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Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Stellarium dan Alat Peraga Astronomi NASE (Network for Astronomy School Education) sebagai Pembelajaran Etnoastronomi Azmi Khusnani; Adi Jufriansah; Wahyuningsih Wahyuningsih; Mohammad Fitri; Nurdin H. Abd. Rahman S.; Yanto Yanto; Yunita Kristianti Subandi; Endang Sulastri
Surya Abdimas Vol. 6 No. 4 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37729/abdimas.v6i4.2114


Waipare adalah salah satu daerah di kabupaten Sikka yang berada pada kecamatan Kangae, Kabupaten Sikka Nusa Tenggara Timur. Kondisi geografis yang terletak dipesisir Laut Flores menjadikan masyarakat Waipare memahami kebudayaan setempat yang berkaitan dengan profesinya sebagai nelayan. Meskipun demikian kebudayaan yang ada belum terdapat hubungan dengan keilmuwan khususnya Astronomi. Tujuan pengabdian adalah melakukan edukasi pembelajaran Astronomi dengan pendekatan kebudayaan di masyarakat Waipare. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan memberikan edukasi melalui kegiatan workshop pembuatan alat peraga NASE dan pengamatan langit malam menggunakan aplikasi Stellarium. Sasaran pengabdian ini adalah anak-anak SD dan SMP. Hasil dan dampak pengabdian yang telah diberikan adalah terbentuk pemahaman terkait ilmu Astronomi, mampu membaca rasi bintang dengan melihat pola rangkaian bintang yang ada di langit, dan mampu menggunakan aplikasi Stellarium.
An Analysis of Figurative Languages Used in Lokamase Ceremony Yanto Yanto; Rikardus Nong Siga
Acitya: Journal of Teaching and Education Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Acitya: Journal of Teaching and Education
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30650/ajte.v5i1.3454


The use of language in human life is very diverse, one of which is figurative language. Figurative language is the use of beautiful words with figurative language created from the author's feelings to give effect by comparing one thing with another object that is more general. The objectives of the study are to describe the types of the figurative language found in Lokamase Ceremony to identify the contextual meaning of the figurative language. This research is a qualitative research method. The method used in collecting the data related to the subject of this research is observation, interviews and documentation method. This study was conducted by collecting any relevant data and information about the topic or problem of the study from head of Lokamase and journal that are available for the analysis. The data collection used the following steps: collecting, reduction, display, and drawing conclusion and then selecting the data that used the types of figurative language. While the steps to analyze the data are identifying the types of figurative language, identifying the contextual meaning of the figurative language, and the last is interpreting the data. The result shows that found simile and hyperbole types of figurative language used in Lokamase ceremony and have their own meaning. Summing up the overall language of the figurative meanings used in the lokamase traditional ceremony is to uphold self-respect, human rights and also maintain indigenous culture.
Figurative Analysis in Wotik Wawi Waten Ceremony *Elisabeth Jevani Alanti; Antonius M. K. Naro; Yanto Yanto
Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities Vol 5, No 1 (2022): February 2022, Local History and Learning Media
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jr.v5i1.28079


Figurative language is an interesting phenomenon to be studied and analyzed because it is one of the most arduous topics that literal language processing has to face and it is used in any form of communication. The aims of this study were to identify and analyze figurative language of wotikwawiwaten ceremony. This research used descriptive qualitative research. The techniques of data collection used in this research were interview and study document. The result of this study shows that there are four types of figurative language found; they are simile, repetition, hyperbole, and symbol.
Analysis of Phatic Expression in Freedom Writer's Film Asliana Tien; Yanto Yanto; Velmi Mayaputri
Leksikon: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Budaya Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): LEKSIKON: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra, & Budaya
Publisher : UPT Publikasi dan Penerbitan Universitas San Pedro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRACK Phatic expressions are rarely discussed in communication studies and are not known to many people even though the use of phatic expressions is often used in everyday life. The objective of research is to describe the types and functions of phatic expressions used in Freedom Writer’s film. The theory used Biber (in Aziz, 2015) and Kinneavy (in Chaer, 2009) to analysis the data of research. This research used descriptive qualitative research methods with observation and documentation data collection techniques. The results of this research found 11 types of phatic expressions contained in the characters' conversations in the Freedom Writer's film, namely: 1) interjection, 2) Greetings and Farewells, 3) Discourse markers, 4) Response, 5) Hesitators, 6) The politeness markers please, 7) Apologies, 8) Casual pronunciation, 9) Attention signal, 10) Thanks, 11) Expletives. Meanwhile, the functions of phatic expressions found in the film Freedom Writer’s include 4 functions: 1) Expression functions found in phatic expression types Thanks, Response, Expletive, Discourse markers, Interjection, and Apologies, 2) Information functions in the types of Discourse markers, Casual pronunciation and Responses, 3) Exploration function in the types of Response, Discourse markers and casual pronunciation types, 4) Persuasion function in Response types, Casual pronouncement and The politeness markers please.
Contrastive Analysis Between Lio Language And English (A Phonological View) Erlina Intantiana Eka; Rikardus Nasa; Yanto Yanto
Fonologi : Jurnal Ilmuan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): Desember : Jurnal Ilmuan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Publisher : Asosiasi Periset Bahasa Sastra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/fonologi.v1i4.44


This ressearch discusses the comparison of two languages, namely Lio and English, with Lio as the regional language or language of origin and English as the target language. In this study limited the study to comparing how many vowels and consonants there are from each language, after researchers know the number of vowels and consonants present in Lio language researchers compare with vowels and consonants in English to find out where the similarities and differences between vowel phonemes and consonant phonemes from the two languages are located. In this study the author used a qualitative descriptive method with the aim of knowing the phonemes of vowels and consonants in Lio and English, then from the phonemes of vowels and consonants the author compared to find out the location of similarities and differences between the two languages, with the data collection technique used was to conduct interviews with local communities and the results of the interviews were recorded and analyzed by the author. From this study it can be seen that:: (1). There are 5 types of vowels, namely; a, I, u, e, o in Lio and English, (2) there are 20 types of consonants in Lio b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s,t,w and 24 consonants in English, namely; B,C,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,M,N,P,Q,R,S,T,V,W,X,Y,Z. (3) The difference between the two languages lies in the sound of speech and consonants. Different consonants are: consonants q, y, z, x, which exist in Lio besides that there are changes in pronunciation sounds in English vowels and consonants while in Lio language there can be no sound changes in both vowels and consonants. (4) The similarities between the two languages are vowels of both languages and some consonants4.
Figurative Analysis in Wotik Wawi Waten Ceremony *Elisabeth Jevani Alanti; Antonius M. K. Naro; Yanto Yanto
Riwayat: Educational Journal of History and Humanities Vol 5, No 1 (2022): February 2022, Local History and Learning Media
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jr.v5i1.28079


Figurative language is an interesting phenomenon to be studied and analyzed because it is one of the most arduous topics that literal language processing has to face and it is used in any form of communication. The aims of this study were to identify and analyze figurative language of wotikwawiwaten ceremony. This research used descriptive qualitative research. The techniques of data collection used in this research were interview and study document. The result of this study shows that there are four types of figurative language found; they are simile, repetition, hyperbole, and symbol.