Azma Rosida
Departemen Patologi Klinik, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, Indonesia

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Homeostasis Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Homeostasis

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Abstract: Lipid profile consist of total cholesterol, Low Density Lipoprotein cholesterol, High Density Lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglyceride. Lipid profile can be influenced by several factors, and one of them is obesity. Obesity is determined by Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Hip Ratio (WHR). The purpose of this study was to see the correlation of BMI and WHR on levels of serum LDL-C, HDL-C, and TG in obese patients in the working area of Puskesmas Pekauman. This study was an observational analytic study with a cross sectional approach. The population of this study was obese patients in Puskesmas Pekauman, the sample size was 51 people with a consecutive sampling technique. The data obtained were analyzed using bivariate analysis. The results of bivariate analysis with Pearson correlation test found that BMI and WHR did not have a significant correlation with levels of K-LDL, K-HDL, and serum TG (p>0,05). The conclusion of this study is that BMI and WHR did not have a significant correlation with levels of serum LDL-C, HDL-C, and TG in obese patients in the working area of Puskesmas Pekauman. Keywords: Body Mass Index, Waist Hip Ratio, obesity, serum lipid profile Abstrak: Profil lipid terdiri dari kadar kolesterol total, kolesterol Low Density Lipoprotein, kolesterol High Density Lipoprotein, dan trigliserida. Profil lipid dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya yaitu obesitas. Obesitas ditentukan oleh Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) dan Waist Hip Ratio (WHR). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat korelasi IMT dan WHR terhadap kadar K-LDL, K-HDL, dan TG serum pada penderita obesitas di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pekauman. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional bersifat analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah penderita obesitas di Puskesmas Pekauman, besar sampel berjumlah 51 orang dengan teknik pengambilan sampel secara consecutive sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis bivariat. Hasil analisis bivariat dengan uji korelasi Pearson didapatkan bahwa IMT dan WHR tidak memiliki korelasi bermakna dengan kadar K-LDL, K-HDL, dan TG serum (p>0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian didapatkan IMT dan WHR tidak memiliki korelasi yang bermakna dengan kadar K-LDL, K-HDL, dan TG serum pada penderita obesitas di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Pekauman. Kata-kata kunci: Indeks Massa Tubuh, Waist Hip Ratio, obesitas, profil lipid serum
Perbedaan Jumlah Trombosit dan Laktat Dehidrogenase pada Preeklampsia Berat Early Onset dengan Late Onset Sita Nuraini; Bambang Abimanyu; Azma Rosida
Homeostasis Vol 3, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Homeostasis

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Abstract: Preeclampsia is an emergency problem in the field of obstetrics which affects the well-being of mothers and babies. Based on its onset, preeclampsia is divided into early onset and late onset. The pathophysiology of preeclampsia is caused by endothelial dysfunction which causes hemolysis and platelet aggregation. The purpose of this research is to determine differences in platelet count and lactate dehydrogenase in early onset with late onset severe preeclampsia in Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin on January-December 2018 period. This research used analytic observational. The study sample was selected by non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling method, found 192 patients who fit the inclusion criteria. The data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney test. The results showed that the median and percentile platelet counts of early onset severe preeclampsia were 248.000 (33.000-49.000) /µL and late onset 286.000 (47.000-556.000) /µL. Median and percentile lactate dehydrogenase in early onset severe preeclampsia 653 (279-3966) U/L and late onset 499 (197-1949) U/L. The conclusion of the research was that there was a significant difference in the platelet count (p = 0.009) and lactate dehydrogenase (p = 0,000) in early onset with late onset severe preeclampsia in Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin on January-December 2018 period. Keywords: severe preeclampsia, platelet, dehydrogenase lactate, early onset, late onset. Abstrak: Preeklampsia merupakan permasalahan kegawatdaruratan di bidang obstetri yang mempengaruhi kesejahteraan ibu dan bayi. Berdasarkan onsetnya, preeklampsia dibagi menjadi early onset dan late onset. Patofisiologi preeklampsia disebabkan adanya disfungsi endotel yang menyebabkan terjadinya hemolisis dan agregasi trombosit. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan jumlah trombosit dan laktat dehidrogenase preeklampsia berat early onset dengan late onset di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin periode Januari-Desember 2018. Rancangan penelitan ini adalah observasional analitik. Sampel penelitian dipilih secara non-probability sampling serta menggunakan metode purposive sampling, didapatkan 192 pasien yang sesuai kriteria inklusi. Analisis data menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian didapatkan median dan persentil jumlah trombosit preeklampsia berat early onset 248.000 (33.000-494.000)/µL dan late onset 286.000 (47.000-556.000)/µL. Median dan persentil laktat dehidrogenase pada preeklampsia berat early onset 653 (279- 3966)U/L dan late onset 499 (197-1949)U/L. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah terdapat perbedaan secara bermakna pada jumlah trombosit (p = 0,009) dan laktat dehidrogenase (p = 0,000) pada preeklampsia berat early onset dengan late onset di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin periode Januari-Desember 2018. Kata-kata kunci:  preeklampsia berat, trombosit, laktat dehidrogenase, early onset, late onset
Profil Pasien Karsinoma Hepatoseluler yang Menjalani Terapi Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE) di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Periode 2016-2018 Muhammad Abdullah Mujahid Fadillah; Mashuri Mashuri; Triawanti Triawanti; Nina Mulyani; Azma Rosida
Homeostasis Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Homeostasis

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Abstract: Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is a malignant tumor attacks hepatocytes. 5.4% of all malignancies in the world caused by HCC. Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) has been shown to be effective in controlling tumor development and prolonging survival time. This study aims to determine the profile of HCC  patients who were given TACE action at Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin for the 2016-2018 period. descriptive research method using medical record data. The results of the study obtained 29 HCC patients, 62% were aged >50 years; 65,5% gender male; 79,3% Child-Pugh B classification; 62% had liver cirrhosis as a predisposition; 65,5% abdominal pain was the most frequent complaint; 86.2% had radiological imaging; 79,3% ECOG performance value was 2, and 93.1% of patients had no thrombus in the portal vein. Conclusion: HCC patients who were given TACE therapy were the most at the age of >50 years and male gender, Child-Pugh B was the most, the most predisposition to liver disease was liver cirrhosis, the most frequent complaint the feeling is abdominal pain, most radiology imaging there is a typical imaging, the highest ECOG performance value is 2, and most patients do not have a thrombus in the portal vein or inferior vena cava. Keywords: Hepatocellular Carcinoma, TACE, liver cirrhosis Abstrak: Karsinoma Hepatoseluler (KHS) merupakan tumor ganas yang menyerang hepatosit. KHS menyebabkan 5,4% dari keganasan di dunia. Transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) efektif mengendalikan perkembangan tumor dan memperpanjang waktu hidup pada KHS. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui profil pasien KHS yang mendapat TACE di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin periode 2016-2018. Metode penelitian deskriptif, menggunakan data rekam medik. Hasil didapatkan 29 pasien KHS, 62% berumur >50 tahun; 65,5% laki-laki; 79,3% klasifikasi child-pugh B ; 62% memiliki sirosis hati sebagai predisposisi; 65,5% nyeri perut menjadi keluhan tersering; 86,2% memiliki gambaran khas radiologi; 79,3% nilai ECOG performance 2, dan 93,1% pasien tidak terdapat trombus pada vena porta. Kesimpulan: pasien KHS yang diberi terapi TACE adalah usia >50 tahun dan laki-laki paling banyak, klasifikasi child-pugh B terbanyak, predisposisi penyakit hati tersering sirosis hati, keluhan tersering nyeri perut, gambaran radiologi terbanyak terdapat gambaran khas, terbanyak nilai ECOG performance 2, dan kebanyakan pasien tidak terdapat trombus di vena porta/vena cava inferior. Kata Kunci: karsinoma hepatoseluler, TACE, sirosis hati
Literature Review: Hubungan Kadar Trigliserida terhadap Kejadian Kaki Diabetes Marwah Hulfah; Fauzia Noor Liani; Dewi Indah Noviana Pratiwi; Nanang Miftah Fajari; Azma Rosida
Homeostasis Vol 4, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Homeostasis

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Abstract: The increasing number of people with diabetes mellitus each year, diabetic foot is complication of diabetes mellitus which is characterized by the presence of foot ulceration. High triglycerides levels are a factor that triggers atherosclerosis which causes mocrova scular disorders in the diabetic foot.  This literature review was written with the aim of summarizing and knowing the relationship of triglycerides levels to the severity of diabetic foot. This writing is done by analyzing library sources, namely related journals obtained through medical journal databases, namely PubMed, Science Direct and Google Scholar. The included journals were published in 2013-2018. The method in this study uses systematic literature review on 5 related studies. Results 1 in literature get significant results on triglycerides level with a value of p =0.011. High triglycerides levels have been linked to the incidence of diabetic foot ulcer. Keywords: triglycerides, diabetic foot, lipid profile. Abstrak: semakin meningkatnya angka penderita diabetes mellitus tiap tahunnya, kaki diabetik merupakan komplikasi dari penyakit diabetes mellitus yang ditandai dengan adanya ulserasi pada kaki. Tinggi nya kadar trigliserida merupakan faktor yang memicu terjadinya aterosklerosis y ang menyebabkan gangguan makrovaskular pada kaki diabetik. Liternture review ini ditulis dengan tujuan untuk merangkum dan mengetahui hubungan kadar trigliserida terhadap keparahan kaki diabetik. Penulisan ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis sumber pustaka yaitu berupa jurnal terkait yang didapatkan melalui database jurnal kedokteran, yaitu PubMed, Science Direct dan Gongle Scholnr. Jurnal yang disertakan dipublikasikan pada tahun 2013-201d. Metode pada penelitian ini menggunakan systematic literature review terhadap 5 penelitian yang berkaitan. Hasil yang didapat 1 literritiire dengan kadar trigliserida nilai p= 0,011 . Kadar trigliserida yang tinggi memiliki hubungan pada kejadian kaki diabetis. Kata-kata kunci:  trigliserida, kaki diabetik, profil lipid.
Perbandingan antara Diabetes Melitus Terkontrol dan Diabetes Melitus Tidak Terkontrol terhadap Outcome Pasien Stroke Iskemik Pradana Ady Saputra; Fakhrurrazy Fakhrurrazy; Azma Rosida
Homeostasis Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Homeostasis

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Abstract: Diabetes Mellitus is one of major modifable risk factor that can lead pathogenesis of ischemic stroke. The aim of this study was to determine the comparison between controlled diabetes mellitus and uncontrolled diabetes mellitus with outcome in ischemic stroke patients. This research methode is an observational analitic study with cross-sectional method. In this study we found 30 ischemic stroke patients with inclusion criteria. DM were classified into two groups according to the level of HbA1c (controlled DM≤7.0% or uncontrolled DM>7.0%). Outcome status was measured by mRS stroke scale at 7th hospitalization (good outcome score<3 and poor outcome score≥3). The data result is analyze using chi-square method. The result demonstrated there were controlled DM 11 people (36.7%), and 19(63.3%) uncontrolled DM. 8 people (26.7%) with good outcome and 22(73.3%) poor outcome. Analysis chi-square test p=0.104. Based on the result of the analyze, we can conclude that, there were no significant differences outcome in stroke ischemic patients with controlled DM and uncontrolled DM at RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Keywords :    HbA1C, Ischemic Stroke, Diabetes Mellitus, outcome Abstrak: Diabetes melitus (DM) adalah salah satu faktor risiko yang berpengaruh pada proses terjadinya stroke iskemik dan merupakan faktor risiko yang dapat dikontrol. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbandingan antara DM  terkontrol dan DM tidak terkontrol terhadap outcome pasien stroke iskemik. Metode yang digunakan  yaitu observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Telah didapatkan 30 pasien stroke iskemik yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. DM diklasifikasikan menjadi dua kelompok berdasarkan kadar HbA1C (DM terkontrol ≤7% dan DM tidak terkontrol >7%). Penilaian outcome dilakukan setelah 7 hari perawatan di rumah sakit menggunakan skala stroke mRS (prognosis baik skor≤3 dan prognosis buruk skor>3). Analisis data dengan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan pasien DM terkontrol sebanyak 11 orang (36,7%) dan DM tidak terkontrol sebanyak 19 orang (63,3%), pasien dengan prognosis baik sebanyak 8 orang (26,7%) dan prognosis buruk 22 orang (73,3%). Analisis uji chi-square p=0,104. Didapat kesimpulan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna dari perbandingan DM terkontrol dan DM tidak terkontrol terhadap outcome pasien stroke iskemik di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Kata-kata kunci: HbA1C, Stroke Iskemik, Diabetes Melitus, outcome
Literature Review: Korelasi Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio dan Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio terhadap Kejadian Kaki Diabetes Syifa Khairani; Fauzia Noor Liani; Dewi Indah Noviana Pratiwi; Mohammad Rudiansyah; Azma Rosida
Homeostasis Vol 5, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Homeostasis

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Abstract: One of the complications of diabetes is diabetic foot ulcers. In diabetic foot, immune changes result in reduced healing response in diabetic ulcers. There is a method for assessing inflammatory stress, namely the Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR), which indicates the patient's response to inflammatory disorders, accompanied by an increase in neutrophils which is a response to stress. Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR) is an inflammatory marker that can be used in many diseases to predict inflammation that is affected by several inflammatory conditions. High PLR reflects inflammation, atherosclerosis and platelet activation. This literature review has the aim of collecting data and analyzing the relationship between Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio and Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio on the incidence of diabetic foot and understanding the mechanism underlying changes in the levels of Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio and Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio which can cause complications of diabetic foot. The literature articles used are 10 articles obtained from databases of medical journals, in the form of Pubmed and Google Scholar. The author takes English and Indonesian journals with a time span of 2009-2020. The results obtained in this literature review are that there is an increase in PLR and NLR values with the severity of diabetic foot ulcers. Further research is needed to determine the correlation between Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio and Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio on the incidence of diabetic foot. Keywords: diabetic foot ulcer, neutrophil lymphocyte ratio, platelet lymphocyte ratio Abstrak: Salah satu komplikasi dari diabetes ialah ulkus kaki diabetes. Pada kaki diabetes sendiri perubahan imun mengakibatkan respons penyembuhan pada ulkus diabetikum berkurang. Terdapat metode untuk menilai stress peradangan yaitu Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR), yang menandakan respons pasien atas gangguan inflamasi, disertai gambaran peningkatan neutrofil yang merupakan respons terhadap stress. Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR) adalah penanda inflamasi yang dapat digunakan dalam banyak penyakit untuk memprediksi peradangan yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa kondisi inflamasi. PLR yang tinggi mencerminkan peradangan, aterosklerosis dan aktivasi platelet. Literature review ini memiliki tujuan berupa mengumpulkan data serta menganalisis hubungan Neutrophyl Lymphocyte Ratio dan Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio terhadap kejadian kaki diabetes serta memahami mekanisme yang mendasari perubahan kadar Neutrophyl Lymphocyte Ratio dan Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio yang mana dapat membuat komplikasi kaki diabetes. Artikel literatur yang digunakan ialah 10 artikel yang didapat dari basis data jurnal kedokteran, berupa Pubmed dan Google Scholar. Penulis mengambil jurnal Bahasa inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia dengan rentang waktu 2009-2020. Hasil yang diperoleh pada literature review ini ialah terdapat peningkatan nilai PLR dan NLR dengan seiringnya keparahan ulkus kaki diabetes. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk mengetahui korelasi antara Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio dan Platelet Lymphocyte Ratio terhadap kejadian kaki diabetes. Kata-kata kunci: kaki diabetes, rasio neutrofil limfosit, rasio platelet limfosit
Perbedaan Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase dan Kreatinin pada Preeklampsia Berat Early Onset dengan Late Onset Rayhana Yamini; Bambang Abimanyu; Azma Rosida
Homeostasis Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Homeostasis

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Abstract: Severe preeclampsia is one of hypertension in pregnancy that is accompanied by proteinuria or involvement of other organs, such as liver and kidney which can be seen from the increased activity of Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT) of the liver and renal creatinine levels. Severe preeclampsia is distinguished by early onset and late onset. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences between SGPT and creatinine in severe early onset preeclampsia with late onset in Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin from January to December 2018. The study was analytic observational. Samples were taken with a non-probability sampling technique with a purposive sampling method, obtained 210 samples that fit the inclusion and exclusion criteria from secondary data. Data analysis using the Mann-Whitney test. The results showed that the median and percentile SGPT of early onset were 28.60 (8-571) U/L and late onset were 20.00 (4-611) U/L. The median and percentile creatinine of early onset were 0.91 (0.45-2.97) mg/dL and late onset were 0.72 (0.19-2.46) mg/dL in severe preeclampsia. There was a significant difference (p = 0.007) in SGPT and (p = 0.002) in creatinine in early onset severe preeclampsia with late onset in Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin in the January-December 2018 period. Keywords: SGPT, creatinine, severe preeclampsia, early onset, late onset. Abstrak: Preeklampsia berat adalah salah satu hipertensi pada kehamilan yang disertai proteinuria atau keterlibatan organ lain, seperti hati dan ginjal yang dapat dilihat dari peningkatan aktivitas Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT) hati dan kadar kreatinin ginjal. Preeklampsia berat berdasarkan awitan dibagi menjadi early onset dan late onset. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui perbedaan SGPT dan kreatinin pada preeklampsia berat early onset dengan late onset di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin periode Januari-Desember 2018. Penelitian bersifat observasional analitik. Sampel diambil dengan teknik non-probability sampling dengan metode purposive sampling, didapatkan 210 sampel yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi data diambil dari data sekunder. Analisis data menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian didapatkan median SGPT early onset sebesar 28,60 U/L dengan nilai minimum-maksimum 8-571 U/L, median SGPT late onset sebesar 20,00 U/L dengan nilai minimum-maksimum 4-611 U/L, median kreatinin early onset sebesar 0,91 mg/dL dengan nilai minimum-maksimum 0,45-2,97 mg/dL, median kreatinin late onset sebesar 0,72 mg/dL dengan nilai minimum-maksimum 0,19-2,46 mg/dL pada preeklampsia berat. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna (p = 0,007) pada SGPT dan (p = 0,002) pada kreatinin preeklampsia berat early onset dengan late onset di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin periode Januari-Desember 2018. Kata-kata kunci: SGPT, kreatinin, preeklampsia berat, early onset, late onset.
Literature Review: Korelasi HBA1C dan Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) terhadap Kaki Diabetes Mahdalena Mahdalena; Fauzia Noor Liani; Dewi Indah Noviana Pratiwi; Nanang Miftah Fajari; Azma Rosida
Homeostasis Vol 4, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Homeostasis

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Abstract: Diabetic foot ulcers are a major complication of diabetes mellitus. The mortality rate for diabetic foot ulcers ranges from 17- 32% and the amputation rate ranges from 15-30%. Diabetic foot ulcers associated with HbA1c levels> 6.5 patients are considered to have poor glucose control which can lead to various complications. Hyperglycemia in diabetes can increase platelet reactivity so it is necessary to check the Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) which is a biomarker of platelet reactivity. This literature review aims to collect data and analyze the correlation of HbA1c and Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) on the incidence of diabetic foot and to understand the mechanisms underlying changes in HbA1c levels and Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) that cause complications of diabetic foot. Literature sources are 15 journals obtained through medical journal databases, namely Pubmed, Science Direct and Google Scholar with the criteria of using English and Indonesian in the period 2009-2020. The results obtained in this study were the mean level of mean platelet volume (MPV) based on 10 literatures was 13.089 fl. Mean HbA1c levels from 15 literature HbA1c> 8%.  Keywords: correlation, kaki diabetes, diabetic foot ulcer, HbA1c, mean platelet volume. Abstrak:  Ulkus kaki diabetes merupakan komplikasi utama diabetes melitus. Angka kematian ulkus kaki diabetes berkisar antara 17- 32% dan laju amputasi berkisar 15- 30%. Ulkus kaki diabetes dikaitkan dengan kadar HbA1c >6,5 pasien dianggap memiliki kontrol glukosa yang buruk yang dapat menyebabkan berbagai komplikasi. Hiperglikemia pada diabetes dapat meningkatkan reaktivitas trombosit sehingga perlu pemeriksaan Mean platelet Volume (MPV) yang merupakan biomarker reaktivitas trombosit. Literature review ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data dan menganalisis korelasi HbA1c dan Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) terhadap kejadian kaki diabetes dan memahami mekanisme yang mendasari perubahan kadar HbA1c dan Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) yang menyebabkan terjadinya komplikasi kaki diabetes. Sumber literatur berupa 15 jurnal yang diperoleh melalui database jurnal kedokteran, yaitu Pubmed, Science Direct dan Google Scholar dengan  kriteria menggunakan Bahasa inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia dalam kurun waktu 2009-2020. Hasil yang didapatkan dalam studi ini adalah Rerata kadar Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) berdasarkan 10 literatur adalah sebesar 13,089 fl. Rerata kadar HbA1c dari 15 literatur HbA1c>8%. Kata-kata kunci:  hubungan, kaki diabetes, diabetic foot ulcer, HbA1c, mean platelet volume.
Homeostasis Vol 2, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Homeostasis

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Abstract: Stroke is influenced by several factors, one of which is high blood glucose levels and blood glucose variability. In previous studies, variations in blood glucose levels affected outcomes in stroke patients. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of glycemic variability with the outcome of ischemic stroke patients in Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin. This study was observational analytic with a prospective cohort approach. There were 30 ischemic stroke patients included criteria in Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin. Patients were taken for blood glucose by glucose point of care testing (POCT) for 7 days constantly. After 7 days, patients were assessed for outcomes using a modified rankin scale (mRS) scale. Data analysis using the Spearman rho test and the results obtained p = 0.00 which shows a significant value between glycemic variability and mRS with the strength of the relationship r = 0.891, which means it has a very strong relationship. In conclusion there is a relationship between glycemic variability and the outcome of stroke patients in Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin. Keywords: ischemic stroke, glycemic variability, outcome Abstrak: Stroke dipengaruhi beberapa faktor, salah satunya tingginya kadar glukosa dalam darah dan variabilitas glukosa darah. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, variasi kadar glukosa darah mempengaruhi outcome pada pasien stroke. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan variabilitas glikemik dengan outcome pasien stroke iskemik di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Penelitian ini bersifat observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cohort prospectif. Didapatkan sebanyak 30 pasien stroke iskemik memenuhi kriteria inklusi di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Pasien diambil glukosa darah dengan point of care testing (POCT) glukosa selama 7 hari secara konstan. Setelah 7 hari, pasien dinilai outcome dengan menggunakan skala modified rankin scale (mRS). Analisis data menggunakan uji Spearman’s rho dan didapatkan hasil p=0,00 yang menunjukan nilai yang bermakna antara variabilitas glikemik dengan mRS dengan kekuatan hubungan r=0,891, yang artinya memiliki hubungan yang sangat kuat. Kesimpulannya terdapat hubungan antara variabilitas glikemik dengan outcome pasien stroke di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Kata-kata Kunci: Stroke Iskemik, variabilitas glikemik, outcome
Perbedaan Kadar Kreatinin Sebelum dan Sesudah Kemoterapi Berbasis Platinum Rusyda Taqiya Rahmi; Sasongko Hadi Priyono; Azma Rosida; M. Darwin Prenggono; FX Hendriyono
Homeostasis Vol 3, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Homeostasis

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Abstract: Platinum analog has a potential cytostatic effect and causing nephrotoxicity or a decrease in kidney function. This study used creatinine level to assess kidney function that are carried out routinely before the patient starts the chemotherapy cycle. This study aimed to determine the differences in creatinine levels before and after platinum-based chemotherapy. This an analytical study used retrospective cohort design with a total sample of 70 people according to inclusion criteria. The result showed a median creatinine level of breast cancer patients before and after platinum-based chemotherapy is 0,63 mg/dL and 0,75 mg/dL. Wilcoxon test results obtained”p=0,000 (p <0.05), considered as a significant difference between creatinine level  before and after platinum-based chemotherapy in breast cancer patients period January 2018-June 2019 in Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin, but the change of creatinine levels remain in the normal range. Keywords: platinum, based” chemotherapy, creatinine” levels, breast cancer” Abstrak: Analog platinum memiliki efek sitostatika poten dan efek samping nefrotoksisitas atau penurunan fungsi ginjal. Penilaian fungsi ginjal menggunakan parameter kadar kreatinin yang dilakukan secara rutin sebelum pasien memulai siklus kemoterapi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar kreatinin sebelum dan sesudah kemoterapi berbasis platinum. Ini adalah penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan Kohort Retrospektif dengan subjek penelitian 70 orang sesuai kriteria inklusi. Didapatkan median kadar kreatinin sebelum dan sesudah kemoterapi berbasis platinum sebesar 0,63 mg/dL dan 0,75 mg/dL. Uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan nilai p=0,000 (p<0,05), disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna kadar kreatinin sebelum dan sesudah kemoterapi berbasis platinumpada pasien kanker payudara periode Januari 2018-Juni 2019 di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin meskipun perubahan kadar kreatinin masih dalam rentang normal. Kata-kata kunci: kemoterapi berbasis platinum, kadar kreatinin, kanker payudara