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Effect Of Price Sensitivity And Green Knowledge On The Interest In Buying Organik Vegetables In Bengkulu Province Hilda Meisya Arif; Reflis Reflis; Andi Irawan; Indra Cahyadinata; Zulkarnain Yuliarso
AGRITEPA: Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 9 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : UNIVED Press, Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/agritepa.v9i2.2725


Organic agricultural products in the current era are very attractive to farmers and consumers because there is no use of synthetic chemicals that can pose a danger to the health of the human body and the environment. Awareness of a healthy lifestyle makes the demand for organicproducts increasing for most consumers. Prices that are too high will make consumers switch to other similar products but with lower price offers make consumers doubt the quality of the product, thereby reducing buying interest in the product. . Green knowledge is defined as the knowledge that an individual has about knowing an issue or phenomenon that has a significant impact on the decision-making process. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of price sensitivity and Green knowledge on the interest of organik sayuaran buyers in Bengkulu Province. This study was an associative study, using a sample of 100 respondents. Testing the research hypothesis using multiple regression, previously the data obtained must pass the validity and reability test. The results of the study stated that the variables of price sensitivity and green knowledge partially had an influence on the interest in buying organic vegetables in Bengkulu Province. Meanwhile, price and green knowledge together affect consumers' buying interest in organic vegetables. The value of the research determinant coefficient is 0.345, which means that the independent variable used only affects 34.5% of the variables tied to buying interest, while the remaining 65.5% is influenced by other variables outside the study.
Inovasi Frozen Vegetable Sebagai Produk Andalan Oleh-oleh Khas Desa Wisata Belirang Hilda Meisya Arif; Hesti Nur’aini; Eko Sumartono; Methatias Ayu; Andwini Prasetya
Jurnal Dehasen Untuk Negeri Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37676/jdun.v2i1.3547


Vegetables are still generally traded in fresh form. Unlike the case with fruits, processed vegetable products are almost said to have no well-established processed products in Indonesia. The technology applied is fermentent vegetables such as salted vegetables and drying which are still limited in nature. Frozen vegetables are one way of preserving agricultural products in the form of vegetables using low temperatures. Freezing can kill some types of microbes which is detrimental sometimes even up to more than 90%. Freezing treatment can be carried out on some mixed products of several vegetables that are ready for use. Frozen Food Technology can be a solution in extending the shelf life and durability of a product. The advantage of food freezing techniques is that food quality such as nutritional value and organoleptic properties are maintained. The bliter seberang village area is planted with various types of agricultural crops such as corn, tomatoes, chilies, celery leaves, carrots and others (Profile of Belitar Seberang Village, 2021). As for vegetables by residents, they are sold immediately after harvesting, but if the vegetables are not sold, they will be consumed by themselves or thrown away if they start to rot. Due to the limited knowledge of the community until now, no one has tried to make vegetables in frozen form or Frozen Vegetable, so the taste still requires a touch of processing and packaging technology that can add to its selling value and maintain its durability so that it is not easily damaged. Frozen vegetables that are packaged well are expected to be more durable and practical to carry around and can become typical souvenirs of Wsata Belitung Village. It is hoped by the service team that the community who have received counseling and training on "Innovation in Commodity-Based Product Development as a Typical Souvenir of Belirang Village" can take advantage of the results of the training on packaging vegetables in frozen form so that they can be used as souvenirs typical of belitar village across rejang lebong regency. The public has been given information on how to make attractive packaging and the inclusion of information (labeling) on the packaging so that it can add to the selling value of the product. People are also taught how to market products through social media so that products can be widely known. Providing information on how to process, packaging, labeling and marketing appropriately to the community will provide added value so as to increase the selling value of products and community income
Pengolahan Sampah Rumah Tangga dalam Rangka Menambah Nilai Ekonomis serta Peningkatan Ekonomi Keluarga Yesi Indian Ariska; Eska Prima Monique Damarsiwi; M. Rahman Febliansyah; Hilda Meisya Arif; Neri Susanti
Jurnal Dehasen Mengabdi Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Maret-Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Dehasen Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1097.285 KB)


Along with the increase in population and high consumption patterns, the production of waste also increases every day, with an increase in waste production, there will be a buildup of waste that has a lot of negative impacts. To reduce the negative impact, the community service team, Lecturers of the Faculty of Economics, Dehasen University, carried out, (10) community service / counseling and socialization about household waste processing which was later expected to add economic value, (2) Inviting women on Jalan Merawan 14a RT 29 Sawah the width of the Ratu Agung sub-district, Bengkulu City to utilize and be creative with household waste into more valuable crafts. The targets who participate in this outreach/socialization are housewives who do not have knowledge about waste recycling processing. This community service activity has been running with methods and targets so that the results of housewives on Jalan Merawan 14a RT 29, Sawah Lebar, Ratu Agung District, Bengkulu City have knowledge about organic and organic waste and have been able to make craft creations that have economic value
Analisis Higienitas Sanitasi Dan Mutu Produk Usaha Tahu Pak Sunardi Kecamatan Kepahiang Kabupaten Kepahiang Provinsi Bengkulu Hilda Meisya Arif; Hari Suharyono; Darius Darius
SINTA Journal (Science, Technology, and Agricultural) Vol 4, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda (PDM) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37638/sinta.4.1.115-128


Makanan dan minuman yang sehat harus memenuhi prosedur hygiene dan sanitasi yang baik. Hygiene sanitasi makanan dan minuman adalah upaya untuk mengendalikan faktor tempat, peralatan, orang dan makanan yang dapat atau mungkin menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan dan keracunan makanan. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana keadaan higienitas sanitasi dan mutu produk tahu pada unit usaha tahu Pak Sunardi Kecamatan Kepahiang Kabupaten Kepahiang Provinsi Bengkulu.Tujuan dari pelaksanaan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis keadaan higienitas dan sanitasi  dan untuk menganalisis tentang personal hygiene/kebersihan karyawan serta untuk menganalisis  mutu produk tahu yang diproduksi oleh unit usaha tahu Pak Sunardi.Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga (3) tahap yaitu analisis higienitas sanitasi unit usaha tahu, analisis personal hygiene/kebersihan karyawan di unit usaha tahu, kemudian tahap ketiga analisis mutu produk tahu yang dihasilkan oleh unit usaha Pak Sunardi. Kesimpulan yang di dapat dari hasil penelitian bahwa usaha tahu pak sunardi memenuhi syarat kesehatan,unit usaha memiliki rata-rata nilai 0,871, kadar protein, abu tahu putih, abu tahu kuning  telah memnuhi syarat SNI 01-3142-1998. Hasil organoleptik tahu putih dan kuninh pak Sunardi memiliki bau yang normal