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Distributed rule execution mechanism in smart home system Agung Setia Budi; Hurriyatul Fitriyah; Eko Setiawan; Rakhmadhany Primananda; Rizal Maulana
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Vol 12, No 4: August 2022
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijece.v12i4.pp4439-4448


Smart home systems become an interesting topics in the last few years. Many researchers have been studied some features. Most of smart home system use a centralized architecture know as centralized smart home system (CSHS). The centralizedmechanism is easy to manage and to configure. However, in fault-tolerant systemparadigm it produces a problem. The entire system will fail, if the master station fails.Another problem of CSHS is centralized mechanism gives more data-flow. This condition makes the system has a greater delay time. To solve the problem, we proposea distributed rule execution mechanism (DREM). Compared to the centralized mechanism, the DREM allows a device to provide its service without any commands fromthe master station. In this mechanism, since the information does not need to go tothe master station, the data-flow and the delay-time can be decreased. The experimentresults show that the DREM is able to mask the failure in the master station by directlytransmit the data from trigger device to service device. This mechanism makes the services provision without master station possible. The mathematical analysis also shows that the delay time of the service provision of the DREM is less than the delay time ofCSHS.
Interactive Design of 3D -Tactile Map for Visual Impairment people Muhammad Arif; Fatwa Ramdani; Agung Setia Budi
Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 6 No. 2: August 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM) Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2214.307 KB) | DOI: 10.25126/jitecs.202162292


on maps. In general, the map can only be used by users who are can see visually and blind people have difficulty reading the map because there is no map for the visual impairment in 3D. This map has the advantage of being printable so that it is easy to understand and use for blind users. Amid the development of the map, the authors developed a 3D interactive map design that can accommodate the needs of blind users. This development is generated from DSM data through aerial surveys using drones altered to produce a smoother surface so that it can be reconstructed into a 3D design and analysis of the level of texture density and the level of conformity to the real or original shape and reconstruction using aims to improve and model. Shape to fit the 3-dimensional printing process. The voice module is installed using the RFID Tag identification that is embedded in the 3D map and the RFID Reader in the user's hand, with voice data processing. This innovation that has been developed has the advantage of having a 3-dimensional shape that can be felt, texture, shape, and height equipped with braille-shaped markings that are specially made using Riglet for easy reading and sound as a support to improve the blind's people spatial understanding and spatial literacy.
Penerapan Mekanisme Komunikasi Multi-hop pada Bluetooth Low Energy Agung Setia Budi; Muhammad Hanif Azhar Efendi; Adhitya Bhawiyuga; Mochammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 9 No 2: April 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2022925684


Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, perkembangan teknologi akan semakin pesat, begitu pun teknologi dalam bidang wireless communication atau komunikasi tanpa kabel. Salah satu teknologi wireless yang sudah ada cukup lama adalah Bluetooth, adapun pengembangan dari teknologi Bluetooth adalah Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Tujuan dikembangkannya BLE adalah agar sumber daya yang digunakan saat proses transmisi data lebih rendah dari Bluetooth yang sudah ada sebelumnya. Adapun terdapat beberapa batasan yang ada pada Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), salah satunya adalah hanya dapat berkomunikasi satu dengan yang lainnya dalam jarak yang dekat dikarenakan adanya keterbatasan sumber daya. Berdasarkan dari permasalahan tersebut, pada penelitian ini dirancang mekanisme komunikasi multi-hop pada BLE untuk mengatasi permasalahan jarak yang terbatas. Pada penelitian ini, topologi yang digunakan adalah topologi tree, dan hardware yang digunakan adalah ESP32. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan mekanisme komunikasi multi-hop pada BLE yang dirancang dapat diterapkan dengan sukses. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa pengiriman data dari sebuah Sensor Node ke Sink Node yang melewati dua Relay Node (3-hop) membutuhkan waktu rata-rata 1846,4 ms.AbstractTechnology has been being developed very fast in the last couple years. One of that technology is wireless communication. There are so many wirelees communication technologies arround us nowadays, such as Wi-Fi, LoRa, Zigbee,and Bluetooth. The recent update of Bluetooth technology is Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). The purpose of developing BLE is to decrease the energy used during the data transmission process. But there are some limitations in BLE. One of them is that we can only communicate with each other in a short distance due to resources limitation. Based on these problem, in this research we want to implement the multi-hop communication mechanism on BLE to overcome short distance communication problem. In this research, we use tree topology and ESP32 as the hardware. The results of this research shows that the mechanism of multi-hop communication on BLE can be applied successfully. The experiment result shows that the transmissionof data from a Sensor Node to a Sink Node through two Relay Nodes (3-hops) needs the average time of 1846,4 ms.
Controlling the Nutrition Water Level in the Non-Circulating Hydroponics based on the Top Projected Canopy Area Hurriyatul Fitriyah; Agung Setia Budi; Rizal Maulana; Eko Setiawan
IJCCS (Indonesian Journal of Computing and Cybernetics Systems) Vol 16, No 2 (2022): April
Publisher : IndoCEISS in colaboration with Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/ijccs.70556


Deep Water Culture Hydroponics is suitable for a large-scale plantation as it does not require turn-on the electric pump constantly. Nevertheless, this method needs an electric aerator to give Oxygen to the roots. Kratky’s and Dry Hydroponics are the two methods that suggest an air gap between the raft and the nutrient water level. The gap gives Oxygen to the roots without an aeration pump. Controlling the nutrient water level is required to give a good distance of air gap for Precision Agriculture. The root length estimation used to be done manually by opening the raft, but this research promotes automatic and non-contact estimation using the camera. The images are used to predict the root length based on the Top Projected Canopy Area (TPCA) using various Regression Methods. The test shows that the TPCA gives a high correlation toward the Root Length (>0.9). To control the nutrient water level, this research compares If-Else and the Linear Regression. The error between the actual level that is measured using an Ultrasonic sensor and the setpoint is fed to an Arduino Uno to control the duration of an inlet pump and the outlet pump. The If-Else and the Linear Regression method show good results.
Sistem Deteksi Myocardial Infarction Berdasarkan Pathological Q Waves Dan ST Segment Elevation Menggunakan Metode Support Vector Machine Ragil Hadi Prasetyo; Edita Rosana Widasari; Agung Setia Budi
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 9 No 7: Spesial Issue Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Rekayasa Informasi (SENTRIN) 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2022976837


Jantung merupakan organ yang sangat penting bagi tubuh manusia karena jika mengalami gangguan pada jantung akan memberi dampak yang besar pada tubuh. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) kematian yang disebabkan oleh penyakit jantung di dunia mencapai 17.9 juta setiap tahunnya. Salah satu gangguan pada jantung adalah Myocardial Infarction yaitu gangguan yang diakibatkan oleh penyumbatan darah menuju jantung. Salah satu cara untuk mengetahui seseorang menderita Myocardial Infarction yaitu dengan melakukan tes Electrocardiogram (ECG), tetapi untuk melakukan test ECG tersebut cukup mahal dan sulit dijangkau untuk beberapa orang. Penelitian ini melakukan deteksi Myocardial Infarction berdasarkan 2 kondisi sinyal abnormal yaitu Pathological Q Waves dan ST Segment Elevation. Kedua kondisi sinyal abnormal tersebut dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi Myocardial Infarction. Penelitian ini menggunakan modul sensor AD8232 sebagai input untuk membaca aliran listrik pada jantung. Kemudian sinyal yang dibaca oleh sensor diproses di Arduino Uno dan dilakukan klasifikasi dan menampilkan hasilnya pada LCD 16x2 sebagai output. Penelitian ini melakukan pengujian modul sensor AD8232 dalam menghitung Beat per Minute (BPM) dan mendapatkan akurasi 99%. Klasifikasi yang digunakan yaitu Support Vector Machine yang mendapatkan akurasi 83.,30% dengan rata-rata waktu komputasi 31,20ms.AbstractHeart is a very important organ for the human body because if you experience a disorder of the heart it will have a big impact on the body. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), deaths caused by heart disease in the world reach 17.9 million each year. One of the disorders in the heart is Myocardial Infarction which is a disorder caused by blood blockage to the heart. One way to find out someone has Myocardial Infarction is to do an Electrocardiogram (ECG) test, but to do an ECG test is quite expensive and difficult to reach for some people. This study detected Myocardial Infarction based on 2 abnormal signal conditions, namely Pathological Q Waves and ST Segment Elevation. Both abnormal signal conditions can be used to detect Myocardial Infarction. This study used the AD8232 sensor module as an input to read the electricity flow in the heart. Then the signal read by the sensor is processed in the Arduino Uno and is classified and displays the result on a 16x2 LCD as an output. The study tested the AD8232 sensor module in calculating (Beat Per Minute)BPM and obtained 99% Accuracy. The classification used is the Support Vector Machine which gets an accuracy of 83.30% with an average computing time of 31.20ms.
Implementasi Algoritme Evolusioner NSGA-II pada Optimasi Daya Wireless Power Transfer Multi-Penerlima Sabriansyah Rizqika Akbar; Eko Setiawan; Agung Setiabudi
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 9 No 7: Spesial Issue Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Rekayasa Informasi (SENTRIN) 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2022976780


Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) merupakan teknologi yang dapat menghantarkan energi listrik tanpa kabel. Teknologi WPT terus dikembangkan untuk mencapai tujuan yaitu meningkatkan kemampuan sistem dalam memaksimalkan daya yang diserap pada beban di sisi penerima. Teknologi WPT saat ini banyak digunakan dan diterapkan untuk pengisian daya pada perangkat elektronik dengan memanfaatkan konsep koil induktif kopling. Induktif WPT memanfaatkan pasangan koil antara koil primer sebagai sumber, dan koil sekunder sebagai penerima. Salah satu tantangan desain sistem WPT adalah mendapatkan daya optimal dengan batasan-batasan rekayasa yang ada. Untuk mendapatkan daya optimal, diperlukan beberapa langkah sistematis dimulai dengan analisis sistem dan rangkaian, penentuan variabel state-space, dan model matematis. Parameter utama (sumber tegangan, kapasitansi, induktansi, dan mutual inductance) tercantum dalam model matematis untuk selanjutnya diformulasikan sebagaidaya pada multi-penerima sebagai multi objective-function. Proses optimasi dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan batasan rekayasa nilai kapasitansi yang ada di pasaran dan limitasi nilai frekuensi yang dapat beroperasi pada rangkaian listrik. Algoritme evolusioner NSGA-II digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahanmulti objective-function dan batasannya untuk memperoleh nilai parameter optimal. Selanjutnya, Perolehan nilai parameter optimal dibandingkan dengan hasil aplikasi simulator LTSPICE untuk melakukan validasi nilai daya pada penerima. Dalam proses optimasi dengan NSGA-II, jumlah generasi akan menentukan kecepatan proses optimasi. Untuk itu, evaluasi running-metric dilakukanagar dapat mengetahui jumlah generasi yang menunjukkan hasil konvergen pada nilai objective-function. Penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil implementasi NSGA-II dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan optimasi daya WPT multi penerima, dan mempertimbangkan jumlah generasi, untuk meningkatkan kecepatan dalam melakukan proses optimasi.AbstractWireless Power Transfer (WPT) can transmit electrical energy without wires. Research on WPT technology is mainly conducted to achieve maximum power absorbed at the load on the receiving side. The current WPT technology is widely used and applied to charging electronic devices using the concept of the inductive coil. Inductive WPT utilizes a pair of coils between the primary coil as a source and the secondary coil as a receiver. The design challenge of the WPT system is obtaining optimal power within existing engineering constraints. In order to obtain optimal power, systematic steps are needed. It starts with the system and circuit analysis, determining state-space variables, and mathematical models. The main parameters (voltage source, capacitance, inductance, and mutual inductance) are used in the mathematical model and further formulated as power in receivers as a multi-objective function. The optimization is conducted by considering engineering constraints on capacitance values on the market and limitations on frequency values that can operate in electrical circuits. The NSGA-II evolutionary algorithm is used to solve multi-objective-function problems and their constraints to obtain optimal parameter values. The obtained optimal parameter values are compared with the results of the LTSPICE simulator application to validate the power value of the receiver. In the optimization process with NSGA-II, the number of generations will determine the speed of the optimization process. For this reason, a running-metric evaluation was carried out to find the number of generations that show convergent results on the objective-function value. This study shows that the implementation of NSGA-II  can optimize power in multi-receiver WPT. The running metric analysis can analyze and obtain the number of generations that can get the optimal solution faster.
Implementasi Protokol Routing HEED pada Wireless Sensor Network dengan Perangkat Berbasis Modul Komunikasi nRF24L01 Giservin Tifira Zain; Rakhmadhany Primananda; Agung Setia Budi
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 9 No 7: Spesial Issue Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan Rekayasa Informasi (SENTRIN) 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2022976835


Wireless sensor network (WSN) merupakan sistem yang terdiri dari node sensor otonom yang terdistribusi pada suatu area untuk melakukan fungsi tertentu. Konsumsi energi sangat perlu diperhatikan dalam jalannya sistem WSN maka dari itu diimplementasikan protokol routing yang dapat meningkatkan efisiensi energi salah satunya adalah protokol cluster-based. Protokol Hybrid Energy-Efficient Distributed (HEED) merupakan cluster-based routing dengan komunikasi multi-hop pada cluster head-nya. Tujuan dari protokol HEED adalah untuk membentuk cluster yang terdistribusi dengan baik dalam jaringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan protokol HEED pada perangkat real dengan berbasis modul nRF24L01 untuk melihat bagaimana kinerja yang dihasilkan. Implementasi dilakukan pada jaringan dengan skala kecil dimana node sensor hanya berjumlah 8 dengan jarak antar node yang tidak jauh sehingga setiap node masih dapat menjangkau semua node pada jaringan. Dengan adanya keterbatasan nRF24L01, pembentukan cluster memakan banyak waktu dan energi karena dibutuhkannya perhitungan cost node dan sinkronisasi waktu antar node. Kemudian waktu pemilihan cluster head kembali setelah jalannya operasi jaringan perlu dipertimbangkan agar tidak mengganggu fungsionalitas sistem. Pergantian cluster head baru sering terjadi ketika waktu sudah lama berjalan pada jaringan dan itu bervariasi tergantung pada energi baterai. Pada pengujian dengan energi baterai 6000 mWh, didapatkan lifetime HEED adalah 150 jam 32 menit 41 detik yang merupakan 94% peningkatan dari lifetime protokol static clustering. Namun pada jaringan skala kecil dengan perangkat berbasis nRF24L01 ini, lifetime HEED masih berada 28.5% di bawah LEACH.AbstractWireless sensor network (WSN) is a system consisting of autonomous sensor nodes distributed in an area to perform certain functions. Energy consumption really needs to be considered in the WSN system, therefore a routing protocol that can improve energy efficiency is implemented, one of which is a cluster-based protocol. The Hybrid Energy-Efficient Distributed (HEED) protocol is a cluster-based routing with multi-hop communication on its cluster head. The purpose of the HEED protocol is to form well-distributed clusters in the network. This study aims to implement the HEED protocol on real devices based on the nRF24L01 module to see how the performance generated is. The implementation is carried out on a small-scale network where the sensor nodes only amount to 8 and the distance between is not far away making each node still reach all nodes on the network. With the limitations of the nRF24L01, cluster formation is quite time-consuming and energy-consuming due to the need for calculating node costs and synchronizing time between nodes. Then the timing to select the cluster head again after network operation needs to be considered so as not to interfere with the system's functionality. The selection of different cluster heads often occurs only when time has been running on the network for a long time and that time varies depending on battery energy. In testing with a battery energy of 6000 mWh, the lifetime of HEED was found to be 150 hours 32 minutes 41 seconds which is a 94% increase from the lifetime of the static clustering protocol. However, on a small-scale network with this nRF24L01-based device, the lifetime of HEED is still 28.5% below LEACH.
Analisis Performa Algoritma Machine Learning pada Perangkat Embedded ATmega328P Jeffry Atur Firdaus; Agung Setia Budi; Eko Setiawan
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 10 No 2: April 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.20231026196


Artificial intelligence (AI) merupakan sistem kompleks yang meniru kecerdasan manusia untuk melakukan tugas dan dapat mengembangkan kecerdasannya menggunakan informasi yang mereka kumpulkan. Machine learning yang merupakan bagian dari AI, sering ditemui pada perangkat embedded. Beberapa algoritma machine learning yang banyak dikembangkan pada perangkat embedded adalah K-Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes dan SEFR. Pada tahun 2019, evaluasi pasar embedded system mencapai $100 miliar dan akan diprediksi jumlahnya terus meningkat sebesar enam persen setiap tahunnya. Salah satu perangkat embedded open source yang sering ditemui di pasaran adalah Arduino Nano berbasis ATmega328P. Namun tidak seperti komputer, embedded system memiliki sumber daya yang terbatas. Dalam mengembangkan sistem pada perangkat embedded perlu diperhatikan faktor seperti waktu komputasi, daya yang diperlukan dan penggunaan memori. Penelitian ini mengkaji tiga algoritma tersebut untuk mencari algoritma yang paling sesuai di perangkat embedded. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa dalam melakukan klasifikasi tiga dataset, algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor mendapatkan akurasi paling baik dan paling konsisten hingga 93.3% akurat. Penggunaan sumber daya SRAM paling sedikit didapatkan pada algoritma Naive Bayes dengan rata-rata 764 Bytes. Waktu komputasi paling cepat didapatkan oleh algoritma SEFR dengan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk melakukan klasifikasi dataset dalam waktu rata-rata 1.16 mili sekon dan konsumsi daya 0.1 mili joule. AbstractArtificial intelligence (AI) is a complex system that imitates human intelligence to perform tasks and can develop their intelligence using the information they collect. Machine learning, which is part of AI, is often encountered in embedded devices. Several machine learning algorithms that have been developed on embedded devices are K-Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes and SEFR. In 2019, the evaluation of the embedded systems market reached $100 billion and is predicted to continue to increase by six percent annually. One of the open source embedded devices that is often found in the market is the Arduino Nano based on the ATmega328P. However, unlike computers, embedded systems have limited resources. In developing systems on embedded devices, factors such as computing time, required power and memory usage must be considered. This study examines these three algorithms to find the most suitable for the embedded device. This study found that in classifying three datasets, the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm got the best and most consistent accuracy up to 93.3% accurate. The least use of SRAM resources is found in the Naive Bayes algorithm with an average of 764 Bytes. The fastest computation time is obtained by the SEFR algorithm with the time required to classify the dataset in an average time of 1.16 milliseconds and a power consumption of 0.1 milli joules.
Implementasi Wireless Sensor Network pada Sistem Keamanan Rumah menggunakan Sensor PIR dan Fingerprint Crisandolin Desman Rumahorbo; Muhammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan; Agung Setia Budi
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 3 No 10 (2019): Oktober 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (474.901 KB)


Today home security is left behind by its owner to be one serious problem. The security mechanisms of the RFID or password-based doors can be easily manipulated when the RFID card or password is shared or stolen, so a biometric based security system is required. Monitoring The wide space of the condition in its implementation has a weakness that is single-hop mechanism. The mechanism used to reach a wider area is a multi-hop mechanism. Based on the need for security and home monitoring from a far distance required system that uses fingerprints as the originality of the owner, PIR sensors as monitors and implements multi-hop to reach a wide area that Connected to the Internet that can be accessed by smartphone so the state of the house can be accessed anywhere. The results of single-hop testing with 100 tests of data delivery without a barrier distance of 3-15 meters has a packet loss 0%, 18-20 meters 2%, 22-25 meters 5%, 28-33 meters 8%, 38 meters 9%, 45 meters 47%, 50 meters 98% with an average total delay of 46.1 ms. Single-hop 3-12 meters distance barrier has 0% packet loss, 15 meters 12%, 18 meters 25%, 20 meters 58%, 22 meters 99%, with a total average delay of 38.1 ms. Multi-hop mechanism test results with 100 data delivery test with 1 hop distance barrier 3-12 meters have a packet loss 0%, 15 meters 19%, 18 meters 53%, 20 meters 98%, with a total average delay of 118.31 ms. Multi-hop with 2 hops with a barrier of 3-9 meters distance has a packet loss 0%, 12 meters 8%, 15 meters 54%, 18 meters 74%, with an average total delay of 105.13 ms.
Implementasi Metode Complementary Filter pada Pengendali Robot Mobil menggunakan Gestur Tangan Manusia Samkhya Aparigraha; Wijaya Kurniawan; Agung Setia Budi
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 3 No 10 (2019): Oktober 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (985.618 KB)


Human and computer interaction is one of the scientific disciplines that study the design, implementation, and evaluation of interactive computing systems from various related aspects. The current development of the technology of human and computer interaction is progressing very rapidly, especially the interaction between human and robot. Robotics is one area of technology that is still evolving today. Along with its development, more new terms have been introduced, such as mobile robots, humanoids, animaloids, et cetera. Within the control process, mobile robots are divided into two types, namely, automated robots and teleoperating robots. Automated robots can move themselves based on the commands that have been written in the control program, whereas teleoperating robots could move based on commands that are sent manually, either using wired or wireless. To develop a mobile robot that can be controlled using human-hand gestures, the MPU6050 GY-521 module is needed to input the data - in the form of an accelerometer and gyroscope. An accelerometer is used to measure the acceleration of motion, while a gyroscope is used to measure the angular velocity of the rotation. Afterwards, the data will be filtered using a complementary filter method to eliminate noise, which then will be processed using NRF24L01 module as a communication exchange of data between humans and the car robot. Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that the complementary filter method can reduce the noise of the roll value of 21.8% and the pitch of 26.5% hence it can make the mpu6050 sensor more stable than without using a filter and integrative derivative proportional method which is implanted in the arduino nano controller with a value of Kp = 6.98, Ki = 4.61, and Kd = 1.15, to make the system perfectly run as desired.
Co-Authors Ade Ronialta Adhitya Bhawiyuga Aditya Hertian Adytia Candra Wibawa Agiya Yoshua Ahmad Fajri Rahman Ahmad Mustafa Kamal Ahmar Fauzan Sira Alfan Rafi'uddin Ardhani Ali Ali Anang Malik La Imu Anisa Awalia Rizky ari kusyanti Arif Nur Agung Laksana Arif Rahmanto Aulia Nabih Rizqullah Batara Dolly Nababan Bayu Bagus Prabowo Bayu Santoso Bisma Surya Mahendra Buntoro Tirto Sugondo Cakra Bhirawa Crisandolin Desman Rumahorbo Dahnial Syauqy Dede Satriawan Dedi Siswanto Dionisius Marcello Divito Dwiarga Sholahuddin Dyas Restu Palupi Edo Bayu Cahyono Eko Setiawan Eko Setiawan Erricson Bernedy Setiawan Ester Nadya Fiorentina Lumban Gaol Fadolly Aryaviocholda Fahmi Ardiansyah Fajar Hamid Embutara Ratuloli Farah Amira Mumtaz Fatwa Ramdani, Fatwa Fauzan Fatra Prathama Fikri Miftah Akmaludin Fitriyah, Hurriyatul Ghifari Adlil Baqi Giservin Tifira Zain Giservin Tifira Zain Hady Hermawan Heri Setiawan Heris Warli Huda Holden Gunawan Irwan Primadana Mulya Jeffry Atur Firdaus Jenrinaldo Tampubolon Jezriel Lukas Lumbantobing Komang Deha Abhimana Kader Moch. Alvin Yasyfa Salsabil Mochammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan Mochammad Zava Abbiyansyah Muchtar Ardhiansyah Muhammad Agni Setyo Prawiro Muhammad Arif Muhammad Fachri Hasibuan Muhammad Hanif Azhar Efendi Muhammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan Muhammad Ihksan Sahib Latif Muhammad Irvine Fidellio Maiza Muhammad Naufal Aziz Huryansyah Muhammad Prabu Mutawakkil Muhammad Syarief Mirdasy Naufal Anis Nazhif Afkar Hanif Noor ilmi Nursandi Frima Saputra Nurul Ikhsan Pabela Purwa Wiyoga Rafif Nurmanda Ghafurutama Ragil Hadi Prasetyo Rahmanda Nur Sidik Rahmat Yanuar Putra Raihan Athallah Aditya Rakhmadhany Primananda Rakhmadhany Primananda Rakhmadhany Primananda Rambel Bastian Simamora Reva Ade Wardana Revelino Adli Rian Ari Hardianyah Richie R. Tokan Rizal Maulana Rizky Ramadhani Rizqi Agung Dwi Nugraha Sabit Ihsan Maulana Sabriansyah Rizqika Akbar Samkhya Aparigraha Sasmita Eko Raharjo Satria Kencana P. Kacaribu Surya Nur Ardiansah Syahrul Ramadhan Utaminingrum, Fitri Varaz Adolfo Wahyu Berlianto Widasari, Edita Rosana Wijaya Kurniawan Wirafadil Nugraha Wisnu Mahendra Wisnumurti Wisnumurti Yazid Ananda Yohana Angelina Sitorus Yulius Adi Pratama Zaky Farsi