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Analisis Jumlah Tenaga Kerja Optimal Dengan Metode Work Load Analysis (WLA) di PT. RSI Darsini; Andika Maulana; Budi Wibowo
Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy Vol 1 No 1: Februari 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (255.893 KB) | DOI: 10.52158/jamere.v1i1.96


Workload of employees at PT. RSI in the pressing department is still low, because in the pressing section the division of work for each employee is not optimal or evenly distributed. So it is necessary to do research with the title Analysis of the Optimal Workforce at PT. RSI. The method used for testing the optimal amount of load is the Work Load Analysis (WLA) method, which aims to calculate the optimal workload and number of workers at PT. RSI. The sample in this study were 15 employees in the pressing department which were divided into 4 sections, where section 1 had 4 employees, section 2 had 4 employees, section 3 had 4 employees, and section 4 contained 3 employees. The results of this study indicate that the workload before the research in section 1 was 52% to 70%, part 2 from 51% to 68%, part 3 from 56% to 75%, and part 4 still 71% because there was no reduction in labor., because the workload in section 4 is optimal. So the optimal number of workers in the pressing department is 3 employees in section 1, 3 employees in section 2, 3 employees, and 4 still 3 employees.
Perancangan Mesin Centrifugal Untuk Optimalisasi Tenaga Sortir Sampah Plastik Darsini; Yustinus Nandha Dian; Suprapto
Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy Vol 1 No 1: Februari 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (264.149 KB) | DOI: 10.52158/jamere.v1i1.98


PT. XXX as the yield management company becomes a plastic seed product that is ready to be used as raw material in other plastic companies. Apart from the garbage production of PT. Garuda Prima Sentosa also gets unused plastic waste from domestic and foreign suppliers. In the process of processing plastic waste, still uses the sorting power manually obtained by 40 people, the results obtained are also less than the maximum there are still many other materials mixed in plastic waste from 4200 kg of plastic waste can only be repaired by other unused material as much as 915.92 kg per day. This study discusses the centrifugal machine as a separator between used plastic waste from other unused materials and minimizes the sorting power of 40 people to 8 people, and adds the unused material to 1355,308 kg per day. The design of this Centrifugal machine to be able to overcome the problems that exist in the sorting section so that it can produce cleaner plastic seeds and improve the sorting process.
Analisis Postur Kerja dengan Metode Rapid Entire Body Assissment (REBA) Darsini; Reza Tania Achmadi
Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy Vol 1 No 2: August 2021
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.505 KB) | DOI: 10.52158/jamere.v1i2.217


Physical activity related to work activities on production operators is one of the jobs that needs attention. Operator activity on CV. Primavera, which is engaged in garments, especially in the fabric cutting Laser. section, is a fabric cutting process that uses high-power laser technology that is emitted from a generator on the workpiece, the cutting movement is controlled through a computer so that the possibility of slipping is small. During the cutting laser process, workers stand in front of the cutting laser machine and bend over while setting the fabric size according to the basket. These complaints arise due to non-ergonomic work postures causing pain in some parts of the body felt by workers. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of risk and the percentage of complaints felt during cutting laser. The methods used are Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) and Nordic Body Map (NBM), based on the REBA method the work risks faced by workers in cutting laser cloth with a high level of scores in the range of 8-10, high category of action so it needs to be done immediately improvement of work posture. The Nordic Body Map shows the first body segment on the back with a score of 9, the second body segment on the right shoulder with a score of 8, the third body segment on the waist with a score of 8, the fourth body segment on the buttocks with a score of 8, and the fifth body segment on the legs. right with a score of 8, due to a bent work posture during the cutting laser process and fabric size settings as well as age and length of work factors that also affect the questionnaire.
Analisis Postur Kerja Menggunakan Metode Rapid Entire Body Assesment (REBA) Proses Pembuatan Buis Beton Darsini; Reza Tania Achmadi; Mathilda Sri Lestari
Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy Vol 2 No 1: Februari 2022
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (460.836 KB) | DOI: 10.52158/jamere.v2i1.286


There are quite a number of entrepreneurs making precast concrete in Polokarto sub-district, the community works as precast concrete making workers as their life support. The resulting production is in the form of Buis Concrete/Concrete Pipes. The process of making concrete buis, among others: the process of selecting materials, mixing process, lifting process, printing process, drying process. Activities carried out during the production process are carried out repeatedly, causing complaints to workers. These complaints arise due to non-ergonomic body postures causing pain in some parts of the body felt by workers. This study aims to determine the level of risk and the percentage of complaints felt during the process of making concrete buis. The methods used are Nordic Body Map (NBM), and Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). The results of the research from the NBM questionnaire on the manufacture of concrete buis segemn workers' bodies experience complaints are the waist, back, right shoulder, right upper arm and right hand. Research using the REBA method has a risk level ranging from 7-10 so it includes a moderate to high level of risk that requires work posture action. Keywords: Concrete buis making, Work posture, NBM, REBA
Publisher : FT-TEKNIK USNI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59134/prosidng.v2i-.109


Proses penganyaman adalah kegiatan melapisi kerangka kursi yang sesuai dengan jenis kursi dengan desain yang menarik sehingga menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas. Aktivitas perakitan masih dikerjakan secara manual yaitu pekerja menganyam kulit rotan pada produk dengan menggunakan tangan. Selama proses penganyaman dengan postur kerja yang berbeda-beda dan pekerjaan yang dilakukan secara terus-menerus. Dan saat penganyaman, pekerja duduk disebuah dingklik dengan posisi kepala menunduk. Keluhan tersebut muncul disebabkan postur kerja yang tidak ergonomi menyebabkan timbulnya rasa sakit pada beberapa bagian tubuh yang dirasakan pekerja seperti rasa kaku di bagian leher, punggung yang terasa sakit, nyeri disertai kaku pada bagian lengan. Sering para pekerja mengeluhkan kesemutan atau mati rasa dibagian kaki dan tangan. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat resiko dan persentasekeluhan yang dirasakan selama penganyaman. Metode yang digunakan adalah Rapid Entire Body Assissment (REBA) dan Nordic Body Map (NBM). Hasil penelitian berdasarkan metode REBA resiko kerja yang dihadapi pekerja dalam penganyaman kursi makan dengan level sedang hingga tinggi skor resiko yang dihadapi dikisaran 5–8, kategori tindakan sedang hingga tinggi sehingga perlu segera dilakukan perbaikan postur kerja. Sedangkan dengan Nordic Body Map menunjukkan segmen tubuh yang pertama pada bagian bokong dengan skor 70, segmen tubuh kedua pada bagian punggung dengan skor 68, segmen tubuh ketiga pada bagian lutut kanan dengan skor 55, segmen tubuh keempat pada bagian lengan bawah kanan dengan skor 53, dan segmen tubuh yang kelima pada bagian lengan atas kanan dengan skor 52, disebabkan postur kerja yang membungkuk saat melakukan penganyaman serta faktor umur dan lama bekerja ikut mempengaruhi kuesioner.
Pengaruh Penambahan Admixture Terhadap Nilai Slump dan Kuat Tekan Beton Bleeding Darsini; Eko Pramuda Triwardana; Rahmatul Ahya
Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy Vol 3 No 2: Agustus 2022
Publisher : Indonesian Society of Applied Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52158/jamere.v3i2.610


Proyek konstruksi yang terjadi saat proses konstruksi maupun pasca konstruksi seringkali dapat kita jumpai beragam permasalahan, salah satunya adalah kerusakan pada beton segar seperti terjadinya bleeding pada beton segar. Kondisi volume beton cacat dalam 1 tahun di lokasi penelitian sebesar 307 m3 karena kondisi cuaca ekstrim (hujan) dibulan Oktober – Maret, nilai slump dapat berubah karena faktor tidak ditutupnya corong pada truk mixer. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menambahkan beton yang bleeding dengan admixture. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui beton yang bleeding dapat kembali menjadi beton normal setelah ditambahkan admixture, metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dengan menggunakan benda uji kubus ukuran 15x15x15 cm yang diuji yaitu pada umur, 3 hari, 7 hari, 14 hari, dan 28 hari. Mutu beton yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu mutu C40 dan C50 dengan komposisi admixture yaitu 0,05%, 0,1%, dan 0,2%. Berdasarkan penelitian ini didapat hasil nilai slump untuk komposisi admixture 0,05% untuk C40 dan C50 adalah 24 dan 21 cm, untuk komposisi admixture 0,1% adalah 18 cm dan untuk komposisi admixture 0,2% adalah 17 dan 18 cm. Kuat tekan beton maksimum di umur 28 hari untuk komposisi admixture 0,1% dengan mutu C40 adalah 45,79 Mpa dan untuk mutu C50 adalah 59,14 Mpa. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk sekali perbaikan beton yang bleeding di lokasi pengecoran dengan menggunakan admixture yaitu 10 menit, sehingga dapat mengefisiensi waktu sebesar 205 menit atau setara dengan effisiensi waktu 95,34%. Dengan adanya admixture ini dapat menekan biaya sebesar Rp. 54.750.073 atau setara dengan 83,45% dari total volume bleeding sebesar 307 m3.