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PERUBAHAN PSIKOLOGIS PADA IBU HAMIL TRIMESTER III Rustikayanti, R Nety; Kartika, Ira; Herawati, Yanti
The Southeast Asian Journal of Midwifery Vol 2 No 1 (2016): The Southeast Asian Journal of Midwifery
Publisher : Asosiasi Pendidikan Kebidanan Indonesia

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Seorang wanita pada periode kehamilan akan mengalami perubahan baik fisik maupun psikologis. Perubahan ini berdampak terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar termasuk seksualitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan perubahan psikologis ibu hamil. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan cross sectional dengan populasi ibu hamil trimester 3 yang memeriksakan kehamilannya di bulan Mei 2015 sebanyak 183 pasangan. Teknik sampling menggunakan accidental sampling dan jumlah sampel terpilih adalah 46 pasangan. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa kuesioner Perubahan Psikologis dan Index of Sexual Satisfaction (ISS). Analisis data menggunakan Chi-square test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 54.3% responden mengalami perubahan psikologis positifABSTRACTA woman on the gestation period will experience both physical and psychological changes. These changes have an impact on the fulfillment of basic needs, including sexuality. Changes in pregnant women’s perceived psychology can result in decreased sexual desire of the women. This study aimed to describe the relationship of psychological changes of pregnant women with the husband’s sexual satisfaction level. The study used cross sectional design with a population of third trimester pregnant women who did checkups in May 2015 as many as 183 couples. Sampling technique used accidental sampling and sample size was 46 couples. The instrument used was a questionnaire and Psychological Changes Index of Sexual Satisfaction (ISS). Data analysis used Chi-square test. The results showed that as many as 54.3% of respondents experienced a positive psychological change. Conclusion of the study is that the more positive physiological changes in pregnant women will result in higher sexual satisfaction of her husband.
Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) Positioning on Strengthening Partnership with Midwives Surtimanah, Tuti; Herawati, Yanti
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 13, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v13i1.7452


Background of this research was the still high number of infant mortality and high use of Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs). The This study aims aimed to determine TBAs positioning on the effort of strengthening partnership with midwives. A number of pregnant women, TBAs, and midwives become became informants, through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. The results showed positioning TBAs still needed with different roles but side by side with midwife role, used by primi and multi pregnant women before and during pregnancy, during and after birth. The requirement  forrequirement for TBAs was derived from parents as a cultural heritage, whereas the requirement for midwife obtained was from formal and non- formal information. The TBAs services toward maintain family health care including include cultural events. The midwife is givingserved professional servicescare. The partnership includes clients registration, motivation, abnormalities early detection. There has had been an unwritten financing unwritten agreement. The TBAs midwife partnership needs to be strengthened through legislation and , communication to diverse audiences in order to form the right positioning.
Perubahan Psikologis Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester III R. Nety Rustikayanti; Ira Kartika; Yanti Herawati
SEAJOM: The Southeast Asia Journal of Midwifery Vol 2 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : AIPKIND (Asosiasi Pendidikan Kebidanan Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (297.338 KB) | DOI: 10.36749/seajom.v2i1.66


A woman on the gestation period will experience both physical and psychological changes. These changes have an impact on the fulfillment of basic needs, including sexuality. Changes in pregnant women’s perceived psychology can result in decreased sexual desire of the women. This study aimed to describe the relationship of psychological changes of pregnant women with the husband’s sexual satisfaction level. The study used cross sectional design with a population of third trimester pregnant women who did checkups in May 2015 as many as 183 couples. Sampling technique used accidental sampling and sample size was 46 couples. The instrument used was a questionnaire and Psychological Changes Index of Sexual Satisfaction (ISS). Data analysis used Chi-square test. The results showed that as many as 54.3% of respondents experienced a positive psychological change. Conclusion of the study is that the more positive physiological changes in pregnant women will result in higher sexual satisfaction of her husband.
JKM (Jurnal Kebidanan Malahayati) Vol 7, No 4 (2021): Vol.7 No.4 Oktober 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkm.v7i4.5275


Background: Immune system changes that occur in pregnancy can make pregnant women more susceptible to corona virus infection and more at risk of experiencing symptoms of severe and fatal diseases. In addition, high fever that occurs due to COVID-19 in the first trimester of pregnancy can increase the risk of birth defects in children. The virus that causes COVID-19 comes from the same group of viruses as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)  and  Middle-East respiratory syndrome (MERS).Purpose: Knowing the behavior of pregnant women in the prevention of covid-19Method: This type of research is analytical research. This study uses a cross sectional research design to find out the relationship of maternal knowledge with the behavior of pregnant women in the prevention of covid 19. Data collection is done using questionnaire tools. All pregnant women who came to check the pregnancy to the AZ clinic from November 2020 to January 2021 as many as 84 pregnant women. The dependent variables  in this study are maternal knowledge  and  independent variabel is the behavior of mothers in the prevention of covid 19. The type of data collected is primary data that is data taken directly from respondents.Result: Based on the results of the study found that of 84 respondents as many as 53 people (63.1%) have poor knowledge and as many as 31 people (36.9) have good knowledge. The results of statistical tests showed that there was a relationship of knowledge factors with the prevention behavior of COVID 19 transmission by pregnant women in the working area of Klinki AZ Cianjur regency with a p value of 0.001 (p value < 0.05). Of the 53 respondents who have less knowledge, there are 11 (20.8%) respondents whose behavior is good in the prevention of COVID 19 transmission, while of the 31 respondents who have good knowledge, there are still 13 (41.9%) respondents whose behavior is not good in the prevention of COVID 19 transmission. Conclusion. There is a significant relationship between knowledge and COVID 19 transmission prevention behavior in the working area of Klinik AZ Cianjur.    Suggestion : Socialize and maximize social media in efforts to promote covid-19 preventio  Keywords. Knowledge, behavior, covid-19 ABSTRAK Latar Belakang. Perubahan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang terjadi pada kehamilan dapat membuat ibu hamil lebih rentan terhadap infeksi virus corona dan lebih berisiko mengalami gejala penyakit parah dan fatal. Selain itu, demam tinggi yang terjadi akibat covid 19 pada trimester pertama kehamilan dapat meningkatkan risiko cacat lahir pada anak. Virus yang menyebabkan covid 19 berasal dari kelompok virus yang sama dengan sindrom pernapasan acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)  dan  Middle-East respiratory syndrome (MERS).Tujuan. Mengetahui perilaku ibu hamil dalam pencegahan covid-19Metode Penelitian. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitis. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan ibu dengan perilaku ibu hamil dalam pencegahan covid 19. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat kuesioner. Seluruh ibu hamil yang datang untuk memeriksakan kehamilan ke klinik AZ sejak November 2020 hingga Januari 2021 sebanyak 84 ibu hamil. Variabel  dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah pengetahuan ibu dan variabel independen adalah perilaku ibu dalam pencegahan  covid 19. Jenis data yang dikumpulkan adalah data primer yang merupakan data yang diambil langsung dari responden.Hasil. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa dari 84 responden sebanyak 53 orang (63,1%) memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang baik dan sebanyak 31 orang (36,9) memiliki pengetahuan yang baik. Hasil tes statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan faktor pengetahuan dengan perilaku pencegahan penularan covid 19 oleh ibu hamil di wilayah kerja Klinki AZ Kabupaten Cianjur dengan nilai p 0,001 (p nilai < 0,05). Dari 53 responden yang kurang pengetahuan, terdapat 11 (20,8%) responden yang perilakunya baik dalam pencegahan penularan covid 19, sedangkan dari 31 responden yang memiliki pengetahuan baik, masih ada 13 (41,9%) responden yang perilakunya tidak baik dalam pencegahan penularan covid 19.Simpulan. Ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan dan perilaku pencegahan penularan covid-19 di wilayah kerja Klinik AZ CianjurSaran Mengadakan sosialisasi dan memaksimalkan media social dalam upaya promosi pencegahan covid-19  Kata kunci. Pengetahuan, perilaku, covid-19  
Kompetensi Komunikasi Customer Service Sebagai Pendukung Kepuasan Nasabah Yanti Herawati; Siti Komsiah
IKRA-ITH HUMANIORA : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 6 No 1 (2022): IKRAITH-HUMANIORA Vol 6 No 1 Maret 2022
Publisher : Universitas Persada Indonesia YAI

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This research is motivated by the interest of researchers to examine the influence ofcustomer service communication competence on customer satisfaction with the researchobject of Bank Central Asia KCP Pondok Ungu. The purpose of this study was to determinethe magnitude of the influence of customer service communication competence on customersatisfaction. This research uses The Excellent of PR theory. The research method used isquantitative with an explanatory approach. The population in this study were 101customers of BCA KCP Pondok Ungu. The sampling technique used is non-probability withthe accidental sampling method. The results showed that the influence of customer servicecommunication competence on customer satisfaction was 67.2%, then 32.8% wasinfluenced by other things that were not included in this study.
Infant Condition in Pregnant Mothers with Covid-19 Neli Sunarni; Aulia Ridla Fauzi; Sri Wulan Ratna Dewi; Yanti Herawati
Genius Midwifery Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): GENIUS MIDWIFERY JOURNAL
Publisher : Yayasan Inspirasi El Burhani

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1059.125 KB) | DOI: 10.56359/genmj.v1i1.99


Introduction: At the end of December 2019, a case of pneumonia with an unknown cause was reported, which became a new outbreak, starting in Wuhan Area, Hubei Province, China. The disease that is endemic to almost all of the world is Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). In Indonesia, as of July 11, 2020, as many as 74,018 confirmed COVID-19, this has become a major global health problem. COVID-19 can affect anyone, including pregnant women. However, it is noted from several studies showing the mild severity of infection in pregnant women with COVID-19 still requires special attention related to monitoring the condition of the baby in the womb. Common symptoms include fever, coughing, and chest pain. Aim: The purpose of this review literature is to describe the state of babies born to pregnant women with COVID-19. Method: The method was used a literature review by searching for articles published in various databases, including Medline, Science Direct, Cochrane using appropriate keywords (pregnancy, vertical transmision, perinatal, neonatal, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) from March to March June 2020. Results: Results from a review of 6 articles show the condition of babies born to pregnant women with COVID-19 in good health, APGAR scores well, no vertical transmission from mother to fetus, test results of amniotic fluid, umbilical cord blood, neonatal throat swabs and ASI samples were not detected by COVID-19. Conclusion: The conclusion based on the literature review that has been done is the condition of babies born to pregnant women with COVID-19 in a healthy state and found no severe complications
Faktor Determinan Infeksi Menular Seksual Dan HIV/AIDS Di Puskesmas Ibrahim Adjie Kota Bandung Tahun 2022 Rosita Rosita; Yanti Herawati; Ira Kartika; Oktarina Sri Iriani; Dyah Triwidiyantari; Dian Purnama Sari
Jurnal Medika Nusantara Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei: Jurnal Medika Nusantara
Publisher : Stikes Kesdam IV/Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59680/medika.v1i2.595


Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are diseases that have a major impact on sexual and reproductive health. The city of Bandung is the 3 regencies/cities with the most STI cases in West Java where from 2021 there has been an increase in the number of cases from 29.7% or 2,057 cases in 2022. Meanwhile, the cumulative HIV/AIDS cases until the end of 2022 reached 2,428 people. The aim of this research is to determine the determinant factors for the incidence of sexually transmitted infections and the incidence of HIV/AIDS at the Ibrahim Adjie Community Health Center, Bandung City in 2022. The research design uses a cross sectional study, the variables studied are sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS, age, risk factor groups. condom use, and number of sexual partners. Data analysis was carried out univariate, bivariate and multivariate using linear regression analysis techniques. The results of the study show that there is a significant relationship between infectious infections and HIV based on age, risk factor groups, condom use. Multivariate test based on sexually transmitted infection variables, of the four determinant factors, only the risk factor group has an influence on sexually transmitted infections. Meanwhile, from the HIV variable, of the four determinant factors, there are 3 factors that influence the incidence of HIV, namely risk factor groups, number of sexual partners, and condom use.