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Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Cuaca Low Power Berbasis Mikrokontroler Heri Setiawan; Rakhmadhany Primananda; Agung Setia Budi
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 4 No 7 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Paragliding is one of the flying sports that is currently experiencing an increase in the number of pilots and many locations are provided. To monitor the safety of paragliding take-off an instrument for energy-efficient weather monitoring is needed so that the system can work more efficiently at a paragliding take-off location far from electric power sources. This weather monitoring instrument consists of 2 sensor nodes, sensor node 1 for weather monitoring and as a system that applies the duty cycle method for power savings consisting of sensors temperature, humidity, altitude, rain conditions, wind speed and wind direction. Sensor node 2 for monitoring current and voltage flowing on sensor node 1 and as the sender of sensing data to thingspeak. The results of the acquisition of the weather monitoring system sensor module have an average sensing accuracy above 85%. The results of the percentage testing of the effectiveness of saving current consumption from sensor node 1 obtained a saving value of 28.87%.
Object Following Robot berbasis Pembacaan Jarak menggunakan Metode PID Controller Dyas Restu Palupi; Dahnial Syauqy; Agung Setia Budi
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 4 No 7 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Most human activities are carried out by hand. These activities can be well carried out if the items we carry are sufficient in the capacity of our hands, both in quantity and weight. But if the items we carry are too many or large, the activity will be difficult. To solve this problem, we need a system that is able to make these activities easier. In this research, a robot is designed to follow a human. This robot is called object following robot. Using this robot, humans can carry things hands-free. The working principle of the robot is to detect the object by using a proximity sensor and to keep the robot's distance from the object using the PID controller. The robot uses three ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04 as its proximity sensors. These sensors are placed in front, right front, and left front of the robot. Data from the sensor is processed using a PID controller embedded in arduino uno. The output generated from the PID controller is a PWM that will be connected to a DC motor. Meanwhile, to determine the direction of movement of the robot used condition selection from three sensors. Based on the test results, the robot can keep a distance from the object and follow the movement of the object. The settling time (ts) of this robot with a set point of 35 cm is about 1 second. The test result shows that the robot works well, with a relatively fast response time.
Implementasi Protokol Routing Directed Diffusion pada WSN dengan Modul Komunikasi LoRa Rafif Nurmanda Ghafurutama; Agung Setia Budi; Wijaya Kurniawan
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 4 No 7 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Routing is the core of an infrastructure network that regulates how the path of sending a packet from one node to another node, the routing network is divided into 2 namely cable networks and wireless networks. One of the routing protocols of wireless networks that have a flat topology is Directed Diffusion (DD), Directed Diffusion (DD) is a routing mechanism in WSN where the sink node will request the data source on the source node by sending an interest then the source node will search the best route for sending data from the source node to the sink node. To do wireless network routing, a wireless communication module is needed, one of the wireless communication modules is LORA SX1278. In previous studies managed to make a comparison between the Directed Diffusion routing algorithm and Geographic Adaptive Fidelity which proves that Directed Diffusion routing is better when it is simulated on network simulation software. Therefore in this study the writer implements the Directed Diffusion routing algorithm and tries to develop it using the LORA communication module. In this study there are 6 nodes contained LORA SX1278 module, where 1 functions as a sink node, 1 functions as a source node, and 4 functions as a neighbor. In this study the authors did not maximize the range of LORA distances due to the lack of testing sites during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study is to analyze the results of the Directed Diffusion routing algorithm which is the RSSI value and the routing path obtained. In this test the author tests the routing algorithm by providing data transmission variations of 8 bytes, 16 bytes, 32 bytes, and 64 bytes. The results of the tests obtained show that the RSSI values ​​obtained dynamically from -118dB to -72dB and the routing paths obtained are not affected by changing data variations.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Klasifikasi Rasa Permen Karet Berdasarkan Warna Dengan Metode K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Wisnu Mahendra; Dahnial Syauqy; Agung Setia Budi
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 4 No 7 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Gum candy is a pretty much food forth by the Indonesian society because rawish gum can increase concentration and can also remove stress. Many types of taste contained in gum is and every person have a kind of favorite taste in different gum. In one container of rubber candy that has been issued by the factory or which is contained in the store has been mixed with various sense of gum. And make people hard to choose the type of sense of rubber gum according to the preferred. Therefore, the design prototype of the taste classification process in gum candy using K-Nearest Neighbor method. In this study using TCS3200 color sensor connected with arduino nano microcontroller. This sensor will later read every color on gum. The method used in this study is K-Narest Neighbor for calculation of classification on gum. From the test results that have been made there is a percentage of error of the TCS3200 color sensor reading of 0.23%. The result of testing on the casification of the rawish casification class by using the K-Narest Neighbor method with 10 times tested obtained 90% accuracy and average computing time of 3.1494 seconds.
Implementasi RFID untuk Mengatasi Untraceable Book Pada Perpustakaan Ahmad Fajri Rahman; Agung Setia Budi; Rakhmadhany Primananda
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 4 No 7 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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The library is a place to store and read collections of reading material such as books. Each book has its own identity which is stored in the catalog. In this technological era, the type of catalog used is OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog). Generally, markers of identity numbers on books are barcodes. The process of writing a catalog (cataloging) is usually done only once (semi-permanent). Library visitors can access the catalog to find the book you want, but sometimes when searching for books there is a problem that the book is not found on the shelves listed in the catalog. Based on this, the system was created with the aim of automatically updating catalogs. This system cannot be implemented on a barcode system, because in general barcode reader devices read data through a USB port, so if you want to access the database you must use a mini computer. Another alternative that can be used to solve this problem is RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology. The implementation of the RFID system is done by replacing the barcode system with RFID which is implemented on the nodemcu in order to access the database and can do the catalog update process when there are books scanned on the RFID scanner. The system test results show that the system can detect and read RFID tags at a certain radius and do a catalog update with a duration of less than 5 seconds.
Sistem Pemantauan Daya pada Wireless Sensor Network menggunakan Algoritma Priority Scheduling Muhammad Ihksan Sahib Latif; Mochammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan; Agung Setia Budi
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 4 No 8 (2020): Agustus 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Wireless Sensor Network is a wireless technology required for monitoring environmental conditions which consist of several sensor nodes that can communicate and process information with each other. The problem in WSN is about power consumption which results in power at the node using only batteries for its operation, resulting in limited energy reserves. When one node dies, it results in a change in performance, there is an obstacle in having to conserve power energy repeatedly and reduce the benefits of WSN. The solution to this problem is to implement the Priority Scheduling algorithm to be placed on each node which will prioritize the order based on the largest to the smallest power. In the power monitoring mechanism of each node, NRF24L01 is available for sending and receiving data, Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller, ACS712-30A current sensor, voltage sensor, DHT11, and RTC DS1307 which functions to display real-time data results. Based on the test results, DHT11 accuracy is 98.52% to 99.26%, voltage accuracy is 99.6%, and the current accuracy is 94.86% to 97.86%. Data reception performance takes an average of 2 to 3 seconds. Retrieval of power data using Priority Scheduling in the room there are obstacles and no obstacles have a 100% success percentage obtained by looking at the results of the power data displayed on 10 experiments in different rooms and the order is according to the largest to the smallest power data.
Implementasi High Performance Computing Cluster Menggunakan Rocks Cluster Richie R. Tokan; Mochammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan; Agung Setia Budi
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 4 No 8 (2020): Agustus 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Rocks Cluster is a linux distribution that is devoted to building a High Performance Cluster Computing by connecting several personal computers which are then called nodes. Cluster performance is measured by looking at the system's ability to process floating point numbers by using the LINPACK benchmark library and the OpenBLAS arithmetic library. In this study also used SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) to run an interactive job on the cluster by adjusting the resource requirements of the cluster to run the task. From the benchmark test results obtained a value of 15.0323 GigaFlops within 692.35 seconds or about 11.5 minutes on testing with 25000 matrix. For the results of interactive jobs testing using SLURM, the system shows efficient performance for the use of system resources for workload, cpu, memory and network ussage.
Sistem Pendeteksi Penyakit Diabetes Melitus berdasarkan Kondisi Urin dan Gas Buang Pernapasan menggunakan K-Nearest Neighbor berbasis Arduino Farah Amira Mumtaz; Rizal Maulana; Agung Setia Budi
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 4 No 8 (2020): Agustus 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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One of the most dangerous chronic diseases in Indonesia is diabetes mellitus. This disease has symptoms characterized by high levels of glucose in human blood. Examination of diabetes mellitus that currently available is still invasive by taking blood samples using a needle into the patient's finger. The long period of time and the high cost are the constraint in getting the results of the examination. Research to detect diabetes mellitus in a non-invasive manner, which requires a small amount of money, and saves more time, is needed to overcome the existing problems. This research uses features in the form of urine and respiratory gas. In the patient's urine, the color and the level of ammonia gas will be detected. Meanwhile, in the patient's respiratory gas levels, methane gas will be detected. Data processing in the system using the Arduino Mega microcontroller. The processed data obtained from the output of the color sensor and gas sensor. The sensors are TCS3200 as a color sensor and the MQ-135 and MQ-4 sensors as gas sensors. The results of data processing will be classified using the K-Nearest Neighbor or K-NN method into Normal and Diabetes conditions. Testing using 12 test data and 24 training data with a value of K = 3 resulted in an accuracy of 91.67% because there was 1 data mismatch at the time of testing. The average system performance obtained based on 10 tests is 3061.9 ms.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Penghematan Energi Listrik menggunakan Komunikasi Bluetooth Low Energy dan WiFi berbasis Cloud Server Blynk Muchtar Ardhiansyah; Mochammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan; Agung Setia Budi
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 4 No 8 (2020): Agustus 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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The use of electricity is a basic requirement for humans today, therefore it is necessary to have savings in its use so that lower costs and the supply of electrical energy in an area can be saved for something unexpected. Internet of Things is a device or system that is connected and communicates in an internet network. By using IoT, we can carry out a long distance communication which makes the performance of a system more effective and efficient. The communication module that is quite popular in IoT is Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), but in BLE there are still drawbacks, namely the inability to connect to the internet so that a gateway is needed to communicate with the cloud server. This study aims to design an electrical energy saving system. The results of this study indicate that the system can work well. The delay obtained from sending data at the gateway to the Blynk Cloud Server has an average delay of 1,930 s with a jitter of 0.754 s, the average delay from the sensor node to the gateway is 0.672 s. The next test used a variation scenario of 1 meter - 11 meter distance with uccess ratio parameter. The highest success ratio is 90% at a distance of 1 meter and the lowest success ratio is 0% at a distance of 11 meters. The saving of electrical energy is up to 59.04%.
Implementasi Pengiriman Data Multi-Node Sensor Menggunakan Metode Master-slave pada Komunikasi LoRa Agiya Yoshua; Rakhmadhany Primananda; Agung Setia Budi
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 4 No 10 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Wireless technology has begun to develop and connect with each other, so this is what makes a basis for the development of the Internet of Thing technology or abbreviated as IoT. There are several elements in helping the performance of IoT technology, one of which is in terms of communication. LoRa is a wireless transmission communication technology using Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) as a modulation technique of its delivery. LoRa uses Pure ALOHA as an access method for sending data where two or more nodes send data at the gateway without coordinating with each other, causing the risk of data collisions. In this study using the master-slave method to send data to avoid data collisions. Gateway node acts as a master whose job is to send data request messages to the sensor node. The sensor node acts as a slave whose duty is to send sensor data to the gateway node that acts as the master only if the master requests the sensor node specifically based on the slave ID that the sensor node has. Functionality and non-functional tests are carried out to test whether the system is operating properly. The smallest percentage of packet loss is experienced under test conditions at a distance of 50 meters where packet loss only occurs in the process of sending from sensor node 1 to the gateway, while the largest percentage of packet loss is experienced under test conditions at a distance of 200 meters on a 30 minute test duration of 8.99% . The smallest average delay test results are experienced in testing conditions at a distance of 200 meters with an average delay of up to 160.64 milliseconds, while the largest is experienced at a distance of 100 meters with an average delay of up to 405.67 milliseconds.
Co-Authors Ade Ronialta Adhitya Bhawiyuga Aditya Hertian Adytia Candra Wibawa Agiya Yoshua Ahmad Fajri Rahman Ahmad Mustafa Kamal Ahmar Fauzan Sira Alfan Rafi'uddin Ardhani Ali Ali Anang Malik La Imu Anisa Awalia Rizky ari kusyanti Arif Nur Agung Laksana Arif Rahmanto Aulia Nabih Rizqullah Batara Dolly Nababan Bayu Bagus Prabowo Bayu Santoso Bisma Surya Mahendra Buntoro Tirto Sugondo Cakra Bhirawa Crisandolin Desman Rumahorbo Dahnial Syauqy Dede Satriawan Dedi Siswanto Dionisius Marcello Divito Dwiarga Sholahuddin Dyas Restu Palupi Edo Bayu Cahyono Eko Setiawan Eko Setiawan Erricson Bernedy Setiawan Ester Nadya Fiorentina Lumban Gaol Fadolly Aryaviocholda Fahmi Ardiansyah Fajar Hamid Embutara Ratuloli Farah Amira Mumtaz Fatwa Ramdani, Fatwa Fauzan Fatra Prathama Fikri Miftah Akmaludin Fitriyah, Hurriyatul Ghifari Adlil Baqi Giservin Tifira Zain Giservin Tifira Zain Hady Hermawan Heri Setiawan Heris Warli Huda Holden Gunawan Irwan Primadana Mulya Jeffry Atur Firdaus Jenrinaldo Tampubolon Jezriel Lukas Lumbantobing Komang Deha Abhimana Kader Moch. Alvin Yasyfa Salsabil Mochammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan Mochammad Zava Abbiyansyah Muchtar Ardhiansyah Muhammad Agni Setyo Prawiro Muhammad Arif Muhammad Fachri Hasibuan Muhammad Hanif Azhar Efendi Muhammad Hannats Hanafi Ichsan Muhammad Ihksan Sahib Latif Muhammad Irvine Fidellio Maiza Muhammad Naufal Aziz Huryansyah Muhammad Prabu Mutawakkil Muhammad Syarief Mirdasy Naufal Anis Nazhif Afkar Hanif Noor ilmi Nursandi Frima Saputra Nurul Ikhsan Pabela Purwa Wiyoga Rafif Nurmanda Ghafurutama Ragil Hadi Prasetyo Rahmanda Nur Sidik Rahmat Yanuar Putra Raihan Athallah Aditya Rakhmadhany Primananda Rakhmadhany Primananda Rakhmadhany Primananda Rambel Bastian Simamora Reva Ade Wardana Revelino Adli Rian Ari Hardianyah Richie R. Tokan Rizal Maulana Rizky Ramadhani Rizqi Agung Dwi Nugraha Sabit Ihsan Maulana Sabriansyah Rizqika Akbar Samkhya Aparigraha Sasmita Eko Raharjo Satria Kencana P. Kacaribu Surya Nur Ardiansah Syahrul Ramadhan Utaminingrum, Fitri Varaz Adolfo Wahyu Berlianto Widasari, Edita Rosana Wijaya Kurniawan Wirafadil Nugraha Wisnu Mahendra Wisnumurti Wisnumurti Yazid Ananda Yohana Angelina Sitorus Yulius Adi Pratama Zaky Farsi