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Dinamika Perkembangan Reforma Agraria di Indonesia Suci Rahmadani; Muhammad Imanuddin Kandias Saraan
Jurnal Kajian Agraria dan Kedaulatan Pangan (JKAKP) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Gerakan Tani
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.315 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/jkakp.v1i2.9769


Perkembangan reforma agraria di Indonesia sudah di mulai sejak masa Kolonial Hindia Belanda. kondisi tersebut terus berlangsung sampai munculnya pengaturan kebijakan pemerintah yang tertuang dalam Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 Pasal 33 (Ayat 30) yakni penguasaan bumi, air dan kekayaan alam digunakan sebesar-besarnya untuk kemakmuran rakyat. Namun pada perkembangannya, warisan budaya kolonial masih belum bisa hilang sepenuhnya dari bumi nusantara, sehingga pada akhirnya pemerintah membuat kebijakan khusus terkait dengan penguasaan atas tanah, yaitu melalui Undang-undang  Pokok Agraria no. 5 Tahun 1960. Hal ini kemudian diperkuat lagi melalui TAP MPR No. IX/MPR/2001 tentang pembaharuan agraria dan pengelolaan sumber daya alam. Berbagai pengaturan tersebut bertujuan untuk memastikan keadilan bagi masyarakat dan para petani serta penghapusan monopoli tanah oleh segelintir penguasa. Penguatan kembali dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam rangka pelaksanaan reforma agraria melalui Peraturan Presiden no. 86 Tahun 2018 tentang Reforma Agraria.
Mencermati Perkembangan Food Estate Di Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan Piki Darma Kristian Pardede; Yofiendi Indah Indainanto; Faiz Albar Nasution; Muhammad Imanuddin Kandias Saraan; Lydia Nurhasanah Nasution
Jurnal Kajian Agraria dan Kedaulatan Pangan (JKAKP) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Gerakan Tani
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (231.696 KB) | DOI: 10.32734/jkakp.v1i2.9834


Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kebijakan pangan nasional dalam program food estate yang dilakukan pemerintah di wilayah Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan. Penelitian kualtitatif ini menggunakan pendekatan studi literatur yang berfokus pada perkembangan food estate di Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan, Teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan program food estate di Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan dinilai memiliki kemajuan dalam pandangan pemerintah yang terlihat dari hasil panen dilokasi food estate. Namun kondisi ini menimbulkan berbagai persoalan. Persoalan keberagaman hasil pertanian, infrastruktur pendukung yang belum sepenuhnya selesai, dan persoalan pengelolahan mulai dari keuntungan dan distribusi hasil pertanian. Kondisi lain food estate dinilai bertentangan dengan kedaulatan petani atas lahan. Petani ditempatkan sebagai bagian dari produksi untuk menghasilkan komoditas yang telah ditentukan. Kondisi ini membatasi petani dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. Penting mengembangkan studi ini untuk mengetahui perspektif petani dalam melihat program food estate di Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan,
The Interview: Citra Politik Kim Jong Un Dalam Hegemoni Film Amerika Faiz Albar Nasution; Yofiendi Indah Indainanto; Muhammad Ardian; Muhammad Imanuddin Kandias Saraan
Politeia: Jurnal Ilmu Politik Vol. 15 No. 1 (2023): Politeia: Jurnal Ilmu Politik
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/politeia.v15i1.9048


This study examines film The Interview to determine hegemonic process of political power relations in American films. North Korea is known as a closed country that strongly opposes western domination, especially America. Foreign media always describe North Korean government as a dictator, meaning absolute power of leader. In contrast, film The Interview depicts a humorous figure of North Korean leader by showing figure of Kim Jong Un who enjoys American culture. The plot of Twits in this film depicts uprising that took place to make North Korea a democracy. Qualitative descriptive research method is used in analyzing film through approach of Gramsci hegemony theory about how hegemony process in the film The Interview. Data collection techniques through literature examination include books, journals, documents, and films. Data reduction, data visualization, and drawing conclusions are data analysis activities. The results of study show that dominant group tries to exert influence with concepts of mastery in a persuasive manner by presenting reality from a different point of view. The dominant people here are Americans who are trying to change mindset audience by seeing North Korea as an oppressed people. Leaders who have been known to be assertive, such as Kim Jong Un, who is feared by people, are portrayed as humorous figures with a love for American culture, which is a clear fact in their development that they often experience political tensions.
Evaluation Village-Owned Enterprise Program Through Utilization of Potential Agricultural Sector in Tokbesi Village Maria Elfrida Ina Makin; Agustinus Longa Tiza; Hendrikus Hironimus Botha; Surya Yudha Regif; Muhammad Imanuddin Kandias Saraan
Journal of Peasants’ Rights Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Community Empowerment and Agrarian Political
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jpr.v2i1.11888


Village-Owned Enterprises can capitalize on the agriculture sector's potential for the benefit of rural residents. Thus, the goal of this research is to describe how the economic operations of Village-Owned Enterprises in Tokbesi Village capitalize on the agricultural sector's potential. This study employs the qualitative descriptive research method. The study's goal was to assess the Tokbesi Village-Owned Enterprises program using Dunn's evaluation criteria, which included effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, alignment, responsiveness, and correctness. In this study, informants and documents served as data sources. Techniques for analyzing data include data reduction, data display, and making conclusions. The research findings indicate that implementing the Village Owned Enterprise program in Sesa Tokbesi has yet to be maximized due to obstacles such as uncontrolled financial management, transportation facilities to facilitate business units, and miscommunication between administrators. The program's implementation could have helped alleviate poverty and raise Village's Original Income. Still needing to be capable of developing every business unit, particularly in the agriculture sector. Village governments can provide funding opportunities to local food and agriculture entities. The Village Government might create educational institutes and personnel resource training to increase its administrative capacities and skills. Future research is needed to observe village governments plan programs to fulfill the aims of expanding the agricultural industry and boosting the welfare of rural populations.