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Penentuan Pengelolaan Suku Cadang Pada Turbin Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air Dengan Metode Reliability Centered Spares (rcs) Dan Inventory Analysis Di Divisi Pembangkitan Perum Jasa Tirta Ii Muhammad Iqbal Rosyidin; Haris Rachmat; Murni Dwi Astuti
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 2, No 2 (2015): Agustus, 2015
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak - Perum Jasa Tirta II (PJT II) merupakan salah satu Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN). PJT II bergerak di bidang pengelolaan sumber daya air. PJT II memiliki beberapa unit usaha, salah satunya adalah unit pembangkitan. Dalam unit pembangkitan terdapat unit Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air (PLTA) yang terdiri dari 6 buah turbin yang digunakan untuk memproduksi listrik. Untuk menunjang produktivitas dalam memenuhi demand maka kinerja turbin perlu ditingkatkan. Suku cadang komponen memegang peran penting dalam kegiatan maintenance turbin. Berdasarkan hasil observasi lapangan didapatkan perusahaan masih belum memiliki spare part management, sehingga diperlukan suatu kegiatan spare part management yang terencana dengan baik. Spare part management dapat menunjang kegiatan operasional dan maintenance perusahaan. Hasil criticality analysis menggunakan metode RCS pada komponen sistem governor didapatkan 10 komponen kritis, yaitu motor servo, heat exchanger, motor pompa, coupling, plunger, karet coupling, safety valve, impeller, gate valve, dan ball valve. Komponen kritis selanjutnya dihitung kebutuhan komponennya dengan menggunakan metode poisson process selama 1 tahun dengan confidence level sebesar 95%. Dari masing-masing komponen selanjutnya ditentukan kebijakan inventorynya. Kemudian dilakukan perhitungan biaya inventory yang harus dikeluarkan perusahaan untuk masing-masing komponen, sehingga didapatkan total biaya inventory yang dikeluarkan selama 1 tahun sebesar Rp 129.840.867,18. Kata Kunci : SPM, RCS, Inventory Analysis, Poisson Process
Usulan Perancangan Desain Toolholder Dengan Menggunakan Metode Pengembangan Produk Quality Function Deployment Tio Auzan Hawali; Haris Rachmat; Denny Sukma Eka Atmaja
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 5, No 2 (2018): Agustus 2018
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Dalam proses pemotongan logam tingkat kekasaran permukaan merupakan salah satu faktor yang menunjukkan kualitas pengerjaan dan kualitas dari produk. Salah satu teknologi baru dalam proses permesinan untuk meningkatkan hasil pemotongan logam pada proses bubut konvensional diperlukan tool holder dengan teknologi vibrasi dimana hasil dari pemotongan logam akan lebil halus di bandingkan dengan tool holder biasa yang digunakan. Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Turning (UVAT) merupakan teknologi baru yang dapat meredam suara, getaran pada mesin bubut, dapat mengurangi terjadinya keretakan pada logam, permukaan benda kerja dari hasil pemotongan lebih halus. Dalam teknologi Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Turning devais yang digunakan adalah piezoelektric actuator. Piezoelektric actuator adalah devais yang mempunyai kelebihan dalam akurasi gerakan, respon yang cepat dan gaya yang besar. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas dalam proses permesinan dalam pemotongan logam maka peneliti akan membuat desain tool holder UVAT yang dapat digunakan pada mesin bubut konvensional. Pada penelitian ini metode yang digunakan Quality Function Deployment untuk merancang atribut kebutuhan tool holder yang sesuai kebutuhan pasar. Alat yang digunakan pada Quality Function Deployment adalah matriks House of Quality. Pada penelitian ini juga dilakukan pengujian, yaitu pengujian statik pada tool holder dengan menggunakan software Solidworks 2016 dan beban yang diberikan sebesar 1600 N. Hasil simulasi statik diperoleh nilai strength paling besar 126.689 N/mm² (MPa), nilai displacement 7.335 micron dan factor of safety 1.632. Kata Kunci : Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Turning, Piezoelektric Actuator, Quality Function Deployment, House of Quality Abstract In the process of metal cutting the level of surface roughness is one factor that shows the quality of workmanship and the quality of the product. One of the new technologies in the machining process to improve the metal cutting results in a conventional lathe process is the need for a tool holder with vibration technology where the result of cutting the metal will be smoother compared to the usual tool holder used. Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Turning (UVAT) is a new technology that can reduce sound, vibration on the lathe, can reduce the occurrence of cracks in the metal, the workpiece surface from the cutting results are smoother. In Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Turning Device technology used is piezoelectric actuator. Piezoelectric actuator is a device that has advantages in motion accuracy, fast response and great style. To improve the quality of the machining process in metal cutting, the researcher will create a UVAT tool holder design that can be used on conventional lathes. In this study the method used Quality Function Deployment to design the attributes of tool holder needs that fit the market needs. The tool used in Quality Function Deployment is the House of Quality matrix. In this research also tested, that is static test on tool holder by using Solidworks 2016 software and load given equal to 1600 N. The result of static simulation is obtained by strength value most 126,689 N / mm² (MPa), 735 micron displacement value and factor of safety 1.632. Keywords: Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Turning, Piezoelektric Actuator, Quality Function Deployment, House of Quality
Optimizing Woven Fabric Defect Detection For Inspection Using Image Processing And Fuzzy Logic At Cv. Maemunah Majalaya Irfan Ferdyansah; Haris Rachmat; Denny Sukma Eka Atmaja
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 3, No 2 (2016): Agustus, 2016
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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West Java has the largest number of textile industry in Indonesia. One of the companies that engaged in textiles is CV. Maemunah which located in the district of Ibun, Majalaya Bandung. The product of CV. Maemunah has been exported to Japan. To require fabric export best quality is needed to compete with other country. For to get the best quality of product needs to consider their quality control. In The inspection process still manually used four inspection stations with two workers in each station and average 23 second processing time needed inspection per screen. Therefore, unbalance of production volume with inspection process. The effect is bottle neck in inspection process. Inspection Process in CV. In this research proposed designing automated fabric inspection using image processing and Fuzzy Logic Model. Undertake extraction using GLCM to get value of autocorrelation, cluster shade and number of object. The proposed fabric inspection using Fuzzy Logic implemented with MATLAB provides better result in identifying fabric defect and optimizing process time. Using 35 data test produces an overall accuracy 82.86% and average process time 2.528 second. Therefore, using automated fabric inspection can decrease process time 17 second. Keywords: Automated Fabric Inspection, Fabric Defect Detection, Image Processing, Fuzzy Logic Model
Automation System Design For Stopper Valve Chamfering Process On Bench Lathe SD-32A Machine At PT. Dharma Precision Parts Mohamad Ilham Fauzan; Haris Rachmat; Rino Andias Anugraha
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 2, No 2 (2015): Agustus, 2015
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstract As the rapid development of technology, encourages manufacturing companies to be able to implement the technology into its production process, one of the technologies is automation that can improve the productivity. PT. Dharma Precision Parts is one of the manufacturing company that producing machining parts with various types of products, one of them is stopper valve. The problems that arise in stopper valve production process is the manufacturing process still manual that rely on the operator's involvement and also the inability of the company to fulfill production targets. Automation system design using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) as the main controller in the process and pneumatic technology as driver is done in order to resolve the these problems and can be applied to the chamfering process of stopper valve part. From research conducted it can be concluded that, automation system design for chamfering process stopper valve parts on Bench Lathe machine SD-32A at PT. Dharma Precision Parts has been completed and the new process time for chamfering process is around 5 seconds/parts. Using automation system in the stopper valve part production process is expected to increase production capacity and reduce the use of labor then provide a positive impact to the company. Keywords: Automation, Programmable Logic Controller, PLC Programming, Pneumatic, Omron PLC
Design Of Automation System For Ceramic Surface Quality Control Using Fuzzy Logic Method At Balai Besar Keramik (bbk) Anggie Prahas Putri; Haris Rachmat; Denny Suka Eta Atmaja
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Agustus, 2017
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Indonesia is the world's top 10 ceramic users. To obtain best quality need to consider process of quality control, in SNI ISO 13006: 2010 there are six variables characteristic requirements related to quality of ceramic tiles. Currently the process of ceramic quality inspection in Indonesia, particularly in the Balai Besar Keramik is still done manually by human vision. Therefore, it is necessary to design a visual inspection system for digital image processing of ceramic automation using Fuzzy Logic method. Fuzzy model is one method that can be used to determine ceramic surface quality control. This study aims to apply fuzzy model in design of automation system for ceramic surface quality control and describes its accuracy rate and automatic database. To perform feature extraction using GLCM extraction method to obtain autocorrelation, sum of square (variance), and number of object. The information is used as input for data processing using fuzzy model in the identification of quality of ceramic surface defect. This research uses 13 real time test data which can produce the accuracy of automatic ceramic quality identification 92.31%. Keywords : Automated Ceramic Surface Quality Control, Ceramic Defect Detection, Image Processing, Fuzzy Logic Model
Design Of Automation System For Ceramic Surface Quality Control Using Artificial Neural Network At Balai Besar Keramik Puspita Ayu Lestari; Haris Rachmat; Denny Sukma Eka Atmaja
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Agustus, 2017
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Kendaraan Khusus jenis Komodo MBDA merupakan salah satu produk yang dihasilkan oleh PT. Pindad. Terdapat beberapa komponen penyusun kendaraan jenis Komodo MBDA yang sering mengalami defect, salah satunya adalah pintu bagian depan. Berdasarkan data perusahaan periode Juni 2016-November 2016 presentase rata-rata tejadinya defective pintu bagian depan mencapai 31% untuk setiap bulannya, sehingga melebihi batas toleransi defective yang telah ditetapkan oleh perusahaan yaitu 12%. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang telah diuraikan sebelumnya dibutuhkan perancangan perbaikan untuk meminimasi defect dengan menggunakan metode Six Sigma. Pada metode Six Sigma terdiri dari lima tahap yaitu define, measure, analyze, improve, dan control (DMAIC). Pada tahap define dilakukan identifikasi CTQ dan pemetaan proses produksi dengan menggunakan diagram SIPOC. Pada tahap measure dilakukan pengukuran stabilitas proses dan kapabilitas proses. Pada tahap analyze menentukan jenis cacat tertinggi pada produk dengan menggunakan pareto diagram dan melakukan analisis faktor penyebab defect dengan menggunakan fishbone diagram, dan 5 why’s, serta menentukan prioritas untuk usulan perbaikan dengan menggunakan FMEA. Dari hasil FMEA akan dilakukan tahap improve yaitu pembuatan rancangan usulan perbaikan berdasarkan prioritas. Prioritas utama usulan perbaikan yaitu berupa alat bantu dan usulan perbaikan lainnya yaitu berupa display visual.Usulan alat bantu digunakan untuk lebih memudahkan dalam melakukan proses assembly plat pintu dengan komponen penyusun Komodo MBDA lainnya, dengan memiliki sistem pengunci sehingga ketika proses assembly plat pintu tidak bergeser-geser. Display visual yang diusulkan yaitu untuk mengingatkan operator agar memberikan waktu jeda dalam proses pengelasan dan mengingatkan operator agar disiplin dalam melakukan pekerjaan.
Flexibility Improvement On Energy Consumption Of Punching Machine Based On Green Manufacturing Method At Pt Buana Intan Gemilang Firda Mawaddah; Haris Rachmat; Tatang Mulyana
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Agustus, 2017
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstract These days, Green Manufacturing has established become a new thing for professional engineers and manufacturing workers to be an important part in the business world. Green manufacturing is a method for manufacturing that minimizes waste and pollution. These goals are often achieved through product and process design (Thomas, 2001). Green Manufacturing was created to reflect the new manufacturing paradigm techniques to make something become more eco-efficient by reducing the energy consumption. Jacquard punching machine is a machine that designed to cut a hole in material such as card stock named jacquard card. This card controlled the weaving process in textile industry to enabling produce the patterns of facbic. This machine is still working manually with the flexibility less than 90 percent that led to the longest production time in meeting the request, thus causing the electrical energy released for this machine is also very high. On the basis of these problems required a system to improve the flexibility of the machine in order to be able to reduce energy consumption and make the company become more green environmentally friendly. From this research generated an automation system which will be applied on a jacquard punchine machine that can increase flexibility machine to be more than 90 percent. This system has saving the electricity consumption of 2092 KWh every making a complete fabric pattern. Keywords: Green Manufacturing, Automated System, Jacquard Punching Machine, Flexibility
Design To Minimize Time Production For Reduce Energy Consumption On Jacquard Punching Machine Based On Green Manufacturing Method (study Case : Buana Intan Gemilang Corporation) Firza Ahmad Setiyansyah; Haris Rachmat; Tatang Mulyana
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Agustus, 2017
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstract In the 21st century, the use of machine energy in the industrial world has increased significantly every year. In 2000 the use of electric energy in the world around 13,000 Kwh and in 2015 has reached 22,000 Kwh. In Indonesia energy use by the industrial sector is also quite large, one of them is the textile industry sector. PT. Buana Intan Gemilang is a textile company that produces prayer mats and curtains with a wide sales area. PT. Buana Intan Gemilang has problem in making pattern card by using punching machine, energy use in punching machine is quite big because production process on punching machine using manual process. So it requires an improvement on the use of energy and production time of making pattern card. Green manufacturing is a method that can be used to solve problems associated with waste in the punching machine. The application of green manufacturing method is done in three stages; Identify your color, prepare your brush, paint it green, keep it green. After applying the green manufacturing method on PT. Buana Intan Gemilang energy usage of punching machine was reduced from 33116 Kwh to 8366 Kwh in producing one type of pattern card. Production time also increased in producing one type of pattern from 332 seconds to 83 seconds. Keywords: Green Manufacturing, Automation, Energy consumption, Production time, Punching machine
Cost Optimization On Energy Consumption Of Punching Machine Based On Green Manufacturing Method At Pt Buana Intan Gemilang Ayudia Prillia; Haris Rachmat; Tatang Mulyana
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Agustus, 2017
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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PT Buana Intan Gemilang is a company engaged in textile industry. The punching machine is a machine that produces pattern cards that control the patterns of the fabric process. The engine still works manually so it takes a long production time and increases waste in the cost of electrical energy. PT Buana Intan Gemilang, can implement a green manufacturing method on punching machine, thus the company can reduce energy consumption. The first process to do is to identify the color by classifying the company into the black, brown, gray or green color categories using questionnaire. The next process is prepare your brush or the improvement area to be optimized and analyzed. Improvement plan at this stage that is focusing on energy area and technology. In the next stage of paint it green, this process applies green by modifying the technology through implementing automation system on the punching machine so that there is an increase of green level on the process machine. After applying the green manufacturing method and implementation automation system on the punching machine can optimize the use of energy consumption, cost to use of electrical energy consumption to produce jacquard card on an automated punching machine can save cost Rp 1.068.159/day. Keywords : Green Manufacturing, Cost, Punching Machine, Automation System
Sistem Pengontrolan Smart Home Menggunakan Raspberry Pi Berbasis Internet Of Things Sevhira Ivani Aswir; Haris Rachmat; Ayudita Oktafiani
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Perkembangan teknologi sangat berkembang pesat pada era sekarang. Akibat perkembangan tersebut ada dampak yang akan ditimbulkan. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara berkembang yang memiliki jumlah penduduk pada tahun 2019 mencapai 267 juta jiwa. Seiring dengan bertambahnya populasi masyarakat Indonesia dari tahun ke tahun serta perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat, maka akan meningkatkan permintaan konsumsi energi listrik. Selain sistem pengontrolan lampu pada rumah, peneliti juga mengontrol pada sistem keamanan pintu rumah dan garasi. Karena banyaknya kasus kemalingan atau pencurian yang marak terjadi di negara ini. Kesadaran masyarakat Indonesia masih minim dalam mengonsumsi energi listrik dan dalam menjaga keamanan, oleh karena itu peneliti membuat sebuah rancangan sistem pengontrolan Smart Home yang berfungsi sebagai pengendali lampu, pintu serta garasi pada rumah tangga berbasis Internet of Things yang dapat diakses oleh website dan dapat dikontrol dengan jarak jauh. Mikrokontroler yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Raspberry Pi. Raspberry Pi berfungsi sebagai server yang menghubungkan antara hardware dan software yang dikontrol melalui website. Sistem pada Smart Home ini menggunakan metode prototyping. Dengan demikian dapat memberikan solusi dalam mengontrol lampu, pintu rumah dan garasi sehingga dapat meningkatkan keamanan serta meminimalkan pemborosan konsumsi listrik ketika pengguna lupa mematikan lampu, menutup pintu atau garasi, saat pengguna berada diluar rumah atau dimanapun pengguna berada yang bermanfaat untuk meringankan kerja pengguna. Kata kunci: Smart Home, Internet of Things, Raspberry Pi, Website, Prototyping. Abstract Technological developments have developed rapidly in the present era. As a result of these developments there are impacts that will be caused. Indonesia is one of the developing countries that has a population in 2019 reaching 267 million. Along with the increasing population of Indonesia from year to year and changes in people's lifestyles, it will increase the demand for electricity consumption. In addition to the light control system at home, researchers also control the security systems of the home and garage doors. Because of the many cases of theft or theft that are rampant in this country. Indonesian public awareness is still minimal in consuming electrical energy and in maintaining security, therefore the researcher created a Smart Home control system that functions as a light, door and garage controller for Internet of Things-based households that can be accessed by the website and can be controlled by long distance. The microcontroller used in this study is the Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi functions as a server that connects hardware and software that is controlled through the website. The system on the Smart Home uses the prototyping method. Thus it can provide a solution in controlling lights, doors and garages so that it can improve security and minimize waste of electricity consumption when users forget to turn off lights, close doors or garages, when users are outside the home or wherever users are useful to ease the user's work. Keywords: Smart Home, Internet of Things, Raspberry Pi, Website, Prototyping