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Perancangan Media Informasi Program Studi Teknik Informatika Dan Sistem Komputer Pada STMIK STIKOM Indonesia Berbasis Animasi 2D Agus Suarya Putra, I Nyoman; Adi Saputra, I Putu
Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Vol 1 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Oktober 2017
Publisher : LPPM STMIK STIKOM Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (857.69 KB) | DOI: 10.31598/bahasarupa.v1i1.148


STMIK STIKOM Indonesia is still using media information about study programs that are static and still can not be conveyed properly. This resulted in the existence of students who moved the study program and specialization when they have undergone lecturing process because they feel unsuitable, and still mistaken the students in distinguishing between study program and specialization. Seeing the problem, STMIK STIKOM Indonesia needs a media information about study program in the form of more practical, interesting, effective and detail, that can be used for media campaign and presentation. 2D animation is suitable as a medium to support the study program information because there are elements of visual, audio, text and color combined so that understanding of a concept or information becomes more easily accepted by the user. After the animation is completed, it is tested by internal STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. The results of these tests show an excellent response from the respondents. Both in terms of visualization, audio, and information from 2D animation as a medium to support information Engineering Studies Program Informatics and Computer Systems at STMIK STIKOM Indonesia.
Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Oktober 2018
Publisher : LPPM STMIK STIKOM Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1533.717 KB) | DOI: 10.31598/bahasarupa.v2i1.237


STMIK STIKOM Indonesia is an IT campus in Denpasar. STMIK STIKOM Indonesia has vision to create a study program which form bachelors of computer science who have ability to make use of smart technology system and digital system to support the development of tourism industry with cultural insight. From direct observation, it was obtained some findings, such as lack of knowledge of marketingship from the performer of the marketing activity of STMIK STIKOM Indonesia about campus life, especially the information about the study program. The effect is lack of knowledge or understanding of the prospective students about the activity done in the process of education in terms of payment, teaching and learning process, up to supporting facilities in STMIK STIKOM campus environment. Most of prospective students have tendency to come to STMIK STIKOM Indonesia to know directly the profile of TI and SK study program rather than only know through information media and its promotion. In the previous research, it has been made the design of information media study program based on desktop, and augmented reality through android application. In the next research, it is developed an information media based on android by combining information system application study program based on desktop with augmented reality which later produce new information media based on android. This new media has advantage with based on android, thus it can be accessed by anyone through android handphone. Interactive multimedia based on android is a proper way to answer the problems. Android technology gives help in the process of presentation about STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. The application that is installed in the students handphone can inform freely and detail about important information in STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. This modern technology can be downloaded in STMIK STIKOM Indonesia website and can be accessed by the prospective students everywhere they are.
Literasi Visual Tokoh Hanoman Bali dengan Pendekatan Augmented Reality Yusa, I Made Marthana; Putra, I Nyoman Agus Suarya
An1mage Jurnal Studi Kultural Vol 2 No 1 (2017): An1mage Jurnal Studi Kultural
Publisher : an1mage

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (841.926 KB)


Artikel ilmiah ini merupakan bagian dari penelitian tim penulis pada skema Penelitian Dosen Pemula Ristek Dikti dengan judul 'Imagologi Hanoman Melalui Literasi Media Dengan Pendekatan Augmented Reality'. Penelitian ini mengungkap imagologi Hanoman kemudian menyampaikannya sebagai representasi kesetiaan, pengabdian dan patriotisme melalui literasi media cerita bergambar yang disajikan menggunakan pendekatan augmented reality kepada anak-anak usia 5-11 tahun, sesuai segmentasi Masa Kanak-kanak menurut Profil Kesehatan Indonesia (Depkes RI, 2009). Langkah-langkah metodologis yang dijalani dimulai dari pengumpulan data mengenai Imagologi Hanoman, literasi media dan augmented reality. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode studi literatur, wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi. Wawancara dilakukan dengan narasumber terkait yang banyak mengkaji karakter Hanoman. Pada progres penelitian, tim peneliti telah melakukan wawancara dengan I Nyoman Arcana, Pelukis Tradisional Bali bergaya Kamasan, Klungkung. Pada proses wawancara berkembang menjadi partisipatory, dengan melibatkan penulis dalam proses penghayatan karakter Hanoman melalui kegiatan melukis, yang dibimbing langsung oleh narasumber (I Nyoman Arcana). Dokumentasi dilakukan pada proses observasi, melihat dan merekam sosok Hanoman dalam Seni Tari dan Seni Rupa. Data yang terkumpul dianalisa dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Selanjutnya dilakukan perancangan buku pendek tentang literasi visual Hanoman. Selanjutnya sistem augmented reality diimplementasikan pada gambar yang ditampilkan di buku. Pada proses perancangan tersebut juga ditampilkan aset virtual Hanoman untuk ditampilkan ketika layar smartphone diarahkan ke halaman buku. Pendekatan augmented reality memungkinkan menampilkan sosok virtual Hanoman pada layar perangkat smartphone, ketika diarahkan ke bidang gambar cerita bergambar. Wujud virtual Hanoman akan ditampilkan dengan tanda-tanda visual dan berbagai variasi pengembangan visualisasi dari asalnya di India. Media yang diwujudkan dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu anak-anak mengenali tanda-tanda visual Hanoman. Anak-anak juga bisa memahami dan meresapi sikap kesetiaan, pengabdian dan patriotisme Hanoman melalui literasi media, membaca dan mengkaji cerita kepahlawanannya.
Public Speaking Sharing Session Speak With Power and Confidence untuk Guru Indonesia Ni Wayan Wardani; I Dewa Made Krishna Muku; Ayu Gede Willdahlia; I Nyoman Agus Suarya Putra; Aniek Suryanti Kusuma; Putu Sugiartawan; Indra Pratistha; I Gede Andika; I Wayan Sudiarsa; Ayu Manik Dirgayusari
JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Vol 3 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Piksi Ganesha Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37339/jurpikat.v3i1.748


Masa pandemi COVID-19 menuntut tenaga pendidik untuk menjadi komunikator yang baik. Dalam masa pandemi, berbagai kegiatan pelatihan Public Speaking telah diadakan. Menjadi komunikator yang kuat telah menjadi ketrampilan hidup yang penting di era sekarang ini. Kampus STMIK STIKOM Indonesia mengadakan pelatihan Public Speaking bertema Speak With Power and Confidence dengan mendatangkan narasumber yang relevan, I Made Kertayasa. Kegiatan dilakukan secara bertahap yang terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Pelatihan dibuka untuk masyarakat umum, khususnya guru dan tenaga pendidik di Indonesia. Kegiatan dilaksanakan secara daring melalui platform Zoom Meeting. Berdasarkan penilaian oleh peserta, kegiatan mendapatkan respon yang positif.
Perancangan Media Informasi Program Studi Teknik Informatika Dan Sistem Komputer Pada STMIK STIKOM Indonesia Berbasis Animasi 2D I Nyoman Agus Suarya Putra; I Putu Adi Saputra
Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Vol. 1 No. 1 (2017): Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Oktober 2017
Publisher : LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31598/bahasarupa.v1i1.148


STMIK STIKOM Indonesia is still using media information about study programs that are static and still can not be conveyed properly. This resulted in the existence of students who moved the study program and specialization when they have undergone lecturing process because they feel unsuitable, and still mistaken the students in distinguishing between study program and specialization. Seeing the problem, STMIK STIKOM Indonesia needs a media information about study program in the form of more practical, interesting, effective and detail, that can be used for media campaign and presentation. 2D animation is suitable as a medium to support the study program information because there are elements of visual, audio, text and color combined so that understanding of a concept or information becomes more easily accepted by the user. After the animation is completed, it is tested by internal STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. The results of these tests show an excellent response from the respondents. Both in terms of visualization, audio, and information from 2D animation as a medium to support information Engineering Studies Program Informatics and Computer Systems at STMIK STIKOM Indonesia.
Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Vol. 2 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal Bahasa Rupa Oktober 2018
Publisher : LPPM Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31598/bahasarupa.v2i1.237


STMIK STIKOM Indonesia is an IT campus in Denpasar. STMIK STIKOM Indonesia has vision to create a study program which form bachelors of computer science who have ability to make use of smart technology system and digital system to support the development of tourism industry with cultural insight. From direct observation, it was obtained some findings, such as lack of knowledge of marketingship from the performer of the marketing activity of STMIK STIKOM Indonesia about campus life, especially the information about the study program. The effect is lack of knowledge or understanding of the prospective students about the activity done in the process of education in terms of payment, teaching and learning process, up to supporting facilities in STMIK STIKOM campus environment. Most of prospective students have tendency to come to STMIK STIKOM Indonesia to know directly the profile of TI and SK study program rather than only know through information media and its promotion. In the previous research, it has been made the design of information media study program based on desktop, and augmented reality through android application. In the next research, it is developed an information media based on android by combining information system application study program based on desktop with augmented reality which later produce new information media based on android. This new media has advantage with based on android, thus it can be accessed by anyone through android handphone. Interactive multimedia based on android is a proper way to answer the problems. Android technology gives help in the process of presentation about STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. The application that is installed in the students' handphone can inform freely and detail about important information in STMIK STIKOM Indonesia. This modern technology can be downloaded in STMIK STIKOM Indonesia website and can be accessed by the prospective students everywhere they are.
Perancangan Media Interaktif Pengenalan Gamelan Selonding Berbasis Android I Nyoman Agus Suarya Putra
Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual Asia Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Jeskovsia 4.1
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian Pengembangan dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat STMIK Asia Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (939.025 KB) | DOI: 10.32815/jeskovsia.v4i1.486


Technology has an important role in human life. Humans are given the ease to do and complete activities to be more effective and efficient. In the next life, there was a shift in social activities to further introduce the community to support cultural preservation. The design of an information media about the local culture in technology can be used as a form of effort in the background of the nation's cultural assets so that it can be recognized by the wider community. Interactive media design for introduction of the selonding gamelan as one of the Hindu cultural heritage in Bali. By introducing the culture of megamelan selonding, it is hoped that it can make the community more familiar with preserving culture based on local wisdom. So an Android-based media design is very important to be designed and directly proportional to the development of science and technology in society. One of them utilizes Android-based smartphone technology as a medium to introduce selonding gamelan to the public. In this study the design and manufacture of interactive media is based on the existing instruments in the selonding gamelan. Making an interactive media introduction to Android-based gamelan selonding is expected to be a medium for preserving Balinese culture and to attract the interest of young people in learning selonding gamelan. After the implementation of interactive media, the Likert scale method is tested, the testing is carried out with the play process and the functions that exist on the interactive media. The results of the test are in line with expectations and on their respective functions.
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer Vol 5, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


ABSTRACT Ancient stories often known as legends or folklore give philosophy, meaning and moral values about good and bad life. Folk stories are often told by parents to their children at bedtime. This is able to increase imagination, curiosity of children, thinking patterns and behavior of children towards the good. But with the development of technology, folklore began to be forgotten and began to be replaced by television and gadget media. This study aims to help mediate Balinese folklore into Android-based games in the hope that can make folktales more interesting and able to convey the moral message, traditions and local wisdom of Bali. The Balinese folklore raised is a story about Manik Angkeran which tells the story of the separation of the islands of Bali and Java. This first phase of the research focused on the character design stage and the character movements of Manik Angkeran and it’s supporting characters designed based on the cultural philosophy of the regions of Bali and Java. The results of this study are to implement the Manik Angkeran and supporting characters in the form of moving characters on Android devices. Based on the results of BlackBox testing on 3 different Android devices, this first stage game shows the functionality that is expected, and the sharpness of the image is quite clear even though each device has a different resolution.Keywords: Design, Game , Manik Angkeran, AndroidABSTRAKCerita zaman dahulu yang sering dikenal dengan legenda atau cerita rakyat memberi filosofi, makna dan nilai moral tentang kehidupan yang baik dan buruk. Cerita rakyat sering diceritakan oleh orang tua kepada anaknya disaat menjelang tidur. Hal ini mampu meningkatkan imajinasi, rasa ingin tahu anak, pola fikir serta tingkah laku anak-anak kearah yang baik. Namun dengan semakin berkembangnya zaman dan teknologi cerita rakyat mulai dilupakan dan mulai tergantikan oleh media televise dan gadget. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu memediasi cerita rakyat Bali ke dalam bentuk game berbasis Android dengan harapan dapat mengemas cerita rakyat agar lebih menarik dan mampu menyampaikan pesan moral, tradisi dan kearifan lokal Bali. Cerita rakyat Bali yang diangkat adalah cerita tentang Manik Angkeran yang mengisahkan terpisahnya Pulau Bali dan Pulau Jawa. Pada penelitian tahap pertama ini difokuskan pada tahap perancangan karakter dan gerak karakter dari Manik Angkeran serta karakter pendukungnya yang dirancang berdasarkan dari filosofi budaya daerah Bali dan Jawa. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah mengimplementasikan karakter Manik Angkeran dan karakter pendukungnya ke dalam bentuk karakter bergerak pada perangkat Android. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian BlackBox pada beberapa perangkat Android yang berbeda, game tahap pertama ini menunjukkan fungsionalitas yang sesuai dengan yang diharapkan serta tingkat ketajaman gambar yang cukup jelas walaupun setiap perangkat memiliki resolusi yang berbeda.Kata Kunci : Rancang bangun, Game, Manik Angkeran, Android
Rancang Bangun Game Manik Angkeran Berbasis Android Pada Tahap Level Poin Pertama I Dewa Gede Agung Pandawana; I Nyoman Agus Suarya Putra; I Made Marthana Yusa
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Komputer Terapan Indonesia (JSIKTI) Vol 2 No 2 (2019): December
Publisher : INFOTEKS (Information Technology, Computer and Sciences)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (491.834 KB) | DOI: 10.33173/jsikti.61


This research is the next stage of the previous research entitled Development of the Awakening Bead Figure for Interactive Game Media The Story of the Separation of Java and Bali Based on Android. A problem where as the times and technology develop, folklore begins to be forgotten. To attract children's interest, an interactive folklore game media was made based on Android. In previous studies, the design of all characters from Manik Angkeran was carried out. Whereas in this advanced research, it will be designed and built level by level from Manik Angkeran Game. Where at each level of the game, Manik Angkeran characters will face different giants. Manik Angkeran must defeat the giants in order to proceed to the next level. Every time you fight a giant, Manik Angkeran will get a gold coin (pis bolong mas). Where later, these coins can be used to buy building materials, which will be used to build a dormitory (pesraman). The final goal of this game is to battle the figure of Manik Angkeran to get the golden Dragon Basukih. The opposing giants of Manik Angkeran are taken from the symbols in the semiotics of images which give an impression of the psychology of human life which includes, greed (Pig), greed and anger (Giant). At the level of this game, what I want to say is that things related to greed, greed and selfishness can be easily defeated
EDUCATION GAME IN ENGLISH LEARNING CENTER OF ENGLISH IS EASY Sang Ayu Made Krisna Dewi Natalia; I Gede Arief Aditya; I Nyoman Agus Suarya Putra
Jurnal Nawala Visual Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Nawala Visual Oktober 2019
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Institut Desain dan Bisnis Bali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35886/nawalavisual.v1i2.38


English is the most used international language in the world for communication. Thus, many private companies take part in teaching English. One of the institutions that facilitate English learning is English Learning Center EC (English is Easy). However, in teaching and learning process, it is necessary to have companion media that suitable with current condition, that is education game application with English materials in English Learning Center EC (English is Easy). Data collection used interview and observation methods. According to testing result, game has been suitable with the concept and plan. Game also gets positive feedback from the students who played it.