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STABILITA || Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil Vol 1, No 1 (2013): STABILITA || Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

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-Kata Kunci : Derajat Kejenuhan, Waktu Tempuh, dan Tingkat Pelayanan
STABILITA || Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil Vol 2, No 2 (2014): STABILITA || Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

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Keywords?:?Characteristic, Standard of Service, Public of Transport, RouteKata Kunci?: Karakteristik, Standar Pelayanan, Angkutan Umum, Rute
STABILITA || Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil Vol 7, No 1 (2019): STABILITA || Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

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Untuk menunjang pembangunan infrastruktur khususnya jalan raya harus ditunjang dengan ketersediaan material khususnya ketersediaan batu sebagai lapis pondasi. Namun hal ini dalam penggunaan batu sebagai lapis pondasi harus dilakukan pengujian atau pemeriksaan dari karasteritik batu melalui pengujian laboratorium, agar pembangunan jalan tersebut dapat memenuhi syarat sesuai spesifikasi Bina Marga. Desa Kawite-Wite adalah salah satu desa yang ada di Kabupaten Muna Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara yang mempunyai deposit batu gunung yang cukup dan sering digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk pembangunan jalan raya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan spesifikasi dari material gunung Desa Kawite-Wite Kabupaten Muna sebagai lapis pondasi agregat kelas B yang mengacu pada Spesifikasi Umum Bina Marga 2010, Revisi 3 (Divisi 5). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan pengujian yang ada, karakteristik dari material gunung Desa Kawite-Wite Kabupaten Muna memenuhi spesifikasi sesuai Standar Spesifikasi Umum Bina Marga 2010, Revisi 3 (Divisi 5) yang mana dengan data pengujian : CBR 84,50%, Abrasi rata-rata 37,30 %, Batas Cair (LL) 24,67 %, dan Indeks Plastis (PI) 5,75 %.?Kata Kunci : Agregat, Gradasi, CBR Batu Kawite-Wite
STABILITA || Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil Vol 7, No 2 (2019): STABILITA || Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

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ABSTRAKTransportasi merupakan sarana penunjang untuk pencapaian pengembangan ekonomi dari suatu wilayah. Adanya transpotasi dengan kapasitas yang optimal dalam hal ini keseimbangan antara permintaan akan jasa angkutan dengan sarana dan prasarana yang ada maka perwujutan pengembangan ekonomi pada suatu wilayah tersebut dapat tercapai. Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara terdapat kurang lebih 200 pulau yang tersebar. Sehingga angkutan laut sangatlah penting dalam menunjang atau sebagai jembatan penghubung perjalanan penumpang (penggunasa jasa) untuk menuju ke pulau-pulau tersebut. Salah satunya Pulau Muna dan Pulau Buton.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode statistik yaitu analisis regresi linear berganda yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara variabel-variabel bebas terhadap variabel terikat yang dikaji. Jumlah responden yang digunakan sebagai sampel pada penelitian ini sebesar 81 orang yang terdiri atas 49 orang atau 60,5% untuk keberangkatan dengan tujuan Raha dan 32 orang atau 39,5% untuk keberangkatan dengan tujuan Bau-Bau.Pendidikan, pekerjaan, jumlah keluarga, dan maksud perjalanan tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perjalanan penumpang angkutan laut di Pelabuhan Nusantara Kendari. Sedangkan pendapatan dan biaya berpengaruh signifikan atau memiliki hubungan terhadap perjalan angkutan laut di Pelabuhan Nusantara Kendari dengan nilai sebesar 0,093 dan 0,000. Hal ini diperjelas dengan nilai determinan (R2) sebesar 70,7%, artinya pendapatan dan biaya mampu menjelaskan atau berpengaruh terhadap perjalanan penumpang angkutan laut di Pelabuhan Nusantara Kendari, selebihnya sebesar 29,3% dipengaruhi oleh variabel-variabel lain.?Kata Kunci : ?Perjalanan Penumpang, Faktor yang Mempengaruhi, Analisis Regresi Linear BergandaABSTRACTTransportation is supporting facilities to achieve the economy development of a region. The presence of transportation with optimal capacity, in this case the balance between demand for transport services with facilities and infrastructure, then economy development of the region can be achieved.The South East of Sulawesi have more than 200 islands dispread. So the ocean freight is very important to support or as the link to the islands. One of them is Muna Island and Buton Island.This Researched was used method is multiple linear regression analysis to determine the correlation of Independent variabels and dependent variabels. Amount of Respondent in this research is 81 people consisting of 49 people or 60,5% for departure to Raha Island and 32 people or 39,5% to Bau-Bau Island.Education, employment, amount of families, and journey destination are not significant influential to ocean freight passenger journey in Nusantara Kendari Port. Whereas income and cost have significant influential or have correlation to ocean freight passenger journey in Nusantara Kendari Port withvalues of 0,093 and 0,000, determinant value(R2) is 70,7%, and 29,3% influencedby other variabels.?Keywords : Passengers Journey, Influencing Factors, Analysis Multiple Linear Regression
STABILITA || Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil Vol 6, No 2 (2018): STABILITA || Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

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Kerusakan jalan adalah hal yang sangat kompleks, berbagai macam bentuk yang dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan jalan salah satunya adalah kondisi lingkungan akibat genangan air, tidak terpeliharanya drainase jalan, serta beban kendaraan, dan lain sebagainya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui jenis dan tingkat kerusakan pada permukaan jalan dan memberikan tindakan untuk perbaikan kerusakan jalan.Ruas jalan yang menjadi kajian dalam penelitian ini yaitu? pada ruas jalan Haluoleo Kota Kendari, pada ruas jalan tersebut terdapat berbagai bentuk kerusakan, jenis pengambilan data yaitu berupa data primer seperti, bentuk kerusakan jalan, volume lalulintas. Metode yang digunakan mengacu pada metode bina marga didasarkan pada urutan proritas penanganan dari rentang nilai 0 sampai lebih dari 7 untuk mendapatkan penanganan jalan yang tepat.Hasil penelitian Terdapat 6 jenis kerusakan ?seperti amblas dengan? luas kerusakan 176,46 m2 (38,55%), retak kulit buaya 53 m2 (11,78%), retak memanjang 4,17 m2 (0,93%), pelepasan butiran 22 m2 (4,89%), kegemukan 5,5 m2 (1,22%). Dan lubang 159,67 m2 (35,48%). Lalu lintas harian rata-rata tertinggi terjadi pada hari minggu dengan nilai 4176 satauan mobil penumpang (Smp/hari), maka didapatkan nilai kelas jalan sebesar 5. Untuk nilai kondisi jalan di ambil angka rata-rata dari total angka kerusakan pada setiap segmen yaitu 17, maka nilai kondisi jalan yaitu 6 yaitu masuk dalam program pemeliharaan berkala, angka 3 masuk dalam rehabilitasi peningkatan jalan, dan untuk tindakan penanganan disesuaikan berdasarkan jenis kerusakan
Pembentukan Desa Tangguh Bencana Covid-19 untuk Antisipasi Penyebaran dan Dampaknya di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Jaya, Laode M Golok; Ngii, Edward; Mangidi, Uniadi; Azikin, Thahir; Welendo, La
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ilmu Terapan (JPMIT) Vol 2, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Vokasi Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (936.199 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jpmit.v2i2.14266


The spread of the Corona virus (Covid-19) has recently become increasingly worrying, not only because of the inadequate handling due to the lack of mass rapid tests and the obstacle to the examination method using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. On the other hand, the habit of people who ignore and underestimate the spread of Covid-19 infection has become the main trigger for the increasing number of positive patients of Covid-19. This is even more worrying if the scale of our review is not only urban but also rural, where the potential for exposure to Covid-19 is getting bigger. Therefore, Halu Oleo University through the Integrated Community Service program (KKN) Thematic Prevention of Covid-19 has a big agenda of increasing public awareness both in cities and in rural areas who are very prone to exposure to Covid-19 to minimize the impact that occurs due to the spread of Covid-19. The purpose of this activity is to form a Covid-19 Disaster Resilient Village to anticipate its spread and impact in Southeast Sulawesi Province. This KKN is a multidisciplinary activity from various scientific fields involving students and lecturers from various departments. The method implemented is socialization as an effort to increase public awareness through social media that is easily accessed and understood by the community while still implementing social distancing and with strict health protocols, involving village and community officials. Another method is to collect data on the profiles of people who are vulnerable to exposure and have an impact on their health and economy, in addition to physical activities such as spraying with disinfectants at houses of worship. Other methods carried out include making booklets using local languages, and making tutorials on using Zoom and Google Meet online media meetings so that learning activities of school students and village officials can continue during the Covid-19 pandemic.The results of this KKN Thematic activity are expected to become a learning medium for students as part of the Merdeka Campus Program, building villages that are resilient to the Covid-19 disaster, maintaining the economy and community activities, and become a forum for community service for lecturers.
Pengembangan Infrastruktur Sipil Berbasis Lingkungan Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 di Kelurahan Anduonohu Kota Kendari Welendo, La; Ahmad, Siti Nurjanah; Mursidi, Baso; Nasrul, Nasrul; Nuhun, Ridwan Syah; Putra, Adris A.
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Ilmu Terapan (JPMIT) Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Vokasi Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (502.808 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jpmit.v3i1.18440


The realization of an increase in the community's economy with access to roads, especially on roads in theAnduonohu Urban Village, Kendari City, which are still limited in the formation of roads, as a form of highereducation tridarma and shared responsibility for the benefit of the community, the purpose of carrying out thisservice is to provide understanding and application of infrastructure development civilian construction ofenvironmental roads during the post-Covid-19 pandemic to facilitate access to community mobility in thatenvironment and so that people can understand the importance of road infrastructure for the sustainability ofthe economy of the surrounding community.The process of implementing this service activity is the application of a technique for making newenvironmental roads and repairing existing footpaths according to the available resources of the communityservice implementing TEAM, namely socialization to the community by paying attention to work patternsduring the Covid-19 pandemic according to standard health protocols set. The road construction implementationtechnique conveyed in this service activity is in the form of increasing public knowledge, especially in theprocedural implementation of civil infrastructure, as well as maintaining the cleanliness and health of theenvironment around their residence.The process of implementing this service activity is the application of atechnique for making new environmental roads and repairing existing footpaths according to the availableresources of the community service implementing TEAM, namely socialization to the community by payingattention to work patterns during the Covid-19 pandemic according to standard health protocols set. The roadconstruction implementation technique conveyed in this service activity is in the form of increasing publicknowledge, especially in the procedural implementation of civil infrastructure, as well as maintaining thecleanliness and health of the environment around their residence. The method used in this activity is sampleprovide, direct and face-to-face discussions with the community, as well as field applications in the developmentof civil infrastructure in Anduonohu Village, Kendari City. The results obtained by this community serviceprogram are that the community can understand the importance of science and the manufacture ofenvironmental road physical infrastructure, the community has a fairly good response and high enthusiasm forthe implementation of this program of activities, it can benefit the community by forming environmental roadswith more pavement. both for the movement / mobility of the community in that location and the locationaround it. Keywords: Civil Infrastructure, Environmental Road, Community, Covid-19 Pandemic