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Pengembangan Tes Keterampilan Renang Anak Usia Prasekolah Ermawan Susanto
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Vol 14, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : Graduate School, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (143.476 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/pep.v14i2.1076


Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) mengembangkan instrumen tes keterampilan renang usia prasekolah, (2) mengetahui validitas dan mengestimasi reliabilitas instrumen tes keterampilan renang usia prasekolah, (3) menciptakan butir-butir instrumen tes keterampilan renang usia prasekolah yang valid. Metode penelitian menggunakan research and development. Subjek penelitian adalah 50 siswa prasekolah usia 4-6 tahun. Instrumen pengumpulan data berupa lembar observasi dan kuesioner. Validitas diketahui dengan validitas isi dan reliabilitas instrumen diestimasi menggunakan formula alpha dari cronbach. Hasil penelitian berupa instrumen tes keterampilan renang usia prasekolah yang valid. Hasil estimasi reliabilitas sebesar 0,0994, yang selanjutnya direvisi hingga memeroleh produk final. Kata kunci: prasekolah, instrument, tes, keterampilan renang
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora Vol 15, No 1: April 2010
Publisher : LPPM UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (86.219 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/hum.v15i1.5033


This research aims at empowering DAS’s (river flowing area) people at the village of Code Jetis, Yogyakarta in covering flood disaster and in giving assistance of flood disaster emeregency. The design of research uses qualitative descriptive design which is done by using survey method. The method of data collection uses data triangulation which consists of: (1) Focus group discussion of local people (3 citizens), ad (2) non participant observation in DAS setting at Code. Subject of research that is used here is people at DAS of Code which consists of young people or public figure and expert as facilitators where live at Jogoyudan, Gondolayu, Gedongtengen, and Gowongan. Instrument of research is the researcher which is in this case helped by theme list that has prepared. The theme list is prepared by research team before FGD even. Data at FGD is recorded using audio tape and transmitted. Non-participant Data was notes on field-notes. The first Data analytic is data reduction,when transcript notes and field-notes reducted due the first topic and appear topic during taking of data. Furthermore, the process are data reconstruction and analisis thematic. The result of FGD process did doing for two groups untuil second group, then not found of new topics til the topic was same. The people live in Jetis said that antisipation and victim handling especially overflow is more benefit. Although some people was complication to knowing victim handling for drowning and near drowning because that knowledge is not enough.
Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani Indonesia Volume 5, Nomor 1, April 2006
Publisher : Departement of Sports Education, Faculty of Sport Sciences Yogyakarta State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (39.372 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpji.v5i1.6223


Dewasa ini kesadaran akan pentingnya pertumbuhan dan perkembanganmenyeluruh semakin tinggi. Terbukti banyak sekali bermunculan disiplin ilmuyang mengkhususkan bidang kajian pada masalah perkembangan anak sejakdini. Umumnya kajian terfokus kepada perkembangan fisik dan psikologis. Sehingga tidakmengherankan banyak bermunculan buku-buku yang membahas tentang perkembangananak usia dini. Demikian pula buku yang ditulis oleh pakar sekaligus guru pendidikanjasmani, Joanne Landy, B.Ed. Keith Burridge, M.Ed., B.Ed. ini, yang berjudul asli “50 SimpleThings you can do to Raise a Child who is Physically Fit”, di mana buku ini menggambarkansecara sederhana aktivitas jasmani yang bisa dilakukan orang tua dan anak.Buku dengan tebal 159 halaman ini, terbit pertama di Indonesia tahun 2002 dan terdiridari 2 (dua) bagian/bab. Bagian pertama terdiri dari 3 sub-bagian dan bagian kedua terdiridari 50 sub-bagian yang berisi contoh ringkas dan sederhana dari aktivitas jasmani anak.Pada bagian pertama, penulis memaparkan tentang arti pentingnya kebugaran bagi anak.Sedangkan bagian kedua menampilkan berbagai macam aktivitas koordinasi-manajementubuh dengan menyertakan 50 macam aktivitas jasmani anak.
Strategi Menghilangkan Fobia Air: Sebuah Pendekatan menuju Keamanan Pembelajaran Akuatik Ermawan Susanto
Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani Indonesia Vol 2, Edisi Khusus Mei 2005
Publisher : Departement of Sports Education, Faculty of Sport Sciences Yogyakarta State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpji.v2i2.4318


Water phobia is a kind of resisting factors in doing the aquatic study. Excessivefear is very disturbing for acquiring the skill of swimming. Swimming which ought to beeasy to be learned by man of all ages will mean nothing if the water phobia be still inmind. The problem is how to eliminate the excessive fear of water, so that somebodymay reach his optimal potency in mastering the aquatic skill.Strategy of eliminating the water phobia is an approach for optimizing the aquatic study.This strategy is expected to become an instrument which can assist physical educationteachers, all instructors or practitioners of swimming to overcome the problem of thewater phobia. Its trouble-shooting efforts apply the approach and the environment’sfacilitation which are emotionally, mentally, and physically supporting the course of thestudy. The water phobia can be caused by genetic elements. It can also be caused byeffects of a traumatic experience with water. The water phobia is also happened by theeffect of having cold feet posed by parents or adults. Peculiarly this strategy is addressedfor those who have fear or feel unsafe around or under water, both for children and alsoadults.Implications of this strategy affect the disappearance of excessive fear of water, andthen encourage the self confidence to perform the aquatic activity. Through physicaleducation teachers, swimming instructors, mental health experts, parents, and adults,the problem of those who suffer from the water phobia can be minimized.Keyword: Strategy, The Water Phobia, The Aquatic Activity, Physical Education
PAEDAGOGIA Vol 13, No 1 (2010): PAEDAGOGIA Jilid 13 Nomor 1 (2010)
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (71.621 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/paedagogia.v13i1.35982


The aim of this classroom action research is to improve the quality of aquaticlearning for FIK undergraduate student. The samples of research are sixty D-II PGSDphysical education program. The research methods used are descriptive analytictechnique and analytic data process consisting of: (1) describing data, (2) validity ofdata, and (3) interpretation of data. The steps of research process are: (1) preparation,(2) process: planning, acting, observing, reflecting, (3) conclusion. The acting preparationsof the research are three cycles. The result of that audio visual can improve theresearch showed quality of aquatic learning for D-II PGSD physical education program.In the first and second cycle, the qualities of aquatic learning were still low. The thirdcycle, the qualities of aquatic learning were improve by playing compact disk audiovisual of kind of swimming.
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Materi Lempar Lembing Untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar Boihaqi - haqi; Dimyati Dimyati; Ermawan Susanto; Hendrifadly Hendrifadly
Musamus Journal of Physical Education and Sport (MJPES) Vol 5 No 02 (2023): Musamus Journal of Physical Education and Sport (MJPES)
Publisher : Program Studies of Physical Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Musamus University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35724/mjpes.v5i02.5285


The purpose of this study is to develop teaching materials for javelin throwing materials for elementary school students who have good validity and reliability that can be used in learning, the method in this study is research and developmet, data collection with design validation, product trials, product validation and questionnaire research results show, The results of the validation percentage of the validators obtained answers that validator 1 generally strongly agreed (78.57%) with the design of teaching materials that had been developed by researchers, validator 2 all agreed (100%) with the content of teaching materials developed by researchers, and validator 3 generally strongly agreed (51.79) with the teaching material media that had been developed by researchers. Based on the three validator answers, it can be explained that the four teaching materials, namely: 1) Throw the tailed ball, 2) Turbo throw, 3) Throwing pipes and 4) Modified javelin throwing that was developed already has the feasibility to be taught