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Adnan S. Wantasen
Sam Ratulangi University

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Land Suitability and Capability For Mariculture Utilization of Coastal Area of Manado Tua Island Adnan S. Wantasen; Wilmy. E. Pelle; Alex D. Kambey
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2020
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.8.2.2020.31272


The concept of land suitability and carrying capacity in utilizing the coastal land area of Manado Tua Island is a long-term goal in the study of sustainable coastal and small island management. Meanwhile, alternative livelihoods for sustainable aquaculture food sources are a special target. The potential of freshwater supply becomes a limiting factor for small islands, in addition to land availability. The special objective is the use of aquatic land as aquaculture land which has an impact on alternative livelihoods and the availability of food sources. The land suitability analysis is carried out in the following stages: (1) preparing a map of the Manado Tua Island area, (2) creating a matrix for the suitability of aquaculture activities, (3) providing weighting and scoring, and (4) conducting spatial analysis. The biogeophysical conditions of the coastal waters of Manado Tua Island are classified as normal for mariculture cultivation activities. Geographically the island is located at coordinates 01º 37 '57 "North Latitude and 124º 41" 56 "East Longitude. The very suitable location I was 44.03 m2, while the suitable land was 34.25 m2, and the conditionally suitable land was 17.13 m2. For location II, the area that fully meets the requirements is 70.50 m2, and those that meet the appropriate requirements are 49.86 m2, and those that meet the conditionally are 27.51 m2. The land area of Manado Tua Island is 1,056.02 ha. The condition of freshwater sources has not yet the potential to meet the needs of the community and visiting tourists.Keywords: land suitability, aquaculture, freshwater utilization, Manado Tua IslandAbstrakKonsep kesesuaian lahan dan daya dukung dalam memanfaatkan areal lahan pesisir  Pulau Manado Tua merupakan tujuan jangka panjang dalam studi pengelolaan pesisir dan pulau kecil secara berkelanjutan. Sedangkan alternatif mata pencaharian untuk sumber pangan hasil budidaya perairan secara berkelanjutan menjadi target khusus. Potensi sediaan air tawar menjadi faktor pembatas pulau kecil, disamping ketersediaan lahan. Adapun tujuan khusus adalah pemanfaatan lahan perairan sebagai lahan budidaya perikanan yang berdampak pada alternatif mata pencaharian serta ketersediaan sumber bahan pangan. Analisis kesesuian lahan dilakukan dalam tahapan: (1) penyusunan peta kawasan Pulau Manado Tua, (2) membuat matriks kesesuaian kegiatan budidaya perikanan, (3) memberikan pembobotan dan pengharkatan, dan (4) melakukan analisis spasial. Kondisi biogeofisik perairan pantai Pulau Manado Tua tergolong normal untuk kegiatan budidaya matrikultur. Secara geografi Pulau terletak pada koordinat 01º 37’ 57” LU dan 124º 41’ 56” BT. Pada lokasi I yang sangat sesuai seluas 44,03 m2, sedangkan lahan yang sesuai seluas 34,25 m2 dan lahan yang sesuai bersyarat seluas 17,13 m2.  Untuk lokasi II  areal yang sangat memenuhi syarat adalah seluas 70.50 m2, dan yang memenuhi syarat sesuai adalah seluas 49,86 m2, dan yang memenuhi sesuai bersyarat seluas 27,51 m2. Luas daratan Pulau Manado Tua 1.056,02 ha . Kondisi sumber air tawar di belum berpotensi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dan wisatawan yang berkunjung.Kata kunci: kesesuaian lahan, budidaya perikanan, pemanfaatan air tawar, Pulau Manado Tua
Community Structure of Zooplankton in the waters of Kampung Ambong Likupang, North Minahasa Rizki Antuke; Gaspar D. Manu; Rose O. S. E. Mantiri; Fransine B. Manginsela; Adnan S. Wantasen; Deiske A. Sumilat
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 8 No. 2 (2020): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2020
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.8.2.2020.31629


Zooplankton has an important role as a linking chain between primary producers and biota at higher trophic levels. This organism is a component in the food chain that has a dual role as both the first consumer and the second consumer. They are intermediaries between plankton and nekton groups. This research was conducted at the field station of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Faculty of Sam Ratulangi University, which is located in Kampung Ambong, Likupang, North Minahasa Regency, to identify the species and to determine the structure of the Zooplankton community through: Density, Relative Density, Diversity (H '), Dominance (e ), and Uniformity (C). Based on the results of species identification, 20 species from 15 genera in 3 classes were obtained, namely Hexanauplia (13 genus 18 species), Crustacea (1 genus 1 species), and Malacostraca (1 genus 1 species). The results of the community structure analysis obtained moderate uniformity values at points 1, 2, and 3. The dominance index shows low values at all three points, where point 2 C = 0.17 and at points 1 and 3 C = 0.20 This means that there is no types of plankton that dominate the area. Temperature 28 ° C, Salinity 300/00, and pH = 7 indicate conditions that are still in a good range as a place to live and grow Zooplankton.Keywords: Zooplankton; Diversity; Community Structure; LikupangAbstrakZooplankton mempunyai peran penting sebagai rantai penghubung produser primer dengan biota pada tingkat trofik yang lebih tinggi, juga merupakan salah satu komponen dalam rantai makanan yang berperan ganda baik sebagai konsumen tingkat pertama maupun konsumen tingkat ke dua, selanjutnya merupakan penghubung antara plankton dan nekton. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Basah Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Kampung Ambong, Likupang, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, untuk mengetahui jenis dan struktur komunitas Zooplankton melalui: Kepadatan, Kepadatan Relatif, Keanekaragaman (H’), Dominansi (e), dan Keseragaman (C). Berdasarkan hasil Identifikasi jenis, diperoleh 20 spesies dari 15 genus dalam 3 klas, yaitu Hexanauplia (13 genus 18 spesies), Crustacea (1 genus 1 spesies), dan Malacostraca (1 genus 1 spesies).  Hasil analisis struktur komunitas diperoleh nilai keseragaman yang sedang pada titik 1, 2, dan 3. Indeks Dominansi menunjukkan nilai yang rendah  pada ketiga titik, dimana titik 2  C = 0,17 dan pada titik 1 dan 3 C = 0,20  Artinya tidak terdapat jenis plankton yang mendominsi daerah tersebut. Suhu 28°C, Salinitas 300/00, dan pH= 7  menunjukkan kondisi yang masih dalam kisaran baik sebagai tempat hidup dan bertumbuhnya Zooplankton.Kata kunci: Zooplankton; Keanekaragaman; Struktur Komunitas; Likupang
Benefit Value of Mangrove Forest in Sarawet Village, Likupang Timur, Minahasa Utara Chika Litawaty Tamsir; Ridwan Lasabuda; Adnan S. Wantasen; Khristin I. F. Kondoy; Alex D. Kambey; Calvyn Sondak
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i2.41499


The purpose of this study is to: 1) identify various types of direct and indirect benefits of mangrove forests, and 2) estimate the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village. This type of research is descriptive and quantitative using survey methods. Data analysis in this study uses descriptive and quantitative analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to explain the activities of utilizing natural resources of mangrove ecosystems, while quantitative analysis is used to calculate the total economic value of mangrove ecosystems. The selection of respondents used the purposive sampling method, with a total of 76 respondents. Analysis of the total economic value for the value of direct benefits using market prices, and the value of indirect benefits using replacement costs. The results showed that the people of Sarawet Village use the mangrove forest ecosystem directly in the form of mangrove wood used as firewood and fence stakes, leaves Nipah are made with roofs, and the community carries out fishing and crab activities around mangrove waters.Analysis of the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village amounted to Rp. 6.884.344.178,-/year. The total economic value is obtained from the value of direct benefits including utilization as firewood Rp. 4,160,000,- /year; fence pegs Rp. 87.500,-/year; roof of the house Rp. 330.000,-/year; fishing Rp. 769.174.000,-/year; crab fishing is Rp. 190.320.000,-/year, and the value of indirect benefits is as a barrier to abrasion and seawater waves Rp. 5.920.272.678,-/year. The large economic value of the total mangrove forest ecosystem in Sarawet Village shows that the mangrove ecosystem provides great benefits to the community.Keywords: direct benefit value, indirect benefit value, total economic value, MangroveAbstrakThe purpose of this study is to: 1) identify various types of direct and indirect benefits of mangrove forests, and 2) estimate the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village. This type of research is descriptive and quantitative using survey methods. Data analysis in this study uses descriptive and quantitative analysis. Descriptive analysis is used to explain the activities of utilizing natural resources of mangrove ecosystems, while quantitative analysis is used to calculate the total economic value of mangrove ecosystems. The selection of respondents used the purposive sampling method, with a total of 76 respondents. Analysis of the total economic value for the value of direct benefits using market prices, and the value of indirect benefits using replacement costs. The results showed that the people of Sarawet Village use the mangrove forest ecosystem directly in the form of mangrove wood used as firewood and fence stakes, leaves Nipah are made with roofs, and the community carries out fishing and crab activities around mangrove waters.Analysis of the total economic value of the mangrove forest in Sarawet Village amounted to Rp. 6.884.344.178,-/year. The total economic value is obtained from the value of direct benefits including utilization as firewood Rp. 4,160,000,- /year; fence pegs Rp. 87.500,-/year; roof of the house Rp. 330.000,-/year; fishing Rp. 769.174.000,-/year; crab fishing is Rp. 190.320.000,-/year, and the value of indirect benefits is as a barrier to abrasion and seawater waves Rp. 5.920.272.678,-/year. The large economic value of the total mangrove forest ecosystem in Sarawet Village shows that the mangrove ecosystem provides great benefits to the community.Keywords: direct benefit value, indirect benefit value, total economic value, Mangrove.
Carbon Absorption in Seagrasses in Tongkaina Coastal Waters, Bunaken District, Manado City, North Sulawesi Dilivia J. Namoua; Adnan S. Wantasen; Khristin I. F. Kondoy; Rene Ch. Kepel; Febry S. I. Menajang; Wilmy Pelle
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): ISSUE JULY-DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study was conducted to determine the types of seagrasses and calculate biomass and calculate how much carbon absorption in seagrasses was found in the location of Tongkaina Beach, Bunaken District, Manado City, North Sulawesi. The sampling procedure in the field is the method of cruising surveys. A cruising survey is a sample collection method that is carried out by walking through the coastal area of all seagrasses found.  After the sampling at the site is completed, the sample in the inventory is then photographed. The samples that have been obtained are analyzed in the laboratory using the loss on ignition (LOI) method. The results of the study on Tongkaina coastal waters covering an area of 25,000 meters with a coastal length of ±500 meters, in an area parallel to the coastline as wide as ±50 meters towards the sea and six types of seagrasses were obtained, namely: Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium, Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule uninervis, and Halodule pinifolia.  The biomass in seagrasses found had an average value of 78.10% with the highest individual seagrass biomass found in seagrass type Enhalus acoroides with a biomass value of 87.23grams of dry weight (gbk)/individual and the lowest type of seagrass individual biomass value was found in seagrass type seagrass with a biomass value of 66.67grams of dry weight (gbk)/individual.  The total carbon content calculated in the entire seagrass obtained was 46,0941gCKeywords: Tongkaina Beach; seagrasses; biomass; carbon absorptionAbstrakPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis lamun dan menghitung biomassa serta menghitung berapa serapan karbon pada lamun yang ditemukan dilokasi Perairan Pantai Tongkaina Kecamatan Bunaken Kota Manado Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Prosedur pengambilan sampel di lapangan menggunakan metode survei jelajah. Survei jelajah adalah metode pengumpulan sampel yang di lakukan dengan cara menyusuri daerah pantai terhadap semua lamun yang ditemukan. Setelah pengambilan sampel di lokasi selesai, sampel di inventarisir kemudian difoto. Sampel yang telah diperoleh dianalisa di laboratorium dengan menggunakann metode loss on ignition (LOI). Hasil penelitian pada perairan pantai Tongkaina seluas 25.000 meter dengan panjang pantai ±500 meter sejajar garis pantai dan lebar ±50 meter ke arah laut.  Ditemukan enam jenis lamun yaitu: Enhalus acoroides, Thalassia hemprichii, Syringodium isoetifolium, Cymodocea rotundata, Halodule uninervis dan Halodule pinifolia. Biomassa pada lamun yang ditemukan memiliki nilai rata-rata 78,53% dengan biomassa individu lamun tertinggi terdapat pada lamun jenis Enhalus acoroides dengan nilai biomassa mencapai 87,23gram berat kering (gbk)/individu dan nilai biomassa individu jenis lamun terendah terdapat pada lamun jenis Syringodium isoetifolium dengan nilai biomassa 66,67gram berat kering (gbk)/individu. Untuk total kandungan karbon yang dihitung pada keseluruhan lamun yang didapat sebesar 46,0941gC.Kata kunci: Pantai Tongkaina; Lamun; biomasa, serapan carbon
Morphometric and Meristic Yellowstrip Scad Selaroides leptolepis (Cuvier, 1833) Landed at TPI Tumumpa and PPI Kema Fajar Vafry; Fransine B. Manginsela; Adnan S. Wantasen; Stephanus V. Mandagi; Ferdinand F. Tilaar; Joice R.T.S.L Rimper
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023): ISSUE JANUARY-JUNE 2023
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v11i1.44335


This research about morphometric and meristic character of yellow stripscad. Fish samples were selected from various sizes in order to represent the various sizes of yellow stripscad that existin nature. Samples of yellow stripscad were taken from fish landed at TPI Tumumpa as many as 60 tail and PPI Kema as many as 60 tail. The purpose of this study was to determine how the morphometric and meristic character of yellow stripscad landed in TPI Tumumpa and PPI Kema. Data analysis with K-mean cluster method using SPSS 25 and Ms. Excel 2019. Yellow stripscad landed in TPI Tumumpa and PPI Kema have different morphometric character with percentage difference of 95%. For meristic character have a fairly small lavel of difference with a difference of 29%. Keywords : yellow stripscad, morphometric, meristic, TPI Tumumpa, PPI Kema. Abstrak Penelitian ini mengenai karakter morfometrik dan meristik ikan selar kuning. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel ikan akan dipilih dari berbagai macam ukuran agar dapat mewakili berbagai macam ukuran ikan selar kuning yang ada di alam. Sampel ikan selar kuning diambil dari ikan yang didaratkan di TPI Tumumpa sebanyak 60 ekor dan di PPI Kema sebanyak 60 ekor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana karakter morfometrik dan meristik ikan selar kuning yang didaratkan di TPI Tumumpa dan PPI Kema. Analisis data dengan metode K-mean cluster menggunakan program SPSS 25 dan Ms. Excel 2019. Ikan selar kuning yang didaratkan di TPI Tumumpa dan PPI Kema memiliki karakter morfometrik yang berbeda dengan persentase perbedaan sebesar 95%. Untuk  karakter meristiknya memiliki tingkat perbedaan yang cukup kecil dengan tingkat perbedaan sebesar 29%.  Kata- kata kunci : ikan selar kuning, morfometrik, meristik, TPI  Tumumpa, PPI Kema.  
Condition of Coral Reefs in the Waters of Kalasey Satu Village, Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Israel Pitoy; Unstain N. W. J. Rembet; Ari B. Rondonuwu; Adnan S. Wantasen; Alex D. Kambey; Gaspar Manu; John L. Tombokan
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 11 No. 1 (2023): ISSUE JANUARY-JUNE 2023
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v11i1.45892


The waters of Kalasey I Village have various resources and environmental services that are the potential to be utilized sustainably, such as tourism. The development activities in the tourism sector look so fast in this area with the establishment of several tourism infrastructures, such as diving centers, cottages, resorts,s and restaurants. These activities are thought to be able to affect the coral reef ecosystem. This study aims to determine the coral reef conditions, especially the reef flat, based on the percent cover of the live corals. Data collection was carried out at a depth of 3 meters with 3 replications using an Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) technique. Data obtained were analyzed using Coral Point Count with excel extension (CPCe) software. Based on the percent cover of live corals, the condition of coral reefs in the Kalasey 1 village waters was classified as poor with a coral cover percentage of 2.93%. Keywords: Tourism development, Underwater Photo Transect (UPT), percent cover, coral point count (CPCe) Abstrak Perairan di Desa Kalasey I memiliki berbagai sumberdaya serta jasa lingkungan yang berpotensi untuk dimanfaatkan secara berkesinambungan seperti potensi pariwisata. Kegiatan pembangunan di sektor pariwisata terlihat begitu pesat di wilayah ini dengan berdirinya sejumlah infrastruktur pariwisata seperti diving center, cottage, resort dan rumah makan, dimana aktivitas tersebut diduga dapat mempengaruhi ekosistem terumbu karang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi terumbu karang, khususnya rataan terumbu (reef flat), berdasarkan persentase tutupan karang di perairan Desa Kalasey I Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada kedalaman 3 meter dengan 3 ulangan, menggunakan teknik Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) dan data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan software Coral Point Count with excel extension (CPCe). Diperoleh hasil kondisi terumbu karang tergolong dalam kategori miskin dengan persentase tutupan karang sebesar 2.93 %. Kata kunci: Pembangunan pariwiata, Underwater Photo Transect (UPT), persen tutupan, coral point count (CPCe)
Spatial Distribution of Marine Debris on Northern Coastal Waters of Minahasa Ivana Trixie Louisa Moningka; Joudy R. R. Sangari; Adnan S. Wantasen; Lawrence J. L. Lumingas; Ruddy D. Moningkey; Wilmy E. Pelle
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): ISSUE JANUARY - JUNE 2021
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.9.1.2021.34021


Marine debris is one of the biggest pollution problems in the world. There are various potentials of marine and beach tourism to attract tourists, but in turn, cause a waste disposal accumulation and coupled with the built-in garbage that comes from the sea. The research was conducted at Tasik Ria Beach, Tombariri, and Marine Field Station of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University in Likupang. The aims of this study were (1) to identify the types of marine debris, and (2) to determine and compare the spatial distribution pattern of marine debris in the two designed locations. The sampling technique adapted from the shoreline survey methodology designed by NOAA was used in the study. Data were then statistically processed and analyzed using data mining software (MS Excel and Orange). This study found that the category of plastic and rubber waste is the most common category with the total amount on Tasik Ria Beach 54.39% and 97.55% in the Marine Field Station of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences in Likupang respectively. The correlation coefficient between the composition of the amount and mass of marine debris is 0.89 which indicates a close relationship between the amount and mass composition. There are many factors that cause the distribution of various types of marine debris, one of which is the activities of the people around the coastal area.Keywords: Marine debris; Category; Type; CompositionAbstrakSampah laut merupakan salah satu masalah polusi yang besar di dunia. Beragam potensi wisata bahari dan pantai menjadi daya tarik wisatawan namun aktivitas wisata dapat mengakibatkan adanya buangan sampah oleh masyarakat dan wisatawan, ditambah lagi dengan sampah bawaan yang berasal dari laut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Pantai Tasik Ria, Tombariri dan Laboratorium Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Sam Ratulangi untuk mengidentifikasi jenis sampah laut di perairan pantai Minahasa bagian utara dan mengetahui persebaran dan perbandingan distribusi sampah laut dua lokasi penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil pengambilan sampel dengan mengadaptasi metode Shoreline Survey Methodology berdasarkan NOAA yang kemudian diolah dan dianalisis secara statistik dengan menggunakan beberapa perangkat lunak (MS Excel dan Orange) diperoleh kategori sampah plastik dan karet sebagai kategori yang paling banyak ditemukan dengan komposisi jumlahnya di Pantai Tasik Ria sebesar 54,39% dan 97,55% di Laboratorium Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan. Nilai koefisien korelasi antara komposisi jumlah dan massa sampah laut sebesar 0.89 yang menyatakan hubungan yang erat antara komposisi jumlah dan massa. Banyaknya faktor yang menyebabkan terdistribusinya beragam jenis sampah laut, salah satunya adalah aktivitas masyarakat di sekitar wilayah pesisir.Kata kunci: Sampah Laut; Kategori; Jenis; Komposisi
Composition and Condition Of Coral Reefs In Dudepo Cape, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Sulawesi Fajri Nurul Ali; Ari B. Rondonuwu; Silvester B. Pratasik; Adnan S. Wantasen; Nego E. Bataragoa; Janny D. Kusen
Jurnal Ilmiah PLATAX Vol. 10 No. 1 (2022): ISSUE JANUARY-JUNE 2022
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jip.v10i1.38203


This study aims to determine the composition and condition of coral reefs in Dudepo Cape, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency. The method used is Line Intercept Transect (LIT). Data were collected by SCUBA diving at 3 meters and 10 meters depths. In 3 meters depth was found biotic components such as Acropora and non-Acropora with 6 growth forms, and five other biotic components, while abiotic components were only found in coral rubbles (R). In 10 meter depth was found biotic components live coral with 7 growth forms, and five other biotic components, while the abiotic components as sand and coral rubbles. In two depths, the coral reef component dominant were Acropora digitate (ACD) and Acropora branching (ACB). The condition of coral reefs at 3-meter depth and 10 meters were  “Fair”  with the percent cover of live corals being 35.59% and 37.30%.Keywords: Coral; Coral Reef; ConditionAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi dan kondisi terumbu karang di Tanjung Dudepo Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Selatan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Line Intercept Transect (LIT). Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan penyelaman SCUBA pada kedalaman 3 meter dan 10 meter. Pada kedalaman 3 meter ditemukan komponen biotik berupa karang hidup acropora dan non-acropora dengan 6 bentuk pertumbuhan, dan 5 komponen biotik lainnya, sedangkan komponen abiotik hanya ditemukan berupa pecahan karang. Pada kedalaman 10 meter ditemukan komponen biotik berupa karang hidup dengan 7 bentuk pertumbuhan, dan 5 komponen biotik lainnya, sedangkan komponen abiotik berupa pasir dan pecahan karang. Pada dua kedalaman, bentuk pertumbuhan yang mendominasi yaitu acropora digitate dan acropora branching. Kondisi terumbu karang pada lokasi penelitian khususnya pada kedalaman 3 meter dan 10 meter yaitu berada pada kategori cukup dengan persentase tutupan sebesar 35,59% dan 37,30%. Kata kunci: Karang; Terumbu Karang; Kondisi.