Henry Apriyatno
Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) Gedung E4, Kampus Sekaran Gunungpati Semarang 50229, Telp. (024) 8508102

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Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 11, No 2 (2009): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

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The addition of fiber (fiber) in the concrete mixture is to debone the concrete where thefiber is spread evenly into the concrete mixture with random orientation, so as to prevent theoccurrence of micro cracks. The addition of polypropylene fiber is intended to support the internalstresses (axial, bending and shear) is greater. The study aims to determine the flexural capacity ofconcrete beams reinforced with polypropylene fiber at 6% of cement weight. Split tensile strength ofconcrete will increase by approximately 36.78%, while the modulus of elasticity of a decline, adecline of about 5.4% of conventional concrete. Strong increase in the beam line optimally will beobtained when the fiber concrete is placed only partially in the appeal, the proportion of 75% of thetotal look of the block .. Increased flexibility of polypropylene fiber beam 22.6% for the BPF-100,BPF-75, BPF-50, and increased 9.7% for BPF-25 than normal concrete. Penambahan serat (fiber) pada adukan beton adalah menulangi beton dimana fiberdisebarkan secara merata kedalam adukan beton dengan orientasi acak, sehingga dapatmencegah terjadinya retakan mikro. Penambahan polypropylene fiber dimaksudkan dapatmendukung tegangan-tegangan internal (aksial, lentur dan geser) yang lebih besar. Penelitianbertujuan untuk mengetahui kapasitas lentur balok beton bertulang dengan polypropylene fibersebesar 6% dari berat semen. Kuat tarik belah beton akan meningkat sekitar 36,78 %, sedang nilaimodulus elastisitas terjadi penurunan, penurunan sekitar 5,4 % dari beton konvensional.Peningkatan kuat batas balok secara optimal akan diperoleh bila beton fiber hanya ditempatkansecara parsial pada bagian tarik, proporsi 75 % dari luas tampang balok.. Peningkatan kelenturanbalok polypropylene fiber sebesar 22,6 % untuk BPF-100, BPF-75, BPF-50, dan meningkat 9,7%untuk BPF-25 dibandingkan beton normal.
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 9, No 2 (2007): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

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Concrete is enervating the strength of pull and it is brittle in nature (it is tragile) that in aconstruction design the capacity of longitudinal concrete tension area is not computered. Theenervating concrete can be fixed by adding some fibres with the purpose to erect the concreteframe uniformly. Roving fibers are used at the composition of 1.9; 3.8; 5.7; and 7. 6% of theconcrete volume. The concrete mechanical change is determined by a concrete cylinder andconcrete block measuring 15cm x 20cm x 120cm put to experiment with their respective 15experimental objects. Refracted capacity experiment is gained from a chaste refracted block. Theresearch result shows that the fibre accretion to concrete causes the pressure capacity of concretecylinder to decrease significantly, whereas the strong pull of concrete increases. The concreteductility significantly increases, whereas the modular concrete elasticity significantly decreases, thecapacity of refracted block at the fibre compositions of 1.9 and 3.8% with the spread of 0.25h and0.5h gains a very good result.Keywords: roving fibre concrete Beton memiliki kelemahan pada kuat tarik dan sifat getasnya rendah (mudah putus)sehingga dalam perencanaan kapasitas tampang beton daerah tarik tidak diperhitungkan.Kelemahan beton dapat diperbaiki dengan menambah serat yang memiliki tujuan menulangi betondengan serat secara uniform. Serat yang dipakai adalah serat roving pada komposisi 1,9; 3,8; 5,7;dan 7,6% dari volume beton. Perubahan mekanis beton diperoleh dari uji silinder beton dan balokbeton berukuran 15 cm x 20 cm x 120 cm masing-masing 15 benda uji. Pengujian kapasitas lenturdiperoleh dari balok lentur murni. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dengan penambahan seratmenyebabkan kapasitas tekan silinder beton secara signifikan turun, sedangkan kuat tarik betonnaik. Sifat daktilitas beton meningkat secara signifikan sedangkan modulus elastisitas beton secarasignifikan turun, kapasitas lentur balok pada komposisi serat 1.9 % dan 3.8 % dengan penyebaran0.25 h dan 0.5 h diperoleh hasil yang paling baik.Kata Kunci: beton serat roving
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 12, No 2 (2010): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

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Abstract:  Polypropylene  fiber  is  one  of  the  plastic  fiber  that  has  high  tensile  strength,  easily available, relatively cheap, resistant to chemical attack, and has a dry surface so that no clumping of fiber in the concrete mixing process.The study aims to determine the effect of polypropylene fiber by 4% of  the volume of concrete  to shear strength of  reinforced concrete beams. The addition of polypropylene  fiber  in  the  levels  of  0%  to  4%  of  the  volume  of  concrete  causes  a  decrease  in modulus of elasticity of 13966.33 MPa to 11,709 MPa. Shear test results reinforced concrete beam fiber  content  increase  from  0%  to 4%  increase  in  capacity  obtained  by  the  nominal  shear  beam from 4.08 tons to 4.56 tons. Fiber concrete beams will increase the shear capacity of 11.76% of the normal beam shear capacity. Keywords: polypropylene fiber, modulus elasticity, shear capacity   Abstrak:   Polypropylene  fiber merupakan salah satu serat plastik yang memiliki kuat  tarik  tinggi, mudah  didapat,  harganya    relatif  murah,  tahan  terhadap  serangan  bahan  kimia,  dan  memiliki permukaan  yang  kering  sehingga  tidak  terjadi  penggumpalan  serat  dalam  proses  pengadukan beton. Penelitian  bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan polypropylene fiber sebesar 4% dari volum beton terhadap kuat geser balok beton bertulang. Penambahan polypropylene fiber dari kadar 0% sampai 4% dari volume beton menyebabkan penurunan nilai modulus elastisitas dari 13.966,33 MPa menjadi  11.709 MPa. Hasil  pengujian  geser  balok  beton  bertulang  penambahan kadar serat dari 0%  sampai 4% diperoleh  kenaikan  kapasitas geser nominal balok dari 4,08  ton menjadi 4,56  ton.   Balok beton  fiber akan mengalami kenaikan kapasitas gesernya sebesar 11,76 % dari kapasitas geser balok normal.   Kata kunci: polypropylene fiber, modulus elastis, kapasitas geser
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 15, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

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Concrete has a weakness in its tensile strength and easily broken so that the concrete cross-sectional area of capacity planning appeal is not taken into account. The weakness of concrete can be improved by increasing the fiber that has a purpose as concrete reinforcement fibers uniformly. The fiber used is coco fiber length of 8 cm in the composition of 0%, 1%, 1:33%, 2% and 4% of the volume of concrete. Mechanical changes of concrete obtained from concrete test cylinders and pure bending concrete beams measuring 15 cm x 20 cm x 110 cm at the optimum composition of the fiber to the concrete. The results showed the addition of fiber causes the concrete cylinder press capacity was significantly increased by 5.583% as well as the tensile strength of concrete rose by an average of 5.225%. Ductility properties of concrete increased significantly while the modulus of elasticity of concrete is significantly decreased, the bending capacity of the beam used pure bending optimum composition of 1% of the volume of concrete with fiber deployment 12:25 h and 0.5 h obtained the best results with an average increase of 6.65%.Beton memiliki kelemahan pada kuat tarik dan sifat getasnya rendah (mudah putus) sehingga dalam perencanaan kapasitas tampang beton daerah tarik tidak diperhitungkan. Kelemahan beton dapat diperbaiki dengan menambah serat yang memiliki tujuan menulangi beton dengan serat secara uniform. Serat yang dipakai adalah serat sabut kelapa panjang 8 cm pada komposisi 0%,1%,1.33%,2% dan 4%  dari volume beton. Perubahan mekanis beton diperoleh dari uji silinder beton dan balok beton lentur murni berukuran 15 cm x 20 cm x 110 cm pada komposisi optimum serat terhadap beton. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dengan penambahan serat menyebabkan kapasitas tekan silinder beton secara signifikan naik sebesar 5,583%  demikian juga kuat tarik beton naik rata-rata sebesar 5,225%. Sifat daktailitas beton meningkat secara signifikan sedangkan modulus elastisitas beton secara signifikan menurun, kapasitas lentur balok  lentur murni dipakai komposisi optimum 1% serat terhadap volume beton dengan penyebaran 0.25 h dan 0.5 h diperoleh hasil yang paling baik dengan peningkatan rata-rata sebesar 6,65%.. 
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 18, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

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Abstract: Yogyakarta are situated in the zone with high  potential of seismicity. Based on Indonesia map seismicity area, it categorized in a seismic zone 4.  The secondary effect of this earthquake  phenomena is a soll settlement due to of decreasng of void volume of soil mass. Based on these issues, the foundation system of building is the primary factor which must be considered. This paper revealed the comparation of foundation behavior due to static by using Poulos Method and PLAXS 2D. Pile-raft designed by Poulos method was chosen as a subject of research. Analysis of liquefaction potential, soil settlement, carrying capacity, and the safety factor was analyzed by using CYCLIC 1D, 2D PLAXIS and Methods Poulus. For analysis by the Poulus method reached a soil settelement 4.3 cm and a safety factor 10.76. While by using PLAXIS 2D obtained 0.30 cm and 2,088 for soil settlement and safety factor respectively. Furthermore, a seismic motion of 9.2 scale of Richter mgnitude are injected into analysis resistance of foundation. Abstrak: Kota Yogyakarta merupakan wilayah yang memiliki potesi sesismik yang tinggi berdasarkan peta potensi gempa Indonesia. Dalam peta tersebut dikatakan bahawa Kota Yogyakarta terletak pada zona seismik 4. Bahaya sekunder yang terjadi akbat peristiwa gempa adalah adanya penurunan tanah. Berdasarkan permasalahan ini,  pemilihansistem fondasi pada pada suatu bangunan adalah hal yang terpenting. Pada artikel ini dijelaskan mengenai perbandingan mengenai perilaku fondasi akibat beban statik meggunakan metode Poulos dan Plaxis 2D. Fondasi tiang rakit dianalisa dengan meggunakan metode Poulos dan Plaxis 2D. Analisis megenai potensi likuifaksi, penurunan tanah, daya dukung fondasi dan faktor kemanan struktur dianalisis menggunakan CYCLIC 1D, Plaxis 2D dan Metode Poulus. Untuk analisis menggunakan metode Poulos pada fondasi rakit-tiang diperoleh nilai penurunan 4,3 cm dan faktor keamanan 10,76.  Untuk analisis menggunakan Plaxis 2D diperoleh penurunan sebesar 0,30 dan angka keamanan pondasi tiang-rakit sebesar 2,088. Selain itu juga dilakukan analisis mengenai ketahanan fondasi ketika menerima beban gempa dengan skala magnitude 9.2 Richter.
Analysis of Strengths of Reinforced Concrete Beam Structures with CFRP Sheet Using Abaqus Software 6.14 Yasir, Ahmad; Effendi, Mahmud Kori; Taveriyanto, Arie; Apriyatno, Henry
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 21, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknik SIpil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v21i1.19364


Abstract. Concrete beams are parts of a structure that serves as a channeling moment to the column structure. The structure of the beam which has undergone yielding reinforcement must be repaired. One of the beam repairs that can be done is by providing reinforcement using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) sheets. The reinforcement structure modeling and analysis were carried out using the Abaqus software. There are two types of modeling, those were laboratory test beam modeled with Abaqus (BPA) and reinforced beam using CFRP (BPC). The beam structure analysis using Abaqus software showed that BPA beam experiences a first crack when the load is 5311.96 lbs with a 0.08 inch displacement, while the BPC-2 beam is first cracked at a load of 5019.93 lbs with a 0.10 inch displacement. The BPA beam experiences an ultimate when the load was 12620.84 lbs with a 0.64-inch displacement, while the BPC-2 beam experiences ultimate when the load was 12403.48 lbs with a displacement of 0.60 inch. The type of crack pattern in both beam models is the type of bending crack.
Lateral Deflection of Single Pile due to Lateral Loads in Clay Soils based on The P-Y Curve Method with Finite Difference Solution, ALLPILE Program, and PLAXIS Program Ba'ist, Ahmad Jirjisul; Upomo, Togani Cahyadi; Apriyatno, Henry; Nugroho, Untoro
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 21, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v21i2.20961


The foundation has a function to hold the load in the form of axial load, lateral load and moment. The axial load on the pile foundation is supported by the pole end resistance and pile friction, while the lateral load on the pile foundation is supported by the relation of the blanket area along with the pile with the ground in the lateral direction. Lateral load causes lateral deflection in which the magnitude of deflection must not exceed the permissible lateral deflection limit of 2.54 cm. The determining factors in lateral deflection are the type of pile foundation, soil type, and the magnitude of the force that occurs. The foundation of a single pile in which the number of one pile, when embedded in clay soil, needs to be investigated for the magnitude of lateral deflection that occurs, this is due to the changing nature of the clay when under the influence of high or low water content. The foundation of the pile uses a concrete head with a condition of a free end with a cylindrical shape with a diameter of 60 cm that is not solid with a wall thickness of 10 cm and a compressive strength of concrete of 60 MPa. Clay soil data uses soil drilling test data in Wirosari, Grobogan, Central Java. The planning method used is the finite element method (PLAXIS program) and the finite difference method (py curve and the ALLPILE program) with lateral load variations of 10 kN, 15 kN and 20 kN given to the top end of the pole with the principle of giving trial and error loads. The results of the calculation of the lateral deflection of the pile on the py curve method with a finite-difference resolution, the ALLPILE program, and the PLAXIS program respectively with a lateral load of 10 kN are 0.0629 cm; 1.21 cm; 0.27 cm, lateral loads of 15 kN are 0.0943 cm; 2.13 cm; 0.4051 cm, and a lateral load of 20 kN is 0.1258 cm; 3.14 cm; 0.5402 cm. Thus the lateral deflection load limit is 15 kN, so as not to exceed the permissible lateral deflection limit of 2.54 cm. The recommended method used is the ALLPILE program to better get the level of security from the lateral deflection of the pole when applied in the field
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 15, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v15i1.7113


Concrete has a weakness in its tensile strength and easily broken so that the concrete cross-sectional area of capacity planning appeal is not taken into account. The weakness of concrete can be improved by increasing the fiber that has a purpose as concrete reinforcement fibers uniformly. The fiber used is coco fiber length of 8 cm in the composition of 0%, 1%, 1:33%, 2% and 4% of the volume of concrete. Mechanical changes of concrete obtained from concrete test cylinders and pure bending concrete beams measuring 15 cm x 20 cm x 110 cm at the optimum composition of the fiber to the concrete. The results showed the addition of fiber causes the concrete cylinder press capacity was significantly increased by 5.583% as well as the tensile strength of concrete rose by an average of 5.225%. Ductility properties of concrete increased significantly while the modulus of elasticity of concrete is significantly decreased, the bending capacity of the beam used pure bending optimum composition of 1% of the volume of concrete with fiber deployment 12:25 h and 0.5 h obtained the best results with an average increase of 6.65%.Beton memiliki kelemahan pada kuat tarik dan sifat getasnya rendah (mudah putus) sehingga dalam perencanaan kapasitas tampang beton daerah tarik tidak diperhitungkan. Kelemahan beton dapat diperbaiki dengan menambah serat yang memiliki tujuan menulangi beton dengan serat secara uniform. Serat yang dipakai adalah serat sabut kelapa panjang 8 cm pada komposisi 0%,1%,1.33%,2% dan 4%  dari volume beton. Perubahan mekanis beton diperoleh dari uji silinder beton dan balok beton lentur murni berukuran 15 cm x 20 cm x 110 cm pada komposisi optimum serat terhadap beton. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dengan penambahan serat menyebabkan kapasitas tekan silinder beton secara signifikan naik sebesar 5,583%  demikian juga kuat tarik beton naik rata-rata sebesar 5,225%. Sifat daktailitas beton meningkat secara signifikan sedangkan modulus elastisitas beton secara signifikan menurun, kapasitas lentur balok  lentur murni dipakai komposisi optimum 1% serat terhadap volume beton dengan penyebaran 0.25 h dan 0.5 h diperoleh hasil yang paling baik dengan peningkatan rata-rata sebesar 6,65%.. 
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 9, No 2 (2007): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v9i2.1616


Concrete is enervating the strength of pull and it is brittle in nature (it is tragile) that in aconstruction design the capacity of longitudinal concrete tension area is not computered. Theenervating concrete can be fixed by adding some fibres with the purpose to erect the concreteframe uniformly. Roving fibers are used at the composition of 1.9; 3.8; 5.7; and 7. 6% of theconcrete volume. The concrete mechanical change is determined by a concrete cylinder andconcrete block measuring 15cm x 20cm x 120cm put to experiment with their respective 15experimental objects. Refracted capacity experiment is gained from a chaste refracted block. Theresearch result shows that the fibre accretion to concrete causes the pressure capacity of concretecylinder to decrease significantly, whereas the strong pull of concrete increases. The concreteductility significantly increases, whereas the modular concrete elasticity significantly decreases, thecapacity of refracted block at the fibre compositions of 1.9 and 3.8% with the spread of 0.25h and0.5h gains a very good result.Keywords: roving fibre concrete Beton memiliki kelemahan pada kuat tarik dan sifat getasnya rendah (mudah putus)sehingga dalam perencanaan kapasitas tampang beton daerah tarik tidak diperhitungkan.Kelemahan beton dapat diperbaiki dengan menambah serat yang memiliki tujuan menulangi betondengan serat secara uniform. Serat yang dipakai adalah serat roving pada komposisi 1,9; 3,8; 5,7;dan 7,6% dari volume beton. Perubahan mekanis beton diperoleh dari uji silinder beton dan balokbeton berukuran 15 cm x 20 cm x 120 cm masing-masing 15 benda uji. Pengujian kapasitas lenturdiperoleh dari balok lentur murni. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dengan penambahan seratmenyebabkan kapasitas tekan silinder beton secara signifikan turun, sedangkan kuat tarik betonnaik. Sifat daktilitas beton meningkat secara signifikan sedangkan modulus elastisitas beton secarasignifikan turun, kapasitas lentur balok pada komposisi serat 1.9 % dan 3.8 % dengan penyebaran0.25 h dan 0.5 h diperoleh hasil yang paling baik.Kata Kunci: beton serat roving
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 12, No 2 (2010): Jurnal Teknik Sipil & Perencanaan
Publisher : Semarang State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jtsp.v12i2.1349


Abstract:  Polypropylene  fiber  is  one  of  the  plastic  fiber  that  has  high  tensile  strength,  easily available, relatively cheap, resistant to chemical attack, and has a dry surface so that no clumping of fiber in the concrete mixing process.The study aims to determine the effect of polypropylene fiber by 4% of  the volume of concrete  to shear strength of  reinforced concrete beams. The addition of polypropylene  fiber  in  the  levels  of  0%  to  4%  of  the  volume  of  concrete  causes  a  decrease  in modulus of elasticity of 13966.33 MPa to 11,709 MPa. Shear test results reinforced concrete beam fiber  content  increase  from  0%  to 4%  increase  in  capacity  obtained  by  the  nominal  shear  beam from 4.08 tons to 4.56 tons. Fiber concrete beams will increase the shear capacity of 11.76% of the normal beam shear capacity. Keywords: polypropylene fiber, modulus elasticity, shear capacity   Abstrak:   Polypropylene  fiber merupakan salah satu serat plastik yang memiliki kuat  tarik  tinggi, mudah  didapat,  harganya    relatif  murah,  tahan  terhadap  serangan  bahan  kimia,  dan  memiliki permukaan  yang  kering  sehingga  tidak  terjadi  penggumpalan  serat  dalam  proses  pengadukan beton. Penelitian  bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan polypropylene fiber sebesar 4% dari volum beton terhadap kuat geser balok beton bertulang. Penambahan polypropylene fiber dari kadar 0% sampai 4% dari volume beton menyebabkan penurunan nilai modulus elastisitas dari 13.966,33 MPa menjadi  11.709 MPa. Hasil  pengujian  geser  balok  beton  bertulang  penambahan kadar serat dari 0%  sampai 4% diperoleh  kenaikan  kapasitas geser nominal balok dari 4,08  ton menjadi 4,56  ton.   Balok beton  fiber akan mengalami kenaikan kapasitas gesernya sebesar 11,76 % dari kapasitas geser balok normal.   Kata kunci: polypropylene fiber, modulus elastis, kapasitas geser