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PERAN KELUARGA DAN KUALITAS HIDUP PASIEN KANKER SERVIKS Kusumaningrum, Tiyas; Pradanie, Retnayu; Yunitasari, Esti
Jurnal NERS Vol 11, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Ners
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.001 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/%oj.Ners111%y112-117


Introduction. Cervical cancer diagnosis has been a major burden both for patients and their family. For patients, cervical cancer obliterated some of their role as a wife and a mother. Most patients with advance cancer have low score of quality of life indicating they have problems. Family must take care of their beloved ones dealing with the diagnosis, treatment, and side effects of cervical cancer. Family as a caregiver might be ill prepared to undertake that role. The objective of this research was to identify the correlation of family health task on quality of life in patients with cervical cancer. Methods. This research employed cross-sectional design. Population in this research was all patients with cervical cancer in gynecology ward Dr Soetomo Hospital in Surabaya. Participant for this research were patients with cervical cancer and their family. Data were taken by structured interview using Fact Cx for Quality of life and family health task question form. Linear regression analysis was applied with level of significance ≤0.05. Results. Most family had moderate level of family health task while most patients also have moderate level of quality of life. Unfortunately there are no significance correlations of family health task on quality of life in patients with cervical cancer. Discussion. Quality of life in patient with cervical cancer was not affected directly by their family health task. Nonetheless patient gratefully thanks family for their support during their cancer treatments.  Keywords: family health task, fact cx, family support, quality of life, cervical cancer
Determinan Perilaku Merokok Pada Remaja Pria: Literatur Review Hardiyanti, Vina; Efendi, Ferry; Kusumaningrum, Tiyas
Indonesian Journal of Community Health Nursing Vol 5, No 1 (2020): FEBRUARI 2020
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/ijchn.v5i1.17755


Pendahuluan: Merokok pada remaja menjadi salah satu penyumbang mortalitas dan morbiditas di tingkat dunia. Kasus merokok sampai sekarang ini terus mengalami peningkatan. Namun, literature review untuk membandingkan kesenjangan penelitian yang telah lalu dengan yang saat ini menggunakan data Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia belum pernah dilakukan.Metode: Pencarian literature review yang relevan menggunakan database pencarian sumber menggunakan mesin pencari Scopus, PubMed, Sciencedirect dan Search Engine Google Scholar dengan menggunakan kata kunci: determinan, merokok, remaja, Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan (SDK). Hasil pencarian yang sesuai dengan kriteria didapatkan dua belas artikel yang berhubungan dengan perilaku merokok pada remaja pria.Hasil: Terdapat duabelas artikel yang menyatakan perilaku merokok dapat berhubungan dengan usia, tingkat pendidikan, asuransi kesehatan, pekerjaan, agama, wilayah tempat tinggal, frekuensi penggunaan radio, televisi dan surat kabar.Kesimpulan: Penelitian dimasa yang akan datang terutama di Indonesia perlu meneliti lebih lanjut mengenai determinan perilaku merokok pada remaja pria menggunakan data Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (SDKI KRR) 2017
Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Pencegahan Infeksi Saluran Kemih pada Mahasiswi Keperawatan di Universitas Airlangga Nursalam Nursalam; Regyana Mutiara Guti; Tiyas Kusumaningrum
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 12 (2021): Nomor Khusus Januari 2021
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf12nk124


Urinary tract infections is a health problem often less awareness by the community especially students. Student’s bad habits can induce the incidence of urinary tract infections. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with the prevention behavior of urinary tract infections at Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga. The design for this study was descriptive analytic with cross-sectional approach. This study was conducted at Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga. Total sample was 160 respondents, taken in accordance with the inclusion criteria and sampling using a simple random sampling technique. The independent variables in this study were knowledge, attitudes, accessibility of health facilities, and social support. The dependent variable in this study was the behavior of prevention urinary tract infections in nursing students. The data were collected using questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using Logistic Regression. The results showed that there were relationships between knowledge (p=0.011), attitude (p=0.000), and social support (p=0.007) with the behavior of urinary tract infection prevention in college students. The most dominant factors that correlate the behavior of urinary tract infection prevention are attitude (Exp (B) = 4.392), social support (Exp (B) = 2.449) and knowledge (Exp (B) = 0.357). Knowledge, attitudes and social support were fundamental factors in building personal behaviour. Prevention of urinary tract infection behavior can be done optimally if students have good knowledge, positive attitude and social support. Keywords: behavior; prevention; urinary tract infection ABSTRAK Infeksi saluran kemih merupakan masalah kesehatan sering diremehkan oleh masyarakat khususnya mahasiswa. Kebiasaan yang kurang baik dapat menjadi faktor terjadinya infeksi saluran kemih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku pencegahan infeksi saluran kemih pada mahasiswi keperawatan Universitas Airlangga. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Airlangga. Total sampel adalah 160 responden, diambil sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Variabel independen pada penelitian ini adalah pengetahuan, sikap, keterjangkauan sarana kesehatan, dan dukungan sosial. Variabel dependen pada penelitian ini adalah perilaku pencegahan infeksi saluran kemih pada mahasiswi keperawatan. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Analisis menggunakan uji statistik Regresi Logistik dengan derajat signifikasi p
Analisis faktor niat pengambilan keputusan dalam menentukan jarak kehamilan pada ibu primipara di Puskesmas Mulyorejo Surabaya Natalia Haris Krisprimada; Tiyas Kusumaningrum; Aria Aulia Nastiti
NURSCOPE: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pemikiran Ilmiah Keperawatan Vol 5, No 1 (2019): Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/nurscope.5.1.23-31


Pendahuluan: Mengatur jarak kehamilan yang tidak sesuai aturan pemerintah dapat meningkatkan risiko kematian ibu dan bayi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor niat pengambilan keputusan dalam menentukan jarak kehamilan pada ibu primipara. Metodologi: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan pada ibu primipara yang berjumlah 104 responden yang dipilih menggunakan teknik total sampling. Data diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner yang kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik Spearman Rank Test Correlation dengan signifikansi α ≤ 0,05. Hasil: Uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa sikap memiliki hubungan dengan niat pengambilan keputusan dalam menentukan jarak kehamilan selanjutnya (p= 0,000), norma subjektif tidak memiliki hubungan dengan niat pengambilan keputusan dalam menetukan jarak kehamilan selanjutnya (p= 0,625), dan kontrol perilaku memiliki hubungan dengan niat pengambilan keputusan dalam menentukan jarak kehamilan selanjutnya (p= 0,000). Diskusi: Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa peningkatan pengetahuan sebagai bagian dari kesiapan pada kontrol perilaku penting diperhatikan dalam penentuan jarak kehamilan.
Peran Keluarga dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Kanker Serviks Tiyas Kusumaningrum; Retnayu Pradanie; Esti Yunitasari; Sih Kinanti
Jurnal Ners Vol. 11 No. 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.001 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jn.v11i1.1920


Introduction. Cervical cancer diagnosis has been a major burden both for patients and their family. For patients, cervical cancer obliterated some of their role as a wife and a mother. Most patients with advance cancer have low score of quality of life indicating they have problems. Family must take care of their beloved ones dealing with the diagnosis, treatment, and side effects of cervical cancer. Family as a caregiver might be ill prepared to undertake that role. The objective of this research was to identify the correlation of family health task on quality of life in patients with cervical cancer.Methods. This research employed cross-sectional design. Population in this research was all patients with cervical cancer in gynecology ward Dr Soetomo Hospital in Surabaya. Participant for this research were patients with cervical cancer and their family. Data were taken by structured interview using Fact Cx for Quality of life and family health task question form. Linear regression analysis was applied with level of significance ≤0.05.Results. Most family had moderate level of family health task while most patients also have moderate level of quality of life. Unfortunately there are no significance correlations of family health task on quality of life in patients with cervical cancer.Discussion. Quality of life in patient with cervical cancer was not affected directly by their family health task. Nonetheless patient gratefully thanks family for their support during their cancer treatments.
Factor Analysis about Exclusive Breastfeeding Achievement Level among Mothers Who Provide Breastmilk to Their Children Tiyas Kusumaningrum; Catur Puji Lestari; Agus Sulistyono
Jurnal Ners Vol. 5 No. 1 (2010): April 2010
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.033 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jn.v5i1.3924


Introduction: The number of mother who breastfeed their babies exclusively in Indonesia is low. It caused by many factors such as high intensity of formula milk advertisement, lack of awareness about the importance of breastfeeding, working mother, social culture, family support and the role of health care provider. The purpose of this research was to analyze factors related with successfulness level of exclusive breastfeeding.Methods: Design used in this research was analytic retrospective. The population were all mothers at Pacarkeling Public Health Center area. Sample obtained through purposive sampling. Total sample was 61 respondents. Independent variables were knowledge, information and promotion, family support, social cultural, role of health provider, work/occupation, education and breast physiology anatomy. The dependent variable was exclusive breastfeeding.Results: The result indicated that exclusive breastfeeding achievement level was related with information and promotion (r = 0.271), family support (r = 373), health care provider role (r = 231), mother occupation (r = 251), anatomy and physiology of breast (r = 293), while the knowledge (r = 108), social cultural (r = 180) and education (r = 093) not significantly related.ConclusionIn conclusion, there was a positive correlation between information and promotion, family support, health care provider role, mother’s occupation, anatomy and physiology of breast with successfulness level of exclusive breastfeeding. While the knowledge, social cultural and education did not indicate significant result. Therefore it is suggested to increase the quantity and quality of information and promotion about exclusive breastfeeding to the society, health care provider and pregnant and breastfeeding mother.
Improving the Services Quality of Educational Staff Based on Satisfaction and Loyalty Analysis of Nursing Students Fresty Africia; Stefanus Supriyanto; Tiyas Kusumaningrum
Jurnal Ners Vol. 12 No. 2 (2017): October 2017
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (16.105 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jn.v12i2.4628


Introduction: Educational staff services play a role in determining the quality of education. Service quality is able to provide satisfaction for students. Students who were satisfied with the perceived quality will develop student loyalty to the institution. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of educational staff service quality with the satisfaction and loyalty of nursing students so that the educational institutions as service providers are able to provide the best service and survive in the midst of competition.Method: The study was an explanative survey with a cross-sectional design. Data collection was conducted using both quantitative (questionnaires) and qualitative (Focus Group discussion/FGD) methods. This study used proportional random sampling, with 110 students as samples. The variables in this research were customer expectations, perceived quality, student satisfaction and loyalty. The data was collected by a questionnaire and analyzed by linear regression, while FGD was conducted in two different groups (students and staff’s managers).Result: The result of the study explains the influence of student expectations on the perceived quality of the educational staff with a p-value = 0,002. There was no influence of student expectation on student satisfaction with a p-value = 0,156. The influence of the perceived quality of the educational staff towards student satisfaction had a p-value = 0,000. The influence of student satisfaction on student loyalty had a p-value = 0,000.Conclusion: The fulfilment of student expectations will have a positive impact on perceived quality. Furthermore, the positively perceived quality will create student satisfaction and student loyalty towards the educational institutions. For further research, it is suggested to examine the effect of satisfaction on student complaints.
Counseling Improves Anemia Prevention Behavior of Pregnant Women Mira Triharini; Tiyas Kusumaningrum; Christine Octaviani
Jurnal Ners Vol. 4 No. 2 (2009): Oktober 2009
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (267.376 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jn.v4i2.5027


Introduction: Pregnancy closely associated with anemia, where the condition of mothers with Hb under 11gr% in 1st and 3rd trimester or Haemoglobin (Hb) levels below 10.5 g% in 2nd trimester. Knowledge, attitudes and practices of pregnant women on  preventing anemia during pregnancy is one of the factors that influence incidence of anemia which affects the health of babies. Objective of this study was to explain the effect of counseling toward anemia prevention behaviour (knowledge, attitude, practice) of pregnant women. Method: A pre-experimental (one group pretest-posttest) simple random sampling design was used in this study. Population of this study was all pregnant women in Mrs. Wolita midwife practice Surabaya ( as many as 30 pregnant women a month). Sample of these 28 pregnant women were recruited over period of this study. Independent variable was counseling, while the dependent variable were knowledge, attitudes and practice. Data were collected by using questionnaires and analyzed with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with significance level of  α ≤0.05. Result: The result showed that counseling effected behaviour (knowledge, attitude and practice) of pregnant women on anemia prevention with significance level p=0.000 (knowledge); p=0.007 (attitude) and p=0.027 (practice). It can be concluded that counseling or health education about prevention of pregnancy anemia is needed for pregnant women. Discussion: It is recomended that regular counseling must be provided by counselor to prevent anemia during pregnancy. Haemoglobin of pregnant women should also be checked regularly in the midwife practices, as a first step effort to decrease the incidence of anemia in pregnant women.
Factors Correlated with the Intention of Iron Tablet Consumption among Female Adolescents Riri Aprianti; Gadis Meinar Sari; Tiyas Kusumaningrum
Jurnal Ners Vol. 13 No. 1 (2018): April 2018
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (577.988 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jn.v13i1.8368


Introduction: Anaemia in female adolescents tends to have a negative impact that is likely to later arise in pregnancy, labour and childbirth. The prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia in female adolescents in Indonesia is thirty percent. Indonesia runs an iron tablet program for female adolescents. However, with the running of the program, it is not clear what factors are correlated with the intention of iron tablet consumption among female adolescents. The purpose of this study was to analyse the factors correlated with the intention of iron tablet consumption among female adolescents.Methods: This research used a cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 100 students in senior high school in Surabaya, chosen by proportional random sampling. The independent variables were parent income, knowledge, perceived susceptibility, perceived seriousness, perceived threats, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and perceived self-efficacy. The dependent variable was female adolescent intention related to consuming iron tablets. The data was collected using a questionnaire and analysed by a chi square test with a level of significance α<0.05.Results: There was a significant correlation between perceived threat (p=0.02), perceived benefit (p=0.01), perceived barrier (p=0.02) and perceived self-efficacy (p=0.00) and female adolescent intention related to consuming iron tablets. There was no correlation between parental income, adolescent knowledge, perceived susceptibility, and perceived seriousness with the intention to consume iron tablets.Conclusion: From this research, it has been concluded that the factors related to the intention to consume iron tablets in female adolescents were perceived threat, perceived benefit, perceived barrier and perceived self-efficacy. Increasing the confidence of female adolescents in association with the importance of avoiding anaemia by consuming iron tablets is crucial so then they can maintain their health and prevent diseases due to anaemia later on.
Ethnic Foods Diet Program Improve Self-Efficacy and Diet Compliance Among Type 2 Diabetic Patients Eka Mishbahatul Mar'ah Has; Amira Aulia; Tiyas Kusumaningrum; Ferry Efendi
Jurnal Ners Vol. 14 No. 2 (2019): OCTOBER 2019
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jn.v14i2.16642


A well-balanced diet is one of the four pillars of diabetes self-management. Patient's culture strongly influences intake food. Diabetic dietary guidelines which fit with the patient's culture is expected to improve patient's self-efficacy and diet compliance. This study was aimed to analyze the effect of ethnic foods diet program in improving self-efficacy and diet compliance among Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients. This was quasy experiment research with pre and post-test control design. The population was 112 T2DM patients from Sasak Tribes, West Nusa Tenggara. Samples were 36 respondents, divided into intervention (18) and control (18) groups. The independent variable was the ethnic food diet (EFD) program, while the dependent variables were patient's self-efficacy and diet compliance. Data were collected using self-efficacy questionnaire and a 24-hour dietary recall form. Data were then analyzed using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Whitney U Test. The result showed differences in self-efficacy between pre and post-test in the treatment group (p=0,001), but there were no differences in the control group. There were differences in diet compliance in the treatment group (p=0,001), but there were no differences in the control group. There were differences between treatment and control groups on self-efficacy (p=0,000) and diet compliance (p=0,000). Ethnic foods diet program can improve self-efficacy and diet compliance among T2DM patients because more comfortable and easier to be applied. Nurses can apply ethnic foods diet program as an intervention to promote healthy diet for T2DM patients.