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Implementation of Health Action Process Approach to Improve Dietary Adherence in Type 2 Diabetic Patient Kusnanto, Kusnanto; Kurnia, Iqlima Dwi; Prasetia, Dwi Indah
Jurnal NERS Vol 10, No 2 (2015): Vol. 10 Nomor 2 Oktober 2015
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.711 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/%oj.Ners102%y272-278


Introduction: Type 2 diabetic patients usually unsuccessful to follow the diet recommendation due to lack of motivation, memory and intention. This study attempts to increase the motivation and also to improve intention in dietary adherence through the implementation of Health Action Process Approach (HAPA). Method: This study was a quasy-experiment. The population were type 2 diabetic patients in Puskesmas Krian Sidoarjo in March-April 2015. Respondents were only 16 and had been divided into experiment and control group. The independent variable was the implementation of HAPA. The dependent variable were self-efficacy, dietary adherence and blood sugar levels. The instruments in this study were questionnaires and blood sugar monitoring devices. Data were analyzed using statistical wilcoxon sign rank test and mann whitney u  test with significance level α ≤ 0.05. Result: Wilcoxon sign rank test showed there were differences between pre and post test significantly on self-efficacy (p=0.014), dietary adherence  (p=0.025), blood sugar levels (p=0.009) in  experiment group, while no significant differences in control group. Mann Witney U test showed that there was significant difference on dietary adherence (p=0.002) between two groups. Discussion: In conclusion, the implementation of HAPA can improve dietary adherence in type 2 diabetic patient. Further, following studies are expected with large number respondents and identify the whole variables in the HAPA theory.Keywords: Health Action Process Approach (HAPA), self efficacy, dietary adherence, blood glucose, Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
The Indonesian Journal of Health Science Vol 7, No 1 (2016): THE INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/the.v7i1.380


Introduction: Stress among premature infants is a response showing inability on infants to regulate stimulus from environment which caused by maturity of nervous system, lack of physiology stability and lack of ability to cope the stress. Several ways to decrease stress among premature infants are giving infants developmental care interventions. This study aimed to describe the effect of developmental care on stress decreased among premature infants in Perinatology Room Regional General Hospital Dr. Haryoto Lumajang. Method: The design of this study was pre-experimental with one group pra-post test design, with 7 sample size who were taken by using total sampling technique. Independent variable of this study was developmental care and dependent variable was stress among premature infants. Data were taken by using observations sheet, then analyzed by using Wicoxon Sign Rank Test. Result: The result showed a significant value, p= 0,052.The result of this study can be concluded that there is influence of developmental care on stress decreased among premature infants. Discuss:  Therefore, nurses in perinatalogy room can make it as strategy and base to implement developmental care to surmount stress amon premature infants.
JURNAL NERS LENTERA Vol 6, No 2 (2018): September

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Introduction: Many problems to be faced by elderly, so they need serious attention as an effort to improve their welfare. One of efforts require family support for the elderly and also require to check the body health through Posyandu. This study aimed to explain correlation between family support with motivation and behaviour elderly in participating Posyandu elderly at RW 5 Puskesmas Dupak Surabaya City. Method: This study was a descriptive study using cross-sectional design. The population of this study are 119 elderly at RW 5, Dupak, Surabaya. Sampling technique was using simple random sampling and obtained 92 respondents. The independent variable was family support, and the dependent variable are motivation and behaviour elderly. Data were collected using questionnaire on family support, questionnaire on motivation elderly and observation data visited of elderly. Data were analyzed using Spearman Rho with a significance level of 0.05. Result: The results showed that majority of respondents had high family support, high motivation elderly for participanted Posyandu and elderly was active for visited in Posyandu. The result correlation between family support and motivation elderly showed p=0.000 and r=0.439, the correlation between family support and behaviour elderly showed p=0.000 and r=0.571. Discussion: Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that family support has positive correlation with motivation and behaviour elderly in participating Posyandu. In conclusion of this study, if family support high will have impact to high motivation and actived elderly for participanted Posyandu. Keywords: Family Support, Motivation, Behaviour, Elderly
Pengaruh Millieu Therapy Metode Kreasi Seni Membuat Gelang terhadap Penurunan Kesepian (Loneliness) Lansia AH Yusuf; Iqlima Dwi Kurnia; Manis Aero Dwi Noerviana
Media Karya Kesehatan Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Media Karya Kesehatan
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (651.636 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/mkk.v1i1.16980


Loneliness is a feelings of isolation where people felling lonely. All the elderly certainly desire to prosper in his old age but the fact isn’t all the elderly can reach it due to various reasons such as poverty, currently didn’t have offspring or family who can care for the elderly and the inability of the family in providing care to the elderly, so many elderly people become homeless. In This results used pre-experimental one-group pre-post test design. The population in this research is elderly with amount 76 people. Sample was 12 people taken by purposive sampling technique. Collected data conducted by using a questionnaire and analyzed used the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with significance α = 0.05. The results of research concluded that millieu therapy methods the creation of art made bracelet could be decreased loneliness of life of the elderly it can stimulate the cognitive, affective, psychomotor, sosio-emotional and self-esteem. Further research is expected to use control groups and researching other factors that influence loneliness the elderly. Researcher can use millieu therapy in supporting and helping the elderly yo live a best quality.
Increasing Prevention Knowledge of Sexual Violence and Emotional Maturity on Children through the Mini-Movie Media Iqlima Dwi Kurnia; Ilya Krisnana; Farida Norma Yulianti
Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran Vol. 8 No. 3 (2020): Jurnal Keperawatan Padjadjaran
Publisher : Faculty of Nursing Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkp.v8i3.1427


Sexual violence against children is one of the world’s problem that has an impact on the mental, physical, and psychological conditions such as depression, fear, shame, which can lead to suicide for the victim. The level of prevention knowledge and emotional maturity in the child needs to be grown. Objective of this study was analyze the effect of mini movie on the level of knowledge prevention of sexual violence and the level of emotional maturity in school-age children. Mini movie video according to research by the American Psychological Association (APA) is an audio-visual media with message conveyed in the form of short films through hearing and sight. Mini movie contains 2 video, the first video taken from UNICEF Indonesia. The second video came from center for study and child protection (PKPA). This study used quasi experimental design with two groups and involved 85 students. The Emotional Maturity and Knowledge of Child Abuse Questionnaire used as the instrument. This research conducted used a simple random sampling technique. The research showed that mini movie media had a significant impact on the level of prevention knowledge sexual violence (p=0.000) and the level of emotional maturity (p=0.000) Mini movie media becomes a mass approach in modern era that can provide accurate information in delivering health messages for children. Education through mini movie media can stimulate children’s awareness and teacher as an effort to prevent sexual violence by increasing children’s knowledge and emotional maturity.
Implementation of Health Action Process Approach to Improve Dietary Adherence in Type 2 Diabetic Patient Kusnanto Kusnanto; Iqlima Dwi Kurnia; Dwi Indah Prasetia
Jurnal Ners Vol. 10 No. 2 (2015): Oktober 2015
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (256.711 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jn.v10i2.1348


Introduction:Type 2 diabetic patients usually unsuccessful to follow the diet recommendation due to lack of motivation, memory and intention. This study attempts to increase the motivation and also to improve intention in dietary adherence through the implementation of Health Action Process Approach (HAPA).Method: This study was a quasy-experiment. The population were type 2 diabetic patients in Puskesmas Krian Sidoarjo in March-April 2015. Respondents were only 16 and had been divided into experiment and control group. The independent variable was the implementation of HAPA. The dependent variable were self-efficacy, dietary adherence and blood sugar levels. The instruments in this study were questionnaires and blood sugar monitoring devices. Data were analyzed using statistical wilcoxon sign rank test and mann whitney u  test with significance level α ≤ 0.05.Result: Wilcoxon sign rank test showed there were differences between pre and post test significantly on self-efficacy (p=0.014), dietary adherence  (p=0.025), blood sugar levels (p=0.009) in  experiment group, while no significant differences in control group. Mann Witney U test showed that there was significant difference on dietary adherence (p=0.002) between two groups.Discussion: In conclusion, the implementation of HAPA can improve dietary adherence in type 2 diabetic patient. Further, following studies are expected with large number respondents and identify the whole variables in the HAPA theory.
Personality Factor, Self Efficacy and Prevention of Cervical Cancer among Childbearing Age Women Ni Ketut Alit Armini; Iqlima Dwi Kurnia; Fani Lailatul Hikmah
Jurnal Ners Vol. 11 No. 2 (2016): Oktober 2016
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (122.88 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jn.v11i2.2574


Introduction: Cervical cancer is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Bad cervical cancer prevention program cause delays in treatment. Thus, leading most of the respondents had cervical cancer in advance stadium. The study aims to determine the correlation of personal factors, self efficacy in the prevention of cervical cancer in women of childbearing age. Methods: The study design was descriptive correlative with cross sectional approach. The population were all women of childbearing age in Puskesmas Kenjeran Surabaya. Samples were 64 respondents gathered by using simple random sampling. The independent variable were the personal factor and self efficacy. The dependent variable was the primary and secondary prevention efforts. Data were analyzed using Spearman's rho test to determine the variables which associated with the prevention of cervical cancer. Results: The results showed the correlation between personal factors and prevention of cervical cancer with p = 0.025 (α ≤ 0.05). While self efficacy had no correlation with the prevention of cervical cancer with p = 0.094 (α ≤ 0.05). Discussion: Personal factors related to the prevention of cervical cancer in women of childbearing age, while self efficacy is not related to the prevention of cervical cancer in women of childbearing age. For the next researcher to use other variables of the theory Health Promotion Model to take steps to prevent cervical cancer.
The Beneficience Of Religious Relaxation: Dzikir To Increase Phsycological Wellness Of Elder Ah. Yusuf; Sriyono Sriyono; Iqlima Dwi Kurnia
Jurnal Ners Vol. 3 No. 1 (2008): April 2008 - September 2008
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.134 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jn.v3i1.4986


Introduction: Psychological well-being is one of an important part on the positive aging process for elderly. Many older people face stressful situation such as death of family, deterioration of health, decrease of physical ability and psychological problem like loneliness, low self esteem, useless, isolation or difficulty in relationship. Religious relaxation: dzikir is one of the group therapy to fill up psychological necessary by filled up spiritual necessary so they could say thanks to God for everything what they have had now. The aimed of this study was to analyze the effect of religious relaxation: dzikir to increase the level of psychological well being of the elderly.Methods: This study was used a quasy experimental pre post test design. There were 20 respondents which taken by using purposive sampling. The independent variable was religious relaxation: dzikir and the dependent variable was elderly psychological well being. Data were analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Whitney U-Test with significance level a≤0.05.Results: The result showed that religious relaxation: dzikir has an effect on increasing the level of psychological well being of the elderly with Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test p=0.004 in treatment group, p=1.000 in control group and the result of Mann Whitney U-Test revealed p=0.000.Conclusion: It can be concluded that religious relaxation: dzikir can increase psychological well-being. Religious relaxation: dzikir help the elderly to develop self acceptance, autonomy, positive relation with others, environmental mastery, purposive in life and personal growth. Researcher suggests the institutional to practice relaxation religious: dzikir to help elderly people to raise psychological well-being.
Exclusive Breastfeeding Associated with the Reduction of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections in Toddlers with High-Risk Factors Abu Bakar; Elfira Fitria Rohma; Iqlima Dwi Kurnia; Siti Nur Qomariah
Jurnal Ners Vol. 13 No. 2 (2018): October 2018
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (170.732 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jn.v13i2.10888


Introduction: Acute respiratory tract infections (ARI) is a disease that is the primary cause of death, especially in children. Toddlers can be prevented from developing ARI with increased immunity. Giving breast milk can increase children's immunity, but there are still children who experience ARI. This study aimed to explain the differences in Acute Respiratory Tract Infections (ARI) events in toddlers who are exclusively and non-exclusively breastfed.Methods: The research design used was descriptive-comparative with a retrospective design. The population in this study were all children one to three years of age. A sample of 158 toddlers was recruited by a purposive sampling technique. Data retrieval was done with the criteria that the child had visited a public health centre (puskesmas) or integrated health care service post (posyandu), and does not suffer from a disease such as asthma or have any allergies. The variables were measured using a questionnaire and observation sheet. Data analysis was done by a chi-square test and binary logistic regression.Results: The results showed that there were differences in ARI incidence in toddlers (one to three years) who were exclusively and non-exclusively breastfed with a value of p = 0.003. The air pollution factor proved to be significant, dominantly affecting the incidence of ARI.Conclusion: Differences in ARI incidence in toddlers who are exclusively and non-exclusively breastfed is possible due to air pollution factors. Key implications for nursing practice from this research are improving services, and prevent the occurrence of ARI.
Effect of Combination Mirror Therapy and Cylindrical Grip on Self-Care of Post-Stroke Ischemic Patients Bernadetta Germia Aridamayanti; Nursalam Nursalam; Iqlima Dwi Kurnia
Jurnal Ners Vol. 15 No. 1Sp (2020): Special Issue
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jn.v15i1Sp.18906


Introduction: Stroke is the leading cause of disability at a productive age. Hemiparesis upper limb is an example of a disability that is found post-stroke, which limits self-care such as eating, bathing, toileting and dressing. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a combination of mirror therapy and cylindrical grip on improving self-care of post-stroke patients.Methods: The design of this study was quasi-experimental (pre-post test with control group design). The population was post-stroke patients who experience upper limb hemiparesis in the Medical Rehabilitation Poly. A sample of 66 respondents (33/33) was chosen using purposive sampling. The independent variable was a combination of mirror therapy and cylindrical grip, and the dependent variable was self-care. Data were collected using a self-care questionnaire with strong validity and reliability. Analysis was undertaken using Kolmogorov Smirnov and Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test. Interventions were given three times a week for a month.Results: In the intervention and control groups there were significant differences between self-care before and after the intervention with a value of 0.000 (p <0.05).Conclusion: The increase in the intervention group can be seen from the sub-variables in self-care toileting, which involves cleaning the genitalia area after defecation/urination. This intervention stimulates the finger sensory and motor nerves so that they can perform self-care to the maximum. A combination of mirror therapy and cylindrical grip has been shown to improve self-care.