proses belajar mengajar seperti tujuan pembelajaran yang jelas, menguasai materi, metode pembelajaran yang digunakan tepat, penggunaan sarana, evaluasi dalam pembelajaran. Pendampingan ini untuk mendukung guru untuk memperbaiki proses pengelolaan kelas yang dilaksanakan. Fasilitator memberikan pendampingan pada guru dengan bertahap dengan memberikan wawasan, evaluasi dan tindak lanjut agar proses pembelajaran pada anak usia dini dapat diterapkan secara efektif di kelas. Abstract: Teacher assistance in classroom management is needed to create optimal learning conditions, especially for young children. Teachers need to be skilled in managing the teaching and learning process, such as clear learning objectives, mastering the material, appropriate learning methods used, use of facilities, evaluation in learning. This assistance is to support teachers to improve the classroom management processes implemented. The facilitator provides assistance to teachers in stages by providing insight, evaluation and follow-up so that the learning process in early childhood can be implemented effectively in the classroom.
Socialization and Training on the Use of Augmented Reality Applications for Teachers in Paciran Village to Make English Learning Easier Nailul Authar; Djuwari Djuwari; Novi Rahmania Aquariza; Savira Zaniar
Indonesia Berdaya Vol 5, No 3 (2024)
Publisher : UKInstitute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/ib.2024866


This community service attempts to explore the use of augmented reality (AR) in how teachers in Paciran can be well known to introduce new vocabulary to students right there. This is a qualitative study with the data taken from both surely by distributing the questionnaires both to the students and the teachers. The questionnaires to the students concern the use of AR in their learning of English while the questionnaires to the teachers is related to the use of AR in their schools and the teachers’ engagement in this AR for their classes. The data is also taken from the interview to the English teachers about the use of AR in learning English. Sifter all the data triangulated from the students and the teachers, they will be decoded and determined into the themes. Besides that, they are also presented in tables. Finally, the inferences can be done for making the conclusion. Based on the results of the training and application experiments to students, each teacher and student agreed that AR media had a positive impact on English learning.