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PENGELOLAAN PERIKANAN PELAGIS KECIL YANG DIDARATKAN DI PPN KARANGANTU, PROVINSI BANTEN – STUDI KASUS PERIKANAN KEMBUNG (Rastrelinger spp) Basuki Rachmad; Ratna Suharti; Ikhsan Maulana; Yusrizal Yusrizal; Jerry Hutajulu; Toni E Kusumo; Yaser Kresnafi; Abdul Rahman
Jurnal Kelautan dan Perikanan Terapan (JKPT) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): JKPT Desember 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Ahli Usaha Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/jkpt.v5i2.11176


Salah satu jenis ikan ekonomis penting,Rastrellingersp., merupakan hasil tangkapan utama nelayan PPN Karangantu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji berbagai karakteristik populasi ikan kembung. Karakteristik ini mencakup tingkat pertumbuhan populasi, rasio jenis kelamin, pertambahan berat badan total, distribusi frekuensi panjang-berat, dan peringkat persentil untuk indikator kinerja utama. Sampel dikumpulkan dari nelayan di PPN Karangantu dari September hingga Oktober 2019 untuk melakukan studi yang diperlukan, sebanyak sepuluh orang digunakan sebagai sampel penelitian. Jenis ikan hasil penelitian terdapat TKG III dan TKG IV memiliki kurva pertumbuhan alometrik negatif, sex ratio 1:1,6, rasio panjang terhadap massa Lc > Lm, dan hubungan linier antara CPUE dan Effort (y = 114,23 - 0,0052x). Dimungkinkan untuk menerapkan langkah-langkah pengelolaan, seperti mengurangi penggunaan alat tangkap yang merusak ekologis dan mengurangi jumlah waktu yang dihabiskan untuk menangkap ikan.
Biological aspects of squid (Loligo edulis) in the waters of Eastern North Sumatra, Indonesia Dadan Zulkifli; Ratna Suharti; Yuni Fast Track Anjeli Sihombing; Meuthia Aula Jabbar; Siti Mira Rahayu; Aditya Bramana; Hendra Irawan; Deni Aulia
Depik Vol 12, No 1 (2023): APRIL 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (553.839 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.12.1.28602


Squid is one of the non-fish resources that have economic value and is a target species in demersal fisheries activities with squid fishing gear and stick-held deep net. This research aims to determine the biological aspects of squid (Loligo edulis) such as length frequency distribution, length-weight relationship, sex ratio, gonadal maturity level, gonadal maturity index, size at first caught, and size at first maturity of the gonads. The method used in this research was a descriptive survey. The sample collection method used systematic random sampling and purposive sampling techniques. This observation was carried out on March 7 to July 30, 2022, at the Belawan Ocean Fishing Port and Tanjung Balai Port. The results showed that the average length distribution of squid was 17.73 cm. The relationship between the length and weight of squid is negative allometric. The sex ratio is 1:1.05. The negative allometric growth pattern is dominated by Gonadal Maturity Level (GML) I and GML II. The highest GML value for male squid was 2.06% at GML III, and the highest GML value for female squid was 1.92% at GML III. The average size of the caught squid length (Lc) is 10.42 cm. The size of the first gonad maturity (Lc) was 13.32 cm.Keywords:SquidBiological aspectsFisheries aspectManagement effort
STUDY OF BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS AND MANAGEMENT OF TUNA AND SKIPJACK TUNA THAT LANDED IN THE FISHING PORT OF WEST SUMATRA Yusrizal Yusrizal; Eli Nurlaela; Erick Nugraha; Bongbongan Kusmedy; Priyantini Dewi; Aman Saputra; Hari Setiawan; Ratna Suharti; Mira Maulita; Basuki Rachmad; Hery Choerudin; Rahmat Muallim; Eddy Sugriwa Husen; Syarif Syamsuddin
Indonesian Fisheries Research Journal Vol 28, No 2 (2022): (December 2022)
Publisher : Research Center for Fisheries

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/ifrj.28.2.2022.%p


Tuna and skipjack are large pelagic fish that have high economic value and have a very wide export market. The need for and the high market demand for tuna and skipjack causes the intensity of catching this fish to increase. To ensure that the potential of these fish resources remains sustainable, it is necessary to properly manage fisheries.The purpose of this study was to examine several aspects of biology, aspects of capture fisheries, aspects of utilization and management of yellow fin tuna and skipjack tuna. Data collection for yellowfin tuna was focused on one location, namely PPS Bungus, while data collection for skipjack tuna was focused on 4 location points, namely PPS Bungus, PPP Carocok Terusan, PPI Kambang and PPI Tiku. Productivity and cultivation levels of yellowfin tuna in West Sumatra have tended to decline in the past 4 years (2017-2020). Skipjack tuna in the West Sumatra region caught by boat charters was indicated to be overfishing, while skipjack tuna caught by troll showed the fish caught had not spawned yet. The productivity of skipjack tuna has fluctuated over the past 5 years (2016-2020).
Biological aspects of squid (Loligo edulis) in the waters of Eastern North Sumatra, Indonesia Dadan Zulkifli; Ratna Suharti; Yuni Fast Track Anjeli Sihombing; Meuthia Aula Jabbar; Siti Mira Rahayu; Aditya Bramana; Hendra Irawan; Deni Aulia
Depik Vol 12, No 1 (2023): APRIL 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.12.1.28602


Squid is one of the non-fish resources that have economic value and is a target species in demersal fisheries activities with squid fishing gear and stick-held deep net. This research aims to determine the biological aspects of squid (Loligo edulis) such as length frequency distribution, length-weight relationship, sex ratio, gonadal maturity level, gonadal maturity index, size at first caught, and size at first maturity of the gonads. The method used in this research was a descriptive survey. The sample collection method used systematic random sampling and purposive sampling techniques. This observation was carried out on March 7 to July 30, 2022, at the Belawan Ocean Fishing Port and Tanjung Balai Port. The results showed that the average length distribution of squid was 17.73 cm. The relationship between the length and weight of squid is negative allometric. The sex ratio is 1:1.05. The negative allometric growth pattern is dominated by Gonadal Maturity Level (GML) I and GML II. The highest GML value for male squid was 2.06% at GML III, and the highest GML value for female squid was 1.92% at GML III. The average size of the caught squid length (Lc) is 10.42 cm. The size of the first gonad maturity (Lc) was 13.32 cm.Keywords:SquidBiological aspectsFisheries aspectManagement effort
Distribusi Kelimpahan dan Pola Pertumbuhan Kepiting Bakau (Scylla spp.) di Kawasan Mangrove Golo Sepang, Nusa Tenggara Timur Siti Mira Rahayu; Patrisius Toma; Awaludin Syamsuddin; Iya Purnama Sari; Meuthia Aula Jabbar; Dadan Zulkifli; Aditya Bramana; Ratna Suharti
Jurnal Kelautan Vol 16, No 3: Desember (2023)
Publisher : Department of Marine Sciences, Trunojoyo University of Madura, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21107/jk.v16i3.23128


ABSTRACTKepiting bakau (Scylla spp.) merupakan salah satu komoditas sumberdaya perikanan yang potensial untuk dikembangkan karena memiliki nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Kawasan mangrove di Golo Sepang merupakan penghasil kepiting bakau terbesar di Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis distribusi dan pola pertumbuhan kepiting bakau (Scylla spp.) di perairan Golo Sepang, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Sampel kepiting bakau diambil pada bulan Maret–Mei 2022 di lokasi yang biasa digunakan nelayan untuk menangkap kepiting bakau dengan menggunakan alat tangkap bubu lipat. Terdapat tiga spesies kepiting bakau dari total 870 individu yang diukur, yaitu S. serrata, S. paramamosain, dan S. olivicea. Sebaran kelimpahan kepiting bakau lebih banyak terdapat di area yang suhu dan salinitasnya lebih tinggi. Pertumbuhan kepiting bakau jenis S. serrata di lokasi penelitian memiliki pola isometrik sedangkan S. paramamosain dan S. olivacea memiliki pola alometrik positif. Pertumbuhan kepiting jantan lebih cepat dan lebih besar daripada pertumbuhan kepiting betina.Kata kunci: Distribusi, kepiting bakau, mangrove, pertumbuhan, salinitasABSTRACTMud crab (Scylla spp.) is one of the potential fishery commodities to be developed due to its high economic value. The mangrove area in Golo Sepang Waters is the largest producer of mangrove crabs in West Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara. This study was conducted to analyze the distribution and growth pattern of mud crabs (Scylla spp.) in Golo Sepang, East Nusa Tenggara. Mud crab samples were captured in March – May 2022 at the sites regularly used by fishermen to catch the crabs using folded traps (bubu). A total of 870 measured samples consisting of three species of mud crabs: S. serrata, S. paramamosain, and S. olivicea. The distribution pattern of mud crabs at the study location as per salinity and temperature patterns. The growth of S. serrata at the study site had an isometric pattern while S. paramamosain and S. olivacea had a positive allometric pattern. The growth of male crabs is faster and bigger than the growth of female crabs.Keywords: Distribution, mud crab, mangrove, growth, salinity
Biological aspects of squid (Loligo edulis) in the waters of Eastern North Sumatra, Indonesia Dadan Zulkifli; Ratna Suharti; Yuni Fast Track Anjeli Sihombing; Meuthia Aula Jabbar; Siti Mira Rahayu; Aditya Bramana; Hendra Irawan; Deni Aulia
Depik Vol 12, No 1 (2023): APRIL 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.12.1.28602


Squid is one of the non-fish resources that have economic value and is a target species in demersal fisheries activities with squid fishing gear and stick-held deep net. This research aims to determine the biological aspects of squid (Loligo edulis) such as length frequency distribution, length-weight relationship, sex ratio, gonadal maturity level, gonadal maturity index, size at first caught, and size at first maturity of the gonads. The method used in this research was a descriptive survey. The sample collection method used systematic random sampling and purposive sampling techniques. This observation was carried out on March 7 to July 30, 2022, at the Belawan Ocean Fishing Port and Tanjung Balai Port. The results showed that the average length distribution of squid was 17.73 cm. The relationship between the length and weight of squid is negative allometric. The sex ratio is 1:1.05. The negative allometric growth pattern is dominated by Gonadal Maturity Level (GML) I and GML II. The highest GML value for male squid was 2.06% at GML III, and the highest GML value for female squid was 1.92% at GML III. The average size of the caught squid length (Lc) is 10.42 cm. The size of the first gonad maturity (Lc) was 13.32 cm.Keywords:SquidBiological aspectsFisheries aspectManagement effort