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Kreativitas Siswa Kelas X SMAK ST. Thomas Rasul Pangururan-Samosir pada Opera Batak “Anak Naburju II” Batubara, Junita; Simangunsong, Emmi
PANGGUNG Vol 26, No 2 (2016): Semiotika, Estetika, dan Kreativitas Visual Budaya
Publisher : LP2M ISBI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26742/panggung.v26i2.174


ABSTRACT Opera  Batak  is a traditional  operetta from the Regional  Batak  Toba in Indonesia. This opera was created by Tilhang Gultom  around 1920. Opera Batak  function  rather  than as a forum for cultural expression  of traditional  opera of Regions  Batak  Toba.  At present very rare Opera  Batak  performances due to several factors  are: change  elements  of culture, lack  of work and  opera composers  who create  works of opera in Indonesia particularly  in the Batak  Toba. This study  based on script opera “Anak Naburju  II” performed by students SMAK St. Thomas Rasul in Pangururan  Samosir. The study was conducted  based on qualitative  research. Method in the opera based on the method Alma Hawkins  and ‘methods play a role’ of Hamalik.  Results of this research: to make students  able to act, know and understand  the local culture,  especially Opera Batak so it can be preserved  and continued by the next generation. Keywords: Opera Batak,  Naskah ‘Anak  Naburju  II’, Acting     ABSTRAK Opera Batak merupakan opera tradisional yang bersifat teater keliling yang berasal dari Daerah Batak Toba di Indonesia. Opera ini diciptakan oleh Tilhang Gultom sekitar tahun 1920-an. Fungsi Opera Batak adalah sebagai wadah ekspresi budaya opera tradisional dari Daerah Batak Toba. Pada masa kini sangat jarang ditemui pertunjukan Opera Batak disebabkan beberapa factor di antaranya: perubahan dalam unsur-unsur budaya, kurangnya karya opera dan juga kurangnya komposer yang mencipta karya opera di Indonesia khususnya di Daerah Batak Toba. Penelitian ini berdasarkan naskah opera berjudul “Anak Naburju II” dilaksanakan oleh siswa SMAK St. Thomas Rasul di Pangururan Samosir. Penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan penelitian kualitatif. Metode pembelajaran terhadap peran dalam naskah opera tersebut berdasarkan metode Alma Hawkins dan ‘metode bermain peran’ dari Hamalik. Hasil penelitian ini adalah membuat siswa dapat berakting dan lebih mengenal dan memahami budaya lokal khususnya op- era Batak sehingga opera Batak dapat dilestarikan dan dilanjutkan oleh generasi berikutnya. Kata kunci: Opera Batak, Naskah ‘Anak Naburju II’, Akting/peran
Expository Learning pada Musik Tradisional I Sulim Batak Toba Emmi Simangunsong; Junita Batubara; Kamaluddin Galingging
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jupiis.v10i2.11138


This article discusses about expository learning on the learning strategy of music instrument sulim taught on the class of Traditional Music I Toba Batak. For the study of Expository learning on sulim music the research wasdone in five steps which are preparation, presentation, correlation, generalization, and application. These five steps done to increase and raise students’s motivation and interest to learn the sulim instrument. This topic conducted through descriptive qualitative research. The results obtained in this study was that learning strategy of expository learning is a corresponding strategy applied to the process of learning the music instrument sulim Toba Batak. The student fascinatingly interested and motivated to learn playing the sulim instrument. Expository learning strategy on the class of Traditional Music I Toba Batak have a positive impact from the success of the students to gain a maximum assessment.
Analisis Makna Lagu Rohani Dung Tuhan Jesus Nampuna Au: Problematika Penyajian Song Leader Dalam Ibadah Minggu Di Gereja HKBP Emmi Simangunsong; Maria Lumbantoruan; Elysta Banjarnahor
Grenek: Jurnal Seni Musik Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Grenek: Jurnal Seni Musik
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/grenek.v10i2.29464


Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan hasil penelitian tentang analisis makna lagu rohani Dung Tuhan Jesus Nampuna Au dan problematika penyajian Song Leader dalam ibadah Minggu di Gereja HKBP.  Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Dalam ibadah Minggu di Gereja HKBP (Huria Kristen Batak Protestan), peranan Song Leader sangat penting sebagai pemimpin lagu rohani. Song leader menjadi pemandu bagi jemaat untuk bernyanyi dengan benar, sebagai pelayan Tuhan yang bekerja di ladang Tuhan. Song leader dituntut dapat bernyanyi dengan baik dan menghayati lagu yang dinyanyikan sesuai dengan makna syair lagu yang terdapat dalam buku nyanyian rohani (Buku Ende) HKBP. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa dalam menyanyikan lagu rohani Dung Tuhan Jesus Nampuna Au, Song Leader kurang tepat membaca notasi dan ritem, kurang menguasai teknik pernapasan diafragma, kurang memahami artikulasi atau cara pengucapan syair lagu pujian dengan benar,  kurang menguasai  frasering atau pemenggalan kalimat lagu dan birama 9/8 dinyanyikan jadi birama ¾ sehingga  makna atau pesan syair lagu yang terkandung di dalamnya kurang tepat dinyanyikan. Namun demikian, lagu Dung Tuhan Jesus Nampuna Au tetap dinyanyikan dalam ibadah Minggu walaupun dengan kebiasaan tersebut. Kiranya pelatihan untuk Song Leader di Gereja HKBP perlu ditingkatkan lagi sehingga dapat memandu jemaat bernyanyi dengan benar sesuai dengan notasi dan tanda birama yang terdapat pada lagu Dung Tuhan Jesus Nampuna Au.
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Volume 3 Nomor 2 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v3i2.4210


Dalam kegiatan Praktek Lapang Tematik (PLT), dosen bersama mahasiswa Program Studi Seni Musik dan Sastra Inggris berkolaborasi melakukan pengajaran teori dasar musik dan latihan bernyanyi bagi anak sekolah minggu Gereja HKBP Binjai. Anak sekolah minggu sangat berminat belajar bernyanyi dan bermain alat musik. Permasalahan yang dihadapi pihak Gereja/mitra adalah anak sekolah minggu belum memahami teori dasar musik. Oleh karena itu, anak sekolah minggu diberi pembelajaran teori dasar musik dan latihan menyanyikan lagu dari Buku Logu (nyanyian rohani Gereja HKBP). Hasil pembelajaran teori dasar musik telah meningkatkan pengetahuan anak sekolah minggu tentang sebutan nada-nada 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la,si) dan mampu menyanyikannya; mampu memainkan ritme/ketukan dasar dalam satu birama, mampu menyusun nada-nada dalam tangga nada G Mayor, D Mayor, dan A Mayor. Anak sekolah minggu juga mampu membaca notasi angka dan notasi balok lagu O Tuhan Sulingkit Ma Au dan mampu menyanyikan lagu tersebut dengan benar.
Kreativitas Siswa Kelas X SMAK ST. Thomas Rasul Pangururan-Samosir pada Opera Batak “Anak Naburju II” Junita Batubara; Emmi Simangunsong
PANGGUNG Vol 26, No 2 (2016): Semiotika, Estetika, dan Kreativitas Visual Budaya
Publisher : LP2M ISBI Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (571.087 KB) | DOI: 10.26742/panggung.v26i2.174


ABSTRACT Opera  Batak  is a traditional  operetta from the Regional  Batak  Toba in Indonesia. This opera was created by Tilhang Gultom  around 1920. Opera Batak  function  rather  than as a forum for cultural expression  of traditional  opera of Regions  Batak  Toba.  At present very rare Opera  Batak  performances due to several factors  are: change  elements  of culture, lack  of work and  opera composers  who create  works of opera in Indonesia particularly  in the Batak  Toba. This study  based on script opera “Anak Naburju  II” performed by students SMAK St. Thomas Rasul in Pangururan  Samosir. The study was conducted  based on qualitative  research. Method in the opera based on the method Alma Hawkins  and ‘methods play a role’ of Hamalik.  Results of this research: to make students  able to act, know and understand  the local culture,  especially Opera Batak so it can be preserved  and continued by the next generation. Keywords: Opera Batak,  Naskah ‘Anak  Naburju  II’, Acting     ABSTRAK Opera Batak merupakan opera tradisional yang bersifat teater keliling yang berasal dari Daerah Batak Toba di Indonesia. Opera ini diciptakan oleh Tilhang Gultom sekitar tahun 1920-an. Fungsi Opera Batak adalah sebagai wadah ekspresi budaya opera tradisional dari Daerah Batak Toba. Pada masa kini sangat jarang ditemui pertunjukan Opera Batak disebabkan beberapa factor di antaranya: perubahan dalam unsur-unsur budaya, kurangnya karya opera dan juga kurangnya komposer yang mencipta karya opera di Indonesia khususnya di Daerah Batak Toba. Penelitian ini berdasarkan naskah opera berjudul “Anak Naburju II” dilaksanakan oleh siswa SMAK St. Thomas Rasul di Pangururan Samosir. Penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan penelitian kualitatif. Metode pembelajaran terhadap peran dalam naskah opera tersebut berdasarkan metode Alma Hawkins dan ‘metode bermain peran’ dari Hamalik. Hasil penelitian ini adalah membuat siswa dapat berakting dan lebih mengenal dan memahami budaya lokal khususnya op- era Batak sehingga opera Batak dapat dilestarikan dan dilanjutkan oleh generasi berikutnya. Kata kunci: Opera Batak, Naskah ‘Anak Naburju II’, Akting/peran
Media Digital dan Musik Ibadah Di Gereja Pada Masa Pandemi Ance Panggabean; Emmi Simangunsong
Jurnal Visi Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Visi Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat : Edisi Februari 2021
Publisher : LPPM Universitas HKBP Nommensen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51622/pengabdian.v2i1.192


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact not only in Indonesia, but throughout the world. Without exception, the church was affected by its influence. This situation is expected to inspire the millennial generation to keep thinking creatively, and take real action, and to always be a channel of blessing in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic which may still be prolonged. Young people have played an important role in the history of the Indonesian nation, as well as the church. Including the current millennial generation, who have fluency, flexibility, elaboration and originality in thinking. The use of digital media in worship music in churches during this pandemic is a reflective analysis of the birth of popular culture in the church today ”. This shows that: digital media in church services as a result of the sparks and cultural influences that have long stopped by and been accepted by the church,. However, it is hoped that every Christian has an optimistic attitude and views popular culture from a positive perspective, so that he can accept the positive as an effective media communication for the advancement of church ministry in the future.
Bentuk dan Konstruksi Komposisi Musik Modern ‘Tjapung Ketjipung Di Tjikapundung’ Karya Amir Pasaribu Ance Juliet; Emmi Simangunsong
Visi Sosial Humaniora Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Visi Sosial Humaniora: Edisi Juni 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas HKBP Nommensen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51622/vsh.v3i1.538


This research is entitled Modern Music Composition 'Tjapung Ketjipung Di Tjikapundung' by Amir Pasaribu. The basic method that applied in this research is descriptive method. In addition, the approach used by the library method is to find and produce pentatonic elements similar to the pelog barrel which are harmonized with elements of western tone harmony in the composition of Tjapung Ketjipung in Tjikapundung which is famous for the work of the Indonesian composer Amir Pasaribu with the characteristics of his piano music, regarding the form and the pattern of the structure as well as the parts contained in the construction of the music, the beginning, the continuation part, the complication part and the resolution part. In addition to the musical construction, the composition of piano music by Amir Pasaribu uses a free form pattern in the context of modern music. The use of chord levels (harmony progressions) and soloist playing made this composition even more exalted and majestic for its time.
Seni Perekaman Lagu 0 Tao Toba dan Pulo Samosir Karya Nahum Situmorang dengan Menggunakan Instrumental Akustik pada Jack's One Studio Emmi Simangunsong; Junita Batubara; Sombama Tambunan
Mudra Jurnal Seni Budaya Vol 31 No 1 (2016): Februari
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (8684.277 KB) | DOI: 10.31091/mudra.v31i1.249


Artikel ini menjelaskan mengenai proses recording Di Jack's One Studio terhadap dua buah lagu tradisional Batak Toba yaitu 0 Tao Toba dan Pulo Samosir Karya Nahum Situmoraug. Ada beberapa tahapau yang digunakan instruktur Jack's One Studio dalam recording musik instrumental akustik pada saat perekaman yaitu: Composing, Arrangging, Recording, Mixing, dan Mastering. Ini juga tidak hanya untuk deskrip tetapi menemukan dan mengetahui konsep dan aplikasi dalam pengerjaau perekaman dengan menggunakan musik program komputer khususnya untuk instrumental akustik.
Karakteristik Musikal Lagu Yesus Bertanya Karya RP Redemptus Simamora Jones Irawan Sibagariang; Junita Batubara; Emmi Simangunsong
Journal of Music Science, Technology, and Industry Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1072.387 KB)


Purpose: This study aims to discuss the musical characteristics of the song Yesus Bertanya by RP Redemptus Simamora. In this study, the author uses the theory of P. Malm and Prier as the author's foundation in knowing the characteristics of the song Yesus Bertanya. The song Yesus Bertanya has a simple musical characteristic and has deep meaning in the lyrics. Research method: In this study the authors used a qualitative descriptive research method. Result and discussion: The form of the song Yesus Bertanya is Ternary Form or a three-part song form consisting of A(a'), B(b'), C(c',c'). And the song Yesus Bertanya consists of part A (Vers), part B (Pre Chorus), part C (Ref). Implication: The meaning contained in the song Yesus Bertanya is to describe the doubts and anxiety of mankind from all ages who still question who Jesus is, so that we are invited to contemplate who Jesus is. Jesus is everything to us in joy and sorrow and Jesus is the love of all human hearts
Moral Message Of Nature's Sustainability: Semiotic Analysis Of Alam Menyapa On Audio-Visual Music Composition Junita Batubara; Emmi Simangunsong; Kamaluddin Sigalingging; Ance Juliet Panggabean
Gondang: Jurnal Seni dan Budaya Vol 6, No 2 (2022): GONDANG: JURNAL SENI DAN BUDAYA, DECEMBER 2022
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/gondang.v6i2.41405


Alam Menyapa is a musical composition which is a blend of Western and traditional music from various countries. The idea for Alam Menyapa came from the composition Song of the Birds, which was once used as therapeutic music for drug-affected patients, at the Mutiara Abadi Foundation in Binjai City. One of the uniqueness of Alam Menyapa is the adoption of natural sounds, such as the sounds of various birds, the sound of river water, the sound of wind blowing, and other animal sounds, which are then digitally combined with various musical instruments. The method used is descriptive qualitative, collecting data with literature, observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is interactive analysis from Milles and Hubermann. The results of this study indicate that Alam Menyapa has a simple musical concept which includes: 1) The musical instruments used are a blend of Western and traditional music through digital music, 2) Musical elements; playing rhythmic patterns that complement each other, simple melodies with simple dynamic signs 3) Forms of presentation through recordings of natural sounds included in digital music and audio-visual. 4) The symbolic meaning of balanced natural life, 5) The aesthetic expression of harmony and simple chords, and 6) The educational value contained is that the sounds of nature can be applied to digital music with simple melodies and harmonies. The theory of meaning or symbols used by the author in conducting research is the theory of Roland Barthes. The result of the research is an analysis of Indonesian music composition with the aim that more and more works by Indonesian composers will be introduced to the world through analysis.