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Sipakalebbi Vol 1, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Sipakalebbi

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  Gender relation in family law, according to Elizabeth H. White, divides into two namely unrestricted and restricted. Family law policy on polygamy among Muslim worlds differs even they have similar schools of thought. Tahir Mahmood categorizes polygamous regulations for six: (1). Allowing polygamy totally (2) polygamy can be a reason for divorce (3) Polygamy must get permission from court (4) Restriction from social control (5) forbidden polygamy totally (6) Breaking polygamous regulation should be punished. Polygamy is restricted in Turkey and Tunis, while in Syria, Somalia, Egypt and Indonesia is allowed with some requirements which are quite restricted. Relasi gender dalam hukum keluarga menurut Elizabeth H. White ada dua, yaitu relasi yang tidak membatasi hak-hak perempuan (unrestricted) dan relasi yang membatasinya (restricted). Aturan poligami dalam hukum keluarga di dunia Islam satu sama lain tidaklah sama, meskipun menganut mazhab yang sama. Tahir Mahmood memilah aturan poligami dalam hukum keluarga menjadi enam kelompok; (1) boleh poligami secara mutlak, (2) poligami dapat menjadi alasan cerai, (3) poligami harus ada izin dari Pengadilan, (4) pembatasan lewat kontrol sosial, (5) poligami dilarang secara mutlak, dan (6) dikenakan hukuman bagi yang melanggar aturan tentang poligami. Di Turki dan Tunisia, poligami dilarang keras, sementara Syria, Somalia, Mesir, dan Indonesia membolehkan poligami dengan persyaratan yang berupaya untuk memperkecil terjadinya poligami.
The Program of Circuit Isbat Nikah as the Embodiment of Access to Justice in Indonesia Andaryuni, Lilik
Mazahib Vol 17, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (703.008 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/mj.v17i1.1054


Human rights guaranteed by the Constitution require, among other things, that every citizen should be able to access the judiciary. In reality, however, not all citizens can access the judiciary in Indonesia due to various factors including litigation costs, ignorance of litigation procedures, and distance problem. The same situation is also experienced by the society seeking for justice through Islamic judiciary (Pengadilan Agama or PA) across Indonesia. One of the Religious Courts deserved for a case study is PA Tenggarong. PA Tenggarong is one of the Religious Courts in East Kalimantan, which covers two district areas, namely Kutai Barat and Kutai Kartanegara. Kutai Barat consists of 12 sub-districts with 182 villages, while Kutai Kartanegara has 18 sub-districts with 227 villages. The geographical conditions and locations of the villages are mostly far away from the PA Tenggarong that render it difficult for the justice seekers in accessing the court, and, thus, obtaining their rights. Their legal problems mainly come from their unregistered marriages which make their unions do not exist according to the effective law. Hence, this article analyzes how the program of the legalization of unregistered marriages (isbat nikah) in PA Tenggarong has been implemented in order to assist the justice seekers in securing the legal certainty of marriage status. The finding reveals that the process of the legalization of marriage is conducted as a circuit marriage contract in different sub-district/village office or decent premises across Kutai Barat and Kutai Kartanegara. The program is free for eligible parties and is facilitative towards their needs and conditions, namely lacks of legal documents, ignorance of the litigation procedures, and afar domicile. This thus makes PA Tenggarong now more accessible to the public and the circuit isbat nikah as the embodiment of access to justice principle in Indonesia.Keywords:Circuit isbat nikah, access to justice, Islamic Judiciary in Indonesia  
Efektivitas Perma Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 tentang Prosedur Mediasi di Pengadilan dalam Menekan Angka Cerai di Pengadilan Agama Andaryuni, Lilik; Haika, Ratu
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.62 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/fj.v10i2.1231


Raising statistic divorce from year to year increased, make Supreme Court take various efforts, among others make the role of mediation in the Religious Court (PERMA No. 1 Tahun 2016). This article discusses the effectiveness of mediation in the Religious Court in order to minimize statistic divorce in the Religious Court East Kalimantan.
Pendidikan Multikultural Di Perguruan Tinggi Andaryuni, Lilik
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (467.319 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/fj.v6i1.161


The background of this study is the existence of various etnics, tribes, and culture in Indonesia. The diversity becomes social power to develop the nation. The conflicts, happened in some places in Indonesia, are the pictures how diversity could create violenceand and lost. That is why, the multiculturalism education is important to be developed. STAIN Samarinda, which is the only one Islamic higher education in Kalimantan Timur, also concerns to this issue. This study shows that the implemetation of multiculturalism education at STAIN Samarinda running well. STAIN Samarinda implements the multiculturalism education by: (a) making MoU with some social institutions, social groups, banks, and others. (b) considering gender; there is no gender discrimination at STAIN Samarinda. (c) making students’ center activities, such as: BEM, UKM band, UKM teater iqra’, KSR, boy-scouts, and others. In terms of the strategy in enriching multiculturalism values, STAIN Samarinda put this subject into the process of learning at STAIN Samarinda.
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (283.238 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/fj.v9i2.946


Angka cerai gugat dari tahun mengalami peningkatan, baik pada tingkat nasional maupun lokal. Pada tingkat nasional berdasarkan data Badilag 2014, dari tahun 2010 sampai 2014 perbandingan angka cerai talak dan cerai gugat adalah 30: 70. Untuk tingkat lokal, khususnya Samarinda, dari tahun 2010 sampai 2014 perbandingan angka cerai talak dan cerai gugat berkisar antara 29: 71. Tingginya angka cerai gugat ini di antaranya disebabkan pemahaman gender perempuan yang mengajukan cerai gugat baik, dengan indikasi di antaranya informan mengerti makna perkawinan dan hak-haknya, persepsi yang positif tentang perempuan yang bekerja, dan sebagainya. Faktor yang mempengaruhi pemahaman gender perempuan yang mengajukan cerai gugat adalah kemandirian ekonomi, tingkat pendidikan, lingkungan dan teman-teman tempat bekerja, kemajuan informasi dan teknologi. Pemahaman gender memberikan dampat terhadap tingginya angka cerai gugat di Pengadilan Agama Samarinda.
Formalisasi Syari’ah Islam Di Indonesia Andaryuni, Lilik
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.882 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/fj.v4i1.216


Spirit to apply syariah Islam in various areas in Indonesia apparently never extinguished, and one of them is in NAD. Application of syariah Islam in Aceh actually parses various criticisms and arguments; in fact the case that the application of syariah Islam in NAD is a gift from the central government, because of there is a concern from central of NAD will separate from NKRI. Formalization (canonization) of Islam law is a way to safely the law of Islam. Therefore, the law of Islam that has been formalized in the form of regulation/canon, so that in the application caused no pros and cons from various parties, better prepared well, both in terms of material, readiness of human resources also the local readiness to execute it, thus caused no productive cons later.
Mazahib VOLUME 10, ISSUE 1, JUNE 2012
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (284.898 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/mj.v10i1.107


Pornography is like an octopus that plagued the whole society. Background of many factors, among others, women's fashions, the media, including internet. Various regulations were issued to mute it. Still can not stem its spread. Pornography is located between the ethical and aesthetic dimensions. Talk about moral ethics, aesthetics are talking about the beauty of Islamic law has its own rules of procedure and ethics association of dress.
Studi tentang Hadis Malam Nisfu Sya'ban Andaryuni, Lilik
Mazahib VOLUME 13, ISSUE 1, JUNE 2014
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/mj.v13i1.393


The glory and privilege month of Sya`ban is because it is the month with full of intercession, forgiveness, and rewards. In this month, man should do a lot of self introspection, because this month is the closing month of Islamic calendar. Prophet Muhammad did a lot of fasting in the month of Sya`ban because he loved when his pious acts were accounted for in the fasting state. There are different opinions, however, when it comes to the status of the 15th night of Sya`ban: is it a special evening with a special virtue too or it is no more than the rest of Sya`ban nights? This article thus will analyze ulama’s opinions on this matter.
The Program of Circuit Isbat Nikah as the Embodiment of Access to Justice in Indonesia Andaryuni, Lilik
Mazahib VOLUME 17, ISSUE 1, JUNE 2018
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (703.008 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/mj.v17i1.1054


Human rights guaranteed by the Constitution require, among other things, that every citizen should be able to access the judiciary. In reality, however, not all citizens can access the judiciary in Indonesia due to various factors including litigation costs, ignorance of litigation procedures, and distance problem. The same situation is also experienced by the society seeking for justice through Islamic judiciary (Pengadilan Agama or PA) across Indonesia. One of the Religious Courts deserved for a case study is PA Tenggarong. PA Tenggarong is one of the Religious Courts in East Kalimantan, which covers two district areas, namely Kutai Barat and Kutai Kartanegara. Kutai Barat consists of 12 sub-districts with 182 villages, while Kutai Kartanegara has 18 sub-districts with 227 villages. The geographical conditions and locations of the villages are mostly far away from the PA Tenggarong that render it difficult for the justice seekers in accessing the court, and, thus, obtaining their rights. Their legal problems mainly come from their unregistered marriages which make their unions do not exist according to the effective law. Hence, this article analyzes how the program of the legalization of unregistered marriages (isbat nikah) in PA Tenggarong has been implemented in order to assist the justice seekers in securing the legal certainty of marriage status. The finding reveals that the process of the legalization of marriage is conducted as a circuit marriage contract in different sub-district/village office or decent premises across Kutai Barat and Kutai Kartanegara. The program is free for eligible parties and is facilitative towards their needs and conditions, namely lacks of legal documents, ignorance of the litigation procedures, and afar domicile. This thus makes PA Tenggarong now more accessible to the public and the circuit isbat nikah as the embodiment of access to justice principle in Indonesia.Keywords:Circuit isbat nikah, access to justice, Islamic Judiciary in Indonesia  
Efektivitas Program Pusaka Sakinah dalam Menurunkan Angka Stunting pada Keluarga di Kabupaten Kutai Timur: Studi di KUA Kecamatan Sangatta Utara Fathul Bari, Muhammad; Duraesa, Muhammad Abzar; Andaryuni, Lilik
Medina-te : Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 19 No 2 (2023): Medina-Te: Jurnal Studi Islam
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/medinate.v19i2.19439


The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of the Pusaka Sakinah Program in reducing the incidence of stunting and the supporting and inhibiting factors in its implementation within families in the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) in the North Sangatta District. The research method employed is qualitative, utilizing a Field Research type with a sociological-juridical approach. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation, and the data analysis technique begins with data condensation, followed by data presentation, concluding with data interpretation while using data validity techniques. The results indicate that the effectiveness of the Pusaka Sakinah program in reducing the incidence of stunting within families is attributed to programs provided by the North Sangatta KUA, such as the Secret Marriage Learning Program, Counseling, Mediation, Support, Advocacy, Consultation, and the Joint Services for Indonesian Family Resilience Program. Inhibiting factors include a shortage of religious counselors and program implementers, while supporting factors include support from related government agencies such as the National Family Planning Board (BKKBN), community health centers (Puskesmas), and educational institutions for the Pusaka Sakinah program in reducing the incidence of stunting within families in the North Sangatta District.