Kristianus Simon Hale Molan
Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira

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Jurnal PubBis Vol 6 No 2 (2022)
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (670.451 KB) | DOI: 10.35722/jurnalpubbis.v6i2.640


This paper aims to explain the portrait of cultural tourism in Lewokluok Village, East Flores Regency after the Anugerah Pesona Indonesia (API) Awards. By utilizing the perspective of policy networking qualitative research seeks to map the key actors, decision-making arena and institutionalization of policy networking. The results showed that government and community actors have an equal position in the process of aggregation of interests and decision making. Decision making is carried out in a formal arena at the district and village levels. The collaboration of government and community actors creates interdependent relationships and spaces for reciprocal use of resources. In this system, local communities become the main actors in managing Village Cultural Tourism, receiving the benefits of knowledge, skills and capital. Government actors as facilitators benefit in increasing local revenue. In concrete terms, cultural tourism activities in Lewokluok Village, East Flores Regency seeks to implement collaborative tourism development practices for the welfare of the wider community.
GOVERNABILITAS (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Semesta) Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Government, Planning and Development
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan - Sekolah Tinggi Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa "APMD"

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47431/governabilitas.v4i1.258


The principle of recognition not only corroborates and develops the unique tradition of running the village, but also reinvigorates the village to make innovations and rearrangements of its administration based on autochthonous autonomy and decentralization-based local government. This research aims to explore the capacity of village administration to implement the principle of recognition and to reveal impediments being faced, also to contribute to strengthening local capacity for solving community problems. The methods used in this research are qualitative and descriptive where data were collected through in-depth interviews and observations. The result shows that the village administration and the village consultative body both collectively and individually lack the capacity to implement the recognition principles. The inability to implement the recognition principle is caused by poor human resources of both the village administration personnel and the village consultative body. Consequently, there are no creative ideas set forth by the village administration or by the village consultative body as well as by the villagers as a whole to formulate innovative development programs or culture-based village regulations. Therefore, we need to implement capacity-building programs through training, technical assistance, socialization of regulations and well-scheduled sustainable apprenticeship in order for the village administration to design innovative development programs in accordance with the local needs and uniqueness of the village.
Pelatihan Peningkatan Kapasitas Manajemen Tata Kelola BUM Desa Berbasis Good Corporate Governance di Desa Sandosi Yosef Dionisius Lamawuran; Frans Bapa Tokan; Yohana Fransiska Medho; Stephanie Perdana Ayu Lawalu; Kristianus Simon Hale Molan; Eusabius Separera Niron
Jurnal Kreativitas Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Vol 6, No 9 (2023): Volume 6 No 9 2023
Publisher : Universitas Malahayati Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkpm.v6i9.11264


ABSTRAK BUM Desa Gute Gelekat desa Sandosi saat ini mengalami permasalahan seperti pemilihan jenis usaha yang tidak sesuai dengan potensi desa dan kebutuhan masyarakat, tidak ada laporan pertanggungjawaban penggunaan anggaran dan rusaknya mesin produksi usaha. Dampaknya, BUM Desa yang dibentuk pada tahun 2017 ini mengalami stagnasi sejak tahun 2018-2021. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini dilakukan oleh tim dari FISIP Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi secara komprehensif permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan wawasan dan pengetahuan para pengurus BUM Desa Gute Gelekat dan memberikan input yang kontributif bagi peningkatan kapasitas pengurus dalam hal manajemen tata kelola BUM Desa Gute Gelekat pada masa mendatang. Metode yang digunakan mencakup analisis situasi, persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Hasil dari kegiatan PKM ini memberikan beberapa kesimpulan: pertama, minimnya pengetahuan dari pemerintah desa mengakibatkan proses pendirian BUM Desa Gute Gelekat pada tahun 2017 mengabaikan sejumlah hal penting seperti analisis kelayakan usaha, analisis pengelolaan keuangan BUM Desa dan analisis SDM; kedua, prinsip tata kelola berbasis good corporate governance belum sepenuhnya diterapkan oleh pengelola BUM Desa Gute gelekat, seperti prinsip kooperatif, partisipatif, emasinpatif, transparan, akuntabel dan sustainable; ketiga, hasil post test dan pre test menunjukan bahwa ada peningkatan pengetahuan peserta setelah mengikuti kegiatan. Kata Kunci: BUM Desa, Manajemen, Good Corporate Governance  ABSTRACT BUM Desa Gute Gelekat of Sandosi Village is currently experiencing problems such as the selection of business types that are not in accordance with the potential of the village and the needs of the community, no accountability report for the use of the budget and damaged business production machines. As a result, this BUM Desa, which was formed in 2017, has stagnated since 2018-2021. This activity was carried out by a team from FISIP Widya Mandira Catholic University with the aim of comprehensively identifying problems related to the insights and knowledge of the management of BUM Desa Gute Gelekat and providing contributive input for increasing the capacity of the management in terms of BUM Desa Gute Gelekat governance management in the future. The methods used include situation analysis, preparation, implementation and evaluation. The results of this PKM activity provide several conclusions: first, the lack of knowledge from the village government resulted in the process of establishing BUM Desa Gute Gelekat in 2017 ignoring a number of important things such as business feasibility analysis, BUM Desa financial management analysis and HR analysis; second, the principles of good corporate governance have not been fully implemented by the BUM Desa Gute Gelekat manager, such as the principles of cooperative, participatory, innovative, transparent, accountable and sustainable; third, the results of the post test and pre test show that there is an increase in the knowledge of participants after participating in the activity. Keywords: BUM Desa, Management, Good Corporate Governance
Tata Kelola Laut dan Pesisir Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Desa Lewomuda Kabupaten Flores Timur Kristianus Simon Hale Molan; Hendrikus Likusina Kaha; Frans Nyong; Frans Bapa Tokan; Yosef Dionisius Lamawuran
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 9 No 3 (2023): Ideas: Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya (Agustus)
Publisher : Ideas Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32884/ideas.v9i3.1425


Increased exploration of coastal and marine areas can damage the environment and threaten ecosystem sustainability. Renewal of governance based on local values is needed. The article seeks to introduce local values in the Letu Ai and Lara Lowa rituals while offering a local value-based governance model. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Ritual analysis unravels local values: ecosystem harmonization; religiosity, social integration and the existence of customary institutions. Governance reform is directed at improving conservation points and systems; increasing ethical awareness in the form of environmental respect attitudes and behaviors; local government intervention to protect the existence of customary institutions, involving the active role of young people in maintaining ancestral heritage.