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Traffic Management Effectivity of Bulak Kapal Underpass Development, Bekasi Indonesia Yola Rachmadina; Andri Irfan Rifai; Susanty Handayani
Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Special Issue: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (437.818 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/ijoms.v1i1.395


Crossroads are one of the places that become a source of congestion. One of the intersections that are a source of congestion in Bekasi is the Bulak Kapal Intersection. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of traffic management in the Bulak Kapal Underpass. The data collection method was carried out by distributing questionnaires offline and online. Data processing from respondents' questionnaire answers is presented using a spider chart with Microsoft Excel tools. The results showed that eleven parameter assessments before the Underpass was built and after the Underpass was built experienced an increase. The three parameters with the highest gap values or parameters that share a significant increase are traffic density, vehicle speed, and comfort. Meanwhile, the three parameters with the lowest gap values are road condition parameters, road completeness, and environmental friendliness.
The Analysis of National Road User Satisfaction in Urban Area (Case Study of The PGC-Kramat Jati-Graha Cijantung Route, Jakarta) Jody Andrian Muatan; Andri Irfan Rifai; Susanty Handayani
Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Special Issue: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (305.883 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/ijoms.v1i1.397


Jalan Raya Bogor is a national road that connects the cities of Jakarta, Bogor, and Depok. Therefore, this national road is significant for the surrounding community to carry out activities and even affect the surrounding economy. Therefore, the quality of road services such as road pavement conditions, road shoulder conditions, drainage/waterway conditions, complementary road conditions, markings, signs, condition of complementary road buildings, and condition of plants/grass around the road are essential indicators for achieving good road service. Therefore, identification is needed regarding the evaluation of road service performance by applying the following aspects of the provisions of the road terms applicable in Indonesia. Furthermore, the most important thing is the achievement of community needs in transportation activities. Therefore, this study aims to identify the performance of road services in terms of the level of importance and the level of application of road infrastructure components in the perception of road users with the methods used using the Customer Satisfaction Index and Importance Performance Analysis analysis.
The Passenger Satisfaction Analysis of Commuter Line in the New-Normal Period Dimas Pratama; Andri Irfan Rifai; Susanty Handayani
Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Special Issue: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (160.773 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/ijoms.v1i1.398


KRL Commuter Line is an adequate means of public transportation and has a vital role in the activities or activities of the general public in the Jabodetabek area. However, since the Indonesian government declared a state of emergency and the coronavirus outbreak a national disaster due to the spread of the Covid-19 virus in March 2020, it has impacted the service system Commuter Line KRL operations. With the Covid-19 virus, PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia has created a new operational service system to continue providing exemplary service so that KRL Commuter Line service users remain safe and comfortable. Furthermore, PT Train Commuter Indonesia implements regulations and policies following government regulations to stop the spread of Covid-19, such as implementing protocols health of KRL Commuter Line service users, thereby affecting travel patterns. Therefore, the authors want to research the behavior of transportation users on the public KRL Commuter Line in the New Normal Period. The writer also wants to know the public's perception of the applicable health protocol regulations and policies and whether they affect KRL Commuter Line passenger trips.
The Passenger Satisfaction Analysis of Commuter Line Facility: A Case of Manggarai Station, Indonesia Betty Rosyana Manurung; Andri Irfan Rifai; Susanty Handayani
Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Special Issue: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (148.559 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/ijoms.v1i1.399


Manggarai Station is one of the railway stations offering rail-based land transportation services managed by PT KAI Commuter, a subsidiary of PT KAI Indonesia. Aiming for completion in 2025, Manggarai Station is currently undergoing repairs at multiple facilities. Multiple facilities are offered to meet consumer needs. The presence of this train will arouse people's interest in rail travel. The services provided by Manggarai Station are one aspect to consider. To know how Manggarai Station's facilities and services support customer satisfaction. The research method used in this study is a descriptive analysis method using primary data obtained directly by the researchers from the results of data collection using questionnaires. The purpose of this study is to analyze how high the services and facilities offered by Manggarai station are. Consumer satisfaction influences the subconscious response to always use trains over other modes of transport. It has long-term effects and also affects the profits generated. Based on the above case, the researcher is interested in conducting a study entitled analysis of his KRL commuter facilities on passenger satisfaction at Manggarai station.
Modal Choice Analysis of Electric Railway Train and Private Vehicle for Travelers in Mangga Dua With Stated Preference Method Andri Irfan Rifai; Shahar Banu; Susanty Handayani
Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Special Issue: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (309.699 KB) | DOI: 10.55324/ijoms.v1i1.403


Transportation activity is a vital need for urban economic development. Mangga Dua, as a shopping center area and many other commercial points, has been supported by various modes of public transportation, one of which is the Electric Rail Train (KRL). The Bekasi area and its surroundings are a supporter of the transportation and agglomeration of Jakarta. Every day, many Bekasi people use the KRL for mobility activities to various areas covered by the KRL, including Mangga Dua. Even so, many private vehicle users still depend on road infrastructure which causes traffic congestion problems for Jakarta – Bekasi mobility. However, the fact that the Cikarang - Kampung Bandan KRL route is always busy indicates that KRL is still a solution for Bekasi - Jakarta transportation problem that many people choose. This research is intended to determine what factors influence the choice of KRL mode and what factors influence the choice of that mode. The method used is stated preference by collecting primary data using questionnaires from respondents who commute using Cikarang – Kampung Bandan Line. Data processing and analysis were carried out with the help of SPSS software version 16.0. The data processing and analysis results show that the factors influencing the choice of KRL mode are cost-effectiveness, safety, and convenience. Congestion and ease of access are the most influential factors afterward, and the effectiveness of travel time is the last order factor out of 5 factors in the most influential hypothesis. With the result that 71% of respondents chose KRL over motorbikes, it was concluded that KRL as a rail-based mode is a solution to the Jakarta - Bekasi transportation problem.
Pendekatan Transit Oriented Development dalam Memoderenisasi Transportasi Publik di Tiga Kota Penyangga Utama Jakarta Andri Irfan Rifai; Susanty Handayani; Muhammad Isradi; Nasrun .
Rekayasa Sipil Vol 12, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/jrs.2023.v12.i1.01


Pendekatan Transit Oriented Development (TOD) pada kota-kota penyangga merupakan tantangan tersendiri. Hal tersebut berkaitan erat dengan tingkat kesulitan penataan transportasi publik yang sudah terbentuk secara tradisional selama beberapa dekade. Tentu saja konsep yang ditawarkan tidak bisa sama dengan pengembangan di area yang sudah didesain dari awal sebagai TOD modern. Paper ini mengkaji sebuah konsep pendekatan penataan TOD dalam mendorong moderenisasi transportasi publik dengan memanfaatkan secara optimal kota penyangga yang sudah terbangun dengan terus memperhatikan estitika pembentuk kota. Analisis dilakukan pada sumber-sumber sekunder (artikel, buku, dan laporan perencanaan). Fokus studi lebih banyak pada penentuan kebijakan, serta ditambah secara minor dengan perhitungan, pengukuran, dan metrik. Kota penyangga yang dipilih, adalah kota penyangga yang terbentuk secara tradisional, yaitu Kota Bogor, Kota Bekasi, dan Kota Tangerang. Hasil analisa memperlihatkan bahwa dalam Menyusun TOD pada kota penyangga tradisional harus memperhatikan penentuan strategi pengembangan kawasan TOD, kriteria teknis kawasan TOD, dan perangkat penunjang kawasan TOD. Sedangkan untuk pengembangan transportasi modern dalam mendukung TOD adalah harus memperhatikan aspek angkutan umum, Aspek keterhubungan dan konektivitas, aspek fasilitas pejalan kaki, aspek fasilitas khusus pesepeda, dan aspek peralihan moda.
Kepuasan penumpang pada terminal bus di kawasan Pondok Cabe Achmad Komarrudin; Susanty Handayani; Abdullah Ade Suryobuwono; Prasadja Ricardianto; Edi Abdurachman
MBR (Management and Business Review) Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/mbr.v7i1.8190


The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of service quality, terminal accessibility toward passenger satisfaction, the influence of service quality, terminal accessibility and passenger satisfaction regarding passenger loyalty as well as indirect influence of service quality and terminal accessibility toward passenger loyalty concerning passenger satisfaction at Terminal Pondok Cabe. The samples for this research are 200 respondens who are passenger of Terminal Pondok Cabe. Data was collected using an online questionnaire, and analyzed using path analysis and the Sobel test. The research findings show that passenger loyalty is influenced by service quality and passenger satisfaction but not by terminal accessibility. Customer satisfaction can mediate the effect of service quality and terminal accessibility on customer loyalty.
Risk Management of High-Rise Buildings in Coastal Areas: A Bibliometric Review Using Vosviewer Rahmat Hermawan; Andri Irfan Rifai; Mulia Pamadi; Susanty Handayani
Return : Study of Management, Economic and Bussines Vol. 3 No. 6 (2024): Return : Study of Management, Economic And Bussines
Publisher : PT. Publikasiku Academic Solution

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57096/return.v3i6.240


The research aims to provide a comprehensive and quantitative analysis of the existing literature on risk management of high-rise buildings in coastal areas, identify research trends, and evaluate the impact of scientific publications in this field. This research focuses on the importance of risk management in high-rise buildings located in coastal areas, considering the increasing sea levels, extreme weather events, and high population density. This research uses bibliometric analysis, specifically VOSviewer software, to analyze data from 1000 publications with keywords such as Risk Management, Coastal Area, High-rise building, and Environmental Risk from 2000 to 2023. The research involves extensive bibliometric data analysis, including keyword frequency analysis, time trends, and relationships between authors and journals. The research results are expected to provide valuable insights for researchers and practitioners in developing practical and sustainable risk management strategies for high-rise buildings in coastal areas. The conclusion of this study is that the research trend on risk management of high-rise buildings in coastal areas is still an interesting topic around the world and will continue to develop continuously.