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Peran Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Di Sekolah Dasar Salmiyanti Salmiyanti; Darmansyah Darmansyah; Desyandri Desyandri
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK) Vol. 4 No. 6 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling: Special Issue (General)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jpdk.v4i6.10230


Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuanedan teknologi (IPTEK) diera globalisasi mengalami perkembangan pesat dari waktu ke waktu. Peristiwa ini telah menimbulkan kompetisi di segala bidang dalam kehidupan manusia, dan bidang pendidikan salah satunya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitianeliteratur. Temuan dari penelitian literaturimenunjukkan bahwa peran mediaipembelajaran berbasis TIK dalam merancang pembelajaran melalui berbagai pengemasan dan penyebaran informasi mempermudah guru dengan berbagai penciptaan media. Pada saat yang sama, siswa dapat secara fleksibel mengakses pembelajaran yang diberikan oleh guru melalui kondisi yang dirancang dan membiarkan siswa mengeksplorasi pengetahuan tambahan sebagai pengayaan. Peran TIKisebagai sumber dan pendukung pembelajran melalui penggunaan perangkat komputasi sebagai sumber pendukung inovasi pembelajaran. Pemanfaatan sumber dan media diharapkan dapat merangsang pikiran, perasaan, minat dan perhatian siswa sehingga proses pembelajaran dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Selain itu, proses pembelajran akan lebih efektifikarena TIK sebagai sumber dan media pembelajaran membantu mengatasi hambatan dalam proses komunikasiiantara guru dan siswa
Augmented Reality (Ar) In Learning Social Science (Ips) In Elementary Schools Salmiyanti Salmiyanti; Yeni ERITA; Rati Syafiana PUTRI; NIVETIKEN NIVETIKEN
JOURNAL OF DIGITAL LEARNING AND DISTANCE EDUCATION Vol. 1 No. 10 (2023): Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56778/jdlde.v1i10.51


The Augmented Reality is an interactive medium, namely virtual images that are integrated into real life. The study employs literature review, especially by using secondary data obtained by summarizing several research articles related to the use of media which are carried out with the aim of describing and interpreting relevant information related to the use of augmented reality media. The study results are: 1) IPS learning in elementary schools is intended for students to become human beings and good citizens, as expected by themselves, their parents, society and religion; 2) Learning Media can make it easier for someone to convey a material or information to listeners; 3) AR media as a technology that objects in two or three dimensions in a certain way. AR media provides space for students to improve their learning process
Dharmas Education Journal (DE_Journal) Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Univesitas Dharmas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56667/dejournal.v4i1.937


The principal is a functional teacher who is given the task the task of leading a school where the learning process is held teaching or a place where there is interaction between the teacher who gives lessons and students who receive lessons. With this the Principal can be regarded as a leader in the educational unit that runs it carry out the management of the led education unit. At the operational level, the school principal is the party at the forefront of coordinating efforts touimprove theyquality of learning. This studyeaims to explore the influenceyof school principals' work motivationyon the quality of school-based management implementation. This type of research is quantitative. The population in this study were students of MIN 3 Padang City, as many as 100 students. Based on the calculation, a research sample of 50 people was obtained. The results showedythat the t value was 3.766 and the t table value was 1.161 (t count > t table). Then the significance t valueyof 0.002 is smaller than the significant influence on the quality of implementing school-based management. In the multi-variable-correlation analysis test, it can beyseen that the workymotivation of school principals has a positiveyinfluence on the quality of implementing school-based management.