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Journal : Jurnal Manajemen.

Jurnal Manajemen. Volume 19, Nomor 2, Tahun 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Manajemen.

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The lack of human resources is one of the problem that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) has faced. Human resources in SMEs dont have sufficient knowledge and information and it effects the performances of SMEs. Dealing with people of ASEAN Economic Community will effect the resistance of SMEs in Bogor, due to the competitive and making an increase in quality of human resources towards SMEs in Bogor. This research was to analyze the effect of the learning organization and innovation towards performance of SMEs in Bogor. This research was conducted in Bogor with 46 samples for SMEs and 149 for respondent samples. The technique of sampling was conducted by using multi stage sampling namely the combination of stratified random sampling and proportional sampling. The tabulation data was analyzed by Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) by approaching of Partial Least Square (PLS). The result of this research were (1) the existence of significant influence between learning organization toward innovation, (2) the learning organization gives a significant effect towards the performance of SMEs, (3) innovation gives a significant effect towards the performance of SMEs in Bogor. 
Co-Authors A Kurnia A. A. Mattjik AA Mattjik Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Abdu Alifah Abdul Aziz Nurussadad Ade Gusalinda Agustin Faradila Ahmad Anshori Mattjik Ahmad Ansori Matjjik Ahmad Ansori Mattjik Ahmad Ansori Mattjik Aidi, Muhammad N Aji Hamim Wigena Akbar Rizki Alfian Futuhul Hadi Anang Kurnia Andi Setiawan Andrew Donda Munthe Anggraini Sukmawati Anik Djuraidah Aropah, Vina Da'watul ASEP SAEFUDDIN Choirun Nisa Cici Suhaeni Debora Chrisinta Dian Kusumaningrum Doni Suhartono Dwi Yoga Ari Wibowo Dwi Yulianti Emeylia Safitri Erfiani Erfiani Erwina Erwina Evita Choiriyah Farit M Afendi Farit Mochamad Afendi Faula Arina Fitria Hasanah Fitrianto, Anwar Halimatus Sa'diyah Hari Wijayanto Hari Wijayanto Haryastuti, Rizqi Hilda Zaikarina Huda, Usep Firdaus I Gede Nyoman Mindra Jaya Ilma Nabila Imam Adiyana Indahwati Indahwati Indahwati Indahwati Indonesian Journal of Statistics and Its Applications IJSA Iqbal, Teuku Achmad Isti Rochayati Itasia Dina Sulvianti Jamaluddin Rabbani Harahap Jono Mintarto Mundandar K A Notodiputro Kurnia, A Kusman Sadik M. Syamsul Maarif Ma'mun Sarma Manuel Leonard Sirait Manuel Leonard Sirait Manuel Leonard Sirait Mattjik, AA Mohamad Rhesa Adisty Mohammad Syamsul Maarif Muhamad Nur Aidi Muhammad N Aidi Muhammad Nur Aidi Muhammad Ulinnuha Mulianto Raharjo Newton Newton Novi Hidayat Pusponegoro Novia Puspasari Nurus Sabani Pasaribu, Sahat M. Pepi Novianti Pika Silvianti Pudji Muljono Rahma Anisa Rahma Anisa Rizqi Haryastuti Sahat M. Pasaribu Sarah Fadhlia Satria Yudha Herawan SATRIYAS ILYAS Septian Rahardiantoro Setyono Setyono Setyono, Setyono Sirait, Manuel Leonard Sutomo, Valantino A Syella Sumampouw Ulfah Sulistyowati Unggul Sentanu Noercahyo Utami Dyah Syafitri Utami Syafitri Valantino A Sutomo Winda Nurpadilah Windi D.Y Putri Yenni Angraini Zulkarnain, Rizky