Linda Prasetyorini
Jurusan Teknik Pengairan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya

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Analisis Volume Genangan Terhadap Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan dan Penanggulangannya Berbasis Konservasi Lingkungan (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Kepanjen) Andawayanti, Ussy; Prasetyorini, Linda
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 1, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Kecamatan Kepanjen yang direncanakan sebagai pusat pemerintahan Kabupaten Malang banyakmengalami perubahan tataguna lahan. Kondisi tanah yang dulunya berupa lahan terbuka seperti sawah atau lahan kering banyak beralih fungsi menjadi suatu kawasan permukiman dan perkantoran yang bersifat kedap air. Perubahan tersebut mengakibatkan air hujan tidak dapat meresap ke dalam tanah sehingga mengakibatkangenangan pada beberapa kawasan di wilayah Kepanjen. Hal ini kemungkinan diakibatkan semakin meningkatnya debit limpasan yang tidak diiringi dengan pemeliharaan sistem drainase secara baik. Dari hasil studi ini didapatkan bahwa perubahan tata guna lahan yang terjadi berupa penurunan jumlah lapisan tembus air(lapisan impermeable) menjadi lapisan kedap air (lapisan permeable) sebesar ± 80% akan meningkatkan nilai koefiesien pengaliran. Hal tersebut menyebabkan peningkatan debit limpasan permukaan dan genangan setiap tahunnya. Alternatif penanggulangan genangan berupa saluran porus dapat diterapkan pada kawasan tersebut karena kondisi tanah terdiri dari pasir yang mempunyai nilai koefisien permeabilitas tinggi. Saluran porus ini dapat digunakan sebagai artificial recharge untuk konservasi air tanah dengan peresapan sebesar 0,0158 m3/dt. Biaya yang diperlukan dalam pembangunan saluran ini relatif lebih murah jika dibandingkan dengan saluran drainase biasa.Kata kunci : tata guna lahan, limpasan permukaan, genangan, saluran porus
Penggunaan Stilling Basin Tipe Bremen Modifikasi Pada Pelimpah Bendungan Tugu Di kabupaten Trenggalek Prasetyorini, Linda; Priyantoro, Dwi
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 6, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Tugu Dam is designed to be built in Keser River of Trenggalek city in East Java Province. The contruction of Trenggalek Dam is planned such as flood control in Trenggalek City, in addition to water supply, irrigation, hydropower and electrical energy. The spillway of the dam is designed using side channel spillway provided by straight chute. One of the important stage in these activities is a physical hydraulic model test. The model test is to evaluate and to achieve the perfect, safe and optimum hydraulic design of the spillway that conducted in the river and swamp laboratory, Water Resources Departement. The model is using undistorted model with scale of 1 to 50. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the hydraulic performance of the original design is good, but extremely high speed in the end of chute more than 25 m/s. In order to improve the hydraulic design, it is recommended to modify the stilling basin with Bremen Modification Type. Bremen Modfication Stilling Basin is similar with plunge pool design.Keywords : spillway, stilling basin, Bremen Modification
Penerapan UB-Drainage (Underdrain Box Storage) Untuk Mereduksi Genangan Dan Meningkatkan Resapan Air Di Kampus UB Priyantoro, Dwi; Juwono, Pitojo Tri; Suhardjono, Suhardjono; Ismoyo, M. Janu; Prasetyorini, Linda; Pranoto, Eko Suryo
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 4, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Underdrain Box Storage is one of the conservation drainage (eco-drainage) that can be developed for a dense residential (urban villages). Surface runoff flows into the drainage channel and the bottom were the holes are arranged along the channel as a storage function, where the base of the shelter space in direct contact with the soil is the one concept offered.Construction Underdrain Box Storage consists of open channel, vertical drain hole, and box storage. The function of open channel is received runoff in the area. Vertical drain hole is continuing drain water runoff into the box storage. And the box storage as long storage is hold runoff to fill and absorb into the ground naturally. In addition, the application of underdrain box storage is reduced runoff in Jl.Yogyakarta (Veteran) until 83,34%. This system is capable to provide infiltration until 5% for on ce rainfall within 1hour.By considering the pattern of rainfall and its duration during the last 5 years in the UB campus, then every time the rainy season UB-Drainage system is able to contribute water infiltration by 45%.Keywords: underdrain box storage, run-off, reduced, infiltration
Studi Evaluasi Kualitas Dan Status Trofik Air Waduk Selorejo Akibat Erupsi Gunung Kelud Untuk Budidaya Perikanan Sayekti, Rini Wahyu; Yuliani, Emma; Bisri, Mohammad; Juwono, Pitojo Tri; Prasetyorini, Linda; Sonia, Fauzia; Putri, Ayu Pratama
Jurnal Teknik Pengairan: Journal of Water Resources Engineering Vol 6, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Selorejo dam in Malang regency has been used as a water storage and for freshwater fishery. On February 13 th 2014, Mount Kelud was erupted and produced volcanic ash which fell into the reservoir and caused an imbalanced water quality.The research was conducted in order to (a) observe a comparison between field measurement (temperature, turbidity, DO, pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, total-P, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cr, and silica) and water quality standard in both upstream and middle station,(b) to determine time interval needed by each parameter to meet permitted value for freshwater fishery, (c) to determine water quality status using Pollution Index method, (d) to determine main contributors to the water pollution, (e) to determine trophic status index of Selorejo dam prior to and after the eruption, and (f) to analyze trophic status index fluctuation and pollution load capacity after the eruption.Method that was used to determine water quality status was Pollution Index. Trophic status index determined by comparing trophic status index standard on PerMenLH tahun 2009 with total-P, NO3N, chlorophyll a, and water clarity.The result from this research shows (a) before eruption, 40% of field measurement in upstream station and 28% of field measurement in middle station do not meet the standard values required. After eruption, 31% of field measurement in upstream station and 36% of field measurement in middle station do not meet the standard values required, (b) time interval needed for each parameters to meet permitted values are 111 days (pH and nitrate), 71 days (DO), 54 days (turbidity), while total-P and silica have not meet the required values up to the end of observation period, (c) water quality status in Selorejo dam on both stations are “Lightly polluted”, before and after the eruption of Mount Kelud, (d) main contributors to the water pollution on upstream station are total-P and nitrate. On middle station, the main contributors are total-P, silica, and nitrate, (e) Trophic status index of Selorejo dam is “hypereutrophic” for chlorophyll a, (f) pollution load capacity of Selorejo dam for total-P is 12.072, 58 kg P/year and has to be increased 69, 61% to 39.722, 33 kg P/year to lower trophic status index to “Oligotrophic”.Keywords: Water quality, water quality status, trophic status index, load capacity index, pollution index
Studi Erosi Dan Sedimentasi Tambang Batubara Pada Pit Pinang South Pt. Kaltim Prima Coal Menggunakan Geographic Information System (ArcGIS) Ainul Crisna; Very Dermawan; Linda Prasetyorini
Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air (JTRESDA)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

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Land-Coal mining by PT. Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) is open-pit mining, which can cause loss of earth's surface shape, leaving large holes, erosion, sedimentation, and decreased soil productivity. Therefore, reclamation and rehabilitation of ex-mining land is needed. In the post-mining reclamation process, special specifications are needed so the reclamation results are as expected. Erosion factors that meet the USLE equation can be processed easily using Geographic Information System. From analysis result, the erosion rate was 32.62 (tons/ha/year), the area that experienced very light erosion was 27.26 ha (35.12%), mild erosion was 27.89 ha (35.94%), moderate erosion covered an area of 20.60 ha (26.54%), heavy erosion covered an area of 1.62 ha (2.08%), and very heavy erosion covered an area of 0.21 ha (0.27%). Based on the SDR calculation, the results obtained are 1440,8 tons/year, while the actual estimate for the sediment calculation is 2223.6 tons/year. So the yield of SDR (931.3 tons/year) < actual yield (2223.6 tons/year). Because the results of SDR calculation use erosion values from USLE, which is an erosion rate estimation, while the actual sedimentation calculation is based on direct calculations and laboratory results of PT. KPC.Penambangan batubara oleh PT.Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)  merupakan penambangan terbuka, sehingga dapat menimbulkan hilangnya bentuk permukaan bumi, meninggalkan lubang-lubang besar di permukaan bumi, erosi, sedimentasi, maupun penurunan produktivitas tanah. Oleh karena itu diperlukan reklamasi dan rehabilitasi lahan bekas tambang. Dalam proses reklamasi pasca tambang dibutuhkan spesifikasi khusus agar hasil dari reklamasi sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Faktor-faktor erosi yang memenuhi persamaan USLE dapat diolah dengan mudah menggunakan bantuan Sistem Informasi Geografis. Dari hasil perhitungan pada Pit Pinang South PT.KPC, didapatkan laju erosi 32,62 (ton/ha/tahun), daerah yang mengalami erosi sangat ringan seluas 27,26 ha (35,12%), erosi ringan seluas 27,89 ha (35,94%), erosi sedang seluas 20,60 ha (26,54%), erosi berat seluas 1,62 ha (2,08%), dan erosi sangat berat seluas 0,21 ha (0,27%). Berdasarkan perhitungan SDR, didapatkan hasil sebesar 1440,8 ton/tahun, sedangkan perkiraan besar perhitungan sedimen secara aktual didapatkan nilai sebesar 2223,6 ton/tahun. Maka didapati hasil SDR (931,3 ton/tahun) < hasil aktual (2223,6 ton/tahun). Hal tersebut dikarenakan hasil perhitungan SDR menggunakan nilai erosi yang diperoleh dari metode USLE yang merupakan pendugaan laju erosi sedangkan dalam perhitungan sedimentasi aktual berdasarkan dari perhitungan secara langsung dan hasil laboratorium PT. Kaltim Prima Coal.
Kajian Perilaku Aliran pada Pelimpah Samping Bendungan Sepaku Semoi Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dengan Skala 1:50 Ainul Crisna; Very Dermawan; Linda Prasetyorini
Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi dan Rekayasa Sumber Daya Air (JTRESDA)
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jtresda.2022.002.02.15


To meet the need for raw water at the IKN (National Capital City) in North Panajem Paser Regency, the Sepaku Semoi Dam was built. This study aims to determine the hydraulic behavior of the physical model test of the Sepaku Semoi Dam with a scale of 1: 50. The study of hydraulics was carried out on the spillway, side channel, transition channel, launch channel, energy absorber, and downstream energy absorber based on the results of the physical model test as control over the count approach. In the study of hydraulics on the physical model, water level profile analysis, the discharges studied are Q100th , Q¬1000th , and QPMF , with secondary discharge data. The study was carried out on the spillway using the Iwasaki and USBR methods, for analysis on the side channel using the momentum equation, for hydraulic analysis on the transition channel and the launch channel using the energy equation with standard step calculations. Meanwhile, for the calculation of the hydraulic analysis of the USBR type II energy reducer, the momentum and continuity equations are used. For the calculation of the basic material motion using the momentum equation and corrections are made with the shield graph. From the results of this study, the results of the original design conditions on the physical model and final design, as well as the results of the calculation approach on the components of the dam building were obtained. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air baku di IKN (Ibu Kota Negara) di Kabupaten Panajem Paser Utara maka dilakukan pembangunan Bendungan Sepaku Semoi. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku hidrolika uji model fisik Bendungan Sepaku Semoi dengan skala 1 : 50. Kajian hidrolika dilakukan pada pelimpah, saluran samping, saluran transisi, saluran peluncur, peredam energi, dan hilir peredam energi yang yang didasarkan pada hasil pengujian model fisik sebagai kontrol terhadap pendekatan hitungan. Dalam kajian hidrolika pada model fisik, analisis profil muka air, debit yang dikaji yaitu Q100th , ­Q­1000th , dan QPMF , dengan data debit sekunder. Kajian yang dilakukan pada pelimpah menggunakan metode Iwasaki dan USBR, untuk analisa pada saluran samping menggunakan persamaan momentum, untuk analisa hidrolika pada saluran transisi dan saluran peluncur menggunakan persamaan energi dengan perhitungan tahapan standar. Sedangkan untuk perhitungan analisa hidrolika peredam energi USBR tipe II menggunakan persamaan momentum dan kontuinitas. Untuk perhitungan gerak material dasar menggunakan persamaan momentum dan dilakukan koreksi dengan grafik shield. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan hasil kondisi original design pada odel fisik dan final design, serta hasil pendekatan hitungan pada komponen bangunan bendungan.