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Code Switching Analysis in Gita Savitri’s YouTube Channel: A Sociolinguistic Study Abd Halim; Nur Mutmainna Halim; Dahniar Dahniar; Rukmini Mahmud
Journal Polingua: Scientific Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Language Education Vol 11, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/polingua.v11i2.192


Our country, Indonesia, is the home of bi/multi-lingual speakers where most people are able to speak two languages at least or more. Most speakers are even good at foreign language, English in particular. Thus, this background causes code switching happens noticeably commonplace. Since it happens very frequently, for some cases it becomes habit. This phenomena also occurs to Gita Savitri, an Indonesian YouTuber who is able to speak several languages. This research aims: 1) to identify types of code switching, and 2) to describe some reasons of the used of code switching by Gita Savitri in selected videos in her YouTube channel. Those videos were chosen based on the sequence and context of speech that is dominant in the occurrence of code switching. This study employs qualitative descriptive method. The data in this research was Gita’s utterances. Researchers used the theory proposed by Hoffman (1991) to analyse the data. Results of this study found fifty times of code-switching occurrence. There were twenty-one utterances of intra-sentential code switching; twenty utterances of inter-sentential code switching; and nine utterances of emblematic code switching. Also, some reasons by Gita Savitri made code switching in her videos were: seven utterances talking about certain topics, five utterances quoting other people, four utterances affirming something or expressing solidarity, four utterances included in connecting sentences, four utterances adventure used for clarification, one speaker’s utterance used to clarify the conversation content to the opposite. Also, five utterances used by speaker’s to express the identity of a group. At last, it is hoped that the findings of this research could be a novel contribution in a field of sociolinguistics, also a new insight for code-switching phenomenon which is probably found very common nowadays in Indonesia.
Illocutionary Speech Acts in Oprah Winfrey’s Motivational Speech: A Pragmatic Study Warsidi Warsidi; Siti Nurul Syakila; Dahniar Dahniar
Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics Journal of English Language Teaching and Linguistics, 8(1), April 2023
Publisher : Yayasan Visi Intan Permata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21462/jeltl.v8i1.998


Pragmatic studies have been widely conducted, but speech acts on motivational speeches were rarely investigated. Moreover, functions of illocutionary speech acts are received very limited scholarly attention. These gaps have been encouraging the researchers to conduct the present to analyze speech acts contained in Oprah Winfrey’s motivational speeches with two purposes. First, it is to identify the forms of illocutionary speech acts in Oprah's motivational speech. Second, it also determines the function of illocutionary speech acts in Oprah's motivational speech. It employed a qualitative and quantitative method for the analysis. Then, in collecting data, it used note-taking as an instrument. In this regard, we watched and listened to five motivational videos of Oprah Winfrey’s speeches four times, and then took notes of any utterances containing forms and functions of illocutionary speech acts. Then, for analyzing data, we classified the forms of speech acts using a theory from Searle (1969) and functions of speech acts employing an analytical framework from Leech (1993). The results show various forms and functions in delivering a motivational speech. However, most speech acts in the videos tend to be assertive rather than the others, and concerning functions, they tend to be collaborative. The reason behind these dominances is discussed in this paper.
Attracting Customers Buying A Product: Pelatihan English Copywriting Melalui Pendekatan Genre Pada Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris Warsidi Warsidi; Alfiandy Kamal; Dahniar Dahniar
Ash-Shahabah : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Volume 2 Issue 1, Juni 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Islam Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59638/ashabdimas.v2i1.628


Pelatihan copywriting telah banyak dilakukan di Indonesia, namun sepanjang review kami belum ada yang melakukan pelatihan copywriting yang berbahasa Inggris. Tulisan ini bertujuan melaporkan hasil pelatihan English copywriting para peserta training. Pelatihan ini menerapkan pendekatan genre of English copywriting yang terdapat di Instagram. Dalam konteks ini, partisipan diminta untuk menganalisa struktur retorika dari 10 English copywriting di Instagram agar mereka memahami informasi apa yang harus dimasukkan di dalam English copywriting. Setelah itu, mereka diminta praktek menulis English copywriting dengan mengikuti pola yang telah mereka dapatkan di Instagram. Selama proses praktek menulis, mereka dibimbing untuk memastikan bahwa yang mereka lakukan sudah tepat, dan hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa mereka memang betul-betul telah mampu menerapkan retorika English copywriting yang terdapat di dalam Instagram ke dalam copywriting mereka.
The Reality Level of Feminism in Little Women Movie Putri Dinda; Dahniar Dahniar; Tahir Tahir
ASHLITION : Ash-Shahabah English Literature, Linguistics, & Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): July Edition
Publisher : English Literature Studi Program Universitas Islam Makassar

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The research aims to identify and analyse the reality of feminism in the film Little Women. The problem identified in this study is to discover the signs of the level of feminism in the film Little Women. Furthermore, the research uses a qualitative descriptive method. The researcher downloaded "the Little Women" movie on the internet and watched the film. Then, the researcher selects records and takes film pictures according to the required data. Besides that, the researcher also uses John Fiske's semiotic theory to analyse the sign of reality and the sign of representation of feminism in the film Little Women. The results of this research are specific because the setting in the Little Women film strongly shows the role of women in society such as women can work, have talents that can be used to realize their dreams, have intelligence in educating children, have independence, are confident and dare to take action by ignoring the stigma attached to them. Through this character, she proves that a woman has the mind, talent, and confidence to make her way, with the intelligence to have and hone her talents.
An Analysis of Language Style on The King’s Speech Movie Dahniar Dahniar; Triana S; Muhammad Taufik
ASHLITION : Ash-Shahabah English Literature, Linguistics, & Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): January Edition
Publisher : English Literature Studi Program Universitas Islam Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59638/ashlition.v1i1.352


This research was conducted to determine and analyse language style on The King’s Speech movie using a sociolinguistics approach with the aims: 1) to describe the type of language style, 2) to identify the function of language style in the movie. This research uses a qualitative method. To obtain data, research was carried out by watching The King’s Speech movie and analysing the types & functions of language style. The researcher also uses Joos’ theory of language style types and Jacobson’s theory of language style functions. The results of research that have been show that the types of language style in The King’s Speech movie have an oratorical/frozen style, there are 5 data, casual style has 6 data, consultative style data has 7 data, then deliberative/formal style has 9 data, and the last the intimate style has 10 data. In addition, there are also 6 functions of language style, namely interpersonal function has 1 data, metalinguistic functions have 3 data, poetic functions have 3 data, emotive functions have 4 data, then rhetorical/directive functions have 4 data, and the last cognitive functions has 8 data. The result shows that there are 37 types of the data from the language style types used and 23 data obtained from the 6 language style functions used. This means that style is prominently proves to be used in communication within family relation and close friend. Then the language style function that appears the most in this film is the cognitive function because it provides a lot of general information.
The Investigation of Slang Used by Undergraduate Students on Daily Basis Interaction Nur Mutmainna Halim; Dahniar Dahniar; Samsidar
ASHLITION : Ash-Shahabah English Literature, Linguistics, & Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): January Edition
Publisher : English Literature Studi Program Universitas Islam Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59638/ashlition.v1i1.354


This study wants to ascertain some slang words and aims of slang used by students in Universitas Islam Makassar. This research applied Patridge's theory (2004) to identify the emergence of slang words and Zhou & Fan’s theory (2013) to find out the functions of slang. This is a descriptive qualitative research. In collecting data, the researchers conducted observation, interviews, and note-taking that considered important during the study. Results of this research found fifteen words of slang that obtained from 10 subjects of this research during the observation. Fifteen words obtained during the observation were baper, salfok, kepeng, kuker, mager, preng, apker, bucin, mehong, mokem, terciduk, anjay, anjrit, kepo, mantul. In addition, from the three functions of slangs were found, pursuit of self-identity was the most found during the interview.
Students' Directive Speech Acts in Informal Conversation through WhatsApp in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era Alfiandy Kamal; Irmayana S; Muhammad Taufik; Dahniar Dahniar
ASHLITION : Ash-Shahabah English Literature, Linguistics, & Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): January Edition
Publisher : English Literature Studi Program Universitas Islam Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59638/ashlition.v1i1.374


The use of technology in pandemic time is inevitably, specially the use of communication tool in learning process to avoid physical contact.  This study aims to describe the types directive speech that students used during learning process using WhatsApp video calls in the pandemic time by using Searle’s approach. This study was qualitative research that using utterances as its data taken from students’ conversation then analyzed by using conversation analysis. This study reveals that there were five types of directive speech acts found in the students’ conversation namely question, inviting, prohibiting, requirement, and advisories type. From all of these five types, questioning was the most uttered type of directive speech act of the students.
Politeness Strategy Used by Ellen DeGeneres in Interviewing Children and Adults on The Ellen Show Muhammad Taufik; Al Jumrah Nasir; Dahniar Dahniar
ASHLITION : Ash-Shahabah English Literature, Linguistics, & Education Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): July Edition
Publisher : English Literature Studi Program Universitas Islam Makassar

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This research discusses the politeness strategies used by Ellen DeGeneres in interviewing children and adults on The Ellen Show. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. This research aims to describe the politeness strategies and the differences in politeness strategies addressed by Ellen when interviewing children and adults. The theory applied to explain the analysis of politeness strategies is Brown and Levinson's theory (1987). The results showed that Ellen's talk show host delivered four politeness strategies with different breakdowns. The politeness strategy that tended to be used for children is the positive politeness strategy at (62,5%). The other most used are negative politeness (18,8%), off-record strategies with (12,2%), and bald of record (6,3%). Meanwhile, for adults, Ellen dominantly reckoned to Positive Politeness strategies (72,2%), followed by negative politeness (16,7%), bald of record, and Off Record strategies (5,6%). Positive politeness is the most common form used by Ellen in interviewing her guests, however, there were differences between the two. The differences between children and adults are there several points that researcher found one of them, the use of politeness that is not found in adults but used by children, namely the politeness of apologies, having an unconfident attitude, and avoiding conflict mean that Ellen applies this politeness so that children feel comfortable when talking and can familiarize themselves with children. In addition, this is also a form of attention and teaches children to know where they are wrong.
Students’ Perception on Learning Vocabulary through Watching Western Movies Jihan Aulia Dwi Saputri; Dahniar Dahniar; Nur Muthmainnah Halim; Alfiandy Kamal
ASHLITION : Ash-Shahabah English Literature, Linguistics, & Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): January - June Edition
Publisher : English Literature Studi Program Universitas Islam Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59638/ashlition.v2i1.730


This study aims to investigate students' perceptions of learning English through movies and explores the advantages of vocabulary acquisition via this medium. Utilizing qualitative methods, questionnaire responses from English Literature students from academic years 2019 to 2022 were gathered. Results reveal that students find learning English through movies to be enjoyable, effective, and engaging. They report benefits such as enhanced word spelling, contextual comprehension, and pronunciation skills. Despite encountering challenges, the use of movies as a learning tool remains effective. This research underscores the potential of incorporating movies into language learning curricula as it aligns with students' preferences and provides tangible benefits for vocabulary development