Satriya Pranata
Faculty Of Nursing And Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia

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Jurnal Luka Indonesia Vol 4, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : ETN Centre Indonesia

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Latar Belakang: Diabetes melitus (DM) merupakan penyakit metabolik menahun yang dapat mengakibatkan timbulnya berbagai komplikasi. Data International Diabetes Federation (IDF) 2015 menunjukkan bahwa penderita DM di dunia berjumlah 415 juta jiwa. Salah satu komplikasi yang dapat disebabkan oleh DM adalah ulkus diabetik. Perawatan luka kaki diabetes memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama. Pencucian luka yang tepat menjadi faktor penting dalam penyembuhan luka. Larutan NaCl 0.9% dan rebusan daun sirih merah dapat digunakan sebagai cairan untuk mencuci luka. Tujuan Penelitian: untuk menganalisis efektifitas pencucian luka menggunakan larutan NaCl 0,9% dan kombinasi larutan NaCl 0.9% dengan rebusan daun sirih merah 40% terhadap proses penyembuhan ulkus diabetik. Metode Penelitian: jenis penelitian quasi – experiment dengan menggunakan rancangan pretest-posttest. Penelitian ini dilakukan September-November 2017 di klinik Agung Wound Care dan Perawat Praktek Mandiri (PPM) Semarang terdiri dari 8 responden kelompok kontrol dan 8 responden kelompok intervensi. Hasil penelitian: Dari 16 responden yang terbagi atas 8 kelompok kontrol dan 8 kelompok intervensi didapatkan hasil bahwa pada kelompok kontrol perubahan rata-rata nilai yang terjadi dari nilai 0.0000 menjadi 4.8000, sedangkan pada kelompok intervensi perubahan rata-rata nilai mean adalah dari nilai -0.6000 menjadi 6.4000, dengan menggunakan uji delta didapatkan nilai p value sebesar 0.000 (
Jurnal Luka Indonesia Vol 4 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : ETN Centre Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32538/jli.v4i2.87


Latar Belakang: Diabetes melitus (DM) merupakan penyakit metabolik menahun yang dapat mengakibatkan timbulnya berbagai komplikasi. Data International Diabetes Federation (IDF) 2015 menunjukkan bahwa penderita DM di dunia berjumlah 415 juta jiwa. Salah satu komplikasi yang dapat disebabkan oleh DM adalah ulkus diabetik. Perawatan luka kaki diabetes memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama. Pencucian luka yang tepat menjadi faktor penting dalam penyembuhan luka. Larutan NaCl 0.9% dan rebusan daun sirih merah dapat digunakan sebagai cairan untuk mencuci luka. Tujuan Penelitian: untuk menganalisis efektifitas pencucian luka menggunakan larutan NaCl 0,9% dan kombinasi larutan NaCl 0.9% dengan rebusan daun sirih merah 40% terhadap proses penyembuhan ulkus diabetik. Metode Penelitian: jenis penelitian quasi ? experiment dengan menggunakan rancangan pretest-posttest. Penelitian ini dilakukan September-November 2017 di klinik Agung Wound Care dan Perawat Praktek Mandiri (PPM) Semarang terdiri dari 8 responden kelompok kontrol dan 8 responden kelompok intervensi. Hasil penelitian: Dari 16 responden yang terbagi atas 8 kelompok kontrol dan 8 kelompok intervensi didapatkan hasil bahwa pada kelompok kontrol perubahan rata-rata nilai yang terjadi dari nilai 0.0000 menjadi 4.8000, sedangkan pada kelompok intervensi perubahan rata-rata nilai mean adalah dari nilai -0.6000 menjadi 6.4000, dengan menggunakan uji delta didapatkan nilai p value sebesar 0.000 (
Jurnal Luka Indonesia Vol 4 No 2 (2018)
Publisher : ETN Centre Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32538/jli.v4i2.87


Latar Belakang: Diabetes melitus (DM) merupakan penyakit metabolik menahun yang dapat mengakibatkan timbulnya berbagai komplikasi. Data International Diabetes Federation (IDF) 2015 menunjukkan bahwa penderita DM di dunia berjumlah 415 juta jiwa. Salah satu komplikasi yang dapat disebabkan oleh DM adalah ulkus diabetik. Perawatan luka kaki diabetes memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama. Pencucian luka yang tepat menjadi faktor penting dalam penyembuhan luka. Larutan NaCl 0.9% dan rebusan daun sirih merah dapat digunakan sebagai cairan untuk mencuci luka. Tujuan Penelitian: untuk menganalisis efektifitas pencucian luka menggunakan larutan NaCl 0,9% dan kombinasi larutan NaCl 0.9% dengan rebusan daun sirih merah 40% terhadap proses penyembuhan ulkus diabetik. Metode Penelitian: jenis penelitian quasi ? experiment dengan menggunakan rancangan pretest-posttest. Penelitian ini dilakukan September-November 2017 di klinik Agung Wound Care dan Perawat Praktek Mandiri (PPM) Semarang terdiri dari 8 responden kelompok kontrol dan 8 responden kelompok intervensi. Hasil penelitian: Dari 16 responden yang terbagi atas 8 kelompok kontrol dan 8 kelompok intervensi didapatkan hasil bahwa pada kelompok kontrol perubahan rata-rata nilai yang terjadi dari nilai 0.0000 menjadi 4.8000, sedangkan pada kelompok intervensi perubahan rata-rata nilai mean adalah dari nilai -0.6000 menjadi 6.4000, dengan menggunakan uji delta didapatkan nilai p value sebesar 0.000 (
The SALT and START Triage System for Classifying Patient Acuity Level: A Systematic Review Purwadi, Hendri; Breaden, Katrina; McCloud, Christine; Pranata, Satriya
Nurse Media Journal of Nursing Vol 11, No 3 (2021): (December 2021)
Publisher : Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/nmjn.v11i3.37008


Background: Two common triage systems have been widely used in mass casualty incidents (MCIs) and disaster situations, namely START (simple triage algorithm and rapid treatment) and SALT (sort, assess, lifesaving, intervention, and treatment/transport). There is currently controversy regarding the effectiveness of SALT over the START triage system.Purpose: This systematic review aims to compare the accuracy of the SALT and START triage systems in disaster and MCI settings.Methods: The literature was searched using a systematic search strategy for articles published from 2009 to 2020 in the Medline, CINAHL, Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, ProQuest databases, and the grey literature. This review included simulation-based and medical record-based studies investigating the accuracy and applicability of the SALT and START triage systems in adult and child populations during MCIs and disasters. All types of studies were included. The PRISMA flowchart was used to retain the articles, and the Joanna Briggs Institute critical appraisal tools were used to assess the quality of the reviewed studies.Results: Of 1,450 articles identified in the search, 10 articles were included. It was found that the START triage system had a wide range and inconsistent levels of accuracy (44% to 94.2%) compared to the SALT triage system (70% to 83%). The under-triage error of the START triage system ranged from 2.73% to 20%, which was slightly lower than the SALT triage system (7.6% to 23.3%). The over-triage error of the START triage system (2% to 53%) was slightly higher than the SALT triage system (2% to 22%). However, the time taken to apply START triage system (70 to 72.18 seconds) was faster than for the SALT triage system (78 seconds).Conclusion: The START triage system was simpler and faster than SALT. Conversely, the SALT triage system appeared to be slightly more accurate, more consistent, and had a lower rate of under- and over-triage error than START. It appears that neither the SALT nor the START triage system is superior to the other. Further research is needed to establish the most appropriate disaster and MCI triage system, especially for the Indonesian context. 
Pengaruh Terapi Pijat Terhadap Tingkat Kadar Glukosa Darah Pada Pasien Dengan Dabetes Mellitus : Literature Review Satriya Pranata; Herlina Wulandari
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan MAKIA Vol 11 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan MAKIA
Publisher : LPPM STIKes ICsada Bojonegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37413/jmakia.v11i2.165


ABSTRAK Latar belakang: penderita diabetes melitus terus mengalami peningkatan tiap tahunnya. Laporan menunjukkan bahwa terapi pijat merupakan terapi komplementer yang digemari di indonesia serta memiliki banyak manfaat. Tujuan: menggali lebih dalam mengenai pengaruh terapi pijat terhadap tingkat kadar glukosa darah pada pasien dengan diabetes melitus. Metode: Pencarian artikel dilakukan menggunakan Science Direct, Medline, Google Search dan Pro Quest untuk menemukan artikel sesuai kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi. Artikel yang sesuai dengan kriteria yang ditetapkan penulis dianalisis, ditentukan level dari evidancenya, diekstraksi kemudian disintesis. Hasil: terapi pijat secara signifikan mampu mengontrol kadar glukosa darah pada pasien anak-anak dengan diabetes melitus P value < 0,0001. Faktor yang mempengaruhi pasien menggunakan pengobatan komplementer adalah gender dengan P value = 0.049, pemasukan rumah tangga P= 0.048 dan frekuensi kontrol gula darah P= 0.036. Swedish massage terbukti efektif memberikan efek penurunan kadar glukosa darah pada anak dengan DM nilai P =0.00. sampel menggunakan pengobatan herbal mencapai 100%. Intervensi mind body 94,2%. 100%. Sampel mempercayai bahwa obat herbal dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah dan dapat mengatasi gejala DM 35,7%. Terdapat signifikansi kadar glukosa darah dan laktat sebelum dan sesudah pijat dengan nilai P<0.05. Terdapat penurunan level ansietas dan glukosa darah sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan intervensi pijat dengan nilai P 0.00. Kesimpulan: terapi pijat merupakan terapi komplementer yang digemari. Hasil penelitian belum dapat digeneralisasi. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan
Different Pain Level Of Diabetes Mellitus Patients With Peripheral Neuropathy Who Have Been Given Tens And Deep Breathing Interventions In Diabetic Foot Ulcer Treatment In Yogyakarta General Hospital SATRIYA PRANATA
NURSCOPE: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pemikiran Ilmiah Keperawatan Vol 3, No 2 (2017): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/nurscope.3.2.11-19


Introduction : Regular intervention of diabetic  foot ulcers is wound care. Patients often complain of pain when nurse performs wound care. If the pain is not resolved it will result in anxiety feeling. A routine intervention conducted so far is intra-breath in intervention to reduce pain, as it is expected by reducing the pain it will be followed by a decrease of patients’ anxiety. Intra-breath intervention has not been able to reduce pain quickly on a moderate scale, especially high-scale so it is necessary to find out other alternative interventions. The available comparative intervention is TENS. The purpose of this study is to know the difference between intra-breath and TENS intervention in the level of anxiety in diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy in diabetic foot ulcer treatment. Method : This study used RCT method on 28 respondents divided into 14 intervention groups and 14 control groups. The anxiety of respondents was assessed using Hamilton Scale of Anxiety tools before and after conductin TENS intervention and intra-breath. TENS intervention was given for 15 minutes at a frequency of 100 Hz and intra-breath was given until the wound care intervention was completed. Result : The results showed that there was significant average difference of anxiety level between the use of TENS intervention and the use of intra-breath intervention in intervention group and the control group with value of P <0.05. TENS can reduce the level of anxiety with the value of P 0.000, while intra -breath is able to lower the level of anxiety with the value of P 0.006. Discussion : The respondents admitted the difficulty of experience maximum relaxation when wound care is done, this condition is related to the comfortable position of respondents. When wound care is done, the respondents can not relax maximaly because many of the foot that has ulcers should be padded with a pillow to maximize the treatment. Provision of TENS with a frecuency of 100 Hz is corresponding to the body’s bioelectricity, the patients that receive TENS intervention may become more rrelaxed with endorphine hormone release and decreasing of pain because the electricity blocks pain implans in the neural tube.
NURSCOPE: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pemikiran Ilmiah Keperawatan Vol 2, No 2 (2016): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/nurscope.2.2.1-12


Background: Instead of reduce pain, TENS is also capable of stimulating the peripheral nerves to work optimally and improving blood circulation where the electrodes are applied. Having good blood circulation enhances good wound healing as well. The decrease in pain level will boost the immune system thus the wound healing can also be improved. It needs further studies on the effect of TENS on wound healing. Objective: The research aimed to explore specific effect of TENS on wound healing. Methodology: The research was conducted by using Science Direct article, Medline, Google Search and Pro Quest to find articles which are appropriate with inclusion and exclusion criteria to be reviewed. Results: The necrosis cases of the post-operative wound were higher in the control compared to the intervention group, there were no complications with significant p-value of (P <0.0001). There were differences in the provision of TEENS with additional of heat protocol before, during and after the intervention towards the blood circulation with the significance p value of (P, 0.05). Good granulation occurs, the hair follicle grew well and Pro-inflammatory declined (TNF-α) with the significance p-value of (P <0.05). The comparison of necrosis percentage in five groups were 43.88%, 39.20%, 38.57%, 32.14% and  44.13% in G1 to G5 respectively. The statistical tests proved the TEENS intervention in group G4 was more effective with the significance p value of  0.032. The TENS with frequency of 10 Hz is more effective compared to 100 Hz TENS and control groups who received placebo towards the adrenergic receptor. TENS intervention at a dose of 100 Hz can improve the reactivity of venous blood circulation well. The amount of oedema in the wound is reduced and capillary refills 2 seconds with the significance p-value of (P <0.001) significantly. Discussion: TENS at a frequency of 10 Hz to 100 Hz is the bioelectrical body frequency. At low frequencies, it will be able to stimulate the secretion of endorphin hormone so the patients who received TENS intervention can be more relaxed and feel better as the pain is relieved. The immune system works well and can help the wound heals properly by inhibition of inflammatory factor. Conclusions: TENS therapy is proven to help wound healing. TENS equipment is available everywhere, easy to use, economical, does not cause addiction, and can be given at any time with fewer side effects to the patients. The results of the study cannot be generalised yet. Further research is needed. Keywords: Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, wound healing, literature review.
A concept analysis of Self-management among diabetes mellitus Satriya Pranata; Herlinda Wulandari
International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJNHS) Vol. 4 No. 3 (2021): International Journal of Nursing and Health Services (IJHNS)
Publisher : Alta Dharma Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35654/ijnhs.v4i3.469


The mortality and morbidity due to Diabetes Mellitus (DM) are increasing every year. Effectively in self-management has been demonstrated to conjunction patients with a health provider and support system to solve the patient's problem. Self-management in DM is very popular but still complex and abstract. Ambiguity regarding the intention of self-management in DM can cause confusion and misunderstanding among health professionals about the purpose and the application in the clinical situation. A perceptible definition regarding self-management for diabetes is required for clinical setting implication and future research. The study aimed to clarify and formalize the concept analysis of self-management in DM. We clarify the meaning of self-management in DM with concept analysis as outlined by Walker and Avant (2005). Attributes of self-management in diabetes were glycemic control process and activities, self-control, health-seeking, problem-solving, and decision making. Antecedents, consequences, and empirical referents are explained. Model, borderline, related, and contrary cases are explaining to clear and clarify the concept. Defining the concept can help the researcher solve the patient's problem about conjunction among patients with a health provider. Health professionals can advocate for antecedents in self-management and evolve interventions to support self-management attributes to serve patients in preventing complications
Perkembangan Teori Manajemen Diri Menjadi Sebuah Normal Science: Dilihat Melalui Perspektif KUHN Satriya Pranata
Publisher : STIKes Karya Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46233/jk.v4i03.456


Abstrak.Manajemen diri telah ada dan menjadi tren baru dalam sistem pelayanan Kesehatan saat ini. Manajemen diri adalah kemampuan pasien untuk menangani kesehatannya sendiri dan meningkatkan perilaku sehat dengan dukungan tenaga kesehatan. Namun proses manajemen diri menjadi sebuah ilmu atau sebuah teori masih sangat jarang dibahas. Tujuan review ini untuk mengeksplorasi perkembangan manajemen diri menjadi sebuah normal science melalui perspektif Kuhn. Pencarian sejarah dari manajemen diri melalui literatur kemudian dianalisis menggunakan Kuhn Cyrcle. Perkembangan sebuah teori menurut perspektif Kuhn dapat dilihat dari proses anomali, krisis, perubahan pandangan dunia dan pradigma. Perkembangan sebuah teori dalam ilmu pengetahuan terjadi secara bertahap, setiap tahapan tersebut dapat dilihat dari perubahan sejarahnya. Sumber manajemen diri sebagai sebuah normal science awalnya berasal dari cabang ilmu psikologi: yaitu teori tentang perilaku pengendalian diri. Perilaku pengendalian diri adalah kemampuan untuk mengatur emosi, pikiran, dan perilaku seseorang dalam menghadapi godaan dan dorongan hati. Perilaku pengendalian diri, psikologi manajemen, teori kognitif sosial, manajemen diri penyakit kronis, pandangan kognitif sosial, mekanisme pengaturan diri, model manajemen diri dan manajemen diri pada penyakit kronis merupakan langkah sejarah dalam manajemen diri yang kita kenal dan eksis hingga hari ini. Absctract. Self-management has existed and become a new trend in the current health care system. Self-management is the patient's ability to handle his own health and promote healthy behavior with the support of health professionals. However, the process of self-management into a normal science or a theory is still rarely discussed. The purpose of this review is to explore the development of self-management into a normal science through Kuhn.'s perspective.Searching of self-management history through the literature then analyzed using the Kuhn Cyrcle. The development of a theory according to Kuhn's perspective can be seen from the process of anomalies, crises, changes in world views, and paradigms. The development of a theory in science occurs gradually, each of these stages can be seen from its historical changes. The source of self-management as a normal science originally came from the branch of psychology: the theory of self-control behavior. Self-control behavior is the ability to regulate a person's emotions, thoughts, and behavior in the face of temptations and impulses.Self-control behavior, management psychology, social cognitive theory, chronic disease self-management, social cognitive views, self-regulatory mechanisms, self-management models, and self-management in chronic disease are the history of the formation of the self-management theory that we know today.
Nursing Current: Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 8, No 1 (2020): June
Publisher : Universitas Pelita Harapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19166/nc.v8i1.2717


Background: The number of patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) in Indonesia was reported to increase every year. Indonesia included into ranked sixth countries for diabetes (20-79 years) and ranked third as the deadliest diseases, (IDF, 2017; WHO, 2016). However, research about self-management experience for people with Type 2 DM is insufficient. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore the Self-management Experience of Patient with Type 2 DM in Sumbawa Besar, West Nusa Tenggara. Methods: Purposive sampling with one-on-one depth interview were used to obtain the participants experiences about self-management. six participants were selected randomly from 30 participants in community. Data saturation was achieved and analyzed by Colaizzi’s (1978) seven-step method. Results: Six themes emerged from study were: dietary adjustment, using medicine to decrease blood glucose, taking exercise, taking care of DM by oneself, social support and looking for information regarding DM were consider as important theme for DM population in Sumbawa Besar, West Nusa Tenggara. Conclusion: the result of this study showed that each patient with DM has ability to carry out self-management based on their belief, value and knowledge. Basic information about diabetes was the most important aspect before patients can perform self-management successfully.
Co-Authors Ade Jundy Fahri Prahastyo Adekutari Pratiwi Adelia Putri Nur Maharani Agung Subakti Nuzulullail Amin Samiasih Ananda Badi'atul Firdaus Anie Yuliastuti Anna Kurnia Aric Vranada Aric Vranada Aric Vranada Arief Yanto Breaden, Katrina Chanif Chanif Chanif Chen, Miao-Yen Chia-Jung Hsieh Dewa Gede Sanjaya Putra Dewa Gede Sanjaya Putra Difran Nobel Bistara Dzaky Azmi Rizqulloh Edy Soesanto Erien Luthfia Ernawati Ernawati Eva Berthy Tallutondok Evi Gustia Kesuma Farenzi Budi Setiaprabhawa Fathra Anis Nauli Fenia Hadi Kusuma Atmaja Hei-Fen Hwang Hendri Purwadi Hendri Purwadi Hendri Setiawan Herlina Wulandari Herlinda Wulandari Herlinda Wulandari Herlinda Wulandari Hidayat, Jufri Huang, Xuan-Yi Jiin-Ru Rong Jufri Hidayat Khani Fatul Khusna Khani Fatul Khusna Khoiriyah Khoiriyah Kuo-Cheng Lu Lin, Hung-Ru Linda Lisarni Losa Nia Pradana M. Aryan Tsaqif Marthiningsih Marthiningsih McCloud, Christine Miao-Yen Chen Mira Utami Ningsih Mohammad Fatkhul Mubin Muhammad Hasbi Ninin Irani Novita Andaresta Putri Novita Andaresta Putri Novita Sari Dewi Nur Fadlilah Nurul Huda Pashar, Imran Pratiwi Rahayu Priyo Sasmito Purwadi, Hendri Risnatun Hasanah Risnatun Hasanah Riza Umami Rochman Basuki Rong, Jiin-Ru Shofi Roossalina Mustikasari Shu-Fang Vivienne Wu Shu-Fang Vivienne Wu Shu-Yuan Liang Siti Juhro Siti Juhro Sri Rejeki Syafika Putri Alya Tsae-Jyy Tiffany Wang Vranada, Aric Wei, Shiow-Jing Xuan Yi Huang Ya-Ling Shih Yeu-Hui Chuang Yulia Dwi Prawinda Yunie Armiyati Yunie Armiyati Zamzam Fahlapi