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PELAKSANAAN PELAYANAN PRIMA DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEPUASAN MASYARAKAT (Studi kasus Pelayanan Pengurusan Kartu Keluarga di Kecamatan Menganti, Gresik) Cintyawati, Birantika; Indartuti, Endang; Wibowo, Judhi Hari
JPAP: Jurnal Penelitian Administrasi Publik Vol 3 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/jpap.v3i2.1262


IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIMA SERVICE IN IMPROVING COMMUNITY SATISFACTION (Case Study of Family Card Handling Service in Kecamatan Menganti, Gresik)This research is meant to find out the implementation of excellent service to increased people satisfaction where the focus of the proposed research is trying to understand about the public service excellence in improving people's satisfaction at maintenance services of the Kartu Keluarga (KK). This research is associative descriptive research with quantitative approach. Survey method is done by issuing interviews and distributing questionnaires. Indicators that used in the service excellence are simplicity, clarity, certainty of time, accuracy, security, responsibility, completeness of facilities and infrastructure, ease of access, discipline, courtesy and friendliness and comfort. Indicators in the people satisfaction it can be done by measuring Indeks Kepuasan Masyarakat (IKM) i.e. the procedures, conditions of service, the clarity of service personnel, disciplinary care workers, the responsibility of service personnel, the ability of service personnel, speed of service, justice to get service, courtesy and friendliness of the clerk, reasonableness of fees service, cost of service assurance, service schedule certainty, convenience and security environment ministry. The subjects were employees of the service and the people who perform the maintenance services of Kartu Keluarga 150 respondents using quota sampling method is sampling. Based on interviews and distributed questionnaires showed that the excellent service performed by employees, especially service management to increasing People Satisfaction in District Menganti, Gresik is good and the people are satisfied with the services provided by employees. Keywords: Excellence Service, People Satisfaction
JPAP: Jurnal Penelitian Administrasi Publik Vol 3 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/jpap.v3i2.1267


Implementation of Hope Family Program (PKH) to Very Poor Family (KSM) Recipient Help (Study in Rindi District Sumba Timur). This study aims to describe the implementation of Family Hope Program (PKH) in Rindi District, East Sumba Regency. This research uses qualitative descriptive method type. Data collection techniques used in the form of interviews to get a deep data from the sources. And Techniques The collection of data from existing sources is through records, archives, and documents, textbooks, existing both in the institution related to PKH and the libraries that deal with the research problems discussed. Informant research that includes the implementers, target groups and public figures in general. The results of this study show that PKH Implementation in Rindi Sub-district of East Sumba Regency has many obstacles and has not been implemented well, socialization and information distribution about PKH has not been fully known by the figures and society in general except the executing party and the target group, And there is no clear SOP on PKH in Rindi District. Keywords: implementation, program keluarga harapan (PKH)
KEBIJAKAN PENGEMBANGAN PARIWISATA KABUPATEN JEMBER (Studi Kasus Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Pantai Puger Dalam Meningkatkan Kunjungan Wisatawan) Masula, Imroatu Choiroh; Indartuti, Endang; Soenarjanto, Bagoes
JPAP: Jurnal Penelitian Administrasi Publik Vol 3 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/jpap.v3i1.1239


Attractions Puger Beach in Jember District, East Java Province. Puger Beach 35 km northwest of the city of Jember known as a fish auction, will Puger Beach has a very interesting beauty with a large waves also can be used for surfing. Another potential that can be developed is the island of Nusa Barong is located not far from Puger Beach, Development of attractions that must be done with more focused and sustainable.The formulation of this research is how is the strategy of puger beach tourism development in increasing the tourists in Jember District Government? So the purpose of the research is to analyze the strategy of puger beach tourism development in increasing the tourists. Sources of data in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained by conducting interviews to tourism managers, the public. Related offices and visitors who are in the location of research, while secondary data obtained from BPS, Department of Culture and Tourism Kab. Jember, libraries and internet, data analysis techniques used using Descriptive Analysis method while to obtain tourism development strategy using SWOT analysis.Based on the results of data analysis and discussion that has been done, it can be concluded tourism object. Puger Beach can be developed using aspects of attractiveness, accessibility aspects, aspects of activities and facilities, social, economic and cultural aspects. In addition, the output of this research is the making of policies and programs that can be used in the development of Puger Beach tourism destination. Keywords: Development Strategy, SWOT Analysis, Policy
PELAYANAN PUBLIK BERBASIS GOOD GOVERNANCE ( Studi tentang Akuntabilitas dan Transparansi dalam Pelayanan KTP di Kecamatan Sukolilo Kota Surabaya ) Thetool, Yonas; Indartuti, Endang; Soenarjanto, Bagoes
JPAP: Jurnal Penelitian Administrasi Publik Vol 3 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/jpap.v3i1.1236


The phenomenon of public service today is very rampant with problems by the bureaucrats who are less responsible, resulting in service to the community becomes not maximal, and people become unconvinced with the government bureaucracy. The presence of Good Governance is expected to be able to restore public trust to the government bureaucracy. Where Good Governace principles such as Accountability and Transparency are needed. The purpose of this study is To Know the Level of Accountability and Transparency in District Sukolilo Surabaya in the Service ID card. The research method used is to use descriptive research form using qualitative approach. Descriptive research will present data, analyze, interpret, and made conclusions from research conducted by the author. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that Accountability in ID card Service in Sukolilo Subdistrict of Surabaya City is good, where performance accountability indicator, cost accountability and accountability of service product have been appraised by society as respondent. Transparency in ID card service in Kecamatan Sukolilo Surabaya is quite good where management, service and service indicators, service procedures, service charge details, authorized and responsible officials, service standards, service promise and service location are considered good enough, but at Indicator of service information and service completion time is still considered not good by the community as respondents. Keywords : Public Service, Good Governance, Accountability and Transparency.
JPAP: Jurnal Penelitian Administrasi Publik Vol 1 No 01 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/jpap.v1i01.390


Program Raskin merupakan subsidi pangan sebagai upaya dari Pemerintah untuk meningkatkan ketahanan pangan dan memberikan perlindungan pada keluarga miskin melalui pendistribusian beras yang diharapkan mampu menjangkau keluarga miskin. Tujuan Program Raskin adalah memberikan bantuan dan meningkatkan atau membuka akses pangan keluarga miskin dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan beras sebagai upaya peningkatan ketahanan pangan di tingkat keluarga melalui penjualan beras kepada keluarga penerima manfaat pada tingkat harga bersubsidi dengan jumlah yang telah ditentukan dan mengurangi beban pengeluaran rumah tangga sasaran melalui pemenuhan sebagian kebutuhan pangan pokok dalam bentuk beras. Sasaran Program Raskin tahun 2014 adalah berkurangnya beban pengeluaran 15.530.879 Rumah Tangga Sasaran dalam mencukupi kebutuhan pangan beras melalui pendistribusian beras bersubsidi sebanyak 15Kg/RTS/bulan selama 12 bulan dengan harga Rp 1.600/Kg netto ditempat penyerahan yang disepakati (titik distribusi). Perumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah Bagaimanakah Implementasi Program Beras Untuk Keluarga Miskin di Desa Bareng Kecamatan Ngasem Kabupaten Bojonegoro tahun 2014? Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui Implementasi Program Beras Untuk Keluarga Miskin di Desa Bareng Kecamatan Ngasem Kabupaten Bojonegoro tahun 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer yaitu dengan kuesioner terbuka dan data sekunder yaitu dengan studi dokumentasi dan kepustakaan. Metode analisis data menggunakan model deskriptif-kualitatif. Hasil penelitian Implementasi Program Beras Untuk Keluarga Miskin di Desa Bareng Kecamatan Ngasem Kabupaten Bojonegoro tahun 2014 menurut teori George Edward III yang dipakai peneliti untuk mengukur implementasi program raskin adalah belum terlaksana dengan baik sesuai dengan tujuan Program Raskin.Kata kunci: implementasi, program raskin
PELAYANAN PUBLIK BERBASIS GOOD GOVERNANCE ( Studi tentang Akuntabilitas dan Transparansi dalam Pelayanan KTP di Kecamatan Sukolilo Kota Surabaya ) Thetool, Yonas; Indartuti, Endang; Soenarjanto, Bagoes
JPAP: Jurnal Penelitian Administrasi Publik Vol 3 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/jpap.v3i1.1237


The phenomenon of public service today is very rampant with problems by the bureaucrats who are less responsible, resulting in service to the community becomes not maximal, and people become unconvinced with the government bureaucracy. The presence of Good Governance is expected to be able to restore public trust to the government bureaucracy. Where Good Governace principles such as Accountability and Transparency are needed. The purpose of this study is To Know the Level of Accountability and Transparency in District Sukolilo Surabaya in the Service ID card. The research method used is to use descriptive research form using qualitative approach. Descriptive research will present data, analyze, interpret, and made conclusions from research conducted by the author. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that Accountability in ID card Service in Sukolilo Subdistrict of Surabaya City is good, where performance accountability indicator, cost accountability and accountability of service product have been appraised by society as respondent. Transparency in ID card service in Kecamatan Sukolilo Surabaya is quite good where management, service and service indicators, service procedures, service charge details, authorized and responsible officials, service standards, service promise and service location are considered good enough, but at Indicator of service information and service completion time is still considered not good by the community as respondents. Keywords : Public Service, Good Governance, Accountability and Transparency.
IMPLEMENTASI UNDANG UNDANG NOMOR 6 TAHUN 2014 (Studi Tentang Pengelolaan Alokasi Dana Desa Dalam Menunjang Pembangunan Pedesaan di Desa Sekaran Kecamatan Jatirogo Kabupaten Tuban ) Sari, Anggita Oktavia Dewi Puspita; Indartuti, Endang; Soenarjanto, Bagoes
JPAP: Jurnal Penelitian Administrasi Publik Vol 3 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/jpap.v3i2.1254


IMPLEMENTATION OF LAW NUMBER 6 YEAR 2014(Study on the Management of Villages Fund Allocation in Supporting Rural Development in the Village Sekaran Jatirogo District Tuban Regency). One of the government's concern for the development of rural areas are by agreeing development budget that set out in Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD) called Alokasi Dana Desa (ADD). In Sekaran Village, sub district of Jatirogo, Tuban city, ADD was began in 2015, but the implementation indicated some problem that is the association of villages ability for planning, implementation and development in accordance with the potency that they have. Lack of administration report in accountability terms of the activities that are sourced from ADD. Lack of coaching by Upper Level Government technical institution that managing ADD with Facilitation and development team of ADD to the village officials.This research entitled as “Implementasi Undang Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 (Studi Tentang Pengelolaan Alokasi Dana Desa Dalam Menunjang Pembangunan Pedesaan Di Desa Sekaran Kecamatan Jatirogo Kabupaten Tuban)”. This research have two purposes, first is to determine the implementation of Alokasi Dana Desa in Sekaran village and second is to describe the Management Implementation of Alokasi Dana Desa to support the development of Sekaran Village, sub district of Jatirogo, Tuban city.This research is located in Sekaran Village, sub district of Jatirogo, Tuban city. Procedure of data collection done by interviews, observation and document research. The Informants of this research is the headman, treasurer, Government functionary, and some institutions as receiver of Alokasi Dana Desa. Data analysis was performed by data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.This research using descriptive qualitative method. The result of the research shows that the Management Implementation of Alokasi Dana Desa in Efforts to Support the Development of Sekaran Village, sub district of Jatirogo, Tuban city goes well, seen from the communication factor, disposition and organizational structure. Keywords: implementation, management, and allocation of village funds.
IMPLEMENTASI PERATURAN DAERAH KOTA SURABAYA NOMOR 7 TAHUN 2002 TENTANG KEBIJAKAN RUANG TERBUKA HIJAU (Studi Kasus Kebun Bibit Bratang Kota Surabaya) Indriyani, Ika; Indartuti, Endang; Soenarjanto, Bagoes
JPAP: Jurnal Penelitian Administrasi Publik Vol 3 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/jpap.v3i1.1238


The municipal government policy on the utilization of green open spaces in Surabaya is stated in Local Regulation No. 7 of 2002 on the management of green open spaces. The law also states that green open space is a city space that serves as a green area of city park, green forest area of the city, green area of urban recreation, green area of cemetery, green agricultural area, green area of green line, and green area of yard Utilization of green open space Such as flora and fauna parks in Surabaya or commonly referred to as Bratang Bratang Surabaya gardens are the answer of this polluted metro-politan city, although the state of Bratang seedlings is still poorly maintained and has become a dispute between private parties and the municipal authorities.Problem Formulation in this Research is How Implementation of Local Regulation of Surabaya City Number 7 Year 2002 About Green Open Space Policy of Bratang Seed Garden? This research also aim to to know Implementation of Local Regulation of Surabaya City Number 7 Year 2002 In Green Open Space Policy of Bratang Seed Garden. This research is descriptive research using qualitative approach. Technique of collecting data is done by observation, interview, and documentation.The informant of research in this research is Kasubag TU UPTD Rekreasi DKRTH and Satgas Bratang Seed Garden. The data validity check is done by triangulation of source and method.From the research results can be seen that the implementation of the implementation of the policy of Regulation No 7 of 2002 is considered effective and goes well. The result of this research is by connecting from George Edward III theory that is from communication aspect, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. Keywords: Policy, Implementation, Qualitative, Theory George Edward III
Implementasi Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) Terhadap Keluarga Sangat Miskin (KSM) Penerima Bantuan (Studi di Kecamatan Rindi Kabupaten Sumba Timur) Pekuwali, Pelipus; Indartuti, Endang; Murti, Indah
JPAP: Jurnal Penelitian Administrasi Publik Vol 4 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Penelitian Administrasi Publik (JPAP)
Publisher : Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/jpap.v4i2.2303


This study aims to describe the implementation of Family Hope Program (PKH) in Rindi District, East Sumba Regency. This research uses qualitative descriptive method type. Data collection techniques used in the form of interviews to get a deep data from the sources. And Techniques The collection of data from existing sources is through records, archives, and documents, textbooks, existing both in the institution related to PKH and the libraries that deal with the research problems discussed. Informant research that includes the implementers, target groups and public figures in general. The results of this study show that PKH Implementation in Rindi Sub-district of East Sumba Regency has many obstacles and has not been implemented well, socialization and information distribution about PKH has not been fully known by the figures and society in general except the executing party and the target group, , And there is no clear SOP on PKH in Rindi District.Keywords: Implementation, Family Hope Program (PKH)
Kualitas Pelayanan Publik di Bidang Administrasi Kependudukan: Studi pada Kelurahan Gebang Putih Kecamatan Sukolilo Kota Surabaya Lutfia, Putri Liana; Indartuti, Endang
Journal of Office Administration : Education and Practice Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022): November
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/joaep.v2n3.p191-197


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyusun ringkasan data tentang kualitas pelayanan publik di bidang administrasi kependudukan di Kelurahan Gebang Putih Kecamatan Sukolilo Kota Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan yaitu sekunder, data sekunder digunakan untuk pengumpulan data penelitian. Data sekunder dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber yang sudah ada, kemudian dianalisis dalam tiga tahap: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Kantor Kelurahan Gebang Putih telah menerapkan dimensi Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, dan Emphasis serta indikator-indikator yang sesuai untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan administrasi kependudukan. Dalam hal layanan pengguna, masyarakat Kelurahan Gebang Putih senang dengan permasalahan mereka yang telah ditangani. Secara Keseluruhan bahwa pelayanan publik di Kelurahan Gebang Putih di atas rata-rata dan sudah dapat dikatakan baik.