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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Akuntansi dan Keuangan 2015: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Akuntansi dan Keuangan
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Akuntansi dan Keuangan

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 ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui 1) bagaimana pemberdayaan UMKM serta dampaknya terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi pedesaan  di Kecamatan Manyaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskreptif kualitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah UMKM di Kecamatan Manyaran. Sampel penelitian ini diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Terdiri dari pelaku UMKM, Dinas Koperasi dan UMKM, Kecamatan Manyaran. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan analasis analisis interaksi  yang terdiri atas pengumpulan data, Reduksi data, sajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan dasn Analisis Cluster dan Multidimensional Scaling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberdayaan UMKM mampu memberdayakan potensi sumber daya alamdan Sumberdaya manusia, serta berdampak positif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi pedesaan di Kecamatan Manyaran. ABSTRACT The objectives of this research are to investigate 1)the empowerment of micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises, its impact on the rural economic growth in Manyaran sub-district, the constraints to the empowerment of micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises and cooperatives. This research used the descriptive qualitative method. The population of research was micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises in Manyaran sub-district. The samples of research were taken by using the purposive sampling technique. They consisted of the agents of micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises, the Office of Cooperatives and Micro-, Small-, and Medium-Scale Enterprises, the Office of Manyaran Sub-district. The data of research were collected through in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. They were analyzed by using the Cluster and Multidimensional Scaling technique of analysis and interactive model of analysis comprising data gathering, data grouping, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of research show that the empowerment of micro-, small-, and medium-scale enterprises utilizes and develops human and natural resource potentials; the empowerment has a positive impact on the rural economic growth in Manyaran sub-district.     Kata kunci:     Pemberdayaan, UMKM, Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Pedesaan.
UPAYA MEMINIMALISASI DISKALKULIA PADA SISWA KELAS 7G DI SMP NEGRI 2 KARTASURA Jati, Lia Kusuma; Prasetyo, Muhammad Ponco; Shalihah, Nurul; Asmawati, Titik
Buletin Literasi Budaya Sekolah Vol. 2, No. 2, Desember 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/blbs.v2i2.12843


This article discusses the existence of disease or dyscalculatic problems experienced by junior high school students, especially in the 7G grade. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 2 Kartasura. The background of this research is the difficulty of students in understanding the basic concepts of mathematics. Diskalkulia is a form of learning difficulties experienced by children in learning mathematics. In fact, almost all students say that mathematics is the most difficult subject. If it's not difficult that means it's not math. Given the importance of mathematics in science and technology, it is only natural that mathematics becomes a compulsory subject that needs to be mastered and well understood by students in schools. The need for current and future mathematical applications is not only for everyday use, but especially in the world of work, and to support science.The cause of learning difficulties in mathematics is a common problem that often occurs in children in schools, with different types and different levels of difficulty. Problems experienced by students to understand the basic concepts of mathematics are influenced by several factors including internal factors of students who consider mathematics difficult, lack of student interest in learning mathematics. Whereas external factors include, the method used by the teacher in delivering material is less interesting so students feel bored when learning takes place.
Pendayagunaan Kewirausahaan Siswa Kompetensi Keahlian Pemasaran (Studi Kasus di SMK Sudirman 1 Wonogiri). Asmawati, Titik
Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial Vol 26, No 2 (2016): JURNAL PENDIDIKAN ILMU SOSIAL
Publisher : Department of Accounting Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2317/jpis.v26i2.3353


This study aims to: (1) Describe the planning Enterprise Marketing Competency SMK Students Sudirman 1 Wonogiri. (2) Describe the implementation of Enterprise Reform Vocational Students Skills Competency Marketing Sudirman 1 Wonogiri. (3) Describe the Evaluation of Enterprise Reform Vocational Students Skills Competency Marketing Sudirman 1 Wonogiri. The approach used in this study is qualitative as a whole is expected to describe the object under study, analyze it so that it can be formulated for the appropriate utilization of entrepreneurship in creating young entrepreneurs. The Subjects were SMK Sudirman 1 Wonogiri consists Principal , Vice Principal , Head of Competence Expertise , Teacher Productive , infrastructure and written documents relating to the utilization of entrepreneurship .Methods of data collection is conducted by observation, interview and documentation study. Utilization of entrepreneurial students through several steps, namely: Preparation (Curriculum, Infrastructure, human resources and preparation of activities), Implementation and evaluation. Entrepreneurship implemented in school utilization (Unit Production and Business Center) and extramural (DU / DI) through industrial visits and apprenticeship (PSG). The role of teachers in schools as actors and designers wirausawan in schools and mentor students at DU / DI is crucial to realize the potential entrepreneurs from graduate school. Keywords: business center, production unit, PSG and reform
Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial Vol 29, No 1 (2019): JURNAL PENDIDIKAN ILMU SOSIAL
Publisher : Department of Accounting Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jpis.v29i1.8241


This study aims to (1) analyze and describe the assessment of accounting learning conducted by high school teachers in Surakarta City-Central Java. (2) the development of lesson study based contextual accounting learning assessment. This study uses the research and development approach. Research subjects of high school accounting teachers in Surakarta City. Methods of data collection, interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques use interactive analysis which includes data collection, data reduction, data display and verification. The validity of the data uses triangulation methods and sources. The results of the study indicate that the judgments carried out include affective assessment, cognitive assessment and psychomotor assessment. The evaluation of accounting learning in high school of Surakarta City for affective aspects are using two ways, namely the assessment of spiritual attitudes competency and social attitudes assessment. Assessment of spiritual attitudes uses self-assessment techniques. Social attitude competency assessment uses observation techniques, self-assessment journals, and peers. Assessment of accounting learning for cognitive aspects using tests and assignments. There are three learning assessments for psychomotor aspects, namely project appraisal, performance, and portfolio. Development is carried out on assessment instruments for both affective, cognitive, and psychomotor aspects. The development of the affective aspect is carried out by the spiritual attitude competency assessment instrument and the social attitude competency assessment instrument with observation techniques. The development of cognitive aspects is carried out on the instrument for assessing cognitive aspects and the timing of the implementation of cognitive instruments. Development of psychomotor aspects is carried out on the implementation of psychomotor instruments.
UPAYA MEMINIMALISASI DISKALKULIA PADA SISWA KELAS 7G DI SMP NEGRI 2 KARTASURA Lia Kusuma Jati; Muhammad Ponco Prasetyo; Nurul Shalihah; Titik Asmawati
Buletin Literasi Budaya Sekolah Vol. 2, No. 2, Desember 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/blbs.v2i2.12843


This article discusses the existence of disease or dyscalculatic problems experienced by junior high school students, especially in the 7G grade. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 2 Kartasura. The background of this research is the difficulty of students in understanding the basic concepts of mathematics. Diskalkulia is a form of learning difficulties experienced by children in learning mathematics. In fact, almost all students say that mathematics is the most difficult subject. If it's not difficult that means it's not math. Given the importance of mathematics in science and technology, it is only natural that mathematics becomes a compulsory subject that needs to be mastered and well understood by students in schools. The need for current and future mathematical applications is not only for everyday use, but especially in the world of work, and to support science.The cause of learning difficulties in mathematics is a common problem that often occurs in children in schools, with different types and different levels of difficulty. Problems experienced by students to understand the basic concepts of mathematics are influenced by several factors including internal factors of students who consider mathematics difficult, lack of student interest in learning mathematics. Whereas external factors include, the method used by the teacher in delivering material is less interesting so students feel bored when learning takes place.
Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial Vol 29, No 1 (2019): JURNAL PENDIDIKAN ILMU SOSIAL
Publisher : Department of Accounting Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/jpis.v29i1.8241


This study aims to (1) analyze and describe the assessment of accounting learning conducted by high school teachers in Surakarta City-Central Java. (2) the development of lesson study based contextual accounting learning assessment. This study uses the research and development approach. Research subjects of high school accounting teachers in Surakarta City. Methods of data collection, interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis techniques use interactive analysis which includes data collection, data reduction, data display and verification. The validity of the data uses triangulation methods and sources. The results of the study indicate that the judgments carried out include affective assessment, cognitive assessment and psychomotor assessment. The evaluation of accounting learning in high school of Surakarta City for affective aspects are using two ways, namely the assessment of spiritual attitudes competency and social attitudes assessment. Assessment of spiritual attitudes uses self-assessment techniques. Social attitude competency assessment uses observation techniques, self-assessment journals, and peers. Assessment of accounting learning for cognitive aspects using tests and assignments. There are three learning assessments for psychomotor aspects, namely project appraisal, performance, and portfolio. Development is carried out on assessment instruments for both affective, cognitive, and psychomotor aspects. The development of the affective aspect is carried out by the spiritual attitude competency assessment instrument and the social attitude competency assessment instrument with observation techniques. The development of cognitive aspects is carried out on the instrument for assessing cognitive aspects and the timing of the implementation of cognitive instruments. Development of psychomotor aspects is carried out on the implementation of psychomotor instruments.
Pendayagunaan Kewirausahaan Siswa Kompetensi Keahlian Pemasaran (Studi Kasus di SMK Sudirman 1 Wonogiri). Titik Asmawati
Jurnal Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial Vol 26, No 2 (2016): JURNAL PENDIDIKAN ILMU SOSIAL
Publisher : Department of Accounting Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2317/jpis.v26i2.3353


This study aims to: (1) Describe the planning Enterprise Marketing Competency SMK Students Sudirman 1 Wonogiri. (2) Describe the implementation of Enterprise Reform Vocational Students Skills Competency Marketing Sudirman 1 Wonogiri. (3) Describe the Evaluation of Enterprise Reform Vocational Students Skills Competency Marketing Sudirman 1 Wonogiri. The approach used in this study is qualitative as a whole is expected to describe the object under study, analyze it so that it can be formulated for the appropriate utilization of entrepreneurship in creating young entrepreneurs. The Subjects were SMK Sudirman 1 Wonogiri consists Principal , Vice Principal , Head of Competence Expertise , Teacher Productive , infrastructure and written documents relating to the utilization of entrepreneurship .Methods of data collection is conducted by observation, interview and documentation study. Utilization of entrepreneurial students through several steps, namely: Preparation (Curriculum, Infrastructure, human resources and preparation of activities), Implementation and evaluation. Entrepreneurship implemented in school utilization (Unit Production and Business Center) and extramural (DU / DI) through industrial visits and apprenticeship (PSG). The role of teachers in schools as actors and designers wirausawan in schools and mentor students at DU / DI is crucial to realize the potential entrepreneurs from graduate school. Keywords: business center, production unit, PSG and reform