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Penelitian Palinologi pada Sedimen Paleogen di Kawasan Indonesia Bagian Barat Lelono, Eko Budi
Lembaran publikasi minyak dan gas bumi Vol 39, No 2 (2005)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29017/LPMGB.39.2.734


Singkapan sedimen umur Paleogen yang terdapat di Indonesia Barat sangat terbatas jumlahnya. Hal ini terutama disebabkan oleh aktivitas tektonik yang intensif yang berlangsung bersamaan dan sesudah umur Paleogen, yang mengakibatkan formasi umur ini tertimbun jauh di bawah permukaan. Sedangkan sedimen Paleogen yang didapat dari pemboran eksplorasi sulit diperoleh karena bersifat rahasia. Oleh karena itu tidak mengherankan kalau penelitian palinologi terhadap sedimen umur ini masih terbatas jumlahnya. Meskipun demikian, gambaran umum palinologi umur Paleogen sedikit banyak sudah terungkap. Sebagai buktinya beberapa peneliti telah menyusun zonasi polen untuk umur Paleogen seperti Morley (1991) dan Rahardjo dkk. (1994). Penelitian paling lengkap terhadap sedimen Paleogen tertua dilakukan oleh Muller (1968) terhadap Formasi Kayan (dulu bernama Plateau Sandstone) berumur Paleosen- Eosen Awal yang tersingkap di Sarawak. Keragaman polen dari formasi ini rendah dibandingkan dengan keragaman polen masa kini yang ada di Dataran Sunda dan umumnya tidak mempunyai kesamaan dengan spesies modern. Di antara sedimen Paleogen yang paling kaya dengan kandungan palinomorf adalah Formasi Nanggulan berumur Eosen Tengah-Akhir yang tersingkap di desa Nanggulan, D. I. Yogyakarta. Beberapa penelitian dilakukan pada formasi ini antara lain oleh Barton (1988), Morley dan Harley (1995), dan Lelono (2000). Keragaman dan kelimpahan polen pada Formasi Nanggulan sangat tinggi terutama pada sedimen umur Eosen Tengah menunjukkan kondisi iklim basah tropis yang memungkinkan terbentuknya hutan tropis yang lebat. Selain itu, penelitian yang telah dilakukan memperlihatkan kehadiran palinomorf yang berasal dari India. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa telah terjadi migrasi tumbuhan dari India ke wilayah Asia Tenggara karena menyatunya kedua daerah tersebut akibat tumbukan antara Lempeng India dan Lempeng Asia yang diperkirakan berlangsung pada Eosen Tengah (Hall, 1998). Pada Oligosen Awal proses rifting dan subsid- ence (yang sudah dimulai pada Eosen Akhir) terus berlanjut yang ditandai dengan pembentukan pull-apart basin di beberapa daerah seperti Laut Cina Selatan, Sumatra dan Laut Jawa Barat Utara (Morley, 2000). Pada fase awal pembentukan pull-apart basin ditandai oleh terbentuknya endapan danau atau darat lainnya yang dibuktikan dengan dominasi alga air tawar Pediastrum spp. seperti ditemukan pada Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara. Mendekati umur Oligosen Akhir proses penurunan cekungan (subsidence) berlangsung sangat intensif pada area yang luas. Proses ini ditambah dengan kenaikan muka laut menyebabkan penyusutan daratan akibat penggenangan air laut, sehingga sedimentasi umumnya terjadi di lingkungan transisi sampai laut dangkal. Hal ini ditandai oleh kehadiran beragam palinomorf air payau (mangrove dan back- mangrove) pada penampang sumur umur Oligosen Akhir seperti dijumpai di Cekungan Jawa Barat Utara dan Jawa Timur Utara. Secara umum, keragaman dan kelimpahan palinomorf umur Oligosen jauh rendah dari pada umur Eosen. Hal ini disebabkan kondisi iklim lebih kering yang mendominasi umur Oligosen, meskipun di beberapa tempat dipengaruhi oleh iklim basah.
Potensi Hidrokarbon Sedimen Pra--Tersier Daerah Atambua, Timor Barat Lelono, Eko Budi; Sunarjanto, Djoko; Kholiq, Abdul
Lembaran publikasi minyak dan gas bumi Vol 50, No 2 (2016)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29017/LPMGB.50.2.715


Di Atambua dan sekitarnya dijumpai rembesan minyak dan gas di beberapa lokasi. Namun eksplorasi migas belum dilakukan secara intensif sehingga potensinya belum banyak terungkap. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada geologi batuan pra Tersier untuk mengetahui dan mengidentifikasi potensi hidrokarbonnya, untuk memastikan daerah ini layak untuk ditawarkan kepada investor. Metode yang dilakukan diawali studi literatur dan penelitian terdahulu, interpretasi data citra satelit, survei lapangan, analisis laboratorium dan integrasi data. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan baru berupa sedimen air tawar (diduga danau) produk syn-rift berumur Perm, sehingga terbuka peluang adanya sistem petroleum umur Paleozoikum. Secara umum disimpulkan bahwa elemen-elemen sistem petroleum sudah terbentuk di Wilayah Atambua dan sekitarnya, antara lain: serpih Perm Formasi Bisane dan batulempung Trias Formasi Aitutu berperan sebagai batuan sumber. Batupasir Perm Formasi Bisane dan batupasir Jura Formasi Oebaat dapat bertindak sebagai reservoar, sedangkan batulempung Jura Formasi Wailuli berpotensi sebagai penyekat. Perangkap migas yang berhasil diidentifikasi berupa struktur basement involved thrust dan imbricated fault.
Analisis Palinologi Kuantitatif Endapan Delta Mahakam Umur Miosen Kalimantan Timur Lelono, Eko Budi
Lembaran publikasi minyak dan gas bumi Vol 38, No 2 (2004)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29017/LPMGB.38.2.750


Analisis biostratigrafi resolusi tinggi saat ini sudah menjadi tuntutan banyak perusahaan minyak untuk memahami kondisi stratigrafi secara akurat. Dalam tulisan ini analisis biostratigrafi resolusi tinggi dikerjakan dengan cara menghitung semua individu palinomorf yang muncul pada preparat mewakili percontoh batuan tertentu (metode kuantitatif). Sedangkan metode konvensional dikerjakan dengan mengamati kemunculan dan kepunahan palinomorf indeks untuk rekonstruksi zone palinologi (metode kualitatif).
The Use of Palynology in Sequence Stratigrafy Analysis a Case Study, The Eocene Nanggulan Formation Lelono, Eko Budi
Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas Vol 23, No 3 (2000)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29017/SCOG.23.3.882


This paper is a part of palynological investigationon The Eocene Nanggulan Formation, Yogjakarta Central Java. The Nanggulan Formation containing rich palynomorph assemblage provider excellent data to support sequence stratigraphy analysis. The palynomorph assemblage changes (especially between mangrove and freshwater palynomorphs) may reflect sea level changes whitch can be used to interpret system tracts, which are the internal building blocks of sequences.
Pleistocene Palynology Of East Java Lelono, Eko Budi
Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas Vol 29, No 3 (2006)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29017/SCOG.29.3.868


This study is a part of geological investigation on Pleistocene sediment in East Java in order to evaluate hydrocarbon potential within this sediment of this area. The area of study is located in the on-shore East Java (Figure 1). It is financially supported by the oil company as this is commercial work done by LEMIGAS Exploration Department. Therefore, data used in this paper will be incompletely presented as they are confidential. The name of the studied wells and their precise locations are hided in this paper. Data used in this study derives from three wells namely R, S and T. Three different disciplines are applied in this study including palynology, micropaleontology and nannoplankton analyses which are useful for crosschecking purposes. Apparently, the integration of these analyses gains accurate interpretation of stratigraphy and depositional environment. The area of study is in East Java Basin which can be classified as a classical back-arc basin. During Pleistocene, the area of study was marked by regional uplift and the cessation of open marine sedimentation (LEMIGAS, 2005). Therefore Pleistocene age was dominated by non-marine deposition. Generally, this type of sediment is separated from the underlying layer by an unconformity (LEMIGAS, 2005). Most Pleistocene sediment consists of volcanoclastic as a result of volcanic activity which related to uplifting period. It is possible that volcanic activity was responsible for the burning of grass as indicated by the occurrence of charred Gramineae cuticles.
Palynology Of The Lower Kalicapung Formation Tlogosari, Central Java Lelono, Eko Budi
Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas Vol 25, No 2 (2002)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29017/SCOG.25.2.878


The palynological investigation focuses on the transition sediment of the Lower Kalipucang Formation which overlies the non-marine lava of the Gabon Formation. Both formations are firmly separated by the unconformity which is indicated by the occurrence of basal conglomerate. The Lower Kalipucang Formation outcrops in a small village called Tlogosari, Central Java. Lithologically, it is characterised by the occurrence of basal conglomerate with the intercalation of thin lignites. This lithology is overlain by 2 meter thick of claystone containing lignite strings and some igneous fragments. The intercalation of thin sandstones, conglomerate and lignites are found within claystone lithology. Four samples from the Lower Kalipucang Formation were selected for laboratory processing. Only two samples collected from the upper part of this formation yield rich palynomorphs. The palynomorph assemblage shows the occurrence of brackish and fresh water floras. Based on the appearance of pollen Florschuetzia meridionalis and F. trilobata, it is predicted that the age of the Lower Kalipucang Formation is Middle Miocene. The high abundance of mangrove taxa (especially in sample number LKP-4) such as Avicenia type, Zonocostites ramonae and Camptostemon indicates a well development of mangrove environment. This assumption is supported by well preservation of large mollusc with excellent ornamentation. This ornamentation must have developed in the environment with low energy such as mangrove.
Gondwanan Palynomorphs From The Paleogene Sediments Of East Java The Evidence Of Earlier Arrival Lelono, Eko Budi
Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas Vol 30, No 2 (2007)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29017/SCOG.30.2.864


The palynological investigation of the Paleogene sediments is based on cutting samples collected from the exploration wells which are drilled in East Java area. The occurrence of pollen Meyeripollis naharkotensis and spore Cicatricosisporites dorogensis in the upper well sections suggests the pollen zone of Meyeripollis naharkotensis which is equivalent to Oligocene age. Meanwhile, the occurrence of pollen Proxapertites operculatus and spore Cicatricosisporites eocenicus below Meyeripollis naharkotensis zone indicates the appearance of Proxapertites operculatus zone within the lower sections which is equivalent to Eocene. In addition, foraminiferal and nannoplankton analyses confirm the Oligocene-Eocene age by identifying the occurrence of letter stage of Te4-Tb and nanno zone of NP20-P25. The appearance of the Gondwanan/Australian elements including Dacrydium and Casuarina with common and regular occurrences throughout the studied sections are controversial as these pollen were firstly recorded in the younger sediments (Early Miocene) of other areas such as Northwest Java sea, South Sumatra and Natuna sea following the collision of the Australian plate and the Sundaland in the latest Oligocene. Furthermore, the absence of these palynomorphs within the Paleogene sediments of Central Java and South Sulawesi strengthens the above assumption. Therefore, in regard to East Java, the appearance of Dacrydium and Casuarina may indicate earlier arrival of the Gondwanan/ Australian fragment in this area compared to that in other areas of Indonesia.
Stratigraphic Interpretation Of The Middle Miocene Deltaic Sediment In The Sangatta Area, Based On Quantitative Palynological Data Lelono, Eko Budi
Scientific Contributions Oil and Gas Vol 26, No 2 (2003)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29017/SCOG.26.2.876


This study demonstrates the ability of palynology in helping explorationist to comprehend the stratigraphic framework of the middle Miocene formation in the Sangatta area. Palynological analysis is performed on three different wells which are called X, Y and Z. With the exception of the samples situated in the lower part of the studied wells, most samples yield excellent palynomorph assemblages. High abundance of mangrove pollen suggests a good development of mangrove forest which indicates the occurrence of deltaic sediments within these three wells. The studied wells have been correlated based on the abundance of mangrove pol- len Zonocostites ramonae and freshwater swamp pollen Ilexpollenites sp. This correlation allows reconstruction of the local palynological scheme for the Sangata area. The combination between quantitative palynological analysis and litological data (inferred from well logs) allows interpretation of sequence stratigraphic units including transgressive and highstand units. These units separate the studied sediments into three progradational units (Units 1, 2 and 3) which figure out the development of Middle Miocene deltaic facies in the Sangata area.