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PENGARUH POSISI INTRUDER TERHADAP BENTUK PERMUKAAN BED GRANULAR PADA EFEK KACANG BRASIL DUA-DIMENSI Viridi, Sparisoma; Khotimah, Siti Nurul; Wibowo, Hari Anggit Cahyo; Ain, Trise Nurul; Aji, Dimas Praja Purwa
Jurnal Spektra Vol 16, No 1 (2015): Spektra: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya
Publisher : Jurnal Spektra

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AbstrakEfek kacang Brasil dua-dimensi dengan partikel bed dan intruder terbuat dari keping akrilik diamati dengan vibrasi sinusoidal yang diselingi waktu diam sehingga memudahkan untuk mengambil foto yang baik untuk diproses lebih lanjut. Parameter vibrasi adalah f = 13 Hz dan Γ = 2. Dalam tulisan ini disajikan evolusi posisi intruder dengan waktu apung Trise = 67 langkah, dengan posisi awal intruder saat sisi bawahnya mengenai dasar wadah dan posisi akhir saat sisi atasnya menyentuh permukaan bed partikel. Tinggi bed partikel awal adalah 21 buah dan lebarnya adalah 19 buah. Rasio intruder dan bed kira-kira 2.545. Bentuk permukaan bed paling melengkung diamat saat posisi intruder berada di antara konfigurasi awal dan akhir dalam observasi.AbstractTwo-dimension Brazil-nut effect using acrylic plate as intruder and bed particles is observed under non-continuous sinusoidal vibration in order to obtain sufficient image quality for further process. Vibration parameters are f = 13 Hz and Γ = 2. In this work time series of intruder position is presented, which shows that it has rise time Trise = 67 steps, with initial position defined as lower side of intruder in touch with bottom of the container and final position is defined as upper side of intruder is on the bed particle surface. Initial height and width of bed particles are 21 and 92 particles, respectively. Ratio of intruder and bed particle diameter is about 2.545. Most curved of bed particle surface is observed while intruder position is about in the middle between its initial and final configurations.Keywords: Brazil-nut effect, granular materials, two-dimension system, vertical vibration, rise time.
The Effect of TiO2 Coating on Pile Penetration Depth in Clay Amalia, Nadya; Asri, Asifa; Rokhmat, Mamat; Sutisna, S.; Viridi, Sparisoma; Abdullah, Mikrajuddin
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol 49, No 5 (2017)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1874.665 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2017.49.5.6


Pile driving tests were conducted using models of concrete piles with titanium dioxide (TiO2) coating and piles without coating. Pile surfaces coated with TiO2 become superhydrophilic, which enables water molecules in clay pores to be attracted to the pile during the pile driving process. The attraction suppresses the compression of the pore water in the clay soil, hence the result of the pile driving tests showed that piles with TiO2 coating could penetrate deeper than piles without coating with the same count of hammer strokes. An examination using FTIR confirmed the formation of bonds between water molecules for piles with coating and the absence of such bonding for piles without coating. Furthermore, it was successfully established that pile surface coating gives different results for pile driving in different clay soils.
Analisis Regresi Sifat Tanah Terhadap Rebound Tiang Pancang Amalia, Nadya; Rokhmat, Mamat; Sutisna, Sutisna; Viridi, Sparisoma; Abdullah, Mikrajuddin
Jurnal Matematika dan Sains Vol 22 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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The behavior of soil around driven pile during pile driving process directly affect the driving process. Two categories of stress are produced during the driving process, i.e. stress along the pile shaft (shear stress) and stress at the end of the pile (compression stress). Since soil is a porous medium, shear and compressive stresses during the driving process will force water to come out of the pores in the soil. Related to hammering and low permeability of the soil at rebound zones such as clay, water can not flow out of the pores and can not be dissipated instantly. As a result, a high pore water pressure will be generated along the shaft and at the end of the pile. Pile coating with titanium dioxide (TiO2) is able to make the pile to be driven deeper than pile without coating with the same count of hammer strokes for pile driving in clay soils. Uniquely, the coating does not give effect to the pile driving in non-cohesive soils. This indicates that the coating is capable in minimizing pile rebound. Regression model is used in this study to identify the characteristics of engineering soil parameters which may cause the rebound phenomenon.
Analisis Pengaruh Viskositas pada Self-Siphon Nurhayati, Nurhayati; Viridi, Sparisoma; Zen, Freddy Permana
Jurnal Phi: Kurnal Pendidikan Fisika & Terapan Vol 2019, No 1
Publisher : UIN Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/p-jpft.v2019i1.7438


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh nilai viskositas terhadap terjadinya aliran fluida pada self-siphon secara simulasi. Simulasi dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan gaya-gaya yang bekerja pada single fluid volume element (SFVE). Persamaan gerak pada masingmasing segmen diselesaikan dengan menerapkan hukum Newton. Persamaan-persamaan diselesaikan secara numerik dengan metode Euler. Parameter fisika yang divariasikan dalam simulasi adalah nilai viskositas fluida, karena viskositas mempengaruhi aliran fluida dalam pipa. Berdasarkan penelitian, nilai viskositas fluida η berpengaruh pada dinamika sistem (yang digambarkan oleh kurva terjadinya aliran fluida) namun tidak signifikan pada diameter yang berbeda. Pada nilai viskositas η yang besar, diperlukan panjang pipa yang tercelup dalam fluida (L) yang besar pula. Besarnya panjang pipa L akan memperbesar nilai tekanan hidrostatis sehingga terjadi aliran pada self-siphon.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengkajian Ilmu Pendidikan: e-Saintika Vol 4, No 1: March 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (LITPAM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36312/e-saintika.v4i1.179


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendesain kegiatan pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada keterampilan kerja ilmiah, pengelolaan alat musik tradisional dan pengelolaan perangkat teknologi digital sebagai sumber belajar melalui matakuliah gelombang, selain itu mengetahui tingkat keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, dan respon mahasiswa terhadap desain kegiatan pembelajaran yang diterapkan. Desain pembelajaran dilakukan dengan cara studi literatur dan studi kasus pada sejumlah kelompok belajar (19 orang mahasiswa) calon guru fisika. Aspek-aspek desain dan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dievaluasi berdasarkan pengamatan dan respon mahasiswa menggunakan lembar observasi serta kuisioner, sedangkan tanggapan responden dianalisis secara deskriptif berdasarkan rating scale. Orientasi desain pembelajaran gelombang dalam penelitian ini adalah menghubungkan sains dengan teknologi dan masyarakat, mengintegrasikan konten dengan proses penyelidikan ilmiah serta sumber belajar yang kontekstual dengan objek atau peristiwa yang dekat dengan mahasiswa, sekaligus dapat membentuk nilai-nilai budaya. Secara umum setiap aspek dalam desain perkuliahan dapat terlaksana sepenuhnya, dengan rata-rata 98,12%. Sementara itu respon mahasiswa terhadap desain pembelajaran dapat diterima secara positif untuk setiap aspek dari implementasi program pembelajaran dengan skor rata-rata 399,91 (S). Disimpulkan bahwa desain perkuliahan yang dibangun dicirikan oleh sintaks yang meliputi kegiatan awal, eksplorasi, pemfokusan, penyelidikan/inkuiri, elaborasi, konfirmasi, dan kegiatan akhir/penutup, sedangkan sumber belajar melibatkan alat musik tradisional, komputer dan smartphone. Desain pembelajaran dapat mengembangkan kualitas ilmiah mahasiswa calon guru fisika yang diindikasikacn oleh porsentase keterlaksanaan yang mencapai target dan respon positif mahasiswa setelah diterapkannya dalam kegiatan perkuliahan.Design of Wave Learning to Form Prospective Students of Physics Teachers who are Skilled, Cultured and Literacy of Digital TechnologyAbstractThe purpose of this study is to design learning activities oriented to scientific performance, management of traditional music instruments and digital technology devices as a source of learning on wave courses, knowing the profile of the implementation of learning, and student responses to the design of learning activities that are applied. Learning design is done by means of literature studies and case studies in groups (19 students) prospective physics teachers. The aspects of design and implementation of learning are evaluated based on observations and responses of students using observation sheets and questionnaires, while respondents responses are analyzed descriptively based on rating scale. The orientation of the wave learning design in this research is connecting science with technology and culture, integrating content with scientific inquiry processes and learning resources that are contextual with objects or events that are close to students, as well as forming cultural values. In general, every aspect in the design of lectures can be fully implemented, with an average of 98.12%. Meanwhile student responses to learning designs can be positively received for every aspect of the implementation of learning programs with an average score of 399.91 (S). It was concluded that the learning design that was built was characterized by syntax which included initial activities, exploration, focusing, inquiry, elaboration, confirmation, and closing section activities, while learning resources involved traditional musical instruments, computers and smartphones. The learning design can develop the scientific quality of the prospective physics teacher students as indicated by the percentage of accomplishment that reaches the target and the positive response of students after applying it in lecture activities.
Student Self-Regulated in Remote Learning With the Implementation of Local Virtual Lab Based on Online Tutorial (LVL-BOT) Palloan, Pariabti; Rahmadhanningsih, Sri; Viridi, Sparisoma; Jainuddin, Jainuddin; Swandi, Ahmad
Indonesian Review of Physics (IRiP) Vol 4, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/irip.v4i1.3783


This study aims to measure the level of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL), conceptual understanding and identify an increase in conceptual understanding after using LVL-BOT. This type of research is Pre-Experimental with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The research sample consisted of 37 students from physics classes who took modern physics courses. Students’ level of Self-Regulated Learning is administered using a questionnaire, and understanding of concepts is administered using a test. Based on the analysis results, the percentage level of Self-Regulated Learning is at a value of 87.7%, which is included in the very high category. There is a significant difference between the mean pre-test and post-test mean. The N-Gain Values of Photoelectric Effect and Black Body Radiation are 0.47 and 0.57, respectively. This shows an increase in student’s conceptual understanding, which is “enough” after using LVL-BOT.
Perumusan Gaya Atraktif Bola Terapung dengan Metode Eksperimen dan Pengolahan Citra Digital Erlina Erlina; Septian Ulan Dini; Sparisoma Viridi
Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika Vol 8, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jtaf.v8i1.2368


Abstract. Two floating object interact each other in a certain time when the initial separation distance of them is not greather than the radius. This interaction is caused by asymmetric deformation in the liquid-air boundary plane due to contact with spherical particles. Asymmetric deformation plane of the liquid-air boundary between the two spheres and outside the sphere results an attractive force. This force is experienced by two balls that interact in a certain period of time until they come close to each other and after contact they will bond and difficult to escape. The position of each ball is observed using a video camera with 25 fps specifications and processed using Python and OpenCV and obtained data on the position of the center of mass of the system at any time until both are in contact. From the equation of position to time, the acceleration value of the ball is obtained, so that the magnitude of the attractive force can be known. The attractive force of the object is varied with the density of the object.
Difusi Bebas 1D dan 2D dengan Monte Carlo: Perbandingan Distribusi Bilangan Random Normal dan Seragam dengan Box-Müller Fairusy Fitria Haryani; Freddy Haryanto; Sparisoma Viridi
Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Teori dan Aplikasi Fisika
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jtaf.v9i1.2608


Many biological processes in the human body are based on the diffusion system. Diffusion is defined as a process of random movement of the particle whose the direction is from high concentrations to low concentrations. Many of various study of diffusion have been done both experimentally and computationally. Because the particle interaction is stochastic, the Monte Carlo (MC) method is used in performing particle simulations. The main of MC method is the use of random numbers. Many software have provided uniform random number generators. But based on the analytic results, the solution is normal distribution. Therefore, Box-Müller can be used as a transformation of particle distribution. The software used, MATLAB, has a normal random generator. Therefore, the aims of this study is comparing particle distribution of these two different random number generator with MATLAB and showing the impact of timestep parameter to these random number generator. This result can be used as based for the modelling of more complex biological systems.
SIMULASI GERAK TRANSLASI DAN GERAK MELINGKAR MENGGUNAKAN VBA MACRO EXCEL MELALUI PROJECT BASED LEARNING (PBL) Ahmad Swandi; Sri Rahmadhanningsih; Sparisoma Viridi; Nurhayati Nurhayati; Risky Afandi Putri; Ahmad Suryadi
JPF (Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika) Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Vol 9 No 1 (2021): Maret 2021
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jpf.v9i1.20519


Simulasi interaktif telah banyak digunakan dalam pembelajaran fisika di semua jenjang pendidikan. Namun, sebagian besar simulasi yang digunakan didownload langsung dari internet. Pentingnya keterampilan guru/pengajar fisika dalam membuat simulasi fisika yang interaktif menjadi sebuah kewajiban. Berbagai software dapat digunakan untuk membuat simulasi fisika salah satunya adalah Macro Visual Basic for Application Excel (VBA). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat simulasi fisika yang interaktif pada konsep gerak translasi dan gerak melingkar menggunakan VBA Excel dengan langkah pengembangan produkmenggunakan PBL Gold Standard are divided into 7 steps, namely Challenging Problem or Questions, Sustained Inquiry, Authenticity, Student Voice and Choice, Reflection, Critique and Revision and Publict Product. Setelah melalui proses pengerjaan proyek maka dihasilkan produk simulasi gerak translasi dan gerak dinamis yang selanjutnya dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran fisika.
JPF (Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika) Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar Vol 9 No 2 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Pendidikan Fisika UIN Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jpf.v9i2.20710


One of the biggest problems for farmers in the dry season is the lack of water supply for irrigation. Currently, various types of pumps have been widely used, such as fuel pumps and pumps with PLN electricity. However, the costs required to operate these tools are quite expensive. The solution offered is to replace it with a 12 volt 50 Watt DC submersible water pump. The purpose of this study, namely to determine the productivity of the DC submersible pump in terms of the resulting discharge for various storage height conditions used. The research is an experimental research through Gold Standard Project-Based Learning (Gold Standard PBL)method consisting of Challenging Problem or Questions, Sustained Inquiry, Autheticity, Student Voice and Choice, Reflection, Critique and Revision, Publict Product. The results of this study, namely the height of the reservoir has an effect on the resulting discharge, there is a reduction in the resulting discharge every 0.5 m increase in the height of the reservoir. Based on the results of the analysis using Microsoft Excel, it is obtained that the maximum height limit for submersible pump push is 3.7 m using a ¾ inch hose. The results of this study can be a reference for farmers or users to determine the height of the water reservoir