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Study Feeding Different Food Types to The Growth and Survival Rate of Nile Fingerlings, Oreochromis niloticus Chrisoetanto P. Pattirane; Dzikri Wahyudi; Frederik Dony Sangkia; Larasati Putri Hapsari
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i2.43127


All operations of aquaculture production rely upon the 60% of feed role as an energy source and nutrition for the growth and survival rate of aquatic organisms, especially tilapia fish. This research aims to study feeding different food types to the growth and survival rate of tilapia fingerlings. A sample of fingerlings was derived from the Centre for Aquaculture Production Business Service (BLUPPB) Karawang and reared in Aquaculture Teaching Factory. The fingerlings were stocked with as many as 5 ind/L with three treatments i.e Azolla (P1), artificial feed (P2), and a combination of Azolla and artificial feed (P3). The growth-based length of fingerlings fed by Azolla (P1) is 6 – 7.76 cm, commercial pellet feed (P2) 6 – 11.81 cm, and combination Azolla and commercial pellet feed 6-9.36 cm. The growth-based weight of fingerlings fed by Azolla (P1) is 4 – 5.87 g, commercial pellet feed 4 – 25.11 g, and a combination of Azolla and commercial pellet feed 4 – 11.27 g. The survival rate of fingerlings fed by Azolla is 23%, commercial pellet feed 88%, and combination Azolla and commercial pellet feed 91%.Keywords: Azolla, commercial pellet feed, fingerlings, growth, survival rateAbstrakSeluruh operasional produksi akuakultur sangat bergantung dari 60% peran pakan sebagai sumber nutrisi dan energi bagi pertumbuhan dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup organisme akuatik dalam hal ini ikan nila. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan studi terkait pemberian jenis pakan berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan dan tingkat kelangsungan hidup benih ikan nila. Sampel benih ikan nila berasal dari Balai Layanan Usaha Produksi Perikanan Budidaya (BLUPPB) Karawang dan dipelihara di Teachign Factory Budidaya Ikan. Ikan yang dipelihara adalah sebanyak 5 ind/L dengan tiga perlakuan meliputi pakan azolla (P1), pakan pellet komersil (P2) dan kombinasi palat azolla dan pellet komersil (P3). Pertumbuhan panjang ikan yang diberikan perlakuan pakan azolla (P1) adalah 6 - 7.76 cm, pakan pellet komersial (P2) 6 - 11.81 cm dan perlakuan kombinasi pakan pellet komersil dan azolla (P3) 6 - 9.36 cm. Pertumbuhan berat ikan dari perlakuan pakan azolla (P1) 4 – 5.87 g, perlakuan pellet komersial (P2) 4 – 25.11 g dan perlakuan kombinasi pakan pellet komersil dan azolla (P3) 4 – 11.27 g. Tingkat kelangsungan hidup benih ikan nila yang diberikan perlakuan pakan azolla adalah sebesar 23%, pakan pellet komersil 88% dan kombinasi pakan azolla dan pellet komersil adalah 91%.Kata Kunci: azolla, benih, pakan pellet komersil, pertumbuhan, tingkat kelangsungan hidup.
Morphology Characteristic, Growth And Survival Rate Of The Early Larval Stages Of Mud Crab, Scylla serrata (Forsskal, 1775) For The Rearing Process Chrisoetanto P. Pattirane; Bethzy J. Pattiasina
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 8 No. 1 (2020): ISSUE JANUARY-JUNE 2020
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.8.1.2020.28597


The availability of female adult mature will continuously support mud crab hatchery to produce the best quality of larvae. Bray et al., (1990b) proposed that zoea length can be used as an index of larval quality. Larval quality is dependent on the physiology condition related to the growth and survival rate of several larval development stages (Racotta et al., 2003). The mortality in all development stages was due to the high sensitivity of larvae for the environment changes. Two aquariums and sterilized water were used in all rearing process and larvae of Scylla serrata fed once a day. It was fed by rotifer (Branchionus plicatilis) and Artemia sp on the third and fifth days. The results showed that the eye was a distinguishing characteristic between zoea I and zoea II. Development of zoea I range about 0 (zero) to fourth days and zoea II about fifth to seventh days. Observation of growth for six days indicate an increasing significantly on the fourth to sixth days. The survival rate of Scylla serrata larvae without food holds three days out. Otherwise, larvae that were fed on everyday hold seven days out. ABSTRAKKetersediaan induk yang matang telur secara berkesinambungan akan sangat mendukung usaha pembenihan kepiting bakau dalam menghasilkan larva dengan kualitas yang baik. Bray et al., (1990b) bahwa panjang zoea dapat digunakan sebagai suatu indeks kualitas larva. Selain itu, kualitas larva juga bergantung kepada kondisi fisiologis larva dan berkaitan dengan rata-rata pertumbuhan dan sintasan selama beberapa tahapan larva (Racotta et al., 2003). Seluruh proses pemeliharaan digunakan air steril dengan menggunakan wadah berupa akuarium sebanyak dua buah. Larva kepiting bakau, S. serrata selama pemeliharaan diberi pakan satu kali sehari. Pakan yang diberikan berupa rotifer (Branchionus plicatilis) dan artemia pada hari kelima dan ketiga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ciri morfologi pembeda antara tahap zoea I dan zoea II adalah mata. Perkembangan zoea I berkisar antara hari 0 sampai dengan hari 4 selanjutnya zoea II antara hari kelima sampai hari ketujuh. Pertumbuhan yang diamati selama masa pemeliharaan hari pertama sampai hari keenam, menunjukkan adanya peningkatan yang signifikan pada hari keempat sampai hari keenam. Tingkat kelangsungan hidup larva S. serrata yang tidak diberi pakan dapat bertahan mencapai tiga hari. Sebaliknya untuk larva yang diberi pakan selama masa pemeliharaan mampu bertahan hingga mencapai tujuh hari.Kata kunci: Larva zoea, Scylla serrata, pertumbuhan, tingkat kelangsungan hidup
Application Of Pes Fertilizer To The Growth Of Kappaphycus alvarezii Plantlets Dzikri Wahyudi; Chrisoetanto P. Pattirane; Ayu Riyani Marwah; Dony Frederik Sangkia
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2023
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v11i2.50619


This study aims to determine the growth of Kappaphycus alvarezii plantlets applied with different PES fertilizers. This research was conducted at Blitok Installation, brackish water aquaculture center, Situbondo. This study began with the preparation of water as a maintenance medium, acclimatization of plantlets in the greenhouse, maintenance of plantlets in the greenhouse (plantlet cleaning, fertilization), and checking water quality. The application dose of PES fertilizer given as treatment was 15 ml, 20 ml, and 25 ml which was repeated 3 times. The rearing design used a completely randomized design (CRD) model. The results obtained showed that the average absolute weight gain of planlets from the 15 ml treatment was 0.249 g - 0.271 g, the 20 ml treatment was 0.35 g - 0.432 g, and the 25 ml treatment ranged from 0.306 g - 0.372 g. For the specific growth rate from the first to the fifth week of rearing, the 15 ml treatment ranged from 3.162-1.693, the 20 ml treatment ranged from 3.922-4.21 and the 25 ml treatment ranged from 2.899-3.904. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of a PES fertilizer dosage of 20 ml gave better growth than the 15 ml and 25 ml doses. Keywords: growth, Kappaphycus alvarezii, plantlets, PES fertilizer, dosage