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JOURNAL OF GOVERNMENT (Kajian Manajemen Pemerintahan dan Otonomi Daerah) Vol 5, No 2 (2020): Journal Of Government : Manajemen Pemerintahan dan Otonomi Daerah
Publisher : rogram Studi Ilmu Pemeritahan Fakultas Ilmu sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas 17 Agustu

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Political identity refers to the political mechanisms of organizing identity, both as a political identity as well as a social identity and also as a resource and political means. The view of scholars is a study that can be used as a basis for society to make political choices. Indonesian-Malay Scholar Association Langkat is a scholar as part of the ethnic Malay with the population of the highest number two ethnic identity in the district of Langkat but the winner of the regional head election of 2018 is derived from the Karo ethnic the third largest population in the area. The design of the research uses a qualitative approach based on the phenomenology and Constructivism paradigm in developing science. Research is done on a natural object that develops as is, researchers do not manipulate and researchers are also not affected by the dynamics of the object. The result shows the strength of the alignments of the Malay ethnic group in Langkat Regency in the election of Langkat Regency which makes it one of the victory factor of the Bupati election and vice regent of Langkat Regency in 2018 but not the main factor of victory.
Analisis Penggunaan CCTV Kota Medan pada Aplikasi e-Government Sumut Smart Province Surya Regif
Politeia: Jurnal Ilmu Politik Vol. 11 No. 2 (2019): Politeia : Jurnal Ilmu Politik
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/politeia.v11i2.1081


Penelitian ini mengenai survey penggunaan terhadap pengelolaan aplikasi CCTV Online di Kota Medan yang dikelola oleh Provinsi Sumatera Utara dengan menggunakan sistem berbasis Play Store pada gadget. Sistem aplikasi ini menyediakan informasi, fasilitas dan kategori layanan dalam pilihan menu pada dashboard aplikasi, bagi masyarakat Kota Medan di Provinsi Sumatera Utara yang ingin mengetahui informasi mengenai situasi terkini mengenai keadaan lokasi di sekitarnya. Pengelolaan aplikasi CCTV Online yang dimuat dalam layanan Sumut Smart Province. Aplikasi Sumut Smart Province yang dimulai dari tahun 2018 diharapkan dapat memberdayakan masyarakat dan pihak-pihak lain sebagai mitra pemerintah dalam proses pengambilan berbagai kebijakan publik secara merata dan demokratis. Pembeda penelitian ini dengan penelitian yang lampau dan serupa adalah melakukan tindakan analisis secara terukur mengenai penggunaan aplikasi CCTV Online yang dimuat didalam aplikasi Sumut Smart Province. Desain Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kombinasi kualitatif dan kuantitatif yaitu berusaha memberikan gambaran atau penjelasan yang tepat mengenai permasalahan yang diteliti, menginterpresentasikan dan menjelaskan data yang ada secara sistematis berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang tampak atau sebagaimana adanya. Metode kombinasi atau biasa juga disebut dengan metode penelitian gabungan adalah merupakan pendekatan penelitian yang menggabungkan atau menghubungkan antara metode penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang telah mengunduh dan menggunakan aplikasi Sumut Smart Province. Dikarenakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan survey keberadaan fasilitas sebagai salah satu alat pengumpul data, maka penelitian ini dapat melihat informasi secara langsung karena dapat di survei berbasis aplikasi Play Store yang menunjukkan jumlah sampel 21 CCTV.e-Government, Sistem Aplikasi CCTV Online, Pelayanan Publik
Pemilu dan COVID-19 di Indonesia (Partisipasi Pemilih dalam Pilkada Serentak 2020) Samsul Ode; Benediktus Dalupe; Surya Yudha Regif; Dejehave Al Jannah
Journal of Political Issues Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Journal of Political Issues (July)
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Politik Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/jpi.v4i1.74


Peningkatan partisipasi dalam pilkada serentak 2020 di tengah bahaya Covid-19 merupakan kelanjutan dari pada tren partisipasi yang stabil dalam pemilu di Indonesia. Peningkatan ini bertolak belakang dengan kondisi demokrasi di Indonesia yang justru sedang memburuk. Peningkatan ini tidak dipengaruhi oleh kondisi perkembangan Covid-19 yang sesungguhnya. Peningkatan justru terjadi di daerah-daerah dengan jumlah kasus Covid-19 yang tinggi. Banyak penyelenggara pemilu dan kandidat dilaporkan telah terpapar virus. Membaiknya persepsi publik terhadap pelaksanaan pilkada dan kepercayaan pada pemerintah dalam penanganan pandemi mendukung meningkatnya partisipasi. Tetapi persepsi bukanlah penjelasan tunggal. Faktor-faktor yang menguat di tingkat lokal adalah penjelasan yang kuat untuk hal ini. Varian tingkat partisipasi yang berbeda-beda pada tiap daerah ditentukan oleh intensitas kompetisi dan isu politik lokal yang berkembang. Hal ini terkait erat dengan mobilisasi politik, karakter pemilih, dan maraknya politik uang. Riset ini menunjukkan gagalnya tesis linearitas partisipasi yang tinggi dengan tingkat kualitas demokrasi. Model perilaku pemilih juga gagal menjelaskan mengapa di saat kondisi ekonomi memburuk akibat pandemi, antusiasme pemilih justru meningkat.
The Problem of Alleviating the Poor in the Special Autonomy Governance of Aceh Province Muhammad Akbar Pribadi; Surya Yudha Regif
Bestuurskunde: Journal of Governmental Studies Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Two Decades of Dynamics of the Implementation of Special Autonomy for Papua and A
Publisher : Ministry of Home Affairs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53013/bestuurskunde.2.2.131-144


The issuance of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Province of the Special Region of Aceh as the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam and Law Number 11 of 2006 concerning the Government of Aceh are the efforts of the central government to improve the welfare of the people in Aceh Province. During the 20 years of the special autonomy, it has not played a significant role in alleviating the people’s poverty in Aceh. The dynamics of local politics, culture, and history, as well as the lack of organizational and managerial capacity at the sub-national and national levels, are suspected as the culprits of the failure of decentralization. The research objective is built on a perspective that refers to three specific aspects, namely the Governance Dynamics Perspective, the Governance Strategy Perspective, and the Governance Capacity Perspective, to analyze the governance of special autonomy in Aceh Province in alleviating the Poor. Through the literature study method, we will dig up a lot of accurate information and data related to the Alleviation of the Poor in the Special Autonomy Governance of Aceh Province. The research results found that the special autonomy going on so far was the designation of political agreements aimed at regional elites, not the general public. Local government administration's ineffective control is also influenced by the exogenous relationship between governance and regional development in alleviating poverty. In summary, the regional government of Aceh Province does not yet understand: (1) the need for supervision involving the community, (2) the absence of a monitoring mechanism so that the community is not affected, (3) local government effectiveness, (4) lack of information facilities, (5) coordination of public apparatus, (6) inefficient and ineffective service delivery, (7) lack of institutional capacity, (8) human resources, (9) the complexity of the central-regional relationship, (10) local elite power struggle, (11) in the Aceh Special Autonomy Law, regional leaders and local political parties have no responsibility or role in improving welfare. This causes (1) the imbalance between the income of the poor and the expenditure on primary and secondary needs, (2) the poor in Aceh cannot meet a decent standard of living due to low skills based on the size of the poverty line, (3) the quality and competence of human resources due to education cause low public participation in public policies, (4) high transaction costs due to limited access, low connectivity between regions, and limited supply of goods, production facilities, and infrastructure, (5) strategically fluctuating basic commodity prices and low regional government control.
Jurnal Kebijakan Publik Vol 13, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jkp.v13i3.8014


This paper is the result of research on the implementation of the Jakarta Open Data portal in supporting sustainable development in DKI Jakarta. The approach in this study used descriptive qualitative methods to provide a clear picture of the problems studied, identify and explain the existing data systematically. The main theory used in this research is the Van Meter and Horn implementation theory with its indicators and the theory of open government, open data and sustainable development as supporting theories. The results show that the implementation of the Jakarta Open Data portal as a portal that provides data information generated from regional apparatus organizations in the DKI Jakarta Province has been going quite well because it makes it easier for people to find and access data information. Utilization of data on the Jakarta Open Data portal can open up space for public participation and input for the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in improving governance and supporting sustainable development in the realm of public information disclosure. However, there are still obstacles because regional apparatus organizations that have data and information officers in the process of managing data in their work units that will be uploaded to the Jakarta Open Data portal system are not yet optimal, causing inequality in the data presented in each regional apparatus organization and affecting the availability of collections data on the Jakarta Open Data portal.Keywords: Jakarta Open Data Portal, Implementation, Open Government and Sustainable Development.
Evaluation Village-Owned Enterprise Program Through Utilization of Potential Agricultural Sector in Tokbesi Village Maria Elfrida Ina Makin; Agustinus Longa Tiza; Hendrikus Hironimus Botha; Surya Yudha Regif; Muhammad Imanuddin Kandias Saraan
Journal of Peasants’ Rights Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Community Empowerment and Agrarian Political
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jpr.v2i1.11888


Village-Owned Enterprises can capitalize on the agriculture sector's potential for the benefit of rural residents. Thus, the goal of this research is to describe how the economic operations of Village-Owned Enterprises in Tokbesi Village capitalize on the agricultural sector's potential. This study employs the qualitative descriptive research method. The study's goal was to assess the Tokbesi Village-Owned Enterprises program using Dunn's evaluation criteria, which included effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, alignment, responsiveness, and correctness. In this study, informants and documents served as data sources. Techniques for analyzing data include data reduction, data display, and making conclusions. The research findings indicate that implementing the Village Owned Enterprise program in Sesa Tokbesi has yet to be maximized due to obstacles such as uncontrolled financial management, transportation facilities to facilitate business units, and miscommunication between administrators. The program's implementation could have helped alleviate poverty and raise Village's Original Income. Still needing to be capable of developing every business unit, particularly in the agriculture sector. Village governments can provide funding opportunities to local food and agriculture entities. The Village Government might create educational institutes and personnel resource training to increase its administrative capacities and skills. Future research is needed to observe village governments plan programs to fulfill the aims of expanding the agricultural industry and boosting the welfare of rural populations.
IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN VAKSINASI COVID-19 BAGI LANSIA Samsul Ode; Nur Ikawati; Hendra Wijayanto; Benediktus Dalupe; Surya Yudha Regif
Jurnal Kebijakan Publik Vol 14, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/jkp.v14i2.8242


Fokus penelitian ini membahas implementasi kebijakan vaksinasi COVID-19 pada lansia di Kelurahan Jelambar Baru Administrasi Jakarta Barat Tahun 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dengan teknik wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan vaksinasi COVID-19 untuk lansia di Kecamatan Jelambar Baru berjalan cukup baik. Hal ini terlihat dari 6 indikator. Pertama. kebijakan bersifat top-down dalam menetapkan target sehingga diperlukan berbagai terobosan untuk mencapai target tersebut, salah satunya kerjasama dengan CSR dan instansi lain. Kedua, terkait sumber dana, tidak ada anggaran khusus untuk pelaksanaan vaksinasi yang tertuang dalam Penggunaan Anggaran Tahun 2021 untuk mendukung kegiatan yang bekerjasama dengan CSR. Sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki digunakan untuk mendidik keluarga lanjut usia baik offline maupun online. Ketiga, untuk komunikasi dengan instansi lain ada ego sektoral dalam transparansi data lansia yang menjadi sasaran. Namun komunikasi dengan pelaksana di lapangan berjalan dengan baik sehingga terjadi terobosan yaitu penjemputan lansia dan vaksinasi keliling. Keempat, pendekatan persuasif dengan menjemput lansia berhasil meningkatkan partisipasi lansia. Kelima, kebijaksanaan pimpinan membuat terobosan dengan mendatangkan dua orang lansia agar satu orang pendamping bisa ikut vaksinasi. Keenam, kondisi sosial, ekonomi, dan politik sangat mempengaruhi penerimaan lansia untuk mengikuti vaksinasi COVID-19
Women Empowerment: An Analysis of Influence on Gender Equality in Eban Village, Timor Tengah Utara Marisa Susanty Bette Seran; Surya Yudha Regif; Andre Pattipeilohy
East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 2 No. 7 (2023): July 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/eajmr.v2i7.4622


This study analyzes the Influence of Women Empowerment on Gender Equality. The sample in this study was 128 women in Eban Village, Timor Tengah Utara Regency. The results showed that the variable Women Empowerment in Women in Eban Village, North Central Timor Regency had a significant effect on Gender Equality by 0.513. The presentation of the data can be seen that the Women Empowerment (X) variable has a positive regression coefficient value of 0.707. The value of this positive regression coefficient shows that if there is an increase of one percent in the Women Empowerment (X) variable, it will increase the value of Gender Equality by 70.7%. Indigenous women in Eban Village are the successors of identity for the sustainability of dawan traditional culture through weaver groups which can be passed on to the next generation. This potential becomes social and economic capital for the development of cultural identity through the involvement and participation of women in Eban Village.
Penyalahgunaan Peran Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) dalam Electoral Misconduct pada Pilkada di Indonesia Surya Yudha Regif; Andre Pattipeilohy
Jurnal Adhyasta Pemilu Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Adhyasta Pemilu
Publisher : Badan Pengawas Pemilihan Umum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55108/jap.v6i1.62


This study was conducted through a literature review method (library research), gathering, analyzing, and organizing data from previous research sources such as scientific articles, journals, and books. The focus of the research is on the misuse of the role of Civil Servants (ASN) in electoral misconduct during the 2020 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) in Indonesia. This phenomenon encompasses the politicization of bureaucracy through the misuse of the ASN's role by the candidates for regional head. Findings indicate that the practice of Electoral Misconduct results in the misuse of the ASN’s role, which affects the integrity and objectivity of the ASN, leading to violations of the bureaucratic apparatus code of ethics. Despite the existence of established sanctions, both light and severe, ASNs are still involved in practical political practices. This involvement occurs due to temptations like bonds of brotherhood and promises of a better career. Although Government Regulation (PP) Number 94 of 2021 has been issued to maintain the neutrality of ASN, there is still potential involvement in unethical practices. The study also found that this behavior reflects the misuse of the ASN’s role and degradation of morality and ethics within the bureaucracy. The close relationship between politicians and bureaucrats becomes a central challenge, often determining the success or failure of governance. This dynamic is exacerbated by the dominance of pragmatic and materialistic values that overshadow ethical and moral principles.
Analysis of the Role of Communities in Social Community Development in Kefamenanu City, Timor Tengah Utara District Andre Pattipeilohy; Surya Yudha Regif; Marisa Susanty Bette Seran
East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 2 No. 11 (2023): November 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/eajmr.v2i11.6624


This research aims to explain the role of the community in social community development in Kefamenanu City, North Central Timor District. The method in the research uses descriptive qualitative to explain the phenomena that occur. Data collection techniques through primary data in-depth interviews and secondary data by referring to journals, books, and online media. Data analysis techniques used in the research through data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. This finding shows that Karang Taruna is a youth organization that plays a role in various social activities and development programs in Indonesia. Karang Taruna is involved in several community development projects based on invitations from local governments at both the sub-district and village levels, such as tourism development, social activities during the past COVID-19 pandemic, and social conflict resolution. Nevertheless, the role of Youth Organizations in Kefamenanu City still needs more resources as initiators or initiators of the movement, so the role of Karang Taruna has yet to be seen as the spearhead of superior generational change.