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Optimalisasi Kader Pemberdayaan Manusia Untuk Pencegahan Stunting Rini Harianti; Rika Mianna; Nofri Hasrianto; Rizki Natia Wiji
Publisher : Universitas Serang Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30656/ka.v5i1.4776


The stunting prevalence rate decreased in Kampar Regency from 2017 by 23% of the number of children under five in Kampar until 2019, it was able to be reduced to 11.88% which exceeded the national target of 14%, but the downward trend must still be monitored. Rimbo Panjang Village has a human empowerment cadre (KPM) which has been formed for approximately 1 year and is part of the village cadre that has special duties related to the stunting prevention convergence program. The work pattern of KPM has not been implemented optimally, especially in terms of targets and monitoring of health and nutrition services. Community service activities aim to optimize the role of KPM for stunting prevention in Rimbo Panjang Village. The activity was conducted from April until May 2021 and was attended by 14 cadres. The activity is divided into several stages, namely (1) the preparation, (2) the implementation, (3) the reflection, and (4) the evaluation. The implementation method is conducted through counseling, training or practice, and simulation. The result of this PKM activity is the transfer of knowledge through the various methods presented. It is hoped that in the future, by increasing the knowledge and skills of cadres, it can be implemented in the activities of Posyandu for toddlers so that they can participate in preventing stunting. This activity can be continued regarding training on an e-ppgbm application which is an electronic-based community-based nutrition recording and reporting.
Pengaruh Susu Kedelai Terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Hemoglobin Remaja Putri Sma Negeri 1 Perhentian Raja Kampar Nurmalia Rizki; Rizki Natia Wiji; Venny Rismawati; Rini Harianti
Jurnal Gizi dan Kuliner Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Gizi dan Kuliner
Publisher : Program Studi Gizi UNSIKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35706/giziku.v3i1.6895


AbstractThe nutritional problem of adolescent girls is currently getting attention to is anemia (25-40%mild to the severe category of anemia). The study aimed to determine the effect of soy milk onthe increase in hemoglobin levels of adolescent girls in SMAN 1 Perhentian Raja. This type ofquantitative research is quasi-experimental used a non-equivalent control group design pre-posttest. The research was conducted from February to July 2020 at SMA N 1 Perhentian Raja. Thesample consisted of 19 students SMA by a stratified random sampling technique. The resultsshowed that subjects had Hb levels of 11-11.9 g/dL, namely 15 people (78.9%), and Hb levelsof 8-10.9 g/dL, namely 4 people (21.1%) before consuming soy milk, while the Hb levels ofsubjects after drinking soy milk had Hb levels of 12.0 g/dL, namely 17 people (89.5%), and Hblevels of 11-11.9 g/dL, namely two people (10.5%).The results of the T-dependent statistical testobtained p-value = 0.000 (p <0.05). It concluded that giving soy milk had a significant effect onthe Hb levels of adolescent girls at SMAN 1 Perhentian Raja. It's hoped that adolescent girls willcontinue to consume soy milk to maintain normal Hb levels for productivity.Keyword: Hemoglobin Levels, Soymilk, Adolescent Girls
Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kekurangan Energi Kronis (KEK) pada Ibu Hamil di Desa Belaras Kecamatan Khairiah Mandah Kota Tembilahan Rizki Natia Wiji; Nurmala Sary; Silvia Anita Yuningsih; Heni Heriyeni
Jurnal Gizi dan Kuliner Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Gizi dan Kuliner
Publisher : Program Studi Gizi UNSIKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35706/giziku.v3i2.8342


To prevent the risk of chronic energy deficiency (KEK) in pregnant women before pregnancy women of childbearing age must have good nutrition, for example the Upper Arm Circle (LILA) is not less than 23.5 cm. So that research is carried out with the aim to determine the factors that influence chronic energy deficiency (KEK) in pregnant women in Belaras Village, Khairiah Mandah District, Tembilahan City. This type of research is analytic with cross sectional design. With a sample of 82 pregnant women where the sample was taken by purposive sampling technique. Collecting data using a questionnaire, data were analyzed using chi square statistical test with 95% confidence degree. The results showed that the independent variables were the number of intakes of pregnant women (p-value 0.012), maternal age (p-value 0.028) and maternal knowledge (p-value 0.019) there is a significant relationship with the dependent variable, namely the incidence of KEK in pregnant women. It is recommended for pregnant women to pay more attention to their diet and the amount of daily nutritional intake needed to avoid BBLR birth and experience KEK. Keyword: Chronic Energy Deficiency (KEK)
Efektivitas Jus Kurma dan Sari Kacang Hijau terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Hemoglobin Ibu Hamil Eli Irmawati; Rizki Natia Wiji; Rini Harianti
Nutri-Sains: Jurnal Gizi, Pangan dan Aplikasinya Vol 7, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21580/ns.2023.7.1.9714


The study aimed to compare the effectiveness of date palm and mung bean juice on increasing hemoglobin levels in pregnant women in the working area of Tapung Health Center. It was a quasi-experimental with a non-randomized control group design involving 24 pregnant women, 12 in the experimental group (given date palm juice) and 12 in the control group (given green bean juice), each given for seven days. The data was analyzed with t-test. The results showed an increase in the average Hb level after being given date juice from 9.72 to 10.06, and green bean juice with an averages Hb level of 9.15 to 10.22. The result by paired t-test obtained a p-value = 0.004 that indicates the effectiveness of date palm juice in increasing Hb levels of pregnant women in the experimental group, as well as in pregnant women who were given mung bean juice, which indicates an increase in Hb levels (p-value = 0.004). Consumption of mung bean juice by anemic pregnant women is more effective in increasing their Hb level than date palm juice. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas jus kurma dan sari kacang hijau terhadap peningkatan kadar hemoglobin pada ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Tapung. Jenis penelitian quasi experimental dengan pendekatan non-randomized control group design dengan 24 sampel ibu hamil yang dibagi ke dalam 2 kelompok perlakuan, yakni 12 ibu hamil kelompok eksperimen (diberi jus kurma) dan 12 ibu hamil kelompok kontrol (diberi sari kacang hijau). Intervensi secara rutin selama 7 hari di masing-masing kelompok. Analisis data dilakukan dengan t-test. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan rerata kadar Hb setelah diberi jus kurma dari 9,72 g/dL menjadi 10,06 g/dL. Begitu juga untuk sari kacang hijau dengan rerata Hb dari 9,15 g/dL menjadi 10,22 g/dL. Hasil uji statistik menggunakan paired t-test diperoleh nilai p= 0,004 yang menunjukkan keefektivan jus kurma dalam meningkatkan kadar Hb ibu hamil di kelompok eksperimen, dan untuk ibu hamil yang diberi sari kacang hijau juga diperoleh nilai p= 0,000 yang menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kadar Hb. Konsumsi sari kacang hijau oleh ibu hamil anemia lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan kadar Hb dibandingkan jus kurma.