Saefullah Azhari
UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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Konstruksi Pendidikan Islam Moderat Melalui Nalar “A Common Word” Waleed El-Ansary Muhammad Fahmi; Saefullah Azhari; Syaifuddin; Muhammad Fladimir Herlambang
TADRIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 16 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : State Islamic Institute of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1109.059 KB) | DOI: 10.19105/tjpi.v16i1.4694


This paper seeks to understand the construction of moderate Islamic education in Waleed El-Ansary's "A Common Word" and its implications for world peace. By library research with content analysis, several idea constructs were proposed. Reason "A Common Word" Waleed El-Ansary is equivalent to "al-Kalimah al-Sawa". This term has the connotative meaning that everything is equal, balanced and equal. The construction of moderate Islamic education can be done through the logic of "A Common Word" as stated by religious leaders, including Waleed El-Ansary. "A Common Word" suggests an intersection or similarity in the teachings of the world's religions, especially Islam and Christianity. When Islam promotes the principle of equality, the teachings developed in Islamic education are Islamic teachings that are moderate, tolerant and full of environmentally friendly nuances. Reason "A Common Word" which contains moderate Islamic teachings (rahmatan li al-aminalamin) can be implemented to achieve world peace. The application of the teaching "A Common Word", has implications for the realization of world peace. Reason "A Common Word", which contains a construction of moderate Islamic education, considers that promoting equality (kalimatun sawa), can be achieved through good relations with others, instilling love, removing hatred, and the like. The construction of moderate Islamic education in reason “A Common Word” has significant implications for world peace. Paper ini berusaha memahami konstruksi pendidikan Islam moderat dalam nalar “A Common Word” Waleed El-Ansary dan implikasinya bagi perdamaian dunia. Melalui kajian kepustakaan dengan analisis isi, dikemukakan beberapa konstruksi ide. Nalar “A Common Word” Waleed El-Ansary semakna dengan “al-Kalimah al-Sawa’”. Term ini memiliki makna konotatif bahwa segala sesuatu bersifat setara, seimbang dan selevel. Konstruksi pendidikan Islam moderat dapat dilakukan melalui nalar “A Common Word” sebagaimana yang dikemukakan oleh para pemuka agama, termasuk Waleed El-Ansary. “A Common Word” meng-ideasikan adanya titik temu atau kesamaan ajaran agama-agama di dunia, terutama Islam dan Kristen. Ketika Islam mengedepankan asas kesamaan, maka ajaran yang dikembangkan dalam pendidikan Islam adalah ajaran Islam yang moderat, toleran dan penuh dengan nuansa ramah lingkungan. Nalar “A Common Word” yang di dalamnya mengandung ajaran Islam moderat (rahmatan li al-‘Alamin) dapat diimplementasikan untuk mencapai perdamaian dunia. Penerapan ajaran “A Common Word”, berimplikasi pada terwujudnya perdamaian dunia. Nalar “A Common Word”, yang di dalamnya mengandung konstruksi pendidikan Islam moderat, memandang bahwa mengedepankan persamaan (kalimatun sawa), dapat dicapai melalui hubungan baik dengan sesama, menanamkan rasa cinta, membuang kebencian, dan sejenisnya. Konstruksi pendidikan Islam moderat dalam nalar “A Common Word” berimplikasi signifikan bagi perdamaian dunia.
Quranic-based Moderate Islam in Pesantren against Radicalism Al Qudus Nofiandri Eko Sucipto Dwijo; Muhammad Fahmi; Saefullah Azhari; Senata Adi Prasetia; Salman Al Farisi
Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam (Journal of Islamic Education Studies) Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (863.032 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jpai.2022.10.2.129-148


This article investigates counter-radicalism practices through the development of wasathiyah Islamic teachings at the Raudlotul Huffadz Pondok Pesantren (PPRH) in Tabanan, Bali. The competition between radical and moderate Muslims (wasathiyah) is intensifying. In this instance, the existence of radical extremist groups is the reason moderate Islam (wasathiyah) exists. This article explains that the practice of counterradicalism through the construction of Al-Quran-based Wasathiyah Islamic teachings in the PPRH takes the form of constructing and developing moderate, tolerant, anti-radicalization, and rahmatan lil alamin Islamic teachings to combat radicalism movements that are frequently attributed to the Quran. At PPRH, the tahfidz al-Quran assembly is created, in which Islamic values of wasathiyah and anti-religious radicalism are taught. This program is a countermeasure against non-Sanad tahfidz al-Quran houses, which tend to teach religious values with radical overtones. In fact, the Al-Qur’an, as the primary source of Islamic teachings, must be investigated in terms of wasathi narratives and Islamic movements as part of peaceful and rahmatan lil'alamin Islamic teachings.