Arie Taveriyanto, Arie
Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Published : 18 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 11, No 1 (2009): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

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This  article contains of the evaluation of how the columns work in existing buildings which are located in Yogyakarta.The lateral bone frame that is usually called “sengkang” it is attached to column structure and has main function which is controlling the work of column over the lateral load (usually is called earthquake load) so that the column ductility can be kept to maintenance its strength over the earthquake load.The ratio of confined concrete bone frame is evaluated by the minimum ratio determination based on SNI 03-2847-2002. The columns ductility that have been observed in this article.The result of the evaluation is that the confined bone frame of the building have fulfilled all the requirement based on SNI and the column ductility is sufficient enough. Also the configuration of longitudinal bone frame has an impact for column ductility.Artikel ini menyampaikan sebuah evaluasi dari kerja tulangan pengekang kolom-kolom beton terpasang di daerah Yogyakarta.  Tulangan pengekang terpasang yang biasanya disebut “sengkang” diikatkan ke kolom struktur dan  berfungsi mengontrol kerja kolom terhadap beban lateral (biasa disebut beban gempa) sehingga daktilitas kolom terpenuhi untuk menahan beban gempa. Rasio tulangan pengekang beton dievaluasi dengan rasio tulangan minimum yang terdapat di SNI 03-2847-2002, sehingga daktilitas kolom dapat diobservasi. Hasil dari evaluasi adalah bahwa tulangan pengekang dari gedung yang ditinjau memenuhi syarat seperti yang tercantum dalam SNI serta konfigurasi tulangan longitudinal yang ada memperkuat daktiltas kolom.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 15, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

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Target that wish reached in this research are: to find the planning pattern of  housing open spaces in urban fringe area, to study the impacts of open space to social living; and to find the functional factors of open space toward the housing environment.The researcher applied a rationalistic approach which the objects are not detached from the context. Rationalistic based on grand concept that may be as grand theory. The design of rationalistic approach built from the results of previous research, the contextual theories and the expert’s minds.The results of this research: First, the planning pattern of housing open spaces are: (1) located at the centre of site and became the orientation of the houses where placed around it; (2) a part of housing main street; (3) formed in a geometrical pattern (rectangular or triangular pattern); (4) the rectangular pattern used as a playground and the triangular pattern used as a green open space; (5) used cut and fill method to manage the topographical condition. Riset ini memiliki tujuan untuk: menemukan pola perencanaan ruang terbuka perumahan di urban fringe area, mengkaji dampak keberadaan ruang terbuka perumahan terhadap kehidupan sosial penghuninya dan menemukan faktor-faktor pendukung peran ruang terbuka terhadap lingkungan perumahan. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan rasionalistik yang menuntut sifat holistik, obyek diteliti tanpa dilepaskan dari konteksnya. Rasionalistik bertolak dari konstruksi teori, “grand concept” yang mungkin sudah merupakan “grand theory”. Desain penelitian rasionalistik yang bertolak dari kerangka teori, dibangun dari pemaknaan hasil penelitian terdahulu, teori-teori yang dikenal dan buah pikiran para pakar. Pola perencanaan ruang terbuka di perumahan urban fringe area (daerah pinggir kota) pada umumnya adalah: (1) terletak di tengah area perumahan dan menjadi pusat orientasi bangunan-bangunan (rumah) yang ada di sekelilingnya, sehingga organisasi ruang yang terbentuk adalah organisasi memusat; (2) merupakan bagian dari jaringan jalan utama perumahan; (3) mempunyai bentuk geometris persegi maupun segitiga; (4) bentuk geometris persegi umumnya berfungsi sebagai lapangan olah raga (ruang terbuka berbentuk geometris persegi) dan sebagai ruang terbuka hijau (ruang terbuka berbentuk segitiga); (5) perlakuan terhadap kondisi topografi berkontur dengan pernyesuaian lereng dan perataan lahan menggunakan metode cut and fill.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 13, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

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On some types of chevron regular, concentric steel frame bresing (OCBF) suffered a major earthquake hazard. A building in North Hollywood, which was chosen for this study, due in January 1994 Northridge earthquake. The danger of this earthquake that underlie the development of bresing shape configuration, in order to obtain good bresing for building earthquake-resistant structures. Bresing of chevron configuration changes to the configuration X 2 floors to avoid instability and plastic joints in the floor beams. Further improvement can be achieved by redesigning bresing and floor beams into a system of weak and strong beams SCBFs. The increase in CSBFs produce this full histeretik good response with inelastic action produces a good response to the action histeristk inelastic bresing produce a ductile, showing the distribution of the ductile, showing the proper distribution of the dangers that are high on the buildingPada beberapa tipe chevron biasa, rangka bresing baja konsentrik (OCBF) menderita bahaya gempa bumi yang besar. Sebuah gedung di Hollywood Utara, yang dipilih untuk studi ini, karena pada bulan Januari 1994 di Northridge terjadi gempa bumi. Adanya bahaya gempa bumi ini yang mendasari pengembangan  bentuk konfigurasi dari bresing, sehingga diperoleh  bresing yang baik untuk struktur gedung yang tahan gempa. Perubahan konfigurasi bresing dari chevron menjadi konfigurasi X 2 lantai dapat menghindari ketidakstabilan dan sendi plastis pada balok lantai. Lebih lanjut perbaikan dapat dicapai dengan mendesain ulang bresing dan balok lantai menjadi sistem lemah dan balok kuat SCBFs. Peningkatan penuh ini pada CSBFs menghasilkan respon histeretik yang baik dengan aksi inelastik menghasilkan respon histeristk yang baik dengan aksi inelastik menghasilkan bresing yang daktail, menunjukkan distribusi yang daktail, menunjukkan ditribusi yang layak dari bahaya yang tinggi pada gedung.
High Accuracy Geodetic Control Point Measurement Using GPS Geodetic With Static Methods Julianto, Eko Nugroho; Safrel, Ispen; Taveriyanto, Arie
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 20, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v20i2.16300


Abstract. The quality of the coordinates of the points in a generally horizontal control network will be influenced by many factors, such as the system equipment used for measuring / observation, the network geometry, measurement strategies / observation, as well as data processing strategy implemented. Using development of the GPS satellite system, since 1989, the network provision of horizontal control points in Indonesia generally relies on the GPS satellite observations. One way of measuring geodetic control points with high accuracy is using geodetic GPS. Measurement of geodetic control points required as a control in the execution of the work and as a correction coordinate measurement of the position of a measurement object with a high degree of accuracy (± 1 cm). How many measurement methods that can be done. This research conducted measurement using static method. Static surveys are used to determine the coordinates of the control points are relatively distant from each other as well as order accuracy requires relatively higher. The measurement results obtained coordinate data for point 1 is 6 ° 57 '31.92207 "LS; 109 ° 38 '32.25194 "BT; high (ellipsoid) 34 320 m and point 2 is 6 ° 57 '33.59086 "LS; 109 ° 38 '37.87710 "BT; high (ellipsoid) 36 235 m.
Analysis of Strengths of Reinforced Concrete Beam Structures with CFRP Sheet Using Abaqus Software 6.14 Yasir, Ahmad; Effendi, Mahmud Kori; Taveriyanto, Arie; Apriyatno, Henry
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 21, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknik SIpil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v21i1.19364


Abstract. Concrete beams are parts of a structure that serves as a channeling moment to the column structure. The structure of the beam which has undergone yielding reinforcement must be repaired. One of the beam repairs that can be done is by providing reinforcement using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) sheets. The reinforcement structure modeling and analysis were carried out using the Abaqus software. There are two types of modeling, those were laboratory test beam modeled with Abaqus (BPA) and reinforced beam using CFRP (BPC). The beam structure analysis using Abaqus software showed that BPA beam experiences a first crack when the load is 5311.96 lbs with a 0.08 inch displacement, while the BPC-2 beam is first cracked at a load of 5019.93 lbs with a 0.10 inch displacement. The BPA beam experiences an ultimate when the load was 12620.84 lbs with a 0.64-inch displacement, while the BPC-2 beam experiences ultimate when the load was 12403.48 lbs with a displacement of 0.60 inch. The type of crack pattern in both beam models is the type of bending crack.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 11, No 1 (2009): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v11i1.6968


This  article contains of the evaluation of how the columns work in existing buildings which are located in Yogyakarta.The lateral bone frame that is usually called “sengkang” it is attached to column structure and has main function which is controlling the work of column over the lateral load (usually is called earthquake load) so that the column ductility can be kept to maintenance its strength over the earthquake load.The ratio of confined concrete bone frame is evaluated by the minimum ratio determination based on SNI 03-2847-2002. The columns ductility that have been observed in this article.The result of the evaluation is that the confined bone frame of the building have fulfilled all the requirement based on SNI and the column ductility is sufficient enough. Also the configuration of longitudinal bone frame has an impact for column ductility.Artikel ini menyampaikan sebuah evaluasi dari kerja tulangan pengekang kolom-kolom beton terpasang di daerah Yogyakarta.  Tulangan pengekang terpasang yang biasanya disebut “sengkang” diikatkan ke kolom struktur dan  berfungsi mengontrol kerja kolom terhadap beban lateral (biasa disebut beban gempa) sehingga daktilitas kolom terpenuhi untuk menahan beban gempa. Rasio tulangan pengekang beton dievaluasi dengan rasio tulangan minimum yang terdapat di SNI 03-2847-2002, sehingga daktilitas kolom dapat diobservasi. Hasil dari evaluasi adalah bahwa tulangan pengekang dari gedung yang ditinjau memenuhi syarat seperti yang tercantum dalam SNI serta konfigurasi tulangan longitudinal yang ada memperkuat daktiltas kolom.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 15, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v15i1.7118


Target that wish reached in this research are: to find the planning pattern of  housing open spaces in urban fringe area, to study the impacts of open space to social living; and to find the functional factors of open space toward the housing environment.The researcher applied a rationalistic approach which the objects are not detached from the context. Rationalistic based on grand concept that may be as grand theory. The design of rationalistic approach built from the results of previous research, the contextual theories and the expert’s minds.The results of this research: First, the planning pattern of housing open spaces are: (1) located at the centre of site and became the orientation of the houses where placed around it; (2) a part of housing main street; (3) formed in a geometrical pattern (rectangular or triangular pattern); (4) the rectangular pattern used as a playground and the triangular pattern used as a green open space; (5) used cut and fill method to manage the topographical condition. Riset ini memiliki tujuan untuk: menemukan pola perencanaan ruang terbuka perumahan di urban fringe area, mengkaji dampak keberadaan ruang terbuka perumahan terhadap kehidupan sosial penghuninya dan menemukan faktor-faktor pendukung peran ruang terbuka terhadap lingkungan perumahan. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan rasionalistik yang menuntut sifat holistik, obyek diteliti tanpa dilepaskan dari konteksnya. Rasionalistik bertolak dari konstruksi teori, “grand concept” yang mungkin sudah merupakan “grand theory”. Desain penelitian rasionalistik yang bertolak dari kerangka teori, dibangun dari pemaknaan hasil penelitian terdahulu, teori-teori yang dikenal dan buah pikiran para pakar. Pola perencanaan ruang terbuka di perumahan urban fringe area (daerah pinggir kota) pada umumnya adalah: (1) terletak di tengah area perumahan dan menjadi pusat orientasi bangunan-bangunan (rumah) yang ada di sekelilingnya, sehingga organisasi ruang yang terbentuk adalah organisasi memusat; (2) merupakan bagian dari jaringan jalan utama perumahan; (3) mempunyai bentuk geometris persegi maupun segitiga; (4) bentuk geometris persegi umumnya berfungsi sebagai lapangan olah raga (ruang terbuka berbentuk geometris persegi) dan sebagai ruang terbuka hijau (ruang terbuka berbentuk segitiga); (5) perlakuan terhadap kondisi topografi berkontur dengan pernyesuaian lereng dan perataan lahan menggunakan metode cut and fill.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 13, No 2 (2011): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v13i2.7071


On some types of chevron regular, concentric steel frame bresing (OCBF) suffered a major earthquake hazard. A building in North Hollywood, which was chosen for this study, due in January 1994 Northridge earthquake. The danger of this earthquake that underlie the development of bresing shape configuration, in order to obtain good bresing for building earthquake-resistant structures. Bresing of chevron configuration changes to the configuration X 2 floors to avoid instability and plastic joints in the floor beams. Further improvement can be achieved by redesigning bresing and floor beams into a system of weak and strong beams SCBFs. The increase in CSBFs produce this full histeretik good response with inelastic action produces a good response to the action histeristk inelastic bresing produce a ductile, showing the distribution of the ductile, showing the proper distribution of the dangers that are high on the buildingPada beberapa tipe chevron biasa, rangka bresing baja konsentrik (OCBF) menderita bahaya gempa bumi yang besar. Sebuah gedung di Hollywood Utara, yang dipilih untuk studi ini, karena pada bulan Januari 1994 di Northridge terjadi gempa bumi. Adanya bahaya gempa bumi ini yang mendasari pengembangan  bentuk konfigurasi dari bresing, sehingga diperoleh  bresing yang baik untuk struktur gedung yang tahan gempa. Perubahan konfigurasi bresing dari chevron menjadi konfigurasi X 2 lantai dapat menghindari ketidakstabilan dan sendi plastis pada balok lantai. Lebih lanjut perbaikan dapat dicapai dengan mendesain ulang bresing dan balok lantai menjadi sistem lemah dan balok kuat SCBFs. Peningkatan penuh ini pada CSBFs menghasilkan respon histeretik yang baik dengan aksi inelastik menghasilkan respon histeristk yang baik dengan aksi inelastik menghasilkan bresing yang daktail, menunjukkan distribusi yang daktail, menunjukkan ditribusi yang layak dari bahaya yang tinggi pada gedung.
Analysis Effect of Variation Form and Dimension on Structure Reinforced Concrete Column in Kali Kendeng Bridge Dewantara, Kandida Rahardian; Apriyatno, Henry; Narendra, Alfa; Taveriyanto, Arie
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 22, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v22i1.21013


Abstract. Square columns is a rectangular column which has a single stirrup shape and wide distances in - between. In addition, the round column is a column with a spiral section and has a relatively short distance or a relatively smaller distance in - between. Parameters in column planning include reinforcement requirements, column slenderness, buckling factors, interaction diagrams, and ductility. The study used existing rectangular column data with dimensions of 3.5x3.5 m from Kali Kendeng Bridge in the Semarang-Surakarta Toll Road Construction Project. From the field data, variations in the shape of the columns became rounded columns by calculating the moment of inertia of the two cross sections. Variations in dimensions was performed by calculating reinforcement ratio requirements, aiming to produce an effective column design. The first step is to analyze the bridge loading with earthquake loading SNI for the 2833: 2016 bridge and SNI loading for the bridge 1725: 2016. After that, do the calculation of reinforced concrete column requirements and be checked through the SAP2000 application. Then analyze SAP2000 output, so that the moment and shear forces are obtained in square and round columns. Then with the same material that is 30 MPa quality concrete and 390 MPa quality steel, the results obtained slenderness, bending factor and the radius of inertia between square and round columns are the same. The maximum moment value in a square column is 60704.8718 kN-m and the maximum shear is 2358.14 kN. In addition, the round column obtained a maximum moment of 60685.1944 kN-m and a maximum shear of 2358.65 kN. An overview of the relative ductility aspect of 2.7 kN between square and round columns and the ductility value shows the reduced cross-sectional area the smaller the ductility value. Therefore, it is concluded that a round column is better in terms of holding moment and sliding, than a square shaped column.
Experimental Study of Pull-Out Failure on Sanko Hammer Drive Anchor Using Cast in Place and Post-Installed Methods on Ready-mix Concrete with Quality of 25 Mpa Apriyatno, Henry; Supriyono, Supriyono; Taveriyanto, Arie
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 23, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v23i1.28027


Abstract: Anchor serves to connect steel and concrete construction that can transfer steel pull-out load to concrete. Sanko hammer drive anchor usually has been available in the model of expansion that can be installed into concrete with cast in place and post installed methods. The experiment was aimed at comparing pull out failures of Sanko hammer drive expansion anchor using cast in place and post installed installation methods based on pull-out failure behavior. Experimental data were obtained from the pull-out strength test of Sanko hammer drive expansion anchor, compressive strength test and ready-mix concrete split tensile test, adhesion strength test and group anchor pull-out test which consists of four units of anchor with diameter of 10 mm planted 90 mm depth on T concrete beams with dimension of 300 mm x 300 mm x 150 mm as many as three beams for each of them using cast in place and post installed installation methods. The results of the experiment showed that concrete compressive tension value (f’c) is 25.69 MPa, anchor tension value (fu) is 383.25 MPa, anchor adhesion tension value (μ) with cast in place method is 2.25 MPa and post installed method is 1.56 MPa. Theoretically, the damage occurred in pull-out condition; while in the experiment, the test showed a difference in pull-out capacity using cast in place installation method of 38.38 kN with deformation of 13.81 mm, which is higher than theoretical value of 26,083 kN and using post installed method of 36.62 kN with deformation of 8.89 mm, which is higher than theoretical value of 18,084 kN and the experiment indicates that the anchor is perfectly pull-out.