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Quo Vadis Pendidikan Karakter di Indonesia Muhammad Fahmi; Senata Adi Prasetia; Syaifuddin .; Zakiyatul Nisa’
Publisher : STAI Ihyaul Ulum Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52166/tabyin.v3i01.123


Artikel ini mendeskripsikan pentingnya implementasi pendidikan karakter di Indonesia. Melalui kajian kepustakaan, dapat ditegaskan bahwa pendidikan karakter penting untuk diterapkan di setiap sekolah untuk membekali siswa dan generasi bangsa agar memiliki kecerdasan moral, emosional, spiritual, intelektual, dan sosial. Pendidikan karakter memiliki peran strategis dalam membina anak bangsa yang berperadaban. Dengan demikian, desain pendidikan karakter yang dipaparkan banyak ilmuwan dan menjadi kebijakan akademik-kurikulum di negeri ini, harus dilaksanakan secara substantif dan serius. Di Indonesia, ada 18 nilai karakter yang diperkuat dengan regulasi, namun implementasi dari kedelapan belas nilai tersebut belum komprehensif, karena kurang didukung oleh sistem pembelajaran yang ada. Meski demikian, semua sepakat bahwa implementasi pendidikan karakter penting dilaksanakan di setiap jenjang sekolah. Sehingga revitalisasi pendidikan karakter di negeri ini menjadi satu pilihan tanpa dapat ditawar lagi.
TECHNOLOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL CONTENT KNOWLEDGE: A New Pedagogical Approach in Islamic Education in the Pandemic Era Senata Adi Prasetia; Tuhfatul Khalidiyah; Syaiful Arif
Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 12, No 2 (2021): Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (351.37 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/atjpi.v12i2.9390


This paper proposes TPACK as a new pedagogical approach in Islamic education in the pandemic era. Pedagogical approach refers to the method and practices of a teacher. When planning a lesson, teachers consider the best way to communicate and deliver the relevant information to enable pupils the best possible learning experience. They will take into account the context of the subject and also their own teaching preferences. In this context, pedagogical approach is necessity in Islamic education in Covid-19 Pandemic Era. Therefore, no other way but teachers must integrate a technology to Islamic education called Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). Because, the traditional approach of instruction does not seem able to provide solutions for most of the educational problems, especially Islamic education. As methodological approaches, we carry out a literature review complemented by a conceptual analysis based on data from the relevant journal. This paper shows that TPACK framework is built on Lee Shulman's pedagogical construction with three core elements, namely content, pedagogy, and technology. Also, this paper argues that Islamic education need to adopt TPACK as a new pedagogical approach to its learning model in the pandemic era. Developing, strengthening and mainstreaming of TPACK by Islamic education teachers is very important for effective teaching with technology. TPACK as a new pedagogical approach to Islamic education learning models in the pandemic era allows Islamic education teachers to become agents of change to promote Islamic education to be more inclusive, accommodating and adaptive to the demands of the times.
Pesantren and the Economic Development in the Perspective of Maqashid Al-Shari’ah Saiful Jazil; Muhammad Fahmi; Senata Adi Prasetia; Moh. Faizin; Muh. Sholihuddin
Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam (Journal of Islamic Education Studies) Vol. 9 No. 1 (2021): July 2021
Publisher : UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1432.288 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jpai.2021.9.1.83-102


Modernization to deliver the process in diversifying the socio-economic role of pesantren is undeniable things. Consequently, pesantren must take immediate action if they want to maintain their role and function. In this context, this article wants to describe the widespread mandate of a pesantren in Jember, namely Pesantren Nurul Qornain (PNQ), those takes part –not only empowerment in the field of education- but also play role in the development of economic enterprises. This is then reviewed in the perspective of maqashid al-shari’ah (the purpose of shari’a). Throughout qualitative study, this article explains that pesantren alumni and local society involved in the management of PNQ economic enterprises. Some of developed business unit in the area of agriculture, trading, animal farm, plantation, and mining. Furthermore, the main factor behind PNQ in managing economic enterprises is pesantren sovereignty. It is initiated by kiai (the leader of pesantren). According to him, pesantren can develop rapidly if they sovereign in all aspects. This sovereignty is interpreted as economic sovereignty. However, economic development is as determining factor in supporting the existence of pesantren. Additionally, the development of economic enterprises carries out by PNQ in line with the value of hifdhul maal (the maintenance of property). Hence, it is prospective benefits if it can be replicated by Islamic educational institution nowadays.
Waqf Quality Time (WQT) Senata Adi Prasetia; Sri Wahyuni
Al-Awqaf: Jurnal Wakaf dan Ekonomi Islam Vol 12 No 2 (2019): Al-Awqaf: Jurnal Wakaf dan Ekonomi Islam
Publisher : Badan Wakaf Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47411/al-awqaf.v12i2.39


Artikel ini hendak mendesain ide gerakan Wakaf Quality Time (WQT) sebagai upaya membiasakan anak agar suka berderma. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka dengan jenis artikel konseptual. WQT merupakan gerakan literasi wakaf tunai yang berfokus pada anak yang dilaksanakan secara terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan. WQT diharapkan mampu menanamkan kebiasaan berwakaf uang pada anak dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. WQT terdiri dari dua program utama, yaitu WQT in the Home dan WQT in the School. WQT in The Home merupakan gerakan literasi wakaf tunai yang dapat dilakukan di lingkungan rumah, yang melibatkan baik orang tua maupun anggota keluarga. Sedangkan WQT di Sekolah merupakan kegiatan cash sharing yang dilakukan oleh lembaga pendidikan, seperti Taman Kanak-kanak (TK), dan Sekolah Dasar (SD). Ide WQT diharapkan mampu membiasakan pada anak untuk berwakaf uang secara tunai.
Desain Pembelajaran PAI di MAN Kota Surabaya Pasca Pandemi Covid-19 Senata Adi Prasetia; Nur Rosida
Al-Tarbawi Al-Haditsah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruann, IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/tarbawi.v7i1.10071


The article seeks to analyze the learning design of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) with the Briggs and Bela H. Banathy model at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Surabaya. One of the essential aspects in the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning activities is learning design. Good learning design will have an impact on the quality of students and increase their competence. Through qualitative research based on field research with a case study approach and through in-depth interviews, this article shows three things, namely the design of Akidah Akhlak learning at MAN Kota Surabaya post Covid-19 Pandemic following the analysis model design of Briggs and Bela H. Banathy. The overall learning design is based on the Ministry of Religion and the Ministry of Education and Culture's 2013 Curriculum, KMA Numbers 183 and 184 of 2019 concerning Islamic Education and Arabic Language curriculum in Madrasas, which includes four elements: religious moderation, character education (PPK), anti-corruption education, and literacy improvement, and is adapted to the mission and vision of MAN Kota Surabaya.
Jurnal Studi Ilmu-ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Hadis Vol. 21 No. 2 (2020): Juli
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/qh.2020.2102-04


Al-Qur'an is accepted by the public in various forms. One of them by using a few pieces of verse as part of the protection spell. The use of al-Qur'an in this function is manifested in the face of Sheikh Subakir in Tawing Village, Trenggalek. This study aims to find the process of changing the rajah tradition which is the result of acculturation of Javanese culture and Islamic values as well as the meaning of society towards rajah, and receptions of the verses of the Koran as pager omah (house protection). This research is a field research with descriptive-analysis method, analyzed using social construction theory of reality by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. The results showed that the people of Tawing Village used the rajah of Sheikh Subakir as a pager omah. The phenomenon of the rajah of Sheikh Subakir is not only meant as a house protection or cultural acculturation, but also acts as a social cohesion that unites the local community. In fact, this tradition influences a set of people’s beliefs about feeling safe, belief in protection, and reinforcement in their social structure.
The Revitalization of Education Character in The Pandemic Covid-19 Era Senata Adi Prasetia; Siti Firqo Najiyah
TADRIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 16 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : State Islamic Institute of Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (666.032 KB) | DOI: 10.19105/tjpi.v16i1.4029


The character education during the Covid-19 pandemic has found significance. A survey conducted by Balitbang of East Java Province on community compliance with the use of masks and physical distance in the prevention of Covid-19 in Surabaya shows that 10.8% of the level of community compliance with the use of masks is very low, and 25.45% of the level of community compliance with physical distances is also very low. The survey above indicates that so far the character education taught in educational institutions has not made an impact and remains in people's behavior. Therefore the revitalization of character education during the Covid-19 pandemic is a must. This study aims to explore three main issues: 1) Covid-19 and online learning; 2) character education problems in online learning; 3) and revitalizing character education during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study used a descriptive-explatory and analytical approach. The data sources used are survey data, government policy circulars related to the Covid-19 pandemic and character-related laws and regulations. Data analysis used content analysis and continued with drawing conclusions. The findings of this study reveal that among the forms of revitalization are institutionalizing a holistic and character-based learning model, moral, value, religion and citizenship education, synergy of family, school and community education, and revitalizing the role of social media and mass media.
Organic Tolerance and Harmony in the Pesantren Bali Bina Insani Muhammad Fahmi; Masdar Hilmy; Senata Adi Prasetia
Ulumuna Vol 26 No 2 (2022): December
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/ujis.v26i2.567


This paper describes the organic tolerance, capital, and management of harmony at a pesantren of the Muslim minority in Bali, Indonesia. The pesantren is Bali Bina Insani (BBI) in which there are Muslim and Hindu teachers. The organic tolerance, capital, and management of harmony with the accommodation of some Hindu teachers is a certainty. Data collection was carried out through documentation, participant observation, and in-depth interviews, then qualitatively analyzed. The results showed that the capital of the pesantren in harmonizing Muslim and Hindu teachers is tolerant (tasāmuh) and inclusive. Aligned with the pesantren's vision and mission is realizing Islam raḥmah li al-‘ālamīn in all community services and making friends with all people regardless of ethnic, racial, cultural, and religious diversity. In this context, organic tolerance which was developed by pesantren is a certainty. Also, the management of harmony has been implemented professionally. The pesantren does not emphasize religious symbols, but it concerns the essence of Islamic orthodoxy. The pesantren management never questioned the differences of ethnic, racial, cultural, and religious of some teachers. For them, the most important thing is doing their jobs very well and professionally according to their authority. So, the harmony in this pesantren is organic.
Quranic-based Moderate Islam in Pesantren against Radicalism Al Qudus Nofiandri Eko Sucipto Dwijo; Muhammad Fahmi; Saefullah Azhari; Senata Adi Prasetia; Salman Al Farisi
Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam (Journal of Islamic Education Studies) Vol. 10 No. 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (863.032 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jpai.2022.10.2.129-148


This article investigates counter-radicalism practices through the development of wasathiyah Islamic teachings at the Raudlotul Huffadz Pondok Pesantren (PPRH) in Tabanan, Bali. The competition between radical and moderate Muslims (wasathiyah) is intensifying. In this instance, the existence of radical extremist groups is the reason moderate Islam (wasathiyah) exists. This article explains that the practice of counterradicalism through the construction of Al-Quran-based Wasathiyah Islamic teachings in the PPRH takes the form of constructing and developing moderate, tolerant, anti-radicalization, and rahmatan lil alamin Islamic teachings to combat radicalism movements that are frequently attributed to the Quran. At PPRH, the tahfidz al-Quran assembly is created, in which Islamic values of wasathiyah and anti-religious radicalism are taught. This program is a countermeasure against non-Sanad tahfidz al-Quran houses, which tend to teach religious values with radical overtones. In fact, the Al-Qur’an, as the primary source of Islamic teachings, must be investigated in terms of wasathi narratives and Islamic movements as part of peaceful and rahmatan lil'alamin Islamic teachings.
Konstruksi Nilai-Nilai Toleransi Berbasis Al-Quran Sebagai Upaya Menangkal Narasi Radikalisme Agama Di Indonesia Kontemporer Muhammad Fahmi; Muhammad Nawawi; Senata Adi Prasetia; Fayaz Mahassin Syifa’i Adienk; Zakiyatul Nisa’; Sonia Isnatin Suratin
Al-Banjari : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman Vol. 22 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Pascasarjana UIN ANTASARI Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/al-banjari.v22i1.6239


AbstractThis article examines the values of tolerance based on the Qur'an as an effort to counter the narrative of religious radicalism in contemporary Indonesian Islam.. But lately, religious phenomena that tend to be extremist and radical have dominated the Indonesian world, thus tearing apart the tolerant, peaceful, inclusive social relations that have been embedded in this country. Through qualitative research using a literature approach, the findings of this article show that first, the construction of tolerance based on the Qur’an is realized in three forms, namely: there is no compulsion in Islam or religion. Second, tolerance occupies an important and strategic position in the context of harmony and the maintenance of national unity and the integrity of the state, especially in religious life. Third, the impact of the construction of tolerance based on the Qur'an as an effort to counteract the narrative of radicalism for harmony, including the realization of tolerant knowledge, attitudes and behavior and the community can find common ground (kalimatun sawa) in mediating all differences and problems in religious, national and state life so that create a life of peace and harmony. Keyword: tolerance, counter narrative, Qur’an, religious radicalism, contemporary Indonesian Islam AbstrakArtikel ini mengkaji nilai-nilai toleransi berbasis Alquran sebagai upaya menangkal narasi radikalisme agama di Islam Indonesia kontemporer. Namun belakangan ini, fenomena keberagamaan yang cenderung ekstremis dan radikal mendominasi jagat Indonesia sehingga mengoyak kemapanan relasi sosial yang toleran, damai, inklusif yang selama ini embedded di negeri ini. Melalui penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kepustakaan, temuan artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa pertama, konstruksi toleransi berbasis Alquran terwujud dalam tiga bentuk, yaitu: tidak ada paksaan dalam agama Islam atau beragama. Kedua, toleransi menempati posisi yang penting dan strategis dalam konteks kerukunan dan terjaganya persatuan bangsa dan keutuhan negara, terutama dalam kehidupan keberagamaan. Ketiga, dampak konstruksi toleransi berbasis Alquran sebagai upaya menangkal narasi radikalisme bagi kerukunan antar sesama adalah terwujudnya pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku yang toleran dan masyarakat dapat menemukan titik temu (kalimatun sawa) dalam menengahi segala perbedaan dan problematika kehidupan beragama, berbangsa dan bernegara sehingga tercipta hidup rukun dan damai.Kata kunci: toleransi, konter narasi, radikalisme agama, Islam Indonesia kontempor